LAPORAN PASARAN HARTA Property Market Report 2013 PERAK 7 PERAK DARUL RIDZUAN Jadual 7.1 Bilangan dan Peratus Pindah Milik Mengikut Lingkungan Harga Bagi Subsektor Harta Utama Table Number and Percentage of Transactions by Price Range for the Principal Property Sub-Sectors 7.2 Peratus Perubahan Bilangan Pindah Milik bagi Subsektor Harta Utama Percentage Change in Number of Transactions for the Principal Property Sub-Sectors 7.3 Nilai Pindah Milik Mengikut Lingkungan Harga bagi Subsektor Harta Utama Value of Transactions by Price Range for the Principal Property Sub-Sectors 7.4 Peratus Perubahan Nilai Pindah Milik bagi Subsektor Harta Utama Percentage Change in Value of Transactions for the Principal Property Sub-Sectors 7.5 Pecahan Bilangan Pindah Milik Harta Kediaman Mengikut Jenis dan Daerah Breakdown of Number of Residential Property Transactions According to Type and District 7.6 Pecahan Nilai Pindah Milik Harta Kediaman Mengikut Jenis dan Daerah Breakdown of Value of Residential Property Transactions According to Type and District 7.7 Pecahan Bilangan Pindah Milik Harta Perniagaan Mengikut Jenis dan Daerah Breakdown of Number of Commercial Property Transactions According to Type and District 7.8 Pecahan Nilai Pindah Milik Harta Perniagaan Mengikut Jenis dan Daerah Breakdown of Value of Commercial Property Transactions According to Type and District 7.9 Pecahan Bilangan Pindah Milik Harta Industri Mengikut Jenis dan Daerah Breakdown of Number of Industrial Property Transactions According to Type and District 7.10 Pecahan Nilai Pindah Milik Harta Industri Mengikut Jenis dan Daerah Breakdown of Value of Industrial Property Transactions According to Type and District 7.11 Pecahan Bilangan Pindah Milik Harta Pertanian Mengikut Jenis dan Daerah Breakdown of Number of Agricultural Property Transactions According to Type and District 7.12 Pecahan Nilai Pindah Milik Harta Pertanian Mengikut Jenis dan Daerah Breakdown of Value of Agricultural Property Transactions According to Type and District 7.13 Pecahan Bilangan Pindah Milik Tanah Pembangunan Mengikut Daerah Breakdown of Number of Development Land Transactions According to District 7.14 Pecahan Nilai Pindah Milik Tanah Pembangunan Mengikut Daerah Breakdown of Value of Development Land Transactions According to District 7.15 Penawaran Unit Kediaman Mengikut Jenis di Perak Supply of Residential Units by Type in Perak 7.16 Penawaran Unit Kedai Mengikut Jenis di Perak Supply of Shop Units by Type in Perak 7.17 Penawaran dan Penghunian Kompleks Perniagaan di Perak Supply and Occupancy of Shopping Complex in Perak 7.18 Penawaran dan Penghunian Pejabat Binaan Khas di Perak Supply and Occupancy of Purpose-Built Office in Perak 7.19 Penawaran Unit Industri mengikut jenis di Perak Supply of Industrial Units by Type in Perak 7.20 Skim Perumahan yang Baru Dilancar Newly Launched Residential Schemes 7.21 Harga Harta Kediaman Prices of Residential Property 7.22 Harga Tanah Bangunan Kediaman Prices of Residential Building Land 7.23 Sewaan Harta Kediaman Rentals of Residential Property 7.24 Harga Kedai Prices of Shop 7.25 Sewaan Tingkat Bawah Kedai Rentals of Ground Floor Shop 7.26 Harga Ruang Niaga dalam Kompleks Perniagaan Prices of Retail Space in Shopping Complex 7.27 Sewaan Ruang Niaga dalam Kompleks Perniagaan Rentals of Retail Space in Shopping Complex 7.28 Harga Ruang dalam Bangunan Pejabat Binaan Khas Prices of Space in Purpose-Built Office Building 7.29 Sewaan Pejabat Binaan Khas Rentals of Purpose-Built Office 7.30 Sewaan Ruang Pejabat dalam Kedai Rentals of Office Space in Shop 7.31 Harga Harta Industri Prices of Industrial Property 7.32 Harga Harta Pertanian Prices of Agricultural Property 7.33 Harga Tanah Pembangunan Prices of Development Land 7.34 Bilangan Bilik dan Kadar Purata Penginapan Hotel Number of Rooms and Average Occupancy Rate for Hotels 7.35 Kajian Fi Keahlian Kelab Golf Survey of Golf Club Membership Fees Jadual 7.1 Bilangan dan Peratus Pindah Milik Mengikut Lingkungan Harga Bagi Subsektor Harta Utama Table Number and Percentage of Transactions by Price Range for the Principal Property Sub-Sectors Price Range Time Residential Commercial Industrial Agricultural Development Others Total Period Land No. % 0 - 25,000 2012 6,029 18.2 318 6.7 121 11.8 6,215 42.0 170 21.1 0 ND 12,853 23.6 2013 5,039 15.2 276 5.8 58 5.7 5,711 38.6 177 21.9 0 ND 11,261 20.6 25,001 - 50,000 4,725 14.2 400 8.5 96 9.4 3,053 20.6 100 12.4 0 ND 8,374 15.4 4,749 14.3 261 5.5 74 7.2 2,805 18.9 111 13.8 0 ND 8,000 14.7 50,001 - 75,000 3,620 10.9 270 5.7 59 5.8 1,417 9.6 72 8.9 0 ND 5,438 10.0 3,479 10.5 192 4.1 61 6.0 1,320 8.9 77 9.5 0 ND 5,129 9.4 75,001 - 100,000 3,423 10.3 222 4.7 48 4.7 909 6.1 62 7.7 0 ND 4,664 8.6 3,258 9.8 248 5.2 29 2.8 835 5.6 73 9.0 1 ND 4,444 8.1 100,001 - 150,000 5,563 16.8 392 8.3 94 9.2 992 6.7 62 7.7 0 ND 7,103 13.0 4,361 13.1 310 6.6 65 6.4 865 5.8 82 10.2 0 ND 5,683 10.4 150,001 - 200,000 4,088 12.3 531 11.2 101 9.9 666 4.5 49 6.1 0 ND 5,435 10.0 3,558 10.7 393 8.3 101 9.9 551 3.7 61 7.6 0 ND 4,664 8.6 200,001 - 250,000 2,720 8.2 394 8.3 89 8.7 326 2.2 40 5.0 0 ND 3,569 6.5 2,177 6.6 304 6.4 55 5.4 364 2.5 45 5.6 0 ND 2,945 5.4 250,001 - 500,000 2,619 7.9 1,545 32.7 212 20.7 764 5.2 103 12.8 0 ND 5,243 9.6 3,009 9.1 1,384 29.3 283 27.7 912 6.2 122 15.1 1 ND 5,711 10.5 500,001 - 1,000,000 296 0.9 556 11.8 94 9.2 335 2.3 69 8.6 0 ND 1,350 2.5 420 1.3 721 15.2 134 13.1 519 3.5 82 10.2 1 ND 1,877 3.4 1,000,001 & Above 87 0.3 101 2.1 109 10.7 136 0.9 80 9.9 0 ND 513 0.9 85 0.3 142 3.0 119 11.6 119 0.8 101 12.5 2 ND 568 1.0 Total 30,135 4,231 979 14,001 931 5 50,282 28,123 3,918 1,082 12,418 693 0 46,234 % Breakdown 59.9 8.4 1.9 27.8 1.9 0.0 100.0 60.8 8.5 2.3 26.9 1.5 0.0 100.0 PMR 2013 Jadual 7.2 Peratus Perubahan Bilangan Pindah Milik bagi Subsektor Harta Utama Table Percentage Change in Number of Transactions for the Principal Property Sub-Sectors Price Range Residential Commercial Industrial Agricultural Development Others Total Land 2012 2013 0 - 50,000 -9.0 -63.9 -25.2 -86.2 -39.2 -21.2 -8.1 -42.0 6.7 -51.4 ND ND -9.3 -54.4 50,001 - 100,000 -4.3 -43.9 -10.6 -16.8 -15.9 -5.6 -7.4 24.7 11.9 -40.7 ND -100.0 -5.2 -26.8 100,001 - 150,000 -21.6 -29.9 -20.9 -58.4 -30.9 93.8 -12.8 48.8 32.3 -29.3 ND ND -20.0 -18.0 150,001 - 200,000 -13.0 -14.5 -26.0 -42.0 0.0 -38.6 -17.3 50.5 24.5 -24.6 ND ND -14.2 -9.8 200,001 - 250,000 -20.0 86.2 -22.8 -4.6 -38.2 36.4 11.7 117.9 12.5 11.1 ND ND -17.5 78.6 250,001 - 300,000 9.0 151.3 -8.0 -18.8 -16.3 -1.5 -8.9 110.6 36.0 58.8 ND ND 2.8 110.7 300,001 - 400,000 29.8 80.2 -18.0 -65.5 9.0 -42.3 22.5 -25.5 29.5 -35.1 ND -100.0 10.4 14.6 400,001 - 500,000 3.0 951.0 1.9 234.1 176.7 71.4 51.8 127.7 -8.8 180.6 ND ND 18.6 430.2 500,001 - 1,000,000 41.9 17.1 29.7 17.3 42.6 30.6 54.9 -42.0 18.8 -35.4 ND -100.0 39.0 -0.5 1,000,001 & Above -2.3 37.6 41.6 40.6 9.2 8.4 -12.5 6.7 26.3 -21.8 ND ND 10.9 14.8 Total -9.1 -6.7 -10.5 -7.4 -4.3 10.5 -5.5 -11.3 15.4 -25.6 ND -100.0 -7.8 -8.1 PMR 2013 2 Jadual 7.3 Nilai Pindah Milik Mengikut Lingkungan Harga bagi Subsektor Harta Utama (RM Juta) Table Value of Transactions by Price Range for the Principal Property Sub-Sectors (RM Million) Price Range Year Residential Commercial Industrial Agricultural Development Others Total Land 0 - 50,000 2012 251.18 15.17 3.55 169.32 6.35 0.00 445.56 2013 46.91 1.19 1.85 56.17 1.62 0.00 107.74 50,001 - 100,000 510.61 34.75 6.10 156.18 11.42 0.10 719.16 147.39 13.80 3.25 100.99 3.30 0.00 268.73 100,001 - 150,000 557.77 40.19 8.43 109.65 10.54 0.00 726.58 194.07 8.27 8.29 79.99 3.65 0.00 294.26 150,001 - 200,000 623.43 70.40 18.02 97.65 10.70 0.00 820.20 269.96 21.02 5.53 73.53 4.05 0.00 374.08 200,001 - 250,000 500.36 70.38 12.47 83.19 10.25 0.00 676.65 521.53 37.49 9.67 98.72 6.22 0.00 673.63 250,001 - 300,000 410.41 111.90 18.52 65.41 9.55 0.00 615.79 653.50 57.90 12.09 87.64 9.73 0.00 820.86 300,001 - 400,000 384.15 222.35 35.00 133.77 20.54 0.40 796.21 459.38 48.66 12.80 64.63 8.31 0.00 593.78 400,001 - 500,000 185.03 171.87 53.32 132.41 14.07 0.00 556.71 1,413.22 476.89 73.30 233.46 31.42 0.00 2,228.29 500,001 - 1,000,000 271.57 485.17 91.78 341.67 59.11 0.78 1,250.08 325.59 585.47 115.92 214.80 38.67 0.00 1,280.45 1,000,001 & Above 183.05 235.13 319.71 361.06 331.28 4.10 1,434.33 277.87 439.41 478.33 520.39 230.00 0.00 1,945.99 Total 3,877.57 1,457.30 566.91 1,650.31 483.80 5.38 8,041.27 4,309.41 1,690.10 721.03 1,530.30 336.96 0.00 8,587.80 % Breakdown 48.2 18.1 7.1 20.5 6.0 0.1 100.0 50.2 19.7 8.4 17.8 3.9 0.0 100.0 PMR 2013 Jadual 7.4 Peratus Perubahan Nilai Pindah Milik bagi Subsektor Harta Utama Table Percentage Change in Value of Transactions for the Principal Property Sub-Sectors Price Range Residential Commercial Industrial Agricultural Development Others Total Land 2012 2013 0 - 50,000 -0.7 -81.3 -23.5 -92.1 -38.3 -47.9 -8.3 -66.8 5.5 -74.5 ND ND -5.0 -75.8 50,001 - 100,000 -4.2 -71.1 -5.3 -60.3 -25.5 -46.7 -7.7 -35.3 13.2 -71.1 ND -100.0 -5.0 -62.6 100,001 - 150,000 -21.0 -65.2 -20.5 -79.4 -29.0 -1.7 -12.5 -27.1 31.9 -65.4 ND ND -19.4 -59.5 150,001 - 200,000 -13.8 -56.7 -25.8 -70.1 1.5 -69.3 -16.9 -24.7 22.7 -62.2 ND ND -14.8 -54.4 200,001 - 250,000 -19.3 4.2 -22.8 -46.7 -39.1 -22.5 12.0 18.7 11.9 -39.3 ND ND -17.0 -0.4 250,001 - 300,000 8.9 59.2 -6.9 -48.3 -16.2 -34.7 -8.9 34.0 36.5 1.9 ND ND 3.0 33.3 300,001 - 400,000 29.4 19.6 -16.7 -78.1 8.7 -63.4 22.1 -51.7 34.2 -59.6 ND -100.0 10.5 -25.4 400,001 - 500,000 2.8 663.8 2.1 177.5 177.1 37.5 48.6 76.3 -10.2 123.3 ND ND 17.8 300.3 500,001 - 1,000,000 39.5 19.9 35.7 20.7 46.5 26.3 50.3 -37.1 20.1 -34.6 ND
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