Irish Extra - page 7 VOL XVIII, NO. 21 tht· intkpendent ~tudent new~papt-r -.t-r,·in~ not rc daml' and ~aint mary·-. FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 23, 1983 ND must protect fans from drunks INDIANAPOLIS (AP) - The "Thus, even though there was no University of Notre Dame has a du­ showing that the University had ty to protect football fans from reason to know of the particular drunks in the stadium parking lot, danger posed by the drunk who in­ the Indiana Court of Appeals ruled jured Mrs. Bearman, it had reason yesterday. to know that some people will In a 3-0 decision", the appeals become intoxicated and pose a court revived the lawsuit of a general threat to the safety of other Grabill woman who suffered a patrons," the appeals court added. broken right leg when she was "Therefore, Notre Dame is under knocked down by a drunk in the a duty to take reasonable precau­ parking lot after the 1979 Notre tions to protect those who attend its Dame-University of South football games from injury caused Carolina game. by the acts of third persons." Christenna Bearman sued the It's up to a jury to decide whether University for $201,037 in compen­ the precautions taken by Notre satory and punitive damages; her Dame were inadequate and, if so, husband, James, also sought whether that contributed to Mrs. $50,000 in damages for the loss of Bearman's injury, the court con­ his wife's services and companion- cluded. ship during her recuperation. At the close of all the evidence at Glenn Terry, director of Notre the trial, St. Joseph Circuit Judge Dame security, said the case did not The Observer/Lucian Niemeyer John W. Montgomery granted prompt an increase in security Jam Session Notre Dame's motion for judgment specifically to handle potentially Seniors Jim Bustamante and Scott Major team LaFortune basement. The folk and pop duet was without letting the case go to the drunk drivers. The only recent up for a musical presentation at the Nazz in the one of several acts performing last night. jury. The appeals court ruled this change in security at games was was in error. prompted by Notre Dame's In ordering a new trial, the ap­ scheduled night games, where peals court noted that the operator darkness increased the need for Chemistry prof advises students: of a place of public entertainment security, Terry said. has a duty to exercise care to pro­ tect a patron from injury caused by He declined to describe the 'Don't drink or don't stop' third persons. amount of security at a game and "The University is aware that their assignments, explaining that By BRAD COURI chemistry at St. Mary's, ended a next morning which will enable the alcoholic beverages are consumed public discussion of security might :News Staff light-hearted and humourous lec­ individual to sleep longer. on the premises before and during help "people who might try to get ture on the biochemistry of If the individual also remembers football games," Judge Robert H. away with criminal acts." "In summary, there are two ways hangovers. to drink a large glass of water Staton wrote for the court. "The Philip Faccenda, general counsel to avoid hangovers- don't drink or In a lecture sponsored by the before going to bed, he will help Uqiversity is also aware that to the University, could not be don't stop." With these words, Dr. Notre Dame chapter of the relieve cotton mouth- a symptom 'trulgate' parties are held in the reached for comment on the case by Mark Bambenek, professor of American Chemical Society Stu­ which results from the stimulation parking areas around the stadium. The Observer last night. dent Affiliates, Bambenek discuss­ of the kidney functions by alcohol. ed the effects of alcohol on the Bambenek said the intensity of a body and outlined the ways of hangover can be effected by what reducing the intensity of a type of liquor has been consumed. ND defies nationwide hangover. All the extra ingredients found in Despite the great number of different liquors make the homemade remedies for hangovers, hangover worse. increase in stress relief Bambenek stressed the fact that the The purer forms of alcoholic only real cure for a hangover is beverages tend to cause a relatively By BRIAN REILLY The CPSC's list of the most common time. However, he added a few tips weak hangover, Bambenek noted, reasons that students visit them is top­ on how to relieve the painful symp­ adding that drinking Russian News Staff ped by three symptoms that every stu­ toms of a hangover. vodka, which is a very pure form of dent experiences. He suggested that taking a few alcohol, will result in a milder Dr. Mark Bambenek Despite a nationwide increase in stress­ "The most common problem is that aspmn before going to bed will hangover that one produced by related problems with students, the new of general depression; lack of motiva­ reduce the headacht· suffered the brandy or rum. head of the Counseling and tion," says Utz. The Second most com­ Psychological Services Center (CPSC) mon reason for visiting the CPSC is at Notre Dame maintains that there has "relationship Problems,"; not getting been no increase in students seeking along with roommates or problems with Frick won't change SMC endowment help here. friends or parents. In fact, CPSC director Patrick Utz The third most common reason to go fundraising plans largest in country said he would like to see more students to the CPSC last year was what Utz calls take advantage of the campus center. "academic management". That is Last year, 520 students took advan­ "Balancing the social, fun part of the By JOHN MCGREEVY By JOHN MEN NELL tage of what the CPSC had to offer. University with doing well in school." News Staff News Staff That is roughly five percent of the stu­ Utz also said that Notre Dame students Saint Mary's possesses the largest endowment of dent population, which is what most face another problem: because they are Fundraising efforts at Notre Dame have been so any Catholic women's college in the country, accor­ university psychological counseling so competitive they set high goals for successful in the past that no radical policy changes ding to a recently released 1981-82 survey by the centers average, according to Utz. themselves. But this may lead to pro­ are being planned, according to James Frick, who was Council for Financial Aid to Education. "We would like to see more students blems. Utz says, "Notre Dame students recently appointed special consultant to University The report lists Saint Mary's endowment as $9.9 use the service. There is a certain are more verbal, more goal oriented, so President Theodore Hesburgh on public relations and million, $4 million more than Resis, the second rank­ negative connotation with seeing a (they are) more likely to be frustrated fundraising. ed college. The College's endowment currently stands psychologist," he continued. when their goals aren't met." The "The key to the University's successful fundraising at more than $13 million. Utz previously was affiliated with In­ CPSC will help students cope with these is the outstanding leadership of Father Hesbtirgh and Jason Linsower, controller and business manager, diana State University Terre Haute's frustrations through personal and group the loyalty and commitment of the people who repre­ is not surprised by the findings. "I knew we were Psychological Services program. He counseling. A student wishing help sent this place." strong," he said. "In an era when most schools have also spent five years on the faculty staff should make an appointment, but any Frick, former vice-president of public relations, had to dip into their endowments, Saint Mary's hasn't at Indiana University. Utz received a student who comes in on an emergency alumni affairs, and development, said he hopes his had to. Ph.D. in counseling psychology from basis will see a counselor as soon as one new role will allow him to "shed some of the day-to­ "Saint Mary's has operated with a favorable surplus Notre Dame. is available, or in severe cases a day responsibility and pressure that I have had each year since 1969. That year the endowment was "As a new director, I want to create a counselor will be called out of a session previously and focus on the things I have both a talent only $865,000." positive image" concerning the center. to talk with the student. and a disposition for." What Lindower says pleases him more than the fin­ Already the attempts at creating that Right now, there is no peer counseling As a key University fundraiser, Frick organized dings is "the significant progress of the last three image are evident around campus. available, but Utz hopes that in the several major fund drives during his 18-year tenure as years." Advertisements in The Observer and on future there will be a hotline that vice-president. He was the chief architect of the Cam­ In the survey Saint Mary's also led in contributrions bulleting boards around campus are ob­ students can call and talk to other paign for Notre Dame which ended in 1981. The from alumni. Karen Heisler, public information of­ vious examples. The CPSC will also try students. The CPSC's Counseline ser­ Campaign collected more than $180 million in con­ ficer, said, "There has never been a vigorous cam­ to work through the faculty and vice is available to students wishing to tributions and gifts.
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