(, I~ J,lNIVERSITY OF HAWAII LIBRARY arianas %riet~~ Micronesia's Leading Newspaper Since 1972 ~ evvs ') DefeatofGallegly move sought i By Rafael H. Arroyo thecurrent annualfunding grants Also,Galleglyis apparentlyof mentduringdeliberations onH.R. amoptimisticthattheappropriate guaranteed to the CNMI under the feeling that the Common­ 3400 last November 10. ' committeeinthe USSenatewould GOVERNOR Larry I, Guerrero section 702 of the Covenant and ~eaIth has a strongeconomy and The measurehas yet topassthe still continue to support funding is,crossmghis fingers thecurrent U.S. Public law 99-396." a growing tourism industry that full House and the Senate. for the Commonwealth as evi­ move initiated by Rep. Elton Such amove was based on the has given it one of the nation's 'IIreally hope the Housewould dencedbythe JohnstonBill," said GaIlegly to ultimately stop fed­ observation that the NMI no lowest unemploymentrates. seriously reconsidersuch amove the chief executive. eralfunding for theCNMI would ' longerneeds themoney"particu­ The US House Natural Re­ because it woulddefinitely have He was referring to the bill in­ ,notprosperinthechambersofUS 1arly when it rebates about $50 sources Committee was reponed detrimental effects on the people troduced by Senator J. Bennet Congress. , million to local taxpayers." to haveapprovedsuch an amend- of tileCNMI. But nevertheless,I Johnston which seeks to revive " "You have to remember that the issue of the third 702 multi­ for that to happen itshould pass year financial assistancefunding through bothhousesofCongress. subject to certain conditions. And we definitely like to see the Guerrero also noted that previ­ movedefeated,"thegovernorsaid ous conversations with Interior: when asked by'themediaon how Assistant Secretary for Territo­ he feelsabouttheGalleglymove. rial and International Affairsand Gallegly, a Ranking Republi­ Deputy AssistantSecretary indi­ can on the House Natural Re­ cate the CNMIhas thesupport of sources Committee was said to the OTIA withregardsto the ful­ havesponsoredanamendmentto fillment of the federalcommit­ ride in the Clinton Admi­ ment under the Covenant. nistration's National Performance Section 701 of the Covenant Review legislation. specifically provides that the US The amendment seeks to end .government will assist the NMI government in its efforts to achieve a progressively higher standardofliving for itspeopleas part of the American economic community and to develop the economic resources needed to I , meet the financial responsibili­ ties of local self-government. HOTELSonSaipan are ap­ To thisend,theUSwillprovide parentIyheConiing ~e fa": direct multi-year financial sup­ vorite targets of thieves port to the CNMIgovernmentfor nowadaysfollowingtwo in: local governmentoperations, for cidence of theft involving capital improvement programs Governor Larry I. Guerrero signs the proclamation for Decemberas Drunk and Drugged Driving Prevention and for economic development. major hotelson the island, month in the presence of top officials from the Department of Public Safety. Hotel Nikko Saipan re­ continued on page 4 poned to theDepartmentof Public Safety on Monday that morethan$5,000 worth of jewelries were stolen in­ Mistrial onLaude case denied side the room of one guest. THE DEFENSEpanel in thecel­ Long expressed concern that his Long including the latter's con­ the two had pretended as police According to police re­ ebrated Laudemurder case suf­ client, Bowie, may not get a fair tentionthatjurorsmusttakedown officers. ports yesterday, a female fered another major blow yester­ trial as Mesa had possibly notes 'during the course of the Efrain told the court that after Japanese touristlosther dia­ day following the dismissal of a "tainted" therestofthejury mem­ trial.Governmentprosecutors had bringing the two Filipinos to the mond ring valued at $5,000 motion for mistrial which bers. earlier asked the court to instruct DPS,theywerebroughttoMario's .andan opalring worth$500 stemmed from the disqualifica­ Judge Castro however denied jury memberstorefrainfrom tak­ house in As Lito where the vic­ at her room. The jewelries tion of one jurors on Monday. Long's motion, saying there was ing down noies, a which was tims were allegedly "kicked," werestolenby yetunknown , SuperiorCourtPresidingJudge no clear evidence that the rest of granted by the presidingjudge. "punched" and "stomped" sev­ thief on Monday while the, Alex Castro "excused" Melinda thejurors wouldrenderan impar­ Castro said it is difficult for eral times until they apparently Japanese lady was appar­ C. Mesa on Monday, saying she tial judgement in the killing of jurors to comprehend well the became helpless. entlytouringthe island.The may no longer be a fair and im­ Laude which took place in No­ proceedings including the testi­ The suspectstogetherwithfour identity of the hotel guest, partial memberof thejury which vember of last year. monies if theytakedownnotes at others were on their way to includinghername andage, was selected last week. "Thecourtisconvincedbeyond the same time. LauLau beach on the night of were not known as such in­ Mesa had earlier admitted to a reasonabledoubt thattheremain­ Also in yesterday's hearing, November 5 where the two vic­ formationwerenotindicated courtclerkthatshewasafriendof ingjurors havenot beentaintedin governmentwitnessEfrainReyes tims would have been disposed in the policefiles: The,theft Gina Reyes,wifeof Mario Reyes one wayoranother.Therefore the continued his testimony against off, according to Efrain, when 'incidence was reported to who is one of the principal sus­ motion for mistrial is denied," his brother Mario and Bowie. Rivera, managed to escape and theDPSat about 10:40 p.m, pects in the brutal killing of Fili­ Castro stressed in yesterday's In his testimony,Efrain,whois run for safety. Laude, who was onMonday. pino carpenter Eladio Laude. morning hearing at the Superior also being implicatedin the mur­ locked inside the trunk of a car The incident is the latest Mesa left the court on Monday Court A. der case, said he and Bowie togetherwithRiveraafterthesus­ case of theft that occurred afternoonshortly aftertheresump­ Ally. Charles Rotbart of the stopped Laudeand a friendof the pects placed some hollow blocks inside a hotel room. Inci­ tion of the hearing on murder. prosecutionhailedCastro's deci­ latter, Nilo Rivera near on lOP of it, however failed to dentsof theftor burglaryare kidnapping and robbery charges sion todeny thedefense's motion Hakubotan. It was in this place escapeandwasallegedly"runned normallycommitted by un­ against Mario Reyes and Joseph a "right decision." where Bowie allegedly asked over" by the car Bowie was driv­ scrupulous individuals in Anthony Bowie. "She's (Mesa) He also said juror Mesa had Riveraformoriey. Fromthispoint, ing.Laudediedaftertheincident. 'homes andother offices. It no longer a juror in this case," made the right move to divulge the two victims were brought to Aninconsistency insomestate­ was not clear if the suspect Castro said. She was replaced by that she was related to one of the the Departmentof PublicSafety, ments by Efrain, who agreedlast for the theftlives in or close an alternate who was identified possible witnesses to the case. according to Efrain. Rivera arid weekto testifyagainstMarioand to the hotel. only by the court as Mrs. The denial of Long's motion Laude were pulled over by Bowieafterapleaagreementwith Also on Monday, police Manglona. was the latest blow against the honking thehomof thecar Bowie the government, became a point received another report. of FollowingMesa's disqualifica­ defense since the hearing began. was drivingand by turningon the of argumentbetweenthe defense 'continued on page 4 tion, defense lawyer Anthony On Monday,Castro also rejected hazard lightsof thevehicle.It has and prosecution in yesterday's Long filed a motion for mistrial. other arguments made by Any. beenassumedinsomereportsthat continued on page 7 ~N~S~~ L. --------------------------- 2-MARIANAS VARIETY NEWSANDVIEWS-WEDNESDAY-NOVEMBER 24, 1993 ,! WEDNESDAY-NOVEMBER 24, 1993-MARIANAS VARIETYNEWS AND VIEws-3 US-Philippines pledges new partnership Flores wants new laws on poll protests By DAVID BRISCOE news coeference in the ornateEast ditioo treaty, which has been pro­ believe wewillsucceed." securitycomminnents to Asia, in­ Roan of theWhite House.said the posedfordecades, Ramos saiditwas . Clinton andRamos also agreed to cluding "American determination to By Rafael H. Arroyo protest After everyonebas been worse it is for them," said the .Kanoa area which had him trail­ the kind of score my good col­ WASlllNGTON(AP)- President pulloutofU.S.basesinthePbilippines notpoosibleduringthe20-yearruleof negotiate a mutual legal assistance oppose anyresort totheuseofforce certified, a claimmay be moot lawmaker. ing both Republican candidates leaguesaidI got.The 56 votes he Clintoo and Philippine President andtheend oftheColdWarhavenot the late Ferdinand Marcos, because accord tohelpexchangesofevidence inthe..Spratlyarea" -areference to REPRESENTATIVE Francisco already:' said Flores.: Another thing in the election Oscar Babauta and Diego T. is arguingfor issimplynot within Fidel Ramos pledged "a newpart­ changed the"basis for cooperatkn so many Filipinos were fleeing re­ incriminalcases. disputed islands in the South China A. Flores yesterdaysaid the cur­ He was apparently foreseeing law that caught the lawmaker's Benavente. thenormalrange of the votes that Sea. nership" based onexpanding Irade, between ourtwo countries,"
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