THE REPUBLIC OF KAZAKHSTAN This country report is prepared as a contribution to the FAO publication, The Report on the State of the World’s Forest Genetic Resources. The content and the structure are in accordance with the recommendations and guidelines given by FAO in the document Guidelines for Preparation of Country Reports for the State of the World’s Forest Genetic Resources (2010). These guidelines set out recommendations for the objective, scope and structure of the country reports. Countries were requested to consider the current state of knowledge of forest genetic diversity, including: Between and within species diversity List of priority species; their roles and values and importance List of threatened/endangered species Threats, opportunities and challenges for the conservation, use and development of forest genetic resources These reports were submitted to FAO as official government documents. The report is presented on www. fao.org/documents as supportive and contextual information to be used in conjunction with other documentation on world forest genetic resources. The content and the views expressed in this report are the responsibility of the entity submitting the report to FAO. FAO may not be held responsible for the use which may be made of the information contained in this report. THE STATES OF FOREST GENETIC RESOURCES IN THE SEC REGION, THE REPUBLIC OF KAZAKHSTAN COUNTRY REPORT СОСТОЯНИЕ ЛЕСНЫХ ГЕНЕТИЧЕСКИХ РЕСУРСОВ В РЕГИОНЕ ЦЕНТРАЛЬНОЙ АЗИИ, СТРАНОВОЙ ДОКЛАД РЕСПУБЛИКИ КАЗАХСТАН Cover Photographs: FAO SEC, Mr. Albert Nikiema, Mr. Richard Slaby, Mr. Arcady Radionov Фотографии на обложке предоставлены: ФАОСЕК, г-ном Альбертом Никиема, г-ном Ричардом Слабы, г-ном Аркадием Родионовым THE STATES OF FOREST GENETIC RESOURCES IN THE SEC REGION, THE REPUBLIC OF KAZAKHSTAN COUNTRY REPORT СОСТОЯНИЕ ЛЕСНЫХ ГЕНЕТИЧЕСКИХ РЕСУРСОВ В РЕГИОНЕ ЦЕНТРАЛЬНОЙ АЗИИ, СТРАНОВОЙ ДОКЛАД РЕСПУБЛИКИ КАЗАХСТАН Mr. Arcady Radionov г-н Аркадий Радионов FOOD AND AGRICULTURE ORGANIZATION OF THE UNITED NATIONS ПРОДОВОЛЬСТВЕННАЯ И СЕЛЬСКОХОЗЯЙСТВЕННАЯ ОРГАНИЗАЦИЯ ОБЪЕДИНЕННЫХ НАЦИЙ Ankara/АНКАРА, 2013 The designations employed and the presentation of material in this information product do not imply the expression of any opinion whatsoever on the part of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) concerning the legal or development status of any country, territory, city or area or of its authorities, or concerning the delimitation of its frontiers or boundaries. 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Упоминание конкретных компаний или продуктов определенных производителей, независимо от того, запатентованы они или нет, не означает, что ФАО одобряет или рекомендует их, отдавая им предпочтение перед другими компаниями или продуктами аналогичного характера, которые в тексте не упоминаются. Мнения, выраженные в настоящем информационном продукте, являются мнениями автора (авторов) и не обязательно отражают точку зрения или политику ФАО. ISBN 978-92-5-007677-5 (print/печатное издание) E-ISBN 978-92-5-007678-2 (PDF) © FAO/ФАО 2013 FAO encourages the use, reproduction and dissemination of material in this information product. Except where otherwise indicated, material may be copied, downloaded and printed for private study, research and teaching purposes, or for use in non-commercial products or services, provided that appropriate acknowledgement of FAO as the source and copyright holder is given and that FAO’s endorsement of users’ views, products or services is not implied in any way. 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Информационные продукты ФАО размещаются на веб-сайте ФАО (www.fao.org/publications); желающие приобрести информационные продукты ФАО могут обращаться по адресу: [email protected] iii CONTENTS SECTION I: EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ....................................................................................1 SECTION II: PRESENTATION OF THE COUNTRY AND FOREST SECTOR ...............4 Basic characteristics of forests and forest resources management system ............................5 Ownership of forests ....................................................................................................................8 Trends over the last ten years in the area of forest conservation and forest management .......9 The role of forests in meeting current demand for forest products in the country ...........10 SECTION III: THE MAIN PART OF THE COUNTRY REPORT .....................................12 CHAPTER 1: THE CURRENT STATE OF FOREST GENETIC RESOURCES ................12 Main ecosystems and major tree species in the country .......................................................12 Species of trees and shrubs that are the subject of active management for human use ....18 Forest trees and shrubs, which are the subject of active management or performing environmental functions ...........................................................................................................22 Documentation system of forest reproductive material ........................................................26 The status of work on the genetic characteristics of main forest species of trees and other timber plants .............................................................................................................31 National strategies/programmes of conservation of genetic resources ...............................33 CHAPTER 2: MEASURES FOR THE CONSERVATION OF GENETIC RESOURCES THAT ARE HELD IN SITU ............................................................................36 CHAPTER 3: MEASURES FOR THE CONSERVATION OF GENETIC RESOURCES BY EX SITU CONSERVATION ......................................................................43 CHAPTER 4: THE USE OF FOREST GENETIC RESOURCES AND THEIR MANAGEMENT ........................................................................................................................46 CHAPTER 5: NATIONAL PROGRAMMES, RESEARCH, EDUCATION, TRAINING AND LEGISLATION ...........................................................................................50 Research, education and training .............................................................................................53 National legislation.....................................................................................................................56 Informing the public ..................................................................................................................60 CHAPTER 6: REGIONAL AND INTERNATIONAL COOPERATION ...........................62 International treaties ..................................................................................................................62 International cooperation .........................................................................................................63 CHAPTER 7: ACCESS TO FOREST GENETIC RESOURCES AND SHARING OF BENEFITS FROM THEIR USE ...............................................................................................65 Access to forest genetic resources.............................................................................................65 Sharing of benefits arising from the use of forest genetic resources ....................................65 iv CHAPTER 8: THE CONTRIBUTION OF FOREST GENETIC RESOURCES IN FOOD SECURITY, POVERTY REDUCTION AND SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT .......................................................................................................................67 REFERENCES/BIBLIOGRAPHY ............................................................................................70 v ОглАвлЕНИЕ РАЗДЕл I: РЕЗЮМЕ ................................................................................................................71 РАЗДЕл II: ПРЕДСТАВЛЕНИЕ
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