Author's personal copy Curr Clim Change Rep DOI 10.1007/s40641-017-0063-0 DECADAL PREDICTABILITY AND PREDICTION (T DELWORTH, SECTION EDITOR) What Caused the Global Surface Warming Hiatus of 1998–2013? Shang-Ping Xie 1,2 & Yu Kosaka3 # Springer International Publishing AG 2017 Abstract Research into the mechanisms for the global warming planetary energy budget can now be closed observationally over slowdown or “hiatus” of 1998–2013 is reviewed here. multi-decadal periods, the recent hiatus highlights the need and Observational and modeling studies identify tropical Pacific sea challenges to measure and quantify decadal changes in both surface temperature variability as a major pacemaker of global global ocean heat uptake (e.g., for the effect of radiative forcing mean surface temperature (GMST) change, as corroborated by on the hiatus) and heat redistribution in the ocean. Hiatus re- the GMST increase following a major El Niño event. search has led to a wide recognition of the importance of internal Specifically, the decadal cooling of the tropical Pacific contrib- variability for GMST trends over a decade and longer. The utes to the recent global warming hiatus. This tropical Pacific strengthened connection between the climate variability and pacemaker effect appears larger for decadal than interannual var- change communities is an important legacy of hiatus research. iability, but the decadal effect remains to be quantified from observations. Our critical review of the literature reveals that Keywords Global warming slowdown . Hiatus . the internal and radiatively forced GMST changes are distinct Anthropogenic warming . Tropical Pacific variability . Energy in pattern, energetics, mechanism, and predictability. In contrast theory . Ocean heat uptake to greenhouse gas-induced warming that is spatially uniform in sign and driven by energy perturbations, internal variability in GMST is an order of magnitude smaller than spatial variations, Introduction for which ocean-atmosphere interaction is of first-order impor- tance while planetary energetics is not. In fact, decadal variability Anthropogenic global warming gained wide acceptance follow- in GMST is poorly correlated with net radiation at the top of the ing the publication of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate atmosphere, highlighting the need to distinguish internal and Change (IPCC) Fourth Assessment Report (AR4) and the forced GMST change in planetary energy budget. While the Nobel Peace Prize to IPCC in 2007. Atmospheric concentration of carbon dioxide rose by 30 ppm from 1998 to 2013 and broke This article is part of the Topical Collection on Decadal Predictability and the 400 ppm mark in 2013 for the first time since Homo sapiens Prediction walked the Earth. In comparison, global mean surface tempera- ture (GMST) increased very slowly at 0.027 to 0.086 °C/decade * Shang-Ping Xie from 1998 to 2013. This is much smaller than the rate of increase [email protected] simulated by the multi-model ensemble mean or observed during earlier periods from the 1970s to 1990s, both at about 0.2 °C/ 1 Scripps Institution of Oceanography, University of California San decade (Fig. 1). This slowdown in the warming rate over the Diego, 9500 Gilman Drive MC0206, La Jolla, CA 92093-0206, USA extended period came as a surprise to those who expected a “ ” 2 Physical Oceanography Laboratory, Ocean University of China, and continual, if not intensified, global warming. This unexpected Qingdao National Laboratory for Marine Science and Technology, global warming slowdown received wide attention, raising im- Qingdao 266100, China portant questions such as the following: what caused it? Is it 3 Research Center for Advanced Science and Technology, University consistent with IPCC’s conclusion that increased greenhouse of Tokyo, 4-6-1 Komaba, Meguro-ku, Tokyo 153-8904, Japan gas concentrations (GHGs) in the atmosphere cause the Earth to Author's personal copy Curr Clim Change Rep 400 CO2 Intensive research ensued as the hiatus lengthened through 380 2013 and interest in the phenomenon rose. The IPCC Working 0.8 Group I decided at the last of the four lead-author meetings in 360 [ppm] 0.6 January 2013 to discuss the hiatus in the Fifth Assessment 340 Report (AR5; [22]). This proved wise as the hiatus was the 0.4 320 most asked question 8 months later at the press conference 0.2 marking the release of the AR5 following the IPCC Plenary [°C] 0 in Stockholm. Here, we review the progress made in this hot topic that addresses the above questions. –0.2 Broadly, two schools of thought have emerged regarding 0.2 –0.4 the cause of the recent global warming hiatus. The “SST view: Tropical Pacific Pacemaker” section presents the sea surface 0.1 temperature (SST) view that internal variability modulates the 0 rate of GMST increase. Specifically, the hiatus occurred as a HadCRUT [°C/decade] GISTEMP –0.1 result of a decadal cooling of the tropical Pacific Ocean that Karl et al. opposed the anthropogenic warming. The “Energy View” sec- 1960 1980 2000 tion discusses various versions of energy view that relate the Fig. 1 Observed annual-mean CO2 concentration at Mauna Loa (green hiatus to changes in energy flux at the top of the atmosphere curve with the top left axis), GMST anomalies relative to 1970–1999 average (middle with the right axis) and trend over the preceding (TOA) or three-dimensional redistribution of heat in the 15 years (bottom with bottom left axis). Trend is evaluated as Sen’s ocean. The SST and energy views are not mutually exclusive, slope. GMST is based on Hadley Centre Climate Research Unit and we will note the connections where appropriate. The Temperature (HadCRUT) version [74], Goddard Institute for “Summary and Discussions” section is a summary and dis- Space Studies Temperature (GISTEMP; [29])andKarletal.[39]. Brown vertical bars indicate major volcanic eruptions in the tropics. cusses broad implications. An important finding from this The hiatus period is highlighted with the white background and thick review is that GMST, widely used to track anthropogenic ef- GMST curves fect on global climate, contains a large component of internal variability that is distinct from the forced component in spatial warm? Can climate models simulate it? When will this hiatus structure, energetics, mechanism, and predictability. A legacy end? This review adopts the term of hiatus to refer to the tempo- of hiatus research is that it connects big dots in climate sci- rary slowdown in global surface warming. ence, between internal climate variability and anthropogenic Internal variations of the climate system can cause GMST warming, around which large but separate communities have to increase and decrease, independent of the anthropogenic previously developed. The climate variability community warming. This is obvious in the ups and downs from one year speaks the language of coupled ocean-atmosphere feedback to another in the GMST record, caused by El Niño/Southern and teleconnection that emphasizes spatial patterns, while the Oscillation (ENSO), but an extended hiatus over 15 years is global warming community relies on concepts such as radia- rare, especially in the face of the rapidly increasing radiative tive forcing and climate feedback that focus on the global forcing. The last time when the rate of 15-year GMST change mean. The SST and energy views of the hiatus reflect these was that low was during the so-called big hiatus period from distinct traditions, but the hiatus puzzle has forced critical the 1940s to 1970s, a time when the rate of change in anthro- examination of these views and challenged us to quantify pogenic radiative forcing was much lower. GMST set a record decadal variations in TOA radiation and ocean heat uptake. in 2015 and then again in 2016 following the El Niño of 2015–2016. With the El Niño-induced warming dissipated, GMST of December 2016–February 2017 remains the second SST View: Tropical Pacific Pacemaker highest in record. It thus appears that the hiatus ended in 2013. Over short intervals of a decade or two, the magnitude of GMST is expected to vary without changes in radiative forc- GMST trends varies somewhat depending on the datasets ing. Indeed, early studies considered such internal variability used and ending points (e.g., GMST is anomalously high in as a plausible cause of the hiatus [20]. It was unclear at the 1998 following a major El Niño) (Karl et al. [39]; [30]), but outset, however, whether cold swings of internal variability there is a broad consensus that decadal trends in GMST are large enough to halt GMST flat for as long as 15 years. slowed temporarily in the early 2000s compared to those in Statistical analyses of CMIP5 simulations suggest that internal the 1980s and early 1990s [102]. We focus here on the phys- variability explains the difference in 15-year GMST trend be- ical mechanism for the hiatus while referring the issues of data tween models and observations [61]. More questions follow- quality and communications to discussions elsewhere ([25, ed: Is such internal variability of GMST organized into coher- 51, 102, 76]). ent spatial patterns of prominent climate modes? What drives Author's personal copy Curr Clim Change Rep these modes of variability, and are they—hence the hiatus— observations in the mid-1990s is able to simulate the ensuing predictable? hiatus and negative PDO phase much as observed [67]. This Global climate model (GCM) simulations [5, 58, 65, 66, demonstrates that climate models capture the processes that 72] consistently show that unforced decadal variability of produce the hiatus. In a pacemaker experiment that forces GMST is associated with a global pattern of surface tempera- SSTs over the tropical Pacific to follow the observed evolution ture that resembles the Pacific Decadal Oscillation (PDO) [6, [48], Kosaka and Xie [43] showed that the GCM reproduces 103], a mode sometimes also called the Interdecadal Pacific the recent hiatus.
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