Ridgefield National Wildlife Refuge Bird List January 2021 COMMON NAME X N Sp S F W COMMON NAME X N Sp S F W COMMON NAME X N Sp S F W COMMON NAME X N Sp S F W Season Symbols: SWANS, GEESE AND DUCKS Western Grebe R R R Short-billed Dowitcher R R O White-tailed Kite AC Emperor Goose AC Sp: Spring - March, April, May PIGEONS AND DOVES Long-billed Dowitcher U U U O Golden Eagle R R Snow Goose O O U S: Summer - June, July, August Rock Pigeon N U U U U Wilson’s Snipe N C C U U Northern Harrier N C C C C Ross’s Goose R R R F: Fall - September, October, Band-tailed Pigeon O O O O Spotted Sandpiper N O O O Sharp-shinned Hawk O O O O Gr. White-fronted Goose U R U O Eurasian Collared-Dove U U U U November Solitary Sandpiper O O O Cooper’s Hawk O O O O Brant R R R Mourning Dove N U C U U W: Winter - December, January, Lesser Yellowlegs O O U R Northern Goshawk AC Cackling Goose C C C NIGHTJARS Greater Yellowlegs U C C O February Canada Goose N C C C C Common Nighthawk AC AC Bald Eagle N C U C C Willet AC Trumpeter Swan O O C SWIFTS Red-shouldered Hawk O R U U Wilson’s Phalarope N R R R Tundra Swan C R C C Black Swift AC R AC Swainson’s Hawk AC AC Red-necked Phalarope R R Wood Duck N C C C O Vaux’s Swift U U U Red-tailed Hawk N C C C C Blue-winged Teal N Red Phalarope AC U U O R HUMMINGBIRDS Rough-legged Hawk O O O Cinnamon Teal N C C C U Black-chinned Hummingbird AC GULLS AND TERNS Ferruginous Hawk AC Northern Shoveler N C U C C Anna’s Hummingbird N C C C C Bonaparte’s Gull R R AC OWLS Rufous Hummingbird N U U O Mew Gull R R R Gadwall N C C C C Barn Owl N U U U U Eurasian Wigeon U AC O U RAILS, COOTS AND CRANES Ring-billed Gull R O U U Western Screech-Owl N R R R R American Wigeon N C O C C Virginia Rail N C U U U Western Gull AC AC AC Great Horned Owl N U U U U Mallard N C C C C Sora N C U U O California Gull R O O O Snowy Owl AC Northern Pintail N C U C C American Coot N C C C C Herring Gull O O U Northern Pygmy-Owl R R R Green-winged Teal C U C C Sandhill Crane N C O C C Iceland Gull (Thayer’s) AC R Barred Owl AC AC AC Canvasback O AC O O STILTS AND AVOCETS Glaucous-winged Gull U R O U Glaucous Gull AC Long-eared Owl AC AC Redhead U O R R Black-necked Stilt R R Abundance Codes: Caspian Tern O O O Short-eared Owl O R O O Ring-necked Duck C O U C American Avocet AC AC AC Black Tern N R R Northern Saw-whet Owl Ac Ac C: Common = certain to be seen in Greater Scaup O O O PLOVERS Black-bellied Plover Forster’s Tern AC KINGFISHERS suitable habitat Lesser Scaup C O C C R R R R Belted Kingfisher N U U U O American Golden-Plover LOONS U: Uncommon = Present but not Surf Scoter AC R AC AC AC Red-throated Loon R R R WOODPECKERS certain to be seen Bufflehead Pacific Golden-Plover AC AC C O C C Common Loon AC R R Lewis’s Woodpecker R R Killdeer N C C C U O: Occasional = Usually seen during a Common Goldeneye R AC R R CORMORANTS Red-naped Sapsucker AC Semipalmated Plover O O O season Barrow’s Goldeneye AC AC AC Double-crested Cormorant C C C C Red-breasted Sapsucker N U O O O SANDPIPERS AND PHALAROPES R: Rare = known to be present but Hooded Merganser N C O U C PELICANS Downy Woodpecker N U U U U Long-billed Curlew AC not seen every year Common Merganser N U O U U American White Pelican O O R Hairy Woodpecker N O O O O Whimbrel AC AC AC: Accidental = very few reliable Red-breasted Merganser AC AC AC BITTERNS, HERONS, EGRETS, AND IBIS Northern Flicker N C C C C Red Knot AC American Bittern N C U U U records in a season, a few are single Ruddy Duck N C U C C Pileated Woodpecker N O O O O Ruff AC AC AC Great Blue Heron N C C C C GALLINACEOUS BIRDS FALCONS records in the last 25 years. Sharp-tailed Sandpiper R Great Egret N California Quail R R R R U U U U American Kestrel N C U C C N: Nesting = birds present during Stilt Sandpiper AC Ruffed Grouse AC AC Snowy Egret AC AC AC Merlin O R U O nesting-breeding season, including Sanderling R AC Green Heron R O O Peregrine Falcon U U U U Ring-necked Pheasant R R R Dunlin U R O U rare confirmed historic nesting. GREBES Black-crowned Night-Heron AC O R AC Prairie Falcon Baird’s Sandpiper AC R R AC X: Mark your sightings. Pied-billed Grebe N C C C C White-faced Ibis R R AC Least Sandpiper U C C O TYRANT FLYCATCHERS Horned Grebe N R AC R R AMERICAN VULTURES Olive-sided Flycatcher U U R Pectoral Sandpiper AC O U Turkey Vulture C C C R Red-necked Grebe AC AC Western Wood-Pewee N C C U Semipalmated Sandpiper R O AC OSPREY, KITES, HAWKS AND EAGLES Eared Grebe AC AC AC AC Willow Flycatcher N U U U Western Sandpiper O U U R Osprey N C C C R Ridgefield National Wildlife Refuge Bird List January 2021 COMMON NAME X N Sp S F W COMMON NAME X N Sp S F W COMMON NAME X N Sp S F W COMMON NAME X N Sp S F W not considered countable for the Hammond’s Flycatcher R R AC White-breasted Nuthatch N C C C C LONGSPURS & SNOW BUNTINGS Yellow-rumped Warbler C O C U purposes of this list. Gray Flycatcher AC CREEPERS Lapland Longspur AC Black-throated Gray Warbler U O U Dusky Flycatcher AC Brown Creeper N C C C C Snow Bunting AC Townsend’s Warbler O R O R Hybrids of various species can be Pacific-slope Flycatcher N U U O WRENS NEW WORLD SPARROWS Hermit Warbler O AC House Wren N found on occasion. Notables are Black Phoebe N U U U U U C U AC Grasshopper Sparrow AC Wilson’s Warbler N C U O AC hybrid gulls. Say’s Phoebe R AC AC Pacific Wren N U U U C Black-throated Sparrow AC AC TANAGERS Ash-throated Flycatcher Marsh Wren N C C U U AC Chipping Sparrow R R R Western Tanager N U U U A single historical sighting of a Western Kingbird N R R Bewick’s Wren N C C C C Brewer’s Sparrow AC GROSBEAKS AND BUNTINGS Rose-breasted Grosbeak AC AC species, when well documented, can Eastern Kingbird N R AC GNATCATCHERS Fox Sparrow U U U Black-headed Grosbeak N C C O Vermilion Flycatcher AC AC AC Blue-gray Gnatcatcher AC AC American Tree Sparrow AC AC earn an AC abundance code. If you Lazuli Bunting N O O R SHRIKES KINGLETS Dark-eyed Junco C O C C see a bird not listed here or find one Golden-crowned Kinglet C R C C Species Total: 258 Loggerhead Shrike AC White-crowned Sparrow N U U U that is marked as accidental (AC), Ruby-crowned Kinglet C C C Northern Shrike R O R Golden-crowned Sparrow C C C THRUSHES Notes: please consider documenting it in e- VIREOS Harris’s Sparrow AC AC Western Bluebird AC AC AC AC bird. Photos and descriptions are Hutton’s Vireo N O O O O White-throated Sparrow Mountain Bluebird AC AC R R R This list was Cassin’s Vireo O O R always a plus and will help us keep Townsend’s Solitaire AC AC AC Sagebrush Sparrow AC AC Warbling Vireo N O O O compiled from the this list up to date. Swainson’s Thrush N C C U Vesper Sparrow R AC Red-eyed Vireo N R R previously published Hermit Thrush O O O Savannah Sparrow N C C C O JAYS, MAGPIE, CROWS AND RAVENS Wildlife Brochure, records from FWS In addition, weekly sightings for the American Robin N C C C C Song Sparrow N C C C C Canada Jay R R River S unit are published on the FWS Varied Thrush O U U Lincoln’s Sparrow U U U staff and Volunteers who participate Steller’s Jay N C C C C MIMIDS Swamp Sparrow R R R in regular bird census activities on the website or Friends RNWR website. California Scrub-Jay N C C C C Gray Catbird AC Green-tailed Towhee AC AC refuge, and e-bird accounts. Although Black-billed Magpie AC Sage Thrasher AC AC Spotted Towhee N C C C C American Crow N C U C C there are some records as early as Northern Mockingbird AC ICTERIIDAE Common Raven U U U U 1975, most information was from the STARLINGS Yellow-breasted Chat N O O O LARKS European Starling N C C C C ICTERIDS mid-1990s to present.
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