A Newspaper Devoted Presented Fairly, Clearly the Community Interest And Impartially Each Week Full Local Coverage Complete News Pictures XXXVIII-NO. 50 Knteml u 2nd CIIM Man CARTERET, N. J., FRIDAY, MARCH 25, 1960 At P. O., Cutcrtt, N. J PRICE TEN CENTS u r c h ive is Another Big Industry ecess Slated for Carteret .r|)l\\ (ilM'S Ov«T „ sl.»«.(MH) ainn for Sclioo Mayor Dolan Reveals , |",. r HI .Joseph's. .,' luiiiiiiiiM.-r.'d i>y the: , ,|,,,.. nftirmllv murk-' '•..niiiii <ILK ititihz D( it.s ,„!„,„,„ f.,1 H minimum Walter Surowka Heads Firm Is ^l.iiifion .MI Sunday, utli nil thr nimpftiiin1 ,,si-.Miip HI Holy Mass Y)0 Boro Red Cross Drive Seeking , i iiniv Communion 1U ( AKT1 RF.T — Amimniee- C? mctit has been madr that (i.!i<i\UMK Wednesday Sehiiol Commissioner Walftr /|i i mil three davs of Suiwkn will direct the I960 ,i.,cUiilniii of MJine Ol Red Cross Fund drlvr in Big Site .•,,- - iLtiii.liionrrs. the. Curlrrpt. <,.,.. ;lsvcllll)l<'(l In Illf CARTERET Another i»- His ro-rhairman will be il,i; (,.,- their first r<>- pnitniil industry is seeking to 1 iiRh Treasurer Alexander .,.,,.,. wiii'ii Hi* reports locate in the borough, MayoT , ,,,1. «,is i.Mllii'd. It was ( iirnlm. •:,;,! ili, ciimprtlRn had Mr. Surowka has served in Edward J. Dolan revealed, to* , i]!).-ci!b*'(l. The , thr- 1'nitrd States Navy for fifty. 21 vears. He is married and ,(,i,,ins was S20B.H80. Mayor Dolan has received ft • \|i l Coironui, 0 S.M., the father of twn ehlldren letter fvom Alexander Summw j' it !iiinni;ii'\ < halrmnn attending the Carteret High Industrial Associates, real «8" ii . .. ixprcs.'-i'd the ap- School. tatc agents for the Greenbroolt He Is iiii active member of Holdinn Corporation tract U* („• Krvi rt-nd George W. Carey Council, 1280, Knights West Carteret. advising him i ii ,v.\\o authorized the! of Columbus and the Polish that the firm Is seeking a site l,,r iii:ii!s mmed »t pro- American Citizens Club. I for the construction of a build* • ,, si Joseph's School Mr. Surowka plans to name ing to cover 38,000 squara feet, .,! (i thr Rifttltiirie of committees to help with the The firm advised the mayOT II: MII- parish. He com- drive within the next few that negotiations are under ri -ii. «orki-rs for their KIIXF.!) TO OVERFLOWING: Here's part of the rnparitv eathrritiK in St. Drmrtriiis I kralnian Center Sund»y nicht where the First rresbytrrian days. WALTER SUKOWRA way for the tract, but before it ;ind tireleiw. efforts and Church h*ld a dlnnrr. rlimatinc Ihr dedication ceremonies of the new church structure Mayor Edward J. Dolnn iinrl Stephen Skiha, president nf the definite action Is taken, certain iiislnmiers for their great Board of Hducittion were .imiinn the m:inv borough ou*irials who attended the a.fTaii-. matters will have to be adjust- Million of charity and ed between that industry and isitv. In analyzing the Dedication of New P. 0. the Borough. Council. buiinns mnde to date, he Adjustment Sought ii,. ninfiiinl pi edited to Sisterhood Plans Youtlu 19, Held for Grand Jury Action Fashion Show is j cc^e</ /e(/ for ]tfar ji I'iimnly most encour- It is understood that th* •'S'.'eiiilly since it only! industry Is seeking certain If ills ;i portion Of OUT Spring Bazaar; In Series of Breaks; Commend Szyba Set by Club for CARTERET Dedication ofjKlwanis will be represented by modifications in the zoning of ili.nr-i.i. Our drive will the new Post Office is slated|acorge Searleu, Andrew Hlla!the tract and Mayor Dolan in- Hi. imcl it i.s our sincere CAJH'EKET — A youth, 19. U.S. Metals and Refining Co. the furnacr. H< wi^ arrrsted f M y Herb HarriE dicated that this may be done (Hub Aids was held (or the Grand Jury to steal refined copper, policejtit gun point His juvenile com- °ir, " ^ -• . >. «rt - within a month. tii;i: I'm- folks still to I* Thursday Might The dedicatioji committee 1 rill manifest the t»me CARTERKT The muted *>y Acting Magistrate Jaffeeisald. 'pnnlon was picked up littr The flame of the firm has of auto Johnson Is being held in the |heW its initial meeting Wednes- Honorarare y Mayocommitter Edware chaird J-. i-.f self-sacrifice as has Hebrew SisUrhood held Its this week on charge the 1 !county jail while the 16-year Quizzed by Detectives ; CARTERET—Final arrange-:day night to draft plans for the wen by th* donors to ,reKUiar mwtinic this, week at larceny, und burglary. n 1 Questioned by detecthf.s. the ( ,. Membership De.isponwre' d by the Lions an...!_d Kl-jBarefor. t and Jcsepn W. Mlt ; Bii-.ci tliey realize that the the Brotherhood of Israel Byim- .said that the youth!old »» been confined to the youths are reported to m, ])1P|1 S a e dergtood t0 be a reputable n in?i:iey we raise presently and hit companion. 16, have;County Juvenile Detention!mltted a lon« string ol plant would conduct clean operations s- MI- will have to borrow of about 25 Quarteis, but later released. |and house robberies, the chief payment of the Carteret Wo-; R regeutln!l the yons m the The,new post office building and would be highly favorable. and lac- I SergeanS t GhreOh n CrediCdltt (i'saidd . Iman's Club to be held neJttjcommlttee wlu be Walter Pav-ls rapidly nearing completion, The Alexander Summer In- Chief Makwinskl . credited! The chVef.fcnd they broke n^ThiiT^ny .1 M«rrJ> 31 Schonwald and;a block away from its present dustrial Associates has told the Joint btutr May 22. The fol* Pota Chief Charle* Malt-Sat. atMtey aqf.to horaw A! ?wteret Aveijf^j.^.^, tn^ Utter mayor that the firm is in' the J. Dunn*, |eaer»l lowru; will work on Uie com- identified the Older rents. He »aid thaf Bkt. Szybtt' Vermont And Maine A«n same class as the Continental mtttfc rrpres«fTitlii« tht1 Sistw- wtrukl "(Auditorium. iiii of th*' drive, exhorted' William Ue Kenneth'spotted Johnson and his eom-j West Carteret, and other are^s.! The proceeds will be used to J o kers to continue of 19 Mercer Street, panion in a car. When the. The car in which they weve IXIULS Port»T and Mrs tools.1 further the club's work in be- Film On Baseball For ytdcLcaOTeco^pa^-nd Huton puip & rfforts and The chief said that Johnson is;s»>iKeant Imlted the car, the riding carried burglary S, i PapePape r Companypy, who have, fao Van 0H t u()l< lom police said. half of the Vlneland State CARTERET- Oa r te re tjand '•Catchup BaSf! tl c Moiid report Price 'chairman " ' ' Annandalf Re- driver and his companion " !!.„..!», ne.„s „o„n *Ktheo n,-<il,hrnnlGree>)brookr HoldHnld- for Wednesday Mrs. Jerry Detectives who questioned [school for the Mentally Rrtm'd- Uttle League Committee will ball", thp films for Saturday.! t o ' ' form.i'ory on an armed rob- jumped out leavinu the motor; ing Corporation tract 23. in the Parish of the SUU'rrKxxl .*. annual running. The occupants fled in the youths were Detective Sgt. show films on baseball for the April 2nd will be "Democracy ihow whlcU will be held y ed. This is the club's most im- He requested »U the men Detectives indicated that the different directions. Andre G a 1 v a n e k , Detective portant project this season.. KIKI smd make 2b ,it Uif Hiyh sn loot totaled about $3,000. Th«- Johnson ran into the cellar Peter Mortsea, Detective Clar- ratables would help 1 Mrs. Andrew Lee is chairman. play Kings of Baseball"Baseball, and;additionaand; l ra their re»pective lAudlumum. innouncea mui »u.you(hs ^ ^^ ^ have;of the horne of F^-anjc Swlngter, ence Sheridan and Detective High School Auditorium. Assisting her are Mrs. Joseph for Saturday; April 9th films!ifil! n defraying some of the costs l:i his name, Father have wfn ooiaima "«,mad(1 wf(,kly bl.eaks lnto thel26 Essex Street and hid behind ICharles Russo. The films this week will be, was Kiven the a.«ur- door priw* Mrs Bt-njamuv Lamb and Mrs. Harold Busch, 'Baseball Hall of Fame"", shown will be "Building Big'of the proposed school expan- tlii workers would Klanx won tlw Donor Dt-rbyJ publicity; Mrs. William beirne, 'Pitching Stars of Baseball", Leaguers", "Batting Stars of sion in their effort* untll|Mr». Irvinu LtrviU, nomlnatingi tickets; Mrs. Albert Qergits and Baseball", and "Circling the i.iiv iiarishioner was.oommittee chairman, presenl- Colleges Accept Several Seniors Air Raid Alert Mrs. Robert Elliot, refresh- Bases". It is hoped that these, opportunity to con- ed a slate of officers for next ments, Mrs. Edward Benson Presbyterian Church film* will help the Little Lea- CARTERET - Barbara Ann senior class at Carteret High guer understand the finer points!Holy Name Units yyear* term of office. Voting and Mis. Lynch, show arrange- 8chool. Set for Saturday ments. Li$t$ Sunday Services !oofl baseball anda helneip hinim pi»yl !o „ p« rv will take place at the next regu 8nbo h«a been accepted as a Mr. Huber was notified by CARTERET — Church wor- a better game this coming sea- V^f K AM AT it llflTIPf* lar meeting, April 4. physical education major by Rutgers; Mr. Matefy, C. W CARTERET — Stephen Wuy, OilUWIShownL wilwill bUGe 1WII1U1Ifashions0 Hufrom i/mvimvu. —..- n-.. ic nhairman Mrs. Zelman Chodosh hairman of Civil Defense here, llvihill Will ^ [Trenton 8tate College on the Post College, Long Island: and the H.
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