191-±. C_ONGRESSION AL RECORD-SE~ ATE. 16841 Also. petition.s of George Gild, of St. Benedict; H. S. Cooney, Also (by request), petition of the Pennsylvania Federation of Cresson; and L<;>uis Baumgardner, of Scalp Level, all in the of Liquor Dealers. against tax on beer and liqnQr; to the Com­ State of Pennsylvania, protesting against war tax on automo- mittee on Ways and Means. biles; to the CommitTee on Ways and 1\Ieuns. · Also (by request), petition of the Pennsylvania State Asso­ By 1\Ir. BRUCKNER: Petitionl:l of the J. G." Hupfel Brewing ciation of Letter Carriers, favoring the McGillicuddy bill, rela~ Co. and the Da rid Steveson Bag Co., of New York, protesting tive to eom11ensation for ietter carriers when sick: to the Com· against tax on beer; to the Committee on w·ays and Means. mHtce on the Post Office and Post Roads. · Also, petition of G. Robitzek & Bro., S. IIuppels Sons, and · Also (by request). petition of sundry citizens and corpora­ C. Rieger & Son, all of New York City, against increase of tions of Pitt"bnrgh, Pa., again t section 3 of House bill 18891; 25 cents in beer tax; to the Committee on Ways and 1\Ieans. to the Committee on Ways and Means. By l\ir. CARR: Petitions of Charles Ratner, of Latrobe: J. W. Also (by request), petition of tbe Detroit Insulated Wire Co:~ Rummel, of Hollspopple; John Fogle, of Garrett; R. G. Smith, of protesting against war tax on automobiles; to tb~ Committee on Ligonier; James J. Friedline, of Bakersville, ull in the Stu~e Ways and :Means. of Pennsy!Yania, protesting against proposed tax per horse­ By 1\lr. RAINEY: Petitions of the Christian Endeavor of power on automobiles; to the Committee on Ways and 1\Ieans. Beardstown. Ill., and the Ebenezer Methodist Episcopal Church, By 1\Ir. DANFORTH:· Petitions of 115 citizens of Wyoming of Jacksonville, Ill., favoring national prohibition; to the Com­ County, N. Y., favoring national prohibition; to the Committee mittee on Rules. on Rules. Also, petition of T"arious business men of \\hite Hall, Ill., By 1\Ir. EAGAN: Petition of W. L. Rosenkrans a~d S. F. favoring passage of House bill 5308, relati\e to taxing mail­ Lapiana, of Hoboken, N. J., against tax on proprietary medi­ order houses; to the Committee on Ways and l\1•~ans. cines; to the Committee on Ways and Means. By Mr. SLOAN: Petition of 700 citizens of Crete, Nebr., favor­ Also, petition of the Eagle 'Brewing Co., of Newarl~, N. J., ing national prohibition; to the Committee on Rules. and the Hudson County (N. J.) Consumers' Brewmg Co., By 1\fr. SMITH of Idaho: Memorial of the Burke (Idaho) against increase tn tax on beer to 75 cents a bar~el; to the Miners' U1:Uon, favoring the passage of the Kern-Foster safety­ Committee on Ways and Means. appliance bill; to the Committee on Mines and ~fining. By 1\Ir. GRIFFIN: Petition of Tllomas J. O'Connell, of New By 1\Ir. YOUNG of North Dakota: Petitions of \arious retail York, relative to yaseline in revenue bill; to the Committee on druggi~ts of Fargo, N. Dak.. protesting ngniust tax on pro· Wavs and 1\Ieans. prietary medicines; to the Committee on Ways and Means. B~y 1\Ir. HAYES: Petition of the Evangelical Lutheran Sun­ Also, petitions of various druggists of North Dakota, protest· day School of San Jose, Cal., favoring censorship o! motion ing against war-revenue drug-tax bill; to the Committee on pictures; to tbe Committee on Education. Ways and Means. Also. petitions of sundry citizens of the State of California, Also, petition of the Rolla and New Rockford (N. Dak.) favoring House bil1 5139, relative to retirement of Government Woman's Christian Temperance Unions protesting against reve­ clerks; to the Committee on Reform in the Civil Service. nue by taxing alcoholic liquors; to the Committee on Ways Also, petition of the San Mateo (Cal.) Typographical Union, and Means. favoring amendment to House bill 15902, relative to Gove_rnment Also, petition· of E. H. Mattingly, of Jamestown, N. Dak., pro· printing; to the Committee on Printing. testing against war tax on fire-insurance policies; to the Com­ Also, petition of sundry voters of Santa Barbara, Cal., favor­ mittee on Ways and Means. ing amendment to a bill to revise, etc., the laws relating to th~ Also, petition of the Lahr-~_fotor Sales Co., of Bismarck, N. public printing (H. R. 15905); to the Committee on Printing. Dak., and the North Dakota Automobile Dealers' Association, By Mr. JOHNSON of Washington: Memorial of the Baptist of Fargo, N. Dak., protesting against tax on automobiles; to the Young People's Union o~ the Bapti~t Church of Brush Plains, Committee on Ways and Mearis. Wash., favoring national prohibition; to the Committee on Rules. · By Mr. LEVY: Petitions of Josepll Odermeyer and _ oth~rs, ot SENATE. New York, protesting against increase in tax on beer; to the Committee on Ways and :Means. 'VEDNESDAY, October tJ1, 1914. Also, petition of George W. Lane & Co., of New York, favor- ing a tax on tea; to the Committee on Ways and 1\Ieans. The Chaplain, Rev. Forrest J. Prettyman, D. D., offered the Also, petition of Joseph W. Stevens, mayor of the city ·of following prayer: Albany, N. Y., relative to Government armor-plate plant at Almighty God, as we lift our hearts to Thee we remember that BreHker Island·; to the Committee on Public Buildings and Thou art the holy one of Israel; that Thou art the God and Grounds. the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ and the God of our fathers. Also. pPtition of the Federal Milling Co., of Lockport, N. Y., Thy name bas been held with re,·erence by those who laid the favoring the passage of the Moss grain bill (H. R. 17329) ; to foundations of this great Government. · Thy name has been the Committee on .Agriculture. ·- beard in all the councils of our State. We praise Thee for the By Mr. LOBECK: Petition of the-Gabel, Johnson ·& Ha.rwood protection Thou hast given to us, for rftising up men into places Brokerage Co. and the Reliable Credit Co., both of Omaha, of leadership and power, and for the spirit that has· animated Nebr., protesting against prohibiting ·sale of return em·elopes all the deliberations of Thy people. We 11ray that Thou wilb by the Government; to the Committee on the Post Office and guide us on, making us more and more an instrument in Thy Post Roads. · hauds for the establishment of Thy great kingdom in the earth. By 1\Ir. MAGUIRE 6f Nebraska: Petitions of various _ bu~iness For Christ's sake. Amen. men of the first congressional district of Nebraska, favoring passage of House bill 5308, relatiT"e to taxing mail-order houses; AMERICAN VESSELS AND WATCH OFFICERS. to the Committee ·on Ways and Mea·ns.· · · The PRESIDENT pro tempore. · The Chair lays before the Sen. By 1\Ir. MORIN (by request) : Petition of the William Wrig­ ate a communication from the Secretary of Commerce, transmit. ley, Jr., Co:, of Chicago, Ill., protesting against tax on chewing ting, in response to a resolution of the 16th instant, a list of ves els gum; to the Committee on Ways and Means. · · admitted to American registry under the act of August 18, 1914, Also (by request), petition of the Chamber of Comm~rce of with a statement of gross tonnage, when and -where built. name Pittsburgh, Pa., favoring passage ot House bill 4899, relative of American owner, and former nationality, and so forth. The to standard barrel for fruit; to the Committee on Interstate communication and accompanying statement will lie on the and Foreign Commerce. table and be printed in the RECORD. Also (by request), petition of the Pittsburgh Water Heater The communication is as follows: Co., protesting against House bill 17363, relating to use of the DEPARTME~T OF COMMERCE, mails for securing insurance on persons, etc.; to the Committee OFFICE OF TilE SECRETARY, on the Post Office and Post Roads. 1Vas11ington, October fO, 1911,. Also (by request), petitions of the Hostett~r Co. and the The SECRE'.rACY OF THE SENATE, Western Pennsylvania Retail Druggists' Association, of Pitts­ Washington, D. 0. SIR : The department received on the 17th instant the following burgh. and the Pennsylvania Pharmaceutical Association, of resolution of the Senate of the United States: Philadelphia, Pa., protesting against war tax on drugs; to the IN 'l'HE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES, Committee on Wnys and 1\feans. OctoberS (calendar day October 16),1914. Also (by request), petition of sundry citizens and corpora­ Rf'solved, That the Secretary of Commerce be requested to furnish tions of Pittsburgh, Pa., against proposed change in law as to to tbe Senate, If not incompatible wltb the public interests, the follow­ ing information: printing of envelopes with return. address stamped thereon· First. Bow many Americans were shown by reports from the various to the Committee_on the Post Office and Post Roads.. ' customs districts to be available for watch officers, including masters, ..... 16842 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE. OcTOBER 21, mates, and engineers. when the order suspending the requirements of the a statement of gross tonnaA"e. when and where bnllt, name of American navigation laws relating tht>reto for a pe1·iod of seven years· was issued. owner, and fol'mer nationaJlty. Second. A list of the vessels admitted to American registry under the The number of vessels of the United States on June 80, 1914, was emergency act, with a statement as to where and when built, by whom 26,943, of 7,928,688 gross tons.
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