Newsletter of the Sacramento Traditional Jazz Society STJS is a non-profit organization dedicated to the preservation and promotion of traditional jazz music. 2787 Del Monte Street • West Sacramento, CA 95691 • (916) 372-5277 • www.sacjazz.org & .com VOLUME 43 • NO. 6 JULY 2011 All stars, all ours for one day: Ad rates.............................................................2 Dante Club – info/directions.........................2 Dante Club Notes. The Cricket.....................8-11 The Professors on Aug. 14 Election results / Jazz in the Park..................4 Future Festivals.............................................12 In Loving Memory..........................................11 In the Months Ahead.......................................2 Jazz Festival & Jubilee PHOTOS..................6-7 Jazz Notes.......................................................12 Membership application..............................16 Musicians / Music Here & There...................13 Notes from the Office Greg Willett.................2 Patron Members............................................10 President’s Message Tom Duff........................3 Raffle Cents Kathy Becker..............................11 “Jazz Sunday” info ➤ pg. 2 See.photos.on.pages.8–9.from June.12.with.Pieter.Meijers (From top row, left to right) Eddie Metz, Rusty Stiers, Jason Wanner, Eddie Erickson, Anita Thomas, Shelley Burns, Bill Dendle, Lee Westenhofer he Professors is truly an all-star musicians at one Jazz Sunday. The Pro- Tband, comprising arguably the best fessors include: Rusty Stiers, tpt; Anita performers on their instruments in the Thomas, reeds; Bill Dendle, tbn; Eddie USA, and in some cases, the world. Erickson, bnj/gtr; Jason Wanner, p; Lee How amazing and incredible for STJS “Westy” Westenhofer, tb; Eddie Metz, to be able to present all these great dr; Shelley Burns, voc. (cont. on pg. 5) Sunday, July 10 Last chance to sign up for Au.Brothers.•.Beth.Duncan.Quartet.•.Cunha.Big.Band. ADULT Trad. Jazz Camp! •.Dr..Bach.&.the.Jazz.Practitioners.•.FreeBadge.Serenaders.•. Midnight.Rose.•.Miss.Margie.&.the.Hot.Five.•.New.Lowdown. July 31 – Aug. 5, 2011 •.Vivian.Lee.Quintet.•.World’s.Finest.Apples.•.youth.bands http://SacJazzCamp.org STJS Office 2787 Del Monte Street West Sacramento, CA 95691 Notes From the Office (916) 372-5277 www.sacjazz.org by Greg Willett STJS.EXECUTIVE.DIRECTOR [email protected] www.sacjazz.com <[email protected]> NEW STJS OFFICERS his year’s Sacramento Jazz Festi- tireless efforts of folks like these that President: Tom Duff Tval & Jubilee is now behind us. It’s we still have the event. It never ceases Vice President: Ron Jones Secretary: Ron Swehla time for reflection, wrap-ups, and (while to amaze me that every year over 2000 Treasurer: Lisa Negri-Bartels thoughts are still fresh in our mind) put- people—some coming from across Ex-officio: Jim Roberson the country—volunteer their time and BOARD MEMBERS ting pen to paper about what we can do MUSICIAN: NON-MUSICIAN: to make things even better in 2012. We energy to make the Sacramento Jazz Paula Dula Yvonne Au Jay Paulus Dave Becker welcome input from everyone. As you Festival & Jubilee happen. A small staff Kristy Reed Carol Fusaro Gary Reynolds Dennis Grimes can imagine, I’ve heard from many event works on the event for the better part of Bob Ringwald Scott Kaufman attendees about what they enjoyed, and a year, but it could not happen without The Board of Directors meet at the STJS office at 6:00 pm on the Monday fifteen days after the Jazz Sunday what suggestions they might have for the support and efforts of every single each month. Meetings are open to the public. improvement. Please know that every volunteer. Thanks to everyone! Let’s STJS FOUNDATION President: Tom Dithridge STJSF: P. O. Box 661763 • Sacramento, CA 95866 suggestion is important, and while plan- pause and appreciate a job well done, ning for future events, we’ll consider all for we start work on the 2012 event AATJ STAFF input. Feel free to e-mail us directly at almost immediately. Writing/photos/illust./calligraphy/production: Nancy Giffin — [email protected] [email protected], drop a note to the Speaking of on-going efforts, be sure Contributors: office, or give us a call. Several sugges- to visit our websites often. Both sac- Vivian Abraham, Kathy Becker, Paula Dula, Tom Duff, Elinor tions have already come to the office. Hackett, Richard Heimbauch, Judy Hendricks, Jane Rein- jazz.com and sacjazz.org offer amazing muth, Bob Ringwald, Greg Willett and our advertisers Thank you to the folks who have already amounts of club and Festival informa- Advertising: offered their great ideas. tion. Take a look at the STJS site (sac- AD DEADLINE: 10th day of prior month From the Opening Parade to the jazz.org) where you’ll find an updated AD SIZE RATE VERTICAL HORIZ. Closing Ceremony, it’s very clear that Full-pg. $ 150. ➔ 7.5” x 10” – schedule of our Jazz in the Park free Half-pg. $ 75. ➔ 3.6” x 10” 7.5” x 4.8” this great event belongs to the Sacra- concert series. We’ve once again teamed Third-pg. $ 52.50 ➔ 2.5” x 10” 7.5” x 3.6” Qtr.-pg. $ 37.50 ➔ 3.6” x 4.8” 7.5” x 2.5” mento Traditional Jazz Society. In the up with the City of Sacramento to bring Bus. card $ 15. ➔ – 3.6” x 2.3” opening moments of the parade, we had great music to several local parks. STJS holds the right to accept or reject any and all advertising. a chance to wave goodbye to our dear This year features a wide selection of friend, musician and former Executive musical offerings, and you’ll find loca- POSTAL INFORMATION Director, Gene Berthelsen. At closing, tion and band details listed on-line. If And All That Jazz (U.S.P.S. No. 068-450) is published monthly, except January, by the Sacramento Traditional we had an opportunity to recognize our you don’t have access to a computer, a Jazz Society: 2787 Del Monte St., West Sacramento, own Bob Ringwald as Emperor for the quick call to the office will get you the CA 95691-3811. Periodical Postage paid at West Sacra- mento, CA and additional offices. POSTMASTER: Send 2012 event. It’s only been through the info you need. (Cont. on page 3) address changes to: And All That Jazz, 2787 Del Monte St., West Sacramento, CA 95691-3811. SUMMARY The Sac. Trad. Jazz Society is a non-profit organization established under 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code for the purpose of educating the public and members on In the Months Ahead matters concerning the preservation and promotion of traditional jazz music and the study and play of musical instruments associated with traditional jazz music. Jul. 10 – “Parade of Bands” 15 great bands 2nd.Sunday “JAZZ SUNDAY” Aug. 5 – ADULT Camp Concert 7–10pm at Sly Park “Jazz Sunday” is held monthly, typically the 2nd Sunday, OPEN at 11:30 AM at the Dante Club: 2330 Fair Oaks Blvd., Sac., CA. This Aug. 13 – YOUTH Camp Concert Noon–4pm at Dante Club official meeting is open to all members of the STJS and MUSIC from their guests; the general public is also welcome. 12 NOON to 5:00 PM Aug. 14 – THE PROFESSORS Everywhere, USA ADMISSION Admission to “Jazz Sunday” is by donation of $8 for DIRECTIONS Sep. 11 – RAY SKJELBRED & his Cubs Seattle/Chicago/SF members, $12 for non-members. Persons under 12 to the DANTE CLUB: are admitted free. Youth 12-20 (members) $5, youth Oct. 9 – DOUG FINKE trombone Louisville, KY 12-20 (non-members) $7. We especially encourage 2330 Fair Oaks Blvd., attendance by music students in our jam sets. Sacramento, 95825 GOLD CARD AUDITIONS Between Howe & Fulton 39th annual SAC. JAZZ FESTIVAL & JUBILEE Auditions are held twice a year: Mar. & Oct., 11 AM Avenues, on south side prior to “Jazz Sunday.” Applications are available from the Gold Card Coordinator, to be completed of street. Extra parking May 25–28, 2012 – Memorial Day Wknd. one month before the audition. Call 372-5277 for details. at nearby McDonald’s. 2 July 2011 Notes... (cont.) President’s Message While we reflect on our recent Sacramento Jazz Festival by Tom Duff STJS.PRESIDENT & Jubilee, and make plans for the the success of the 2012 edi- <[email protected]> tion, let’s all remember that there’s several things that happen he 2011 Jazz Festival & Jubilee is in the books. Who in between. STJS Trad. Jazz Camp starts next month. Jazz Tcalled for the rain on Saturday, anyway? As the clouds Sunday offers great music every month. A new version of started building on Saturday afternoon, I was hoping that we did TNT convenes early in the school year. Then there’s the Crab not get a downpour that would ruin this great event, but the rain Feed, the Trad. Jazz Youth Band Festival, ongoing fundrais- did come. Except for some inconvenience, the bands continued ing... The list goes on and on. Each takes strong commitment to play, and we all endured. The festival continued through the and support. Call the office today, and let us know how you can weekend and became quite successful. The final numbers are help make the organization stronger. Thank you! 2 not in yet, but I will expect that we will have done okay, rain and all. This year, I received many compliments on the quality of the sound, the selection of talent, and how organized the festival seemed to be. I can take absolutely NO credit for that. There are so many folks to thank that I am sure I will forget some, so I apologize in advance. I want to first and foremost thank Mr. Greg Willett, whose long hours of work really paid off. You did a great job, Greg! Next, I would like to thank our outstanding office staff, consisting ofVivian Abraham and Jennifer Colin- dres.
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