Circulation 14,000 Free March 17, 2017 Board Baffled by Fund Balance Coupled with New Budget Request By Linda Cicoira Shore Bank office building in Onley for the school had a surplus. who also serves as the county’s finance Accomack supervisors were baffled its central office and building a Rainy Thus the mistrust and lack of com- director, said while the schools need a Wednesday night that the school board Day Fund when the county’s plan al- munication continues. In the past, su- small contingency fund to deal with wants to carryover $5.7 million while ready includes emergency money for pervisors complained that the school emergencies, the county already has requesting hundreds of thousands to the school system. division deliberately spends local mon- a Rainy Day Fund and another is not help balance the next fiscal year plan. Bonds were obtained for the Kegot- ey first so the county can’t take back needed. A memo from Finance Director Beth ank project and interest was accruing leftovers. No one from the school system spoke Onley listed 15 categories totaling because the supervisors were unaware Acting Administrator Mike Mason, at the session. $5,744,959.37 that was left over from the last budget in state revenues. Su- pervisors said the school system needs Auditors: Accomack Finance Department One of Strongest in VA nearly $500,000 to balance its upcom- By Linda Cicoira report … on the financial statements. were entered into the system and docu- ing 2017-18 plan. Accomack got the cleanest possible We’ve never seen any issues but we think ment the review that is done.” Supervisor Donald Hart said he financial assessment for the last fiscal it would enhance” the departments to “During the course of our audit we wanted a detailed report about the un- year, according to the accounting firm make changes. noted the school board did not file the spent monies. The categories were in- that audited county records recently. In the treasurer’s office, it was not- June reimbursement request for Title distinguishable since they were refer- “I do think you have one of the stron- ed “multiple employees … have the au- VI-B on a timely basis. Title VI-B reim- enced only by a series of numbers. Su- gest finance departments in the state,” thority to enter tax write-offs in the sys- bursement request for the period of June pervisor Grayson Chesser suggested the auditor from Robinson, Farmer, Cox tem. While there appears to be support- 1, 2016 to June 30, 2016 in the amount of that the total includes unspent funds Associates told the board of supervisors. ing documentation for the tax write-offs $237,655.96 was not requested as of Oc- for projects like for a new school gym The firm also had a few recommen- done, there are no procedures in place tober 4, 2016. We recommend the school at Kegotank Elementary that is forth- dations that pointed to county schools to review tax write-offs done in the sys- board establish reimbursement proce- coming. He admitted however, that and the treasurer’s office. “We noted cer- tem to ensure that no unauthorized tax dures on a monthly basis if expenditures would not account for all the money. tain matters involving the internal con- write-offs occur. We recommend that the exceed $10,000 during the current month Last year the school system was ac- trol structure and other operational mat- treasurer on a consistent basis (monthly) and that reimbursement requests are cused of hoarding $6.2 million since ters that are presented for your consid- review a listing of tax write-offs … to en- filed on a timely basis after the expen- 2010, scheming to buy the former eration. This letter does not affect our sure that no unauthorized tax write-offs (Continued on Page 8) INSIDE Northampton Supervisors Consider al Development Authority for a total local outlay of $50,000. Community Notes................ Page 27 Parr said the Unusual Investment Classified/Legal Ads .............Page 30 By Ron West Arnold Becker from the television series county would see a Eastern Shore Flavor ...........Page 24 Northampton supervisors are con- L. A. Law, will also act in the movie. return on their in- Kids' Puzzles ........................Page 17 sidering investing in a film being Parr said Bernsen is seeking local in- vestment with the Mileposts...............................Page 28 planned for Cape Charles under the vestors to assist with production costs. potential for aid- Obituaries .............................Page 10 direction of television star Corbin The realtor asked the supervisors to con- ing tourism efforts. Opinion/Letters ....................Page 39 Bernsen. sider investing $12,500 in the project. He The supervisors Post Times Calendar ...........Page 29 Real estate agent Bill Parr gave an up- noted that Cape Charles is considering a agreed to the con- Puzzles ..................................Page 23 date on a film this week. The entire pro- similar investment. Parr noted he would cept and said they Sports ...................................Page 14 duction would take place in Cape Charles. be asking for funds from the Tourism In- would study the Tides ....................................Page 22 Bernsen, who is best known as attorney frastructure Committee and the Industri- possibilities. Corbin Bernsen 2 • EASTERN SHORE POST • MARCH 17, 2017 Murder Suspect’s Charges Would Not Allow Suspended Time if Convicted By Linda Cicoira Bruce Jones will try to get in as much Crockett was in the parking lot pital for treatment of wounds he sus- Two violent crimes previously com- evidence about prior convictions as he behind the hospital when she was tained in the attack. He had an in- mitted by murder suspect Winston can, defense lawyer Carl Bundick will stabbed multiple times. She tried to jured and bleeding hand and admit- (PeeWee) Leroy Burton will likely try to get any reference to Burton’s fend off the blows. The assailant fled. ted to officers at the jail that he had haunt and follow him when he goes to criminal record kept away from a jury. Crockett died a short time later. Bur- stabbed Crockett. He said he had been trial for the November 2016 stabbing Sealed were evaluations made in ton was later brought back to the hos- hearing voices. death of his former girlfriend. February regarding Burton’s sanity. Burton was initially charged with The results of competency to stand tri- CHINCOTEAGUE GRABS $1.5 MILLION GRANT first-degree murder of Shelli Lou Crock- al were not discussed at his prelimi- ett, 42, of Keller, a hospital worker, who nary hearing, but the hearing proceed- By Linda Cicoira help generate an estimated $50 mil- was attacked just outside the walls of ed as scheduled, with indictments be- Main thoroughfares for bicycles lion annually in tourism for Chincote- the now shutdown Riverside Shore Me- ing handed down Monday. The finding and pedestrians on Chincoteague Is- ague and $200 million for Virginia’s morial Hospital in Nassawadox. of his sanity at the time of the offense land that lead to the National Wild- Eastern Shore. She died a short time later in the has also not been disclosed. life Refuge will get safety boosts with Tourism is the main economic gen- emergency room around the time that Bundick might use the evaluations $1.5 million that was transferred to erator on the island. The refuge is a Burton confessed to the crimes when he “to assist in the development of an in- the town recently by the agency, ac- popular destination, with over a mil- showed up at the sheriff’s office that day. sanity defense,” according to court doc- cording to an announcement made by lion tourists a year, who visit for beach This week, a Northampton Grand uments. The evaluations would include the refuge. recreation, wildlife viewing and pho- Jury indicted the 58-year-old Cheriton whether Burton “had a significant men- Since 2008, the refuge, town and tography opportunities. man on two charges, first-degree mur- tal disease or defect, which rendered Accomack County have joined togeth- The funds were obtained by the der and abduction. Both counts are un- him insane at the time of the offense.” er on several projects including the refuge from the Federal Transit Ad- der third-strike provisions that carry Crockett worked at the hospital for paving of refuge bike trails, the instal- ministration through the Paul S. Sar- mandatory life sentences as opposed about 10 years. A member of the envi- lation of an elevated bike path and the banes Transit in the Parks Program. to 20 years to life for murder and 10 ronmental services team, she arrived at addition of bike lanes along Maddox Funds from Sarbanes Program are years for abduction. The statute does the facility on Nov. 28, 2016, like she did Boulevard. used to conserve resources, reduce not allow the circuit court judge to sus- most mornings. Before she could get in- As partners, refuge officials said congestion, enhance the visitor ex- pend any of the sentences. side, she was stopped by a man she ap- they recognize the importance of pro- perience and ensure access for all in So while Commonwealth’s Attorney parently didn’t want to see anymore. viding safe access for tourists, who and around public lands. NEW LISTINGS Zeb B. Barfield, Inc. Cherrystone GRAND BAY PROFESSIONAL AUCTION SALES Campground Townhome 2BR/2.5BA ON-SITE ABSOLUTE AUCTION Open Thurs. - Sun. Great Location! OF EXTREMELY VALUABLE FARM EQUIPMENT 11am - 9pm Walk to Memorial Park, fine dining, Saturday, April 1 @10:10 A.M. Dinner Specials marina & more. 20305 Greenbush Rd., Parksley, VA Friday, Mar. 17 Great rental hist.! CHINCOTEAGUE & CAPTAINS COVE PREVIEW: FRIDAY, MARCH 31 9:00 A.M.
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