Murray State's Digital Commons The Ledger & Times Newspapers 8-6-1955 The Ledger and Times, August 6, 1955 The Ledger and Times Follow this and additional works at: Recommended Citation The Ledger and Times, "The Ledger and Times, August 6, 1955" (1955). The Ledger & Times. 2426. This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Newspapers at Murray State's Digital Commons. It has been accepted for inclusion in The Ledger & Times by an authorized administrator of Murray State's Digital Commons. For more information, please contact [email protected]. • Ionia.* •' i.e., 6 inemeseer, Barnett ighland Ir. and Lorena Street,. Selected 'As A Best 'All Bound Kentucky Corritnunity Newspaper 5 ir and. rut a Mra a- hat .ms, Largest Largest se Her- Circulation In The Circulation In The id Detm'e- tie ned f°It City; Largest City; Largest Circulation In Circulation In 111 The County The County ged * United Press IN OUR Mk YEAR Murray, Ky., Saturday Afternoon, August 6, 1955 MURRAY POPULATION 8,000 Vol. LXRVI No. 186 a,- PRIMARY ELECTION TODAY DRAWS VOTERS Bitter Gubernatorial Race Miss Rowland -IKE'S NORMANDY INVASION TABLE AT WHITE HOUSE Near Record Vote Expected Overshadows Other Posts To Leave In Calloway: Voting Heavy a way u By JOHN G. DIETRICH anxious wait for the returns that Election day in United Press Stall Corgemendent spell vk-tory or defeat. Work Here Anniversary Of arrived this morning with the sun LOUISVILLE, premising more of the weather Aug 6 le —More Opposing Denney a former U.S. A-Bomb Is Held 4. than a habfanillion Kentuckians, which hal seen the mercury in District Attorney, in the Republi- Mi:s Rachel Rowand recently mostly Democrats, voted in pri- the high 90's for more than two I can gubernatorial race was Lex- resigned as home demonstration HIROSHIMA, Japan. Aug. 8 111 mary elections today amid specu- weeks. ington attorney James L. Clay. agent of Calloway -County to be- —Sirens and church bells broke lation on effects of last-minute Voters in the county started Neither man campaigned intens- come Extension clothing specialist the stillness of Hiroshima at 8:1a campaigning by Sens. Athen W. crowding the polls early this morn- ively, although Denney made a with the University of Kentucky. a.m today, ten years to the minute Barkley and Earle C. Clements in ing when the polling places opened. number of hand-shaking tours into since' the city vanished in one the bitter Democratic to the predictions of guberna- the strongly Republican 8th Con- Miss Rowland has served as blinding, terrible explosion. Aceording torial contest. observers, a near record gressional District and Clay con- home demonstration agent since The world's first city to feel gas pektical Voters were to choose have been cast by 5.00 nominees ducted a sizeable mailing cam- July, 1940 in this county At that horrifying power of the atomic vote will for nine state offices, railroad closing time :of the polls. paign., time there was no Homemakers bomb observed the anniversary tos p.m., icommissioner and one seat on the 7,500 are expected organization and only a small day with prayers and an _appeal Approximately Court of Appeals as well as legis- The GOP gUbernatoral nod. Calloway County with number of girls were enrolled in be-Prtane, Minister !chins Hatoya- to vote in lative seats, the Republican however, was considerably more votes anticipated but 4-H clubs. At present there are 16 ma to. scientists to make atomic over half-million han just a token primary and other Democratic prize. Kentucky Homemakers clubs with 308 mem- power work for the welfare of in Kentucky races were on several occasions has made almost ignored as A. elected a bers and 16 4-H cubs with 294 mankind. Last minute appeals were B. Happy (handled sought to Republican governor following a girls and 234 boys enrolled yesterday by local candidetes, who Ten thounsana aaparie. joined wrest the gubernatorial nomina- bitter Democratic primary, the seek offieee in the city and state As clothing specialist Miss Row- by a sprinkling of foreigners from tion from a state administration most recent example being former government. land will have headquarters at both sides of the Iron Curtain, in power for eight years. Gov Simeon S Willis in 1943. We give some idea as to the vot- the Experiment Station in pleaded earnestly for "no more Repubicans, almost certain to Lexing- ing today, four precincts were ton and will be working with Hirothimas" at annual memorial nominate Edwin R Denney of Lex- contacted in the city Following county Homemaker groups studY- rites held by the city in front of ington after a quiet campaign, is the report at 9:00 o'cloek trOrn ing clothing throughout the state. The white memorial cenotaph at have watched gleefully while the precincts contacted. the blast center_ Chandler and his opponerd, Bert Henry Number 2. city hall — 138 votes. Ward Miss Rowland has been active • T. Combs. fought it out, no holds "Ten years have already passed Number 1. Sheriff's Office — in the Murray Branch of the was barred, all summer since that tragic atom bomb 146 votes. Murray Branch of the American Eisenhower. as Supreme Commander, Allied Powers, Hatoyama Clements and Barkley, tied THI ANTIQUE TAME and chairs which President dropped on this land." .5. High School — 116 Speaks Here Association of University Women World War II Number plan the Normandy invasion In down by senatorial dutiee until and Sir Winston Churchill and other leaders used to told the group. "We fixed as ja- votet. and the Business and Professional as an anonymoue gift to mark 10th an- Thursday of thia week, entered ti shown being set to rights at the White House after arrival pan's national objective the con- Number 3. High sihool — 161 Womens Club. She is a member the gtft. The leather-seated mahogany chairs cams nation late into a campaign important to Henry Ward appeared in Murray niversary of V-E Day. The (tweet also hi part of struction of a cultural votes of the First 13aP4iet aillerc14- Hepplewhite table was made both. It was especially, vital to Cle- Yeisleedse or a teed of the First Le."4 from Chippendale workroten.s between 1750 and 1775. The mahogany based on democracy with the aim the county indicate fall Miss Rowland was recognized fIsterna Nonni) Reports from Congressional District around 1780. V-E Day anniversary was May 8. of a permanent world ace ments, for at stake were his lead- which ended as one of the two outstanding In Paducah a van • step by step toward ership of the party in Kentucky home demonstration agents in the cincts there also. and quite possibly his chances of that goal. In an effort to increase the Ward. the present Corrvnis.',uom_ ..istatie for her mv•ek. re-election next year. Berkley ales 11 is-Said the study se absent alreatEY lerge- -vete - expected. Ow tbr Conseavation cif the state of leadersh and-in.'sine Weregegglitti "-Pita it Hold opposeci Chandler. although warns Calloway Homemakers. energy in the vearld today has ad- County Democratic Com- in the Calloway Kentucky, spoke in support Homemakers organization. of his old political allies were top of Friday? cornplete record follows: vanced several stages. We look mittee has arranged to give away Judge Bert T. Combs, candidate figures in the Chandler organiza- Census I 36 forward to the day when it will several items at 8. 00 o'clock Satur- for governor. • 60 destroy mankind tion. Pre Adak adds • Annual Meeting On Thursday not be a tool to day night in the court yard. For might well -School Clinic Emergency Beds 54 civilization but employed for get Chandler. defeet Ward was brought into the and Voters must be present to mean political oblivion while a ve- Set For First Patients Admitted 7 the weleare of mankind" the gifts which include an electra gubernatorial race when he was The Calloway County Homemak- with a collage and her achieve- tory would in one quick step place Patients Dismissed _ _. 5 The half hour ceremony ended stove, a bicycle, 50 pounds of poia accused by Chandler of issuing Grade Children ers held their annual meeting at ments which caused her to be him at the head of the party in New Citizens ._ 2 when 500 "peace doves" were re- corn aria five sixty pound bags ol "gold cards" and not betting the selected County Master the state, and give him a second Kenlake Hotel August 4. 1955 The Farm most for his money in administrat- leased over the white cenotaph to sugar. four-year term as governor that A preschool chine will be held Patients admitted from Wednesday program was dedicated to Miss Homemaker were reviewed by her ing his office flutter ;nto the sky would expire in December. 1969 Tuesday August, 9th at 9 AM at 4.00 p.m to Friday 3:00 p.m Rachel Rowland. home demons- neighbor, Mrs. Pat Thompson the Health Center. for all children Mrs. Graze Mather. 6013 9th Ext., tration agent, who will be leaving The bomb which wiped out Hiro- — just before a presidential elec- Ward in reply has pointed out Mrs H. H In district who Murray: Mrs. Challis Powel:. Box Others present were tion year. that Chandler was in the employ the Murray School Calloway County August the 10th shima in a flash kited 91233 per- City Council Brady. District Director of the As the polls opened at 6 a.m., will enter the first grade at the 125, Hardin, Mrs.
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