Post-Doctoral Fellow Handbook Krieger School of Arts and Sciences Whiting School of Engineering 2008-2009 The Johns Hopkins Schools of Arts and Sciences and Engineering reserve the right to change without notice any policies, programs, requirements, or regulations in this Handbook. © 2008 Graduate Affairs & Admissions, Johns Hopkins University Welcome Welcome INTROductiON CONtact US This handbook introduces Homewood post- doctoral fellows, in both the Krieger School Graduate Affairs & Admissions of Arts and Sciences and the Whiting School Rita Banz of Engineering, to administrative policies Graduate Affairs Coordinator and procedures at Hopkins as well as to ad- Phone: (410) 516-8477 dress questions and concerns post-doctoral Fax: (410) 516-0780 fellows may have as they begin their work [email protected] here at Johns Hopkins. 101 Whitehead Hall Much of the material in the Post-Doctoral www.grad.jhu.edu Fellow Handbook gives details pertain- Krieger School of Arts and Sciences ing to School-wide and University policies. Anna De Cheke Qualls However, there are post-doctoral issues that Director of Graduate Admissions are department specific. In those instances, Phone: (410) 516-7125 post-doctoral fellows are referred directly to Fax: (410) 516-0780 their department administrator or depart- [email protected] ment handbook for further information. 101 Whitehead Hall www.grad.jhu.edu Whiting School of Engineering Daniel Horn, Ph.D. Assistant Dean for Academic Programs Phone: (410) 516-8943 Fax: (410) 516-4880 [email protected] 130 New Engineering Building www.engineering.jhu.edu Graduate Deans Krieger School of Arts and Sciences Gregory F. Ball, Ph.D. Dean of Graduate Education and Research (410) 516-8215 [email protected] 237 Mergenthaler Hall Whiting School of Engineering Edward R. Scheinerman, Ph.D. Vice Dean for Education (410) 516-7395 [email protected] 126 New Engineering Building 1 Academics Academics 3 Campus Life Campus Life ATHLetic FaciLITIES in the Office of Recreation between 9 The Ralph S. O’Connor Recreation Cen- A.M. and 5 P.M. Monday-Friday. All guests ter offers a wide variety of fitness resourc- must provide picture ID and must be 18 es, classes and activities. Facilities include years of age. Members are responsible for fitness and weight rooms, squash and their guests and must remain with them at racquetball courts, a climbing wall, an all times. Guests must leave the facility at indoor jogging track, and a multipurpose the same time as the member who signed gymnasium for basketball, volleyball and them in. Guests are not permitted to par- badminton. A wide variety of group fit- ticipate in the fitness classes or intramural ness classes are also available. A J-Card is events. Guest Passes are non-transferable. required to enter the facility and to check out equipment. Locker and towel services BOOKSTORE are available for a fee. The University’s bookstore is located at the The O’Connor Center also directs an Barnes & Noble in Charles Commons on extensive intramural sports program in Saint Paul Street. post-doctoral fellowscan which graduate students are eligible to purchase books and supplies at this loca- participate. The Experiential Education tion. The bookstore is open everyday from 9 Program oversees HOLT (Hopkins Out- A.M. until 10 P.M., except for Sunday, when door Leadership Training) and PEAK its hours are from 10 A.M. until 9 P.M. Performance (Pursuing Experiential Ave- nues to Knowledge). HOLT offers guided CAMPUS MINISTRIES trips in white-water kayaking, climbing, Johns Hopkins University Campus hiking, caving, canoeing, winter back- Ministries promotes and supports spiri- packing and mountaineering-instructor tual development, theological reflections, training. PEAK Performance offers highly religious tolerance and social awareness interactive and challenging experiential among post-doctoral fellows, students, workshops that foster group dynamics faculty and staff within the university com- and leadership skills. munity. All post-doctoral fellows have free member- ship to the O’Connor Center. In addition, CAREER Services membership is available to spouses of stu- The Career Center has services ranging from dents for a $120 annual fee. After gradua- resume and curriculum vitae development tion, post-doctoral fellows are eligible for to on-campus recruiting. As post-doctoral alumni membership with a $240 annual fellows begin thinking about professional fee. Membership terms and requirements, opportunities to pursue with their degree, along with program schedules, are available the Career Center can help explore how on the O’Connor Center’s website. skills, values, interests, and personality fit Members of the Ralph S. O’Connor Rec- into this decision-making process. The Ca- reation Center are permitted to bring two reer Center has several assessments that guests per day into the building. Guest have proved useful to post-doctoral fellows passes are available for single-day ($5) or who have not yet made a final decision five-day ($25) use and must be purchased about how they would like to use their ex- periences after work at Hopkins. The Center 17 also has counselors on hand to assist post- or emailing [email protected]. doctoral fellows with any career-related is- sues that may arise. Guidelines for the Acceptable Use of The Career Center also offers the following Hopkins ITS Computing Resources to post-doctoral fellows: The following guidelines set forth stan- dards for responsible and acceptable use Individual Career Counseling of University computing resources. They The Career Center also offers practical supplement existing University policies, services for graduate students, including agreements, and state and federal laws resume or CV support and taped mock and regulations. Computing resources in- interviews. clude host-computer systems, University- sponsored computers and workstations, Dossier Service communications networks, software and files. The Career Center offers a dossier service for Ph.D. students in Arts & Sciences and Computing resources are provided to Engineering disciplines Writing Seminars support the academic research, instruc- Masters students. This service provides a tional and administrative objectives of the central location for housing recommen- University. These resources are extended dation letters when applying for academic for the sole use of University faculty, staff, positions. students and other authorized users (“us- ers”) to accomplish tasks related to the us- er’s status at the University and consistent COMPUTER Access with University’s mission. Computers available to all faculty, staff, post-doctoral fellows and students are lo- Users are responsible for safeguarding cated in several public computer labs and their identification (ID) codes and pass- kiosks across the Homewood Campus. Labs words and for using them for their intend- in Krieger Hall and the Milton S. Eisenhower ed purposes only. Each user is responsible Library feature extensive software allowing for all transactions made under the au- users to print, access email and the Internet thorization of his or her ID and for all net- and perform other general tasks as well as work activity originating from his or her more advanced computing required for data jack. Users are solely responsible for coursework and research. Computer kiosk their personal use of computing resources locations in Krieger, the Mattin Center, Hod- and are prohibited from representing or son Hall, Levering Hall and throughout the implying that the content constitutes the MSE library are more limited. views or policies of the University. The largest of all the Homewood labs is Violation of these guidelines constitutes the Krieger Academic Computing Lab, lo- unacceptable use of computing resources cated in 160 Krieger Hall. Open continu- and may violate other University policies ously through the week and closed only and/or state and federal law. Suspected Friday and Saturday nights, the Krieger or known violations should be reported lab maintains 118 Dell OptiPlex PC’s, to the appropriate University computing 15 Apple G5 iMacs, two black-and-white unit. Violations will be processed by the printers, one color printer and four scan- appropriate University authorities and/ ners. To gain access to the lab, students or law enforcement agencies. Violations must swipe their J-Card at the locked gate. may result in revocation of computing A lab consultant can be contacted during resource privileges, academic dishonesty working hours by calling (410) 516-4242 proceedings, faculty, staff or student disci- 18 plinary action, or legal action. tories may be deleted without notice. The following is a list of rules and guide- * Hopkins ITS is not responsible for lines for Hopkins ITS Lab users: the loss of any data due to hardware * JHU ID is required for admittance failure or software viruses. The center to the lab. tries to take all precautions to mini- mize these types of problems; howev- * Do not attempt to access or ac- er, unavoidable problems may occur cessing another’s account, private due to the public use of our facilities. files, or e-mail without the owner’s permission; or misrepresenting * Do not display on public screens oneself as another individual in images, sounds or messages that electronic communication. could create an atmosphere of discomfort or harassment to others. * Do not install, copy, distribute or use software in violation of copy- * Close all open applications on the right laws, software agreements or computer you are using before applicable state and federal laws. leaving the Lab. On the Macs, make sure there are no applica- * Do not alter system software or tions in the Finder (the pull-down hardware configurations without menu on the top right corner of authorization, or disrupt or interfer the screen) except “Finder.” with the delivery or administra- * If the Lab is at capacity, computers tion of computer resources. left unattended for an extended * Do not use computing resources period of time will be made available for commercial or profit-making to clients waiting to use them. If a purposes without written autho- screen saver appears on the screen rization from the University.
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