בס“ד FORMER CHIEF RABBI VISIT On his recent visit to Melbourne, Rabbi Shlomo Amar (former Sephardi Chief Rabbi of Israel) The Rabbinical College of Australia & NZ Newsletter visited the Rabbinical College. Arriving just before the conclusion of Friday’s study session, he addressed the student body. The Shluchim presented Rabbi Amar with a collection of Chidushei Torah thoughts published Forty years at the helm by Yeshivah-Gedolah over the course of the current Kinusim at YG year. Lag B’Omer with YG RABBI COHEN - Mishmor joins International Chidon 5774—2014 GROUP PHOTO YG Shabbaton FORTY YEARS AT THE HELM Former Chief Rabbi Visit 4 Menachem‐Av this year marks 40 years since Rabbi students. They come not only from Melbourne and Binyomin Cohen arrived in Melbourne to serve as Sydney, but from all around the world. Annual Photo Rosh Yeshivah of the Rabbinical College of Australia Rabbi Cohen is known far and wide as a ‘no nonsense’ and New Zealand. Rosh Yeshivah by whose schedule one can set a clock. Born and raised in London, Rabbi Cohen entered “My adherence to me is a natural thing for me, and Gateshead Yeshivah rather than university aer gives me a sense of order and stability,” he says. Shluchim and students of Yeshiva compleng his secondary schooling. While at Gedolah recently produced a His adherence to order has made its mark in the unique Ha- Gateshead, he studied some of the Lubavitcher gadah Shel Rebbe’s early Sichos (talks) and became aracted to internaonal Yeshivah world. According to the college’s Pesach enti- Lubavitch. This led to a regular Shiur and developing administrator Avrohom Procel, many students seek to tled 'Ki Yishal- relaonship with the famed Chossid, Reb Mendel come to Yeshivah Gedolah because of Rabbi Cohen. cha Bincha' with notes on Futerfas. Rabbi Cohen sees himself as an educator and facilitator. the Rebbe's It was not long thereaer that he went to Israel and Despite giving two to three Shiurim every day, including explanations. high‐level Shiurim to Shiur Alef and to the Shluchim, he The Hagaddah joined the student body in the Lubavitcher Yeshivah was edited by at Kfar Chabad, under the tutelage of the widely devotes some of his me each day to teaching and Shliach Mor- admired and revered Mashpia, Reb Shlomo Chaim examining students on an individual basis as well. He has dechai Rubin. Kesselman. He then studied at the Lubavitcher intenonally steered clear of other rabbinic roles and It is currently available at: Yeshivah in Brooklyn, New York, married and does not answer halachic quesons. RabbinicalCollege.edu.au/ connued his learning for four years in Kollel, whilst Hagaddah. Rabbi Cohen believes that his work at the Yeshivah has at the same me teaching at Hadar Hatorah under been enhanced because he had the privilege of working the direcon of Reb Yisroel Jacobson. with and learning from the Yeshivah’s founder, Reb Some 42 or so years ago, Rabbi Cohen asked the Zalman Serebryanski. “Heoros Hatmimim” is a periodical Lubavitcher Rebbe for guidance as to which path his published by the Rabbinical Col- career should take, and the answer has guided him Yeshivah Gedolah is indebted to Rabbi Cohen for his lege of Australia & NZ, containing ever since. “The Rebbe told me that the more Torah, dedicated efforts and reless devoon as Rosh Yeshivah Torah thoughts and insights. See over the past 40 years and his major contribuon the “Heoros” page, under the the more Brocho. That was all I needed to hear to set “Students” section of our website. me on my career path,” he said. towards its success. We wish him good health and connued success in his work for many more years to In the last 40 years, Rabbi Cohen has seen the come. All submissions (both in Hebrew Yeshivah grow from a handful of students to 70 and English) may be emailed to [email protected]. Top Row (L‐R): Chaim Simon, Sholom Ber Sufrin, Kasriel Kay, Eli Eckstein, Mendel Shuchat (Shliach), Isaac Hilel (Shliach), Mendel Rabbi Groner z”l addresses Kabolas Panim welcoming Rabbi Cohen to Melbourne . Raskin (Shliach), Mendy Reicher, Mendel Harlig, Edan Hanouka, Shmuel Mendel Tenenbaum, Shlomo Stark, Chemi Lazarus, Dovi Mendelow, Yossi Gopin, Menachem Bacher, Pinchas Cyprys, Menachem Rose, Menachem Aron. Second Row (L‐R): Menachem Morozow, Yehoshua Smith, Levi Waren, Mendel Gurevitch, Mendy Krinsky, Mendel Szmerling, The Rabbinical College of Austral- Chaim Groner, Shraga Telsner (Dormitory Supervisor), Mendy Levitan, Yosef Kasle (Shliach), Zevi Gestetner, Mendel Jameson, Menachem ia & NZ Website is being constant- Dahan, Eli Gross, Yisroel Cohen, Yoel Croitoru, Mendy Rapoport, Mendel Engel. ly updated. Third Row (L‐R): Levi Naparstak, Levi Gross, Aaron Kastel, Mendel Groner, Motti Rubin (Shliach), Moshe Lerman (Shliach), Eitan Visit us at: Agor, Chaim Boruch Teitlebaum (Shliach), Menachem Procel, Shloimy Henenberg, Menachem Adelist, Shmulie Myers, Mendy Shpitzer RabbinicalCollege.edu.au (Shliach), Shneur Mangel, Mendy Spielman, Mendel Chaiton, Akiva Vallins, Mendel Hertz (Shliach). Front Row (L‐R): Zak Phillips, Eli Lowinger, Mendel Stock, Mendel Gurary (Shliach), Rabbi Y Schneier (Mashpia), Rabbi SB Engel (Mashgiach), Rabbi Y Winner (Mashpia), Rabbi B Cohen (Rosh Yeshivah), Rabbi S Lesches (Maggid Shiur), Mr A Procel (Executive Director), Mr M Joseph (General Manager), Herman Miller (Chef), Yankel Hirsch, Osher Feldman. To advertise in the YG Connec- tion, the annual diary, or on our Absent: Rabbi M Szmerling (Maggid Shiur), Rabbi S Goldzweig (Meishiv), Yossi Nigri (Dormitory Supervisor), Moishe Amzalak, website, please contact us at Yehudah Epstein, Yosef Meyer. [email protected]. The electronic version of this Magazine (including more information and pictures) is available at: Rabbinical College of Australia & New Zealand www.rabbinicalcollege.edu.au/YGconnection 67 Alexandra Street, East S. Kilda, VIC 3183, Australia To subscribe, please submit your email address to [email protected] Phone: (03) 9525-9165 ~ Fax: (03) 9525-9970 ~ Website: www.rabbinicalcollege.edu.au בס“ד Recent months have seen a number of “Kinusim” (Torah-gatherings), conducted at Yeshivah Gedolah. Kinus 28 Nissan ible privilege and responsibility as role models for the students and community. On Friday morning, the Shluchim enjoyed a light breakfast at the Chabad House of Caulfield. Rabbi Shmuel Lesches (Maggid Shiur - Yeshivah Gedolah) ex- panded on various matters relating to education. Rabbi Chaim Tzvi Groner de- livered a talk about the International Date Line in Halacha, a subject especially per- tinent to trans-Pacific travel. Shabbos was spent in East Bentleigh A Kinus was organized in honour of 28 together with Rabbi Mendel Raskin and Nissan, the anniversary of the day when his congregation. The finale of the Kinus the Rebbe stated that he has done all he was a Melaveh Malkah led by Rabbi Mot- can to bring Moshiach, and he is now tel Krasnjansky (Ohr Chadash), who en- handing the task over to the Chassidim. thralled the Shluchim with captivating Despite the event occurring during the stories expressing the message of a Pesach break, there were over 60 Bo- Shliach's responsibility. LAG B’OMER churim in attendance, including students Kinus Torah Thousands of people took part in the Lag B’omer Parade and Fair organized by Chabad Youth, from Yeshivah College, Mesivtah, Yeshi- celebrating a day of Jewish unity and pride. vah Gedolah, and alumni. On Shabbos Shlach (June13-14), students of the Rabbinical College of Australia & NZ enjoyed the Speakers included Rabbi Yaakov Winner The students of the Rabbinical College of Australia & New Zealand were involved in many facets of the event, most notably the construction of a large float. The many energetic and excit- annual mid-winter Shabbaton, arranged by Yeshi- (Mashpia – Yeshivah Gedolah), Rabbi vah Gedolah. The Shabbaton took place at Log ing clowns were none other than our very own students. Yossi Gordon (Yeshivah Centre) and Cabin Camp, a rustic bush resort located at sce- Rabbi Chaim Tzvi Groner (Head Shliach). Upon the parade’s completion, the festivities continued with a fair at Alexandra Street. Many nic Creswick, a two hour drive from Melbourne. The Kinus lasted late into the night, and students spent this time reaching out to their fellow Jews, and inviting men to don Tefillin. inspired many Bochurim to increase their The Bochurim enjoyed some recreation when good deeds to hasten the coming of Despite having already put in a full day’s effort, the students all attended a special Farbrengen they arrived at the campsite, after which they Moshiach. arranged by Yeshivah Gedolah. The Farbregnen was led by Rabbi Ceitlin, himself a former made their final Shabbos preparations. Friday Shliach at Yeshivah Gedolah, and currently the director of several Chabad-Lubavitch institu- night began with Mincha and a moving Seder Kinus Hashluchim Nigunim, which was followed by Seder Sichos tions in Tzfat (Safed - Israel). and a very lively Kabolas Shabbos. The Bochurim Shortly after Shavuos, the Rabbinical shared stories and Divrei Torah around the Shab- College hosted its annual commu- bos table. Before long, the Shabbos meal turned nal Kinus Torah. The Kinus was con- into one of YG’s legendary “Hiskashrus” Far- vened as per the Rebbe’s directive that brengens that went on late into the night, past a Kinus Torah be held on, or immediately 2:30 in the morning. after, each Yom Tov. The event featured a large and diverse crowd, who thorough- Despite the late night, Shabbos morning began ly enjoyed the wide variety of subjects. bright and early with a refreshing Mikvah dip in Speakers included Rabbi Mottel Krasn- the ice-cold lake, followed by pastries and a janski, Rabbi Binyomin Cohen (Rosh packed Shiur Chassidus by the fireside. One of Yeshivah), Rabbi Zvi Telsner (Yeshivah the highlights of davening was the Aliyos auction, Centre), Rabbi Yaakov Barber (South in which Hachlotos (good resolutions) were ten- Caulfield Hebrew Congregation) and dered as bids.
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