26 C: NEUTRINO OSCILLATIONS: K2K EXPERIMENT, NEUTRINO FACTORY R & D Collaborators: Alain Blondel (PO), Anselmo Cervera (MA), Edda Gschwendtner, puis Jean-Sebastien Graulich (MA), M. Campanelli (part- time), Silvia Borghi (A), Gersende Prior (A), Rikard Sandström (A), Raphaël Schroeter (A), Olena Voloshyn (DEA Student) and Nicolas Abgrall (Master student) (2004-2005); technical team (electronics, computing and mechanics) from DPNC: Jean-Pierre Richeux, Pierre Béné, Eric Perrin, Florian Masciocchi, Yann Meunier. 1 Summary The activities of the group in the year 2004-2005 have been as follows: Participation in the calibration, software and analysis of the HARP experiment (A. Blondel, S. Borghi, A. Cervera, G. Prior, R. Schroeter); the first publication from HARP (forward analysis in view of the K2K experiment) has now been published, with several others being prepared with the forward analysis; the TPC calibration is at a satisfactory state and the analysis is nearing completion. The HARP activities lead naturally to a participation in the Japanese neutrino program, with the experiment K2K (A. Blondel, S. Borghi, A. Cervera, R. Schroeter); observation of oscillations from an accelerator-based neutrino beam, and physics results from the near detector station. Preparation of the T2K experiment. We participate in the design and prototyping of the tracking detector (a TPC with GEM or micromegas readout) for the near (280m) detector station. A prototype chamber was built at University of Geneva and the first results were recently obtained (A. Blondel, A. Cervera, R. Schroeter, N. Abgrall). Management of the ECFA/BENE EU sponsored study groups and of the European R&D (A. Blondel), and initiation of the International Scoping Study (ISS). Preparation of the muon ionization cooling experiment MICE at Rutherford Laboratory (A. Blondel – spokesperson of the experiment, E. Gschwendtner then J.-S. Graulich, R. Sandström, O. Voloshyn). The first phase of the experiment is now fully funded. We play an important role in the simulation of the experiment, in particular emission of electrons by the RF cavities and particle identification detectors. We have developed a TPC with GEM read-out as a low material tracker option, and are now leading the DAQ effort for the TOF and calorimeter. Dissemination and outreach, with several invited conferences and organization of public conferences on the occasion of CERN’s 50th anniversary and year of physics, active role in the CHIPP activities. 27 2 HARP and K2K The physics objective of HARP1 is a systematic and precise study of hadron production for beam momentum between 2 and 15 GeV/c for target nuclei ranging from hydrogen to lead. Existing data in this energy range is usually old and spans over limited parts of phase space. The experiment was approved on 17 February 2000 and began to take data with a complete apparatus by August 15 2001. The data taking was completed in November 2002 with a great variety of beams and targets. The expedience to install and run the experiment has been compensated by a rather long period of understanding the data and performing calibrations and corrections. Nevertheless, the first paper2 was accepted for publication in October 2005. Figure 1 Overall view of the HARP experiment at CERN 2.1 TPC Calibration and reconstruction The TPC was built in 17 months and the data taking took place before the detector was fully understood, thus many ‘effects’ had to be taken care of by after-the-fact calibrations. A run of calibration and cosmic data was taken in summer 2003. In June 2004 a concentrated effort was launched in order to conclude these efforts and to produce a consistent set of calibrations with the necessary software algorithms. Silvia Borghi performed most of this work, as well as participating in the calibration of the RPCs. A great number of issues were resolved: time calibration (see enclosed note3), cross-talk corrections, pad response equalization and dead- channel mapping, etc. However, much of the difficulties and work lied in the electromagnetic distortions. The implementation of static corrections as understood from cosmic data, is now complete and improved the resolution by a factor 2. The effect of dynamic distortions, observed by A. Blondel, C. Morone and S. Borghi, remained to understood. These appear as a time dependent offset in the average impact parameter of tracks, as revealed to the collaboration by S. Borghi in November 20044, and shown in Figure 2. The interpretation is that charge builds up in the chamber with time. The charge density is roughly inversely proportional to the radius but the exact distribution is unknown. Thus the proper resolution can be recovered by selecting data at the beginning of the spill and an approximate correction can be made for the rest. 28 Figure 2: The mean d0 for positive(red) and negative (blue) tracks as function of the event number in the spill after correction for static distortions. The non-zero values at N>50 is a clear sign of the building up of EXB effects. Figure 3: Results from the HARP TPC. Top left: missing mass distribution in the hydrogen target run,with selected proton beam,showing the elastic scattering peak; right dE/dx distribution of particles in the elastic peak showing the proton and pion bands. Bottom left; ibid after a selection for dE/dx has been made for protons; right:ibid for beam pions. This reaction will be used for absolute momentum calibration. Encouraging results on the dE/dx and missing mass resolution for the elastic scattering reaction can be seen in Figure 3 and described in detail in ref 5. It is now expected that the momentum and angle distribution and cross-section of pions produced on various targets will be produced for S. Borghi’s thesis before the end of 2005, as input to the optimization of the 29 energy of the next high intensity proton accelerator at CERN. Preliminary results have already been produced, as shown in Figure 4. Figure 4 Preliminary results for the Large angle pion production differential cross-sections from 3 GeV/c protons on Tantalum target. 2.2 HARP forward spectrometers and Analysis of the K2K replica data The systematic error in the determination of oscillation parameters in the K2K experiment is presently dominated by extrapolation from the near to the far detector and depends critically on the hadron production model. Special runs were taken by HARP reproducing the exact K2K conditions, 12.9 GeV/c incident proton beam on a 80 cm long aluminum target. The relevant kinematical region coincides with the forward spectrometer of HARP. We actively participated in the development of track and PID reconstruction algorithms in the forward region, which includes a set of drift chambers, a time of flight, a threshold Cherenkov and an electromagnetic calorimeter, allowing particle identification as shown in Figure 5, Figure 6 and Figure 7. 30 Figure 5 Number of photo-electrons measured in the HARP forward Cherenkov for negative particles below (left) and above(right) the pion Cherenkov threshold. Figure 6 measurement of the HARP forward electromagnetic calorimeter response for particles below pion Cherenkov threshold, with(left) and without (right) more than 15 photo-electrons in the Cherenkov. The population of electrons (from photon conversions) is clearly visible on the left. Figure 7 Hadron identification with the HARP time of flight counters: left, positive particles with momentum between 1.75 and 2.25 GeV/c; right, positive particles with momentum between 3.25 and 4 GeV/c. Populations of protons, kaons and pions are clearly visible. Anselmo Cervera leads this work in the collaboration. He presented the first results from HARP at the Moriond conference in March 2004. The full analysis of positive pion production in the K2K replica was published in October 20052. The particle spectra are shown in Figure 8. 31 Figure 8 positive pion production spectra in bins of momentum and angle for the K2K replica. Figure 9 Muon neutrino fluxes in the K2K experiment as a function of neutrino energy Eο, as predicted by the + default hadronic model in the K2K beam Monte Carlo simulation (dotted histograms),and by the HARP θ production measurement (filled circles with error bars). Left: unit-area normalized flux predictions at the K2K near (top) and far (bottom) detector locations, Γ near and Γ far; right : the far–to–near flux ratio (empty squares with error boxes show the K2K model results), showing the precision improvement brought by the HARP data. The resulting improvements are shown in Figure 9 . Raphael Schroeter has already achieved his Diploma thesis on the issue of use of HARP data in the K2K analysis. The layout of the K2K experiment is shown in Figure 10. 32 Figure 10 The K2K experiment in Japan. The neutrino beam is generated by a 12.9 GeV/c proton beam at KEK and monitored in near detectors. It is aimed at the Super Kamiokande detector 250 km away. The solid angle seen by the near detectors is different from that of Super Kamiokande and requires a correction (far to near ratio), shown on the right. The oscillation maximum is around ~500 MeV neutrino energy; below 1 GeV the beam monitoring is ineffective and precision hadron production data are necessary. Strange particle production in the forward direction is an important piece of the puzzle, when trying to determine the electron neutrino background in the muon neutrino beam, since Ke3 decays of neutral and charged Kaons constitute an irreducible background in the search ον!↓ οe oscillations. The measurement of neutral Kaon production was the theme of the PhD thesis of Gersende Prior, and the measurement of charged kaon production will be the theme of the PhD thesis of Raphaël Schroeter.
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