the tabletA branch of the WFU School of Divinity Keeping you informed October 13, 2009 Volume 5, Issue 3 New group welcomes students’ spouses to the community By Ben Wright Staff Writer A new program wel- coming student spouses or partners into the Di- vinity school experi- ence has begun at Wake Div. Couples for God (the name is still in de- velopment) is an initia- inside tive aimed at couples who want to share in the this issue WFUSD community. “The main goal,” said Sister Laretta Ri- vera-Williams, creator of 2 Student Spotlight: the group, “is that one seen upwards of 30 cou- right at home here,” said Dianne Horton spouse does not feel ex- ples. With this many Williams. cluded from this part of people, the Sister felt Amber Thompson that it would be a good Harris is the student cur- 3 Community in Review the spouse’s life.” Sister Laretta shared time to start a program rently involved with the that when she began at where spouses could operations of the group. 4 Worship Bulletin and the divinity school, she get to meet the people She said the current plan Sincerely Sophia had couples in her Art of their mates were talk- is to have two or three Min. III class. Students ing about, through pro- events per semester as would talk about how grams on campus and the program gets start- 5 Top Ten Things We Have their spouses felt distant elsewhere. ed, but shared that some Learned From DivSocial from the div school com- “I just want people to students are already us- munity. feel at home, to feel wel- ing the connection to come, to feel involved, meet outside of class. 6 Entertainment “They don’t know what’s going on in their to feel a part,” said Wil- Two couples learned that day-to-day lives. Peo- liams. they both live in Greens- 7 Job Postings and ple come home and talk Sister Laretta men- boro and are planning on Announcements, about friends, talk about tioned that while she is getting together on their The Trivial professors; there was a beginning the program, own to meet each other’s she really wants it to be family. Inquisition, disconnect,” said Wil- something led by stu- The program is more and Cartoon liams. At the time, there dents. than meeting the com- were only a handful of “I’ve been married for munity; it’s also about married students, but 28 years, I’m taken care this year the school has of, and [my spouse] feels See Couples for God page 7 P a g e 2 Sitting down with the famous Rev. Dianne Horton By Ben Wright time her church was some of her richest ex- Horton is president Staff Writer switching pastors. In a periences. She revealed of Akoni and is also a lo- “In ministry there are passing conversation the that CPE taught her a lot cal celebrity. A “huge” a lot of things where you two talked about her be- about herself. She has picture of herself is on a think ‘I don’t need to be ing in school, which led what she calls a, “God permanent billboard, on here,’ but you do,” said to his asking, “Have you given pleasure almost of highway 40, for Salem Dianne Horton, whose ever considered the min- being that one person College. passion for presence is a istry?” that just happens to be Dianne likes to spend prevalent part of her per- “Truth is, yes I had, at the right place at the what little free time she sonality. but I would dare not voice right time with this per- has with family. She not- This wife and mother that to anybody because son in this crisis.” ed that being in gradu- of two was born in Au- I just had this feeling of Rev. Horton also pro- ate school makes you gusta, Ga., but has been why would God want me? vides care as the associ- appreciate those things in Winston-Salem for I wouldn’t be worthy to do ate pastor at New Bethel that you take for granted. many years, completing that,” said Horton. Hav- Baptist Church. As part She sometimes wishes her undergraduate edu- ing someone who didn’t of her second year intern- that she had more time cation at Salem College in know her reveal this se- ship she created a senior to, “cuddle with my hus- 2007, where she majored cret passion proved to ministry for members band and watch a movie, in sociology and minored be a “light bulb” experi- over the age of 60. that’s what I would love in religion. ence. Dianne asked him The New York trip was to do.” “At Salem you had to what she needed to do to her first time both in the Horton values the Di- have one religion course, enter the ministry and he city and on an airplane. vinity school community, and that course got me told her about Divinity While she loved the expe- “When one gets down the hooked,” said Horton. school. rience and learning about rest can say ‘come on, we She began planning Horton began classes the various ministries, got to keep going.” She the next step in her fu- at Wake in 2007. While she also values the kind has established relation- ture during her final fall here she has counted CPE of bonding that occurs ships that she hopes will semester. At the same and the New York trip as on these types of trips. last a lifetime. Staff Journey Sheila Lockhart By Pete Zimmerman bar called Lock, Stock and I would probably choose Staff Writer Barrel. people I have known and T: Was it love at first loved and have not seen Tablet: Hello, Sheila sight? in a long time. And we Lockhart, your name was S:I did not think so at the would eat Mexican. Rick the first to come up when time but in retrospect it Bayliss is known for it. He we decided to interview was. We were engaged was working on his PhD in someone from your de- nine months. Mexico and started learn- partment. What makes T: How long have you ing about their food. Sheila so interesting and worked at Wake? T: Now let’s ask a philo- fun to know? S: I have been here four sophical question. Wake’s Sheila: I don’t think I am years and I love all the Motto is “Pro Humanita- that fun to know but I activity and I love all the tae” What do you think have access to CRNs and energy. I love being with can make a school “Pro class information. That people of all different Humanitatae?” makes me a good ally. field, Connecticut, and backgrounds. S: It is up to each and ev- T: What about interest- next to Sister Larretta I am T: If you could have din- ery individual to try and ing? probably the only other ner with five people (dead stay true to the motto and S: As far as fat middle- Catholic in the building. or alive) who would it be? I know that I fall down on aged housewives go I am! We belong to Our Lady Why? And what would that on days but I try to T: So you don’t think you of Mercy but attend mass you have for dinner? deal with each person that are interesting? Prove it. here on campus. S: Hmm (she ponders). comes across my door as Tell us the most interest- T: And by we you mean? Well I would have to in- a member of the Univer- ing things about your his- S; My husband of 19 years vite Rick Bayliss because sity that needs me. tory, family, hobbies, etc. and my 16-year-old son, I would want him to cook. T: Thank you for your and let us be the judge. Tucker. And, I don’t know, I am time, Sheila. It has been S: Well, I got a tattoo last T: So where did you meet always disappointed by good getting to know summer. It is a heart on your husband? famous people I meet so more about you. my foot. I am from Fair- S: I met my husband in a P a g e 3 community in r eview Intramural Flag Football 2009: A Humorous Look at a Season in Review ByBarrett Wooten we took the field. Now if the season relied on the Staff Wrtier you want to crown them, team’s ability to “matric- then crown them! But ulate the ball down the What Happened: they are who we thought field.” The Wake Divinity flag they were, and we let ‘em What to expect for next football team finished off the hook!” season: the regular season with Third-year player/ 2010 looks to be a a 1-2 record and lost an coach Charles Smith re- bright season for the Di- agonizing game in the sponded to my question vinity school team. The first round of the play- about the team’s play- team is only graduating offs that ended its sea- that they remained com- offs chances following one player and the re- son. The gut-wrenching petitive in every game the team’s first regular cruiting process already playoff loss included a they played. season loss by shouting, looks extremely promis- controversial no call on What I heard in the lock- “Playoffs?! Don’t talk ing.
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