Oil Mill Gazetteer OFFICIAL ORGAN OF T H E NATIONAL OIL MILL SUPERINTENDENTS ASSOCIATION VOLUME 32, NO. 9 WHARTON. TEXAS, MARCH, 1928 PRICE TEN CENTS \m\: Established Established 1878 18 78 Fifty Years of Service isi BALL BEARING CAKE MILL SEVEN SIZES I 1 | 1 B CELT OR MOTOR DRIVE ALEMITE LUBRICATION RIGID STRONG DURABLE SELF TRAMMING BALL BEARING FEEDER, ADJUSTABLE SAFETY SPRINGS i “BAUER” OIL MILL MACHINERY I P Sand Separators Pneumatic Cleaners i H Boll Shakers Cake Breakers | Stick Removers Meal Bolters = Hulling and Separating Units B I The BAUER BROS. CO MANUFACTURERS SPRINGFIELD OHIO, U. S. A. Stop! Look! Listen! Let’s Talk Press Cloth What W as Your Experience The Past Season? Did you get your Press Cloth as needed to take care of your Crush? If your contract was with us you got it; moreover, you got it per that contract. ^ Our products are known throughout the world for their excellence and our contracts for their depend­ ability and responsibility. Our reputation is established on products and de­ liveries. Why take hazards during your important Crushing Season? Why have anxieties about the quality of your Press Cloth and your deliveries? Insure your supply of Press Cloth for next Season by placing your contract with us. Oriental Textile Mills — AGENCIES— Atlanta, Ga.,.......................................................... ....................-.......................Security Warehouse Company Columbia, S. C.................................. .........................Kaminer & Company, 1327 Main Street New Orleans, La.,....................................... ....... T-.... -..........George B. Aarons, 441 S. Peters Street Memphis, Tenn.,.................................................. .....................Linden Storage Company, Linden Station SHIPMENTS DIRECT FROM FACTORY OR ABOVE AGENCY POINTS M HOUSTON,h o u s t o n C TEXASt e x a s M'LLi5 NEW67 WALL Y0RK s t0FF,CE r e e t Oil Mill Gazetteer OFFICIAL ORGAN OF THE NATIONAL OIL MILL SUPERINTENDENTS ASSOCIATION VOLUME 52, NO. 9_______________ WHARTON. TEXAS, MARCH, 1928 PRICE TEN CENTS Through the mill Caldwell Seamless Elevator Bucket in oil mill use You can depend on a Jenkins Valve to go “through the mill” of severe service in the oil mill. Long trouble—free performance is the rule, even under the most ^pH E corners and bottom of this exacting of conditions. ■*» heavy seamless bucket are rounded and the bucket so shaped Jenkins Valves are built for the F i g . 106 that perfect discharge is assured. maximum service, not merely Screwed, No seams to open, no rivets to Jenkins Stand­ the average. Each must prove wear off and no bands to become ard Bronze its worth in a final test before loose. Globe Valve Buckets from 6" to 18" in width it leaves the factory; each must are carried in stock for prompt pass a rigid test which assures shipment. a wide safety margin. CALDWELL PRODUCTS Car Spotters, Bearings, Shafting, Pulleys, There is a Jenkins for practical­ Gears, Chains, Wheels, Helicoid Conveyor and Accessories, Belt Conveyors, Chain Conveyors, ly every valve requirement. At Elevator Buckets, Boots and Casings. supply houses everywhere. H . W. CALDWELL & SON CO. (li n k - b e l t c o m p a n y , o w n e r ) c -98 JENKINS BROS. CHICAGO: Western Ave., 17th and 18th Sts. Dallas, Texas: 1221 Mercantile Bank Bldg. 80 White Street ... New York, N. Y. New York: Woolworth Bldg. 524 A tlantic Ave.......Boston, Mass. 133 No. Seventh St,.. .Philadelphia, Fig. 370 646 Washington Blvd., Chicago, 111 Screwed, Jenkins Stand­ ard Bronze JENKINS BROS., LIMITED Gate Valve Montreal, Canada, London, England Always marked with the "Diamond’ Valves f SINCE 1884 MACHINERY, SUPPLIES, EQUIPMENT, REPAIR PARTS FOR OIL MILLS AND GINS — In fact, everything from smallest parts to complete industrial plants— — For every place that machinery is used including the oil fields WRITE - WIRE — PHONE BRIGGS-WEAVER MACHINERY COMPANY For 25 Years “THE HOUSE OF SERVICE” Dallas, Texas Page 2 O I L MILL GAZETTEER March, 1928 i m FERTILIZER MIXING MACHINERY COMPLETE HULLING AND SEPARATING UNITS:— Complete Mixing Units 50 to 300 tons capacity Seed Cleaning Machinery in 10 hours. All steel or wood construction. ■ Electro Magnets Shaking, Vibrating or Revolving Screens Ball Bearing Eccentrics Stanford Gravity Batch Mixers Feed Mixers Proportioning Feeders Rotary Batch Mixers Mote Beaters Mixing Plows or Conveyors Huller Feed Shakers Pulverizers and Clod Breakers Meats Shakers Scales — Elevating Machinery and Unloading Steam Pump Governors Equipment Cake Strippers — Put your Problem up to Utility — IIBIH IIIBIIIiB lillflllllB lillB IIIBIillB l For Time-Tried Dependability, Specify 0 We manufacture a complete line of bronze, iron and steel, globe, angle, cross, check, gate and safety valves, also oilers, lubrica­ tors, grease cups, water and oil gauges, fusible plugs, whistles, etc. For initial installations or replacements de­ manding economy in service, Powell prod­ ucts are used to advantage. Powell valves and engineering appliances are stocked by reliable dealers everywhere. Fig. 175 The Wm. Powell Co. Fig 102 Hydraulic Globe Valve. W. Bronze White Star Globe W. P. up to 2000 pounds. 2521-2531 Spring Grove Avenue Valves, 200 to 300 pounds Sizes % to 3 inch.. CINCINNATI, OHIO W. S. P. Sizes 1-4 to 3 inch. llHI!!HII!B!!»[IUIi!!BI!!IHIIi!B!!!n[llUli: Oil Mill Gazetteer OFFICIAL ORGAN OF THE NATIONAL OIL MILL SUPERINTENDENTS ASSOCIATION VOLUME 32, NO. 9 WHARTON. TEXAS, MARCH, 1928 PRICE TEN CENTS President Davis Announces Convention Dates-Plans to Make Thirty-Fifth Annual Meeting Most Interesting of them All Sweetwater, Texas, March 5th, 1928 of the cooker to make some adjustments, or Mr. H. E. Wilson, Editor, measurements, it is supposed that he leaned over Oil Mill Gazetteer, the top of the cooker, and his feet slipped, which Wharton, Texas. toppled him into the large driving gear on top Dear Mr. Wilson: of the cooker, his head and shoulders passing be­ The two committees of our Association met in tween the arm of the large gear and the pinion Dallas last month, and after due consideration, shaft that drives the large gear. decided on Dallas, Texas, as the next convention Mr. Custer expired in an ambulance on the way city, and June 4th, 5th and 6th as the dates to the hospital. for the convention. Mr. Custer was born in Batavia, Ohio, and has We regret very much that the dates will con­ been a resident of Fort Worth, Texas, for the flict somewhat with the Interstate Oil Mill Su­ past twenty-two years. Besides his wife, he is perintendents Convention in Atlanta, but with survived by one daughter, Miss Marguerite Cus­ two Crushers Associations meeting in conven­ ter; father and mother, Mr. and Mrs. Burton tion, and the Oil Mill Superintendents Short Custer; one brother, Elmer Custer, and four Course beginning at the A. and M. College, on sisters, Mrs. Charles Evans, Misses Della and June 12th, we could not do otherwise than make Vella Mae Custer and Mrs. Don Wooten. our date June 4th, 5th and 6th. We are hoping Pallbearers at the funeral were: Clyde D. that matters will be arranged so that any one Helm, A. C. Helm, J. Kirby Ellis, Orville J. Helm, who intended to attend both conventions will not Charles C. Cantrell and L. U. Cole. be disappointed. Mr. Custer was a leader in his profession and I will have to ask the boys to excuse this short the loss will be keenly felt by the entire industry letter, as I am now fighting an attack of old as his advice and counsel was sought by many. man Flu, and not able to write very much. I It is with the feeling of greatest sorrow that only want to say that Secretary Morris and my­ we announce the death of so good and true a self, intend to leave no stone unturned towards friend and our heartfelt sympathies are extend­ giving them the best convention we have ed the members of his family in this dark hour ever had. President Sandsberry assures us that of their bereavement. Dallas is going to do their best in the way of entertainment. Hoping to be able to give you more informa­ HOUSTON LABORATORIES tion in next month’s issue regarding the plans F. R. ROBERTSON, Ph. C. and the program, I am, Yours very truly, Analytical and Consulting Chemist W. G. DAVIS, President COTTON SEED AND PEANUT C. H. CUSTER DIES PRODUCTS A SPECIALTY Member of the Interstate and Texas Cotton Seed Mr. C. H. Custer, 50, vice-president and gen­ Crushers’ Ass’ns. and Referee Chemist eral superintendent of the Traders Oil Mill Com­ of the American Oil Chemists' pany, met violent death at his plant about 4 p. m. Society February 24th, 1928. 215 1-2 Main Street The accident happened when Mr. Custer climb­ HOUSTON, TEXAS ed to the top of the ladder attached to the side Page 4 O I L MILL GAZETTEER March, 1928 Secretary Morris Issues Call for Meeting-Urges Large Attendance at Dallas Convention March 5th, 1928 The April issue of the Gazetteer will give you The Oil Mill Gazetteer, further details regarding the convention. The Wharton, Texas. Jefferson Hotel will be convention headquarters. Dear Editor Wilson: The meetings will be held on the roof garden and I guess by this time you are in receipt of the the exhibits will be just one block from the President’s Annual Call for the 34th convention hotel. Let us get busy and plan a big time in of oil mill superintendents. A fter several at­ Dallas. tempts in which, each time, we were confronted Yours for a great year for the superintendents, with previous dates, we have decided on Dallas F. P. MORRIS, Secretary as the convention city and June 4th, 5th, and 6th as the dates.
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