Published Bi-Weekly for the Winnebago Tribe of Nebraska • Volume 50, Number 8 • Saturday, April 17, 2021 Bago Bits… Winnebago Land Transfer Act is Introduced into Congress Congratulations to Winnebago’s back-to- back wrestling champion Zeriah George on another amazing accomplishment over the weekend of April 3rd. Zeriah was named GOLD ALL-AMERICAN and went 8-0 at the AAU National Duals in Des Moines, IA. H.R.2402 - 117th Congress (2021-2022): To transfer administrative jurisdiction of certain Federal lands from the Army Corps of Engineers to the Bureau of Indian Affairs, to take such lands into trust for the Winnebago Tribe of Nebraska, and for other purposes. | Congress.gov | Library of Congress Fortenberry Introduces Win- Feenstra (IA-04) “I am glad to be United States District Court for nebago Land Transfer Act working with Reps. Fortenberry, the Northern District of Iowa On Apr 8, 2021,Washington, Davids, and Soto on this impor- Western Division and the United DC--Congressman Jeff Forten- tant legislation. This is another States District Court for the Dis- berry (NE-01) made the following example of government overreach trict of Nebraska. On the Tribe’s statement today upon his intro- that needs to be addressed, and appeal of the Nebraska case, the On behalf of the Winnebago Tribe, duction of the Winnebago Land our bipartisan effort is a step in United States Court of Appeals congratulations to our Winnebago Public Transfer Act. the right direction.” for the Eighth Circuit found that Health Department’s Medical Services “Several decades ago, land STATEMENT REGARDING THE the Corps illegally condemned Program and Public Health Nursing belonging to the Winnebago tribe WINNEBAGO LAND TRANSFER the land and that the land could Department for being recognized in the ACT only be taken by an act of Con- Great Plains Area 2020 Awards! of Nebraska was appropriated by the Arms Corps of Engineers for Winnebago, NE - The Winneba- gress but because the Tribe development. In 1976, a Fed- go Tribe of Nebraska applauds in- failed to properly preserve the eral court found that the United troduction of the Winnebago Land right to appeal, the court could States and the Corps lacked au- Transfer Act and the efforts of not order the return of the land. thority to take this land through Congressman Jeff Fortenberry (R- On the Tribe’s appeal of the Iowa the eminent domain process. It’s NE-1) to return lands that belong case, the Eighth Circuit agreed time to make this right,” Forten- to the Winnebago people along with the Nebraska case but did berry said. the Missouri River. The lands fell not rule for the Tribe due to a “The Winnebago Land Trans- out of tribal ownership when the stipulation. fer Act is an important bill that federal government took them by The Tribe seeks Congress to returns to the Winnebago people eminent domain. The bill would right this historical wrong by this piece of Winnebago land. Ad- transfer lands currently held by returning title to Tract 119 and Winnebago Indian News joined Garan ditionally, hunters can continue the Army Corps of Engineers back Tract 210 to the Tribe. The Tribe Coons on Wednesday, April 7th for an to enjoy this prime spot along the to the Tribe. also seeks Tract 113 (which hourlong photography presentation that was held in the auditorium at Little Priest Missouri River through the Win- The bill is cosponsored by would become landlocked by Tribal College. nebago Tribe, Wildlife and Parks Rep. Darren Soto (D-FL-9), Rep. tracts 119 and 210 once returned Program,” Fortenberry added. Randy Feenstra (R-IA-4), and to the Tribe) that was privately “I am proud of the bipartisan Rep. Sharice Davids (D-KS-3). owned (at the time of condem- effort from my colleagues Darren The Tribe is grateful for the bi- nation) and also condemned by Soto of Florida, Sharice Davids of partisan show of support to right the Corps. Kansas, and Randy Feenstra of this historic wrong for the Win- • Return of land is a priority Iowa to, again, make this right,” nebago people. for the Tribe. Fortenberry said. Winnebago Tribal Chairwoman • The Tribe was removed from Victoria Kitcheyan, Chairwom- Victoria Kitcheyan hailed the their original homelands several an, Winnebago Tribal Council bill’s introduction, “This is a great times in the last century. “Today the Winnebago people day. Congress has the power to • The Reservation was in- are a step closer to being made return what was taken from us. tended to be a final settlement, whole as Congress seeks to re- Congressman Fortenberry took however, the Tribe was further In celebration of National Public Health store our historic reservation the lead, and it means a lot to the dispossessed of their land by the Week, the Winnebago Public Health Department hosted “The Greatest Wealth lands back to the tribe. Thank Winnebago people.” Corps which is further injustice. is Health” virtual walk at the Land of you, Congressman Fortenberry, RESTORATION OF TRIBAL • No private landowners would Wellness in Winnebago on Friday, April Rep. Randy Feenstra, Rep. Dar- LANDS be impacted by the rightful 9th. Pictured from the WPHD is Richard ren Soto and Rep. Sharice Davids The Winnebago Tribe of Ne- transfer of the land back to the Kearnes and Felicia Masquat. for introducing this important braska (“Tribe”) seeks the return Tribe. legislation.” of lands that were taken by the • Neither the federal govern- Rep. Darren Soto (FL-09) United States Army Corps of ment nor the State of Iowa has “After decades of lost land, the Engineers (“Corps”). These lands made improvements to the land. Winnebago are one step closer were once part of an Indian res- • The State of Iowa collects to recovering what rightfully ervation created by a treaty and no tax on the land; the transfer belongs to them. I’m honored to condemned for Corps purposes in would be tax neutral. join Congressman Fortenberry the 1970s. The Tribe was wrong- • Two counties, the Corps and to right the wrongs of the past fully dispossessed of their lands the State of Iowa have raised no and bring justice to the people and seeks their rightful return. objections to returning these On Monday, April 12th, the Boys and Girls Club of The Hocak Nisoc Haci of Winnebago.” The Treaty of 1865 estab- lands. held a presentation at the Winnebago Rep. Sharice Davids (KS-3), lished the Winnebago Reservation • Only a portion of Tract 119 Public School for their summer program, Co-Chair, Congressional Native (“Reservation”) in northeastern was part of the Reservation so Educational Pathways to Student Suc- American Caucus Nebraska along the Missouri the Tribe requests only that por- cess. Presented by Gregory Bass III and Sandy “Macky” Scott. (Questions? Call “The Winnebago Land Transfer River. Due to shifts in the banks tion be returned. (See Map) 402-878-2112) Act is a vital piece of legislation of the Missouri River, portions of • Legislation, “Winnebago Land that returns the illegally con- the Reservation are now in Iowa, Transfer Act of 2017,” was intro- demned homeland of the Win- including tracts 119 and 210, duced by Rep. Steve King in the nebago Tribe, which could only the land the Tribe seeks to be 115th Congress (H.R.3688). be restored by Congress. This restored. • Legislation, “Winnebago Land corrects a decades-old error, and In the 1970s, the Corps con- Transfer Act of 2019,” was intro- I thank my colleagues for com- demned certain Reservation duced by Rep. Steve King in the ing together in this bipartisan lands, including tracts 119 and 116th Congress (H.R.184). Construction projects throughout Win- effort to uphold the federal trust 210 without congressional au- • The Tribe requests a hearing nebago have been making tons of responsibility by introducing thorization as required by law. on this matter. progress. Here is an updated look at the this bill.” Representative Randy The Corps sued the Tribe in the 2nd roundabout site, located North of Winnebago. (Read construction updates for main street in this issue.) Visit us at www.winnebagotribe.com Page 2 — Winnebago Indian News, Saturday, April 17, 2021 BAGO NEWS Next WIN News Deadline: April 27th Winnebago Indian News, Saturday, April 17, 2021 — Page 3 TRIBAL NEWS Winnebago Construction Update for 4/12 - 4/19 HO-CHUNK FARMS MAKES RECORD FARMLAND LEASE PAYOUT Beginning this week, there will be weekly updates as work through the Black- hawk Center area is being done. We are laying pipe on the south end and anticipate completing the pipe work this week. Rough grading & subgrade prep will begin immediately after the pipe is laid. Ho-Chunk Farms employees Isaac Smith, Aaron La Point, Kadge Thomas and Jeffery Laying pipe at Mathewson the end of the week. Parking and pedestrian access Thomas Jr. stand in front of a grain bin that features the Winnebago tribal fl ag and the Ho- to the Blackhawk Center will remain unchanged this week. Chunk Farms logo. The ag subsidiary of Ho-Chunk, Inc. set a new farmland lease payout Pouring the remainder of the red stamped concrete early this week at the record in March. new traffi c circle on the north end. Finish grading operation from the school going north on the west side of the new paving. Permanent lighting is also being installed in this area. Ho-Chunk Farms made a record of Ho-Chunk, Inc. — has placed more farmland lease payout of nearly $1.4 tribal acres under its care, the payouts million to the Winnebago Tribe and have continued to increase. tribal members on March 1. LaPointe noted it makes fi nancial The Tribe received $946,673.76 sense for the Tribe to lease its acres for leasing 3,417 acres to Ho-Chunk to Ho-Chunk Farms since it would get Farms while tribal members received the same amount of money it would get $430,020.29 after it leased 1,870 acres from a non-Native farmer, but it would to the agricultural entity.
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