Murray State's Digital Commons The Ledger & Times Newspapers 6-5-1959 The Ledger and Times, June 5, 1959 The Ledger and Times Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalcommons.murraystate.edu/tlt Recommended Citation The Ledger and Times, "The Ledger and Times, June 5, 1959" (1959). The Ledger & Times. 3624. https://digitalcommons.murraystate.edu/tlt/3624 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Newspapers at Murray State's Digital Commons. It has been accepted for inclusion in The Ledger & Times by an authorized administrator of Murray State's Digital Commons. For more information, please contact [email protected]. if NE 4, 199 Selected As A Best All i.ound Kentucky Community Newspapers - Largest The Full Circulation In Picture The City FOOD . IA Kentucky Largest Circulation In Politics IARKET A County MURRAY POPULATION 10,100 Vol. LXXX No. 133 United Press International IN OUR 80th YEAR Murray, Ky., Friday Afternoon, June 5, 1959 KY. LAKE ISH 65Fb LOCAL GIRL WINS 4-H SPEECH EVENT Velveeta Guest Lecturers For Summer Institute Are Former Countian Donna Ruth Grogan Is Named Iheese Spread Dies Wednesday State Winner At Lexington Announced Today By Dr. Walter Blackburn Mrs. Optile Armstrang. age 55 died Wednesday night at 9 p. m. Mb. box 790 at the FLighland Park General instructor and as- American Astranemical Society, Miss Donna Grogan. daughter tucky beginning Tuesday June Dr. Robert T. Lagemann and ,ogy, and an Hospital in Highland Park, Mich, astronomy, lAstronornical Seeiety the Pact- of Mr. and Mrs. Leon Grogan 2nd and ending Saturday June Carl K. Seyfert, Vanderbilt Uni- sistant professor of from complications following a Technology. fie, International tronomical won the state speech contest 6th. As 4-H Week there will be versity,and Harrison D. Stalker, Case Institute of five day illness. the yesterday in Lexington. delegates from each county in Washington University. will be Dr. Seytert is a member of survived by her husband, She is The speech contest was one of Kentucky. This week is made up guest lecturers at the Murray Armstring. Highland Park, Perry the contests underway in the of various events including dis- State College Summer Science sun, James; Armstrong, Mich., one state 4-H meeting. cussion groups, style show, tal- Institute, according to Drs. Wal- Park. Mich.. and one Irghland Miss Grogan won the District ent show, speeches and demon- ter E. Blackburn and A. M. Wolf- Nera Hart of Lynn .sister, Mrs. Speech contest on April 18 in strations. sosii the inatiute's directors. She also' had four Grove, Ky. Paducah which entitled her to The group from Calloway grandchildren. Michael, Ronald, lb • Lagemann is professor of enter the state event. County includes: Donna Ruth Diane and Margaret Armstrong, physics and chairman of the de- Shp is also a contestant in the Grogan. Murray High 4-H Club, Highland Park Mich, partment of physics and astron- modeling or Style Review. She Count Style Review winner par- Ste was a member of the Sink- 29 omy at Vanderbilt. He holds an won the County event on April ticipating in the State Style Re- ing Spring Baptist Church in the us, Golden Ripe A. B. degree from BaViwin Wal- 30 with 171 girls entering the view and girl's speeches; Sandra I county. The funeral will be con- lace College, a M. S. from Van- contest. Bedwell. Kirksey 4-11Club, bread ducted Sunday afternoon at 2:30 Front row, left to right: Johnny Kelso and David derbilt, and a Ph. D from Ohio Calloway County will have six making demonstartion; Randy at the Max H. Churchill Funeral Watson, talent act. Back row, State. left to right: Donna 4-11 members participating in Patterson. New Concord 4-H Chapel with Rev. M. M. Hamp- Ruth Grogan, state style review and girl's speech, the events that are being held in Club. general individual demon- ANAS Burial will be in charge. Before coming to Vanderbilt. ton in Sandra Bedwell, bread making demonstration, Randy connection with 4-H Week on the atartion; and Carolyn Palmer. Bazzell Cemetery. he was an assistant professor at the Patterson, general individual demonstration, and campus of the University of Ken- Kirksey 4-H Club, dairy foods Emory University, and a physi- :Friends and relatives may call demonstration. Da•i d Watson Funeral Carolyn Palmer, dairy foods demonstration. ci Manhattan District, Colum- at the Max H. Churchill and Johnny Kelso, Lynn Grose funeral hour. bia University. Dr. Lagemann has Home until the Church To Forgive 44{ Club, will participate in the been president of the Georgia Pastor For "Sins" talent show to be held Wednes- Academy of Science. latesident Hogancamo Pitches day night. June 3rd. in the Mem- and treasurer of the S. E. Sec- Marrison D. Stalker SAN ANTONIO, Tex.'(U?!) - orial Coliseum. All participants tion of the Amerocan Physical No Hitter For Cubs winners in the The congregation at Trinity Bap- lasted are district Society. president of the Ten- Union, Southeastern of Amer:can Talent Shows that Robert T. Lagornann tist Church took an attitude of Rally and nessee Academy of Science. and Society, Tennessee Aca- In the first game of the Little and Padu- Physical "forgive and forget" today to- were held at Murray treasurer of the National Scien- (Continued on Page Five.) League play last rfrght the ward their married pastor who cah. ce Teachers Association. Yanks defeated the Reds 2 to 1 members were at publicly disclosed that he had These guests in a well played ball game. the Waman's Clubhouse. The aihr. Seyfert is professor of Yanks been -)rrepipperly" involved with Three Get Grants Sprunger started for the program for this meeting includ- aPi-onomy and physics and di- and had to be relieved by Dan a wpm ed lepdra Bedwell's demonstra- rector of the A. J Dyer Ob- Church "efts indicatedSar that For Institute Faughn in the last of the sixth tion, Penns Ruth Grogan model- servatory at Vanderbilt. He will not to replace the Rev. with no one out, one run in, formal made in her cloth- holds B. S., M. A., and Ph. D. third. 'W. S. M one mid ft; and men on second and eject. Randy Patterson'a degrees from Harvard University. Three persons of this area have wculd be Vaughn came in and struck rtion. and David Watson Hhe has been an astronomer been selected to attend the Sum- side to end the game. having "t e did out the at meth.rrg hnny Kelso gave their act and research associate at the mer Science Institute this sum- itichy Tidwell pitched good ball ey will use In the state rk es and McDonald flier at Murray State College.4.6,for the Reds as ho struck out The ha as tins father show Carolyn Palmer w tory of the University of Chicago They are all high school physical. 1„. men and walked two. Tie:- ter If ceremonies for th's 'daft the Univeristy of Teas.% sk. and bioiegical science Instructors. $ll eilai‘cted the: Reds in hitting rs nIs wi felkow of the Natalia! Research Tbase recetving grams for the 1 with to singles and a dealliest• ' Sixteen representatives from glgencil. Mt. Wilson Observatory; science instftute, which will co- his disclosures. Many wept. One , Faughn was the top hitter at Calloway County are in attend- instructor of physics at the incide with regular summer woman fainted. a/r the : the night for the Yanks, clouting Delegates to 4-H Week in Lexington from Calloway ance at the 4-H Ikeek. This nurr- Institute of Technol- session from 15 Dr MeBirnie said overwork California June -August 7 i one homer in the third with one the county qu• 'a are pictured above, left to right, front row: Sandra had left hint "easy prey" and he ber is six over are as follows: man on. Sprunger had two hits -because •,f Adams, Reba Garrison, Toni Burchett, Nancy Baz- had become "involved" with a and is perrnissable Charles R. Adams, North Mar- for the Yanks. county ha 31. zell, Lorna Ross. Back row, Bill Young, Max Work- women whom he had sought to district winners the shall High School; Lubie B. Mc- Yanks 0 0 2 0 0 0 2 6 0 marked up. Wayne Ezell Daniel. Lynn Grove High School; :Reds 0 0 0 0 0 I 1 5 2 man, Jerry Spicaland, Larry Dunn and Tip Curd. help in a marital rift. Mrs. Anne T. Wood. New Con- Sprunwy, Faughn (6) and An. He did not detail what he cord High School. drus; TMultill and J. Cohoon meant by "involvement" except Carl K. Seyfert Martin's Chapel to say that it was "of the kind Wins Star In the second game 4 the Murray Hospital night Ben Hogancamp of the School To Beak. that I now recognize to have Face Truth Cancer • ty Cubs pitched a no hitter to down been improper." He did not re- Boys Find Cat the A's 12 to 2. Hogancamp Wedneaday's complete record fol- sigh his 515.000-a-year pastorate --farmer Award at the church that he had helped To Start Anti- struck out 16 men and walked Bro. Matthews With Wings low/1c build frern 94 members nine koya I might.. Colson led the Cubs in years ago to a present member- pudding& pie Smoking Move hitting with three ,hits. C Har- Census 50 The Martin's Chapel Methodist fMing ship cet 3,300. Instead he asked PINEVIcLLE, W. Va. (UPI) - grove. B Miller, Hcgancasnp. Adult Beds 65 will have their Vacation Church Tells Rotary Wayne Ezell.
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