Matawan edges Raritan in boys basketball, IB ThMONMOUTH COUNTY'eS HOMETOWN NEWSPAPER SINCE 1878 WEDNESDAY, JAN. 25, 19891 VOL. 111 NO. 96 25 CENTS Lloyd Road School students pass hats Wastewater to assist homeless plan critics' By SEAMUS McGRAW THE REGISTER Through the drive, forum likely ABERDEEN — Students at said resource Lloyd Road School passed the hat teacher Ruth Ann yesterday to help local homeless Official: Opponents of Holmdei families, but not in the traditional Etzkorn, the school sense. collected 111 hats, proposal may get DEP hearing As a kind of celebration for Na- 118 pairs of gloves Only with such facilities would tional Hat Day, nearly all 650 stu- By LAURENCE ARNOLD dents, as well as all the teachers or mittens, 37 large-scale developments, such as and Principal George Christiana, scarves and 18 sets THE REGISTER the proposed Chase Manhatten donned "funny hats" Friday and complex, be able to proceed. of hats, gloves and Residents have protested the collected some more serious cha- HOLMDEL — Local residents peaus for distribution to the area's scarves. plan, contending that accidental needy families. concerned with plans to permit leakage from such facilities would water treatment facilities in the endanger the Swimming River The youngsters, said resource southern part of the township Reservoir. Most of Holmdei south teacher Ruth Ann Etzkorn, have probably will be granted a public of the Garden State Parkway lies been encouraged to bring in through sixth-grade students a few hearing by the Department of En- classroom giggles. within the reservoir's watershed. brand-new caps and gloves to be vironmental Protection, according Barry Chalofsky, chief of waste- distributed to families at Manna Students were encouraged to to a DEP official. House, a privately operated home- water planning at the DEP, said wear either their favorite hat, a Monday that the department prob- less shelter in Cliftwood Beach. funny hat or a homemade hat. Under Holmdcl's proposed amendment to the region's Water ably will decide to hold a public Those hats that aren't expected One youngster, Etzkorn said, Quality and Wastewater Manage- hearing on the plan. to be used at Manna House will be combined all three with a topper ment Plan, developers could build "We don't have to (hold one), donated to the Coalition for that his grandmother had made on-site waslewatcr treatment fa- but most likely we will," he said. Homeless Motel Mothers, a group for him, a kind of cap with a hand cilities to compensate for the lack The DEP is required to conduct of welfare families living in single clutching a hammer. of sewers in southern Holmdei. See DEP, Page 2A room occupancy motels. "The hand was reaching around Through the drive, Etzkorn from the back of the hat like it was said, the school collected 111 hats, going to hit him on the head with 118 pairs of gloves or mittens, 37 the hammer," she said. scarves and 18 sets of hats, gloves The students were not the only City employees and scarves. ones who cashed in the fun, she While the event gave the young- said, adding that most of the THE REGISTER/WILLIAM PERLMAN sters an opportunity to help their teachers also donned bonnets. In BURIED IN HATS — Lloyd Road School students Jamil Hill, 11, less fortunate neighbors, Etzkorn fact, she said, Christiana was so Scott Curran, 12, and Laura Masaric, 13, all of Matawan, show off demand raises said, it also gave the pre-school See SCHOOL, Page 2A the hats the school collected for homeless people at Manna House. By DONALD W. MEYERS Council THE REGISTER It is really pitiful in 1989, one year away LONG BRANCH — After stag- rejects 2 ing a sick-out Monday, employees from the '90s, to pay of the city's Public Works Depart- ment came to last night's City these men wages ferry bids Council meeting to demand higher from the '60s. wages. Thomas Fagan The employees, members of President, IUE Local 417 By ELAINE CANNIZZARO Local 417 of the International THE REGISTER Union of Electronic, Electrical, year away from the '90s, to pay Technical, Salaried and Machine these men wages from the '60s," Workers, said that they are the ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS — Fagan told the council. lowest paid public works employ- Fagan said that the union has Responding to the pleas of a 70- ees in the county and that they been without a contract since Dec. member audience, the Borough were not provided with proper 31, and that the city's offer of a 4 Council last night voted, 5-1, to equipment to do their jobs. The percent increase — which works reject both bids for a ferry service department oversees garbage col- out to a 21-cent-per-hour raise for to run between the Municipal Har- lection and street maintenance. starting sanitation workers — was bor and New York City. About 25 workers picketed out- a travesty. He added that he made With only Councilman Richard side City Hall before the meeting, an offer increasing the wage to H. Gaskill opposing the move, the carrying signs charging that the $6.75. but the city balked. council rejected a $40,100 offer city was dealing unfairly with the City Business Administrator Anthony Muscillo defended the from Direct Line Commuter Ser- THE REGISTER/MARTIN PETTERCHAK union. vice, Belford, and a $33,370 offer percentage, saying that the city is 1 IUE President Thomas Fagan in a budget crisis and that every- from TNT Hydrolines, an Austra- said the starting wage for a garbage lian-based company. The winning 'Living the Dream one has to bite the bullet. collector is $5.23 per hour, with an "How can they say that they're firm would have paid the total bid annual rate of $10,878. Fagan amount each year for a three-year Joshua Smith, president of Brookdale Community College, Middletown, talks with Dr. T.L. Sim- going through hard times? They're compared this with Asbury Park, building the Hilton, and putting in lease on a harbor slip. mons, director of the Washington bureau of the National Association for the Advancement of where he said the starting wage is Colored People and the NAACP's chief lobbyist. Simmons spoke yesterday as part of the condos all over," said Michael After about two hours of testi- $7.90 per hour. college's "Living the Dream" program. Bowles Sr.. a sanitation worker. mony from the bidders, boat own- "It is really pitiful in 1989. one See LONG BRANCH, Page 2A ers and residents, the mayor and the five council members who fa- vored the rejection agreed that a ferry service would be beneficial to the borough, but said several prob- Middletown police probe death of drug addict lems, including parking at the har- bor, needed to be addressed first. Johnson's body was discovered by fisher- In early November, Oches said, Johnson Friday. A police investigation reportedly re- By VIRGINIA KENT DORRIS men Sunday in a weedy area near the public made a videotape for the police depart- vealed that Johnson died at a home in the Gaskill disagreed, saying he THE REGISTER dock in the township's Belford section. Two ment's drug prevention program predicting Belford section sometime during the week- would vote to award the contract people are now facing charges that they that drug abuse would kill him und warning end in the company of the two people sus- to Direct Line, the highest bidder, dumped his corpse there without notifying others to slay drug-free. pected of abandoning his body. because "it's time a ferry service MIDDLETOWN — It's been two the authorities. started in Atlantic Highlands. Oches said the exact time and cause of The body remained there until it was There is a critical problem, with months since 36-year-old Richard C. John- Del. Lt. Robert Oches yesterday said that Johnson's death arc not yet known. Police dumped near the dock Sunday morning, parking, but the ferry would not son predicted that he would die a victim qf Johnson was known to township police as arc awaiting the results of an autopsy and Oches said. contribute significantly to that drug abuse. an intraveneous drug user and that he had a toxicology test by the state Medical Examin- Police arrested Sherie Ann Branson, 30, problem, which is mainly during Now police are trying to determine string of drug-related arrests dating back to er's office. of Lohsen Place and Gerald Evernham, 25, See ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS, Page 2A whether he was right. 1970. Johnson was last seen alive by his parents See POLICE, Page 2A THE BOTTOM LINE Bundy dies Transit head quits Artist talks shop NJ Transit Executive The KGB allowed Dr. Ann Landers 8A Movies 6A Ted Bundy, a charming law school dropout who recently Director Jerome Premo Victoria Dashkevich-Purto and Classified 9B Nation/World 7A resigned yesterday as ended years of denials that he her husband to take four Comics 8B Obituaries 4A controversy concerning his suitcases when they left the was a killer with emotional personal financial dealings Soviet Union 10 years ago — Crossword 8A Sports 1B confessions to the gruesome Editorial ;..... 6A State 9B forced an end to an 8Vi-year and not one piece of art. But slayings of 20 women in four reign over one of the agency's Entertainment 6B Television 7B the KQB could not keep her states, was electrocuted under busiest periods of growth. from taking her knowledge. Food :". 12A Today's Woman 10A Florida's death penalty law Premo's deputy, Roger E.
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