xjlr ’ ? r>' } ^ r J M -y. f ^ . , / Oi Avcrage Daily Net Press Ron The Weather r«r the Week Ended ForecMt of D. 8. Weather June 8, IM l Fair and eool taaight. l/ow hi dOe. 13,330' 7 i7> :; Tureday lair, not mneh change in Member of the Audit temperature, ftlgh 'ln Me. Barena of Olrealatlon MancheUer— A City of Village Charm (Olaedfled Adri'^ ttsln g on Page 12) PRICE FIVE CENTS . VOL. LXXX, NO. 279 (FOURTEEN PAGES) MANCHESTER, CONN., MCTNDAY, AUGUST 28, 1961 Only After Peace Treaty West Offers East Reds Demanding Voice Soviet Total Goulart Bares Claim Testing Ban In Any Talks on Germany Geneva, Aug. 28 (iP)-—The United States and Britain of­ Corrminv Aiiff 28twithout the (BUat) German Demo-^there will have to be bilateral Ulks fered today to negotiate with To Brazil Presidency tjomi, uermanj, AUR. iioyRepublic are unthinkable.” and bilateral agreements on access Russia a nuclear test ban (JP)—The western powers Will The editorial said it should be to West Berlin,” the paper said, demand in the next few days clear now to ever>’body—after the I t added treaty covering even the a conference with the Soviet slamming down of the Iron Cur­ "We are prepared to give any smallest tactical a t o;m i c Union on the Berlin crisis, tain through Berlin — that Kast- necessary guarantee that rightly weapons. Weat talks are inevitable. Such can be e.xpected from lus against U.S. Delegate Arthur H. Dean Army Chief West German Foreign Minis­ tallcs would have to be on a peace any violation of the free city made the offer on behalf of the two ter Heinrich von Brentano treaty for both East and West Ger­ status of W'est Berlin." western powers at the opening of said today. many or, if the West should refuse | The Communist paper added, a critical pha.«e of the deadlocked Brentano told a news con­ that, a peace treaty with Ea.st i however, that the Red regime 34-monlh-old talks. I Opposed to Germany, the Red organ as.serted. | would demand "guai antees for the At the end of the 90-minute ference talks are needed to Neues Deutschland asserted that I undisturbed peaceful life of our meeting. Soviet D elegate S. K. make clear the positions of if a separate peace treaty Is signed I (East G erm ^l citizeiis guarantees Tsaiapkin. the dav s chairman, both sides before a catastro­ with East Germany _ as Sovie^ hat > threw cold water iTake-over phe develops. He said it Premier Khrushchev has promised nto a center of we.stern propo.sal, telling news­ to do by the end of the year — all | the peaceful consti-uction of social- men: » Rio de .laneiro, Brazil, Aug. should be on the foreign min­ nations' who want to use the land ism in our republic." The Western Allies have always "While arms and military pre- j 28 (/P)—Ranieri Mazzilli, tem­ ister level. and air links between West Ger­ paredness arc being increased i many and West Berlin will have to refused to negotiate with the East porary president of Brazil, German government, contending throughout the world, it la naive to Bonn, Germany, Aug. 28 make bilateral agreements on the speak quietly about such technical told Congres.s today the na­ subject with East Germany. , (/P)—Chancellor Konrad .\de- (Continued on Page Four) measui-e.a." tion’s three military minis­ nauer wants the West to take "Nobodv should have any doubt, | The only po.ssible way out for ters have refused to permit the conference, the Soviet Dele­ Vice President .Toao C^ulart the initiative in starting ne­ gate said, is for it to be merged gotiations on the Berlin with gneral East-West disarma­ to return to Brazil. crisis, government sources Dc Gaulle Reluctant ment negotiations. said today. They added that "Separation of the two issues is Paris,, Aug. 28 (IP)—“Un­ unacceptable to the Soviet govern- der the constitutional rules of Adenauer gave instructions ' ment, he declared. to this effect to Wilhelm For the first time since the talks my country I consider myself Grewe, West German ambas­ Rusk Denies West-4 ] opened on Oct. 31., 1958. the W est the !new president of Braxil,” sador to the United States, at I held out a prospect of a total ban Vice President Joao Goulart on all nuclear tests, including told reporters today. a meeting this morning. ; those too small to be policed by • known long-range detection rneth- Goulart ended a 24-hour si­ Berlin, Aug. 28 </P)—East Split on Berlin Talks od.e. lence by s]wal(ing to report­ German Communists today i But as a condition for a total ers on leaving the home of a demanded a voice in any ban, the W est demanded a .sub- friend. East-West talks on Germany Washiniiton Aug 28 </P)—Secretary of Stale Dean Rusk siantiaiiy stronger international denied todav that the United States, Britain and West Ger-, control and inspectmn system than By TOM MASTERSON and said the subject of such aenieu ioua.\ m e ^ I heretofore propo.sed. talks could only be the con­ manv have agreed to seek Berlin negotiations with the Rus- stalemated Vice President Joao (Jango) Goulart of Brazil, kft, appeared with friends today in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, Auff. clusion of a peace treaty. sians without French participation. _______ ’ all this------ year■- -------because of an unac- Paris where the leftist l.abor leader awaits a call for his return to succeed Janio 28 (i<P)—Military and political NeuM Deutschland, organ of the He commented on publisheed re-^ j ceptable Soviet veto demand Quarfros who resigned as Brazil's president. (AP Photofa.v.) leatiers desperately sought to­ East German Communist party, ports as he boarded a plane for which in the westem view would 1 day to settle Brazil’s poten­ said in a front-page editorial: New York City, where he will dis- paralyze the entire inspection sys-' tially explosive crisis, pro- "It should be clear that negotia­ cu-ss United Nations matters with State News tern. tions about the German problems U.N. Secretary General Dag- In earlier stages of the mara iduced by the resignation of Hammerskjold and U.S. Ambassa­ thon conference—today's meeting; 3 Found Slain Yields to JJIS Force President Janio Quadros. dor. Adlai Stevenson. I was the 337th, the West offered . Led by Gen. Odylio Denys, the Rusk told newsmen there is Roundup Russia a treaty banning all nu-1 war minister, military leaders were Ikeda Charges “nothing to" reports that the three clear tests except underground reported steadfastly opporing any Western Allies—without France blasts below a seismic magnitude take-over of the government by of 4.5—-approxim ately a 10,000- M.t”S;Tshom be Will Drop have agreed on a note to Russia ■Vice President Joao Goulart, the ton conventional explosive equiva­ leftist Labor party man who con­ e- Nikita Meddles proposing a foreign minister's dis­ Traffic Deaths cussion on Berlin at the forthcom­ lent. stitutionally has the right to suc­ ing U.N. General A.ssembly ses­ Count at 5 for Smaller nuclear blasts, difficult M ontague, Mass. Aug. 28 (JP\—A ceed Quadros. In Jap Affairs sion. or impossible to distinguish from man identified as Charles Bennett, White Army Officers (Joulart, en rOtiU tram a visit As for any idea of the three de­ natural earthquakes, would be 31, his wife and daughter. 2, w'ere Red China and other countries, Tokyo, Aug. 28 {JP}—Japanese ciding to negotiate w itho\it State Weekend temporarily outlawed by a 3-year found shot to death today in a waited in Paris for a green light Fi-ance, he said "There is no three moratorium, while scientists of to fly home and assume the pres­ Prime Minuter Hayalo Ikeda to­ trailer, i Elisabethvtlle. Katanga,^operation of the Katanga gen­ day told Soviet Premier Khrush­ to one activity here.” By 'THE ASSOCIATED PBES.S both sides worked to improve de­ Montague Police said it appeared idency. tection methods. Tsarapkin re- Aug. 28 (iP)—President Moise darmerie and police.” He re­ chev he was meddling in Japan’s Some published reports had _______ that all had met death from bullets Police and troops patrolled .J^'Xftffic accidents took five Tshombe yielded before a show of iterated previous denials Uiat the strategic points throughout the affairs by demanding abrogation stated that an ambas.sadonai jjygt. over the weekend in Con- discharged from a .32 caliber pistol. U.N. intended to disarm the en (Continued on Page Thirteen) ’They Said it might have been a case force by the U.N. Congo command country, apparently determined' to of the U.S.-Japan security treaty. gi-oup representing the four ^ Waterbury man today and announced he will re­ tire Katanga army.). In reply to a personal message western nations that has of double murder and suicide. prevent any disoider. But there lease all white officers serwing in The massive show of strength was little open display of force. from Khrushchev. Ikeda said in ef­ meeting in Washington had draft­ drownetl and in an unusual Authorities in this Connecticut the aimy of secessionist Katanga came only 48-hours after Adoula, fect that unless the Soviet Union ed a note proposing talks with the tragedy in Shelton, a ,38-year- ■Valle.v town, not farm from Green­ province. whose Leopoldville regime is sup­ Censorship was imposed on out­ going news dispatches and on local has aggressive Intentions against Soviets next month, but that the old man died, apparently the Portugal Gives field, appealed for State Police aid Plans were launched immediate­ ported by the United Nations, pro­ Japan, the U.S.-Japan pact could French government refused to go investigating the circumstances.
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