AREA IN TYPE OF REGION PENRO CENRO PROVINCE MUNICIPALITY BARANGAY DISTRICT NAME OF ORG SPECIES Commodity COMPONENT YEAR ZONE TENURE WATERSHED SITECODE REMARKS HECTARES ORGANIZATION Kalamansi, Coffee, Cacao, Gmelina, Protection,P IV-B Palawan PENRO-Sub-Office Palawan Narra Burirao II 1018.99 Mahogany, Narra, Ipil, Lansones, Reforestation 2017 Present status (Kaingin) roduction Durian, Langka Protection,P IV-B Palawan Quezon Palawan Rizal Canipaan II 11.25 Bakauan spp. Reforestation 2017 clear from sea grasses roduction Protection,P IV-B Palawan Quezon Palawan Rizal Canipaan II 7.79 Bakauan spp. Reforestation 2017 clear from sea grasses roduction Protection,P IV-B Palawan Quezon Palawan Rizal Canipaan II 8.84 Bakauanspp. Reforestation 2017 clear from sea grasses roduction Protection,P IV-B Palawan Quezon Palawan Rizal Canipaan I 3.46 Bakauan spp. Reforestation 2017 clear from sea grasses roduction Gmelina, Mahogany, Coffee, Cacao, Protection,P IV-B Palawan Brooke's Point Palawan Balabac Indalawan II 350.22 Narra, Ipil, Rambutan, lansones, Reforestation 2017 Kaingin/brushland roduction Durian Gmelina, Kasoy, Rambutan, Protection,P IV-B Palawan Brooke's Point Palawan Bataraza Inogbong II 424.18 Mahogany, Narra, Almaciga, Cacao, Reforestation 2017 Present status brushland roduction Coffee Coffe, Cacao, Rambutan, Gmelina, Protection,P IV-B Palawan Brooke's Point Palawan Brooke's Point Malis II 329.26 Reforestation 2017 Brushland/ second growth forest Narra, Ipil, almaciga roduction Coffe, Cacao, Rambutan, Gmelina, Protection,P IV-B Palawan Brooke's Point Palawan Brooke's Point Salogon II 181.92 Reforestation 2017 kaingin/ second growth forest Narra, Ipil, almaciga roduction Coffe, Cacao, Rambutan, Gmelina, Protection,P IV-B Palawan Brooke's Point Palawan Brooke's Point Samariniana II 187.26 Reforestation 2017 kaingin/ second growth forest Narra, Ipil, almaciga roduction Langka, Lansones, Rambutan, Protection,P IV-B Palawan Quezon Palawan Rizal Punta Baja II 123.90 Kalamansi, Narra, Mahogany, Reforestation 2017 Previously Kaingin area/ brushland roduction Gmelina, Ipil Cacao, Coffee, Mahogany, Gmelina, Protection,P IV-B Palawan Quezon Palawan Rizal Iraan II 85.03 Reforestation 2017 Previously Kaingin area/ brushland Narra, Ipil roduction Cacao, Coffee, Mahogany, Gmelina, Protection,P IV-B Palawan Quezon Palawan Rizal Bunog II 491.97 Reforestation 2017 Kaingin/brushland Narra, Ipil, Lansones, Rambutan roduction Cacao, Coffee, Mahogany, Gmelina, Protection,P IV-B Palawan Brooke's Point Palawan Sofronio Espanola Pulot Interior II 298.45 Reforestation 2017 Previously kaingin Narra, Ipil, Lansones, Rambutan roduction Cacao, Coffee, Mahogany, Gmelina, Protection,P IV-B Palawan Brooke's Point Palawan Sofronio Espanola Labog II 92.64 Reforestation 2017 kaingin / brushland Narra, Ipil, Lansones, Rambutan roduction Cacao, Coffee, narra, lansones, Protection,P Sowangan IV-B Palawan Quezon Palawan Quezon Tagusao II 343.04 Reforestation 2017 Previously Kaingin area/ brushland Gmelina, Mahogany, Ipil roduction CADC Cacao, Coffee, narra, lansones, Protection,P IV-B Palawan Quezon Palawan Quezon Malatgao II 742.16 Reforestation 2017 Previously Kaingin area/ brushland Gmelina, Mahogany, Ipil roduction Kalamansi, Coffee, Cacao, Gmelina, Protection,P IV-B Palawan PENRO Sub-Office Palawan Narra Tacras II 576.99 Mahogany, Narra, Ipil, Lansones, Reforestation 2017 Present status (Kaingin) roduction Durian, Langka Kalamansi, Coffee, Cacao, Gmelina, Protection,P IV-B Palawan PENRO Sub-Office Palawan Narra Aramaywan II 178.39 Mahogany, Narra, Ipil, Lansones, Reforestation 2017 Present status (Kaingin) roduction Durian, Langka Kalamansi, Coffee, Cacao, Gmelina, Protection,P IV-B Palawan PENRO Sub-Office Palawan Narra Princes Urduja II 50.07 Mahogany, Narra, Ipil, Lansones, Reforestation 2017 Cogonal roduction Durian, Langka Kalamansi, Coffee, Cacao, Gmelina, Protection,P CBFM# 98- IV-B Palawan PENRO Sub-Office Palawan Narra Princes Urduja II 147.57 Mahogany, Narra, Ipil, Lansones, Reforestation 2017 Newly Burn roduction 04 Durian, Langka Kalamansi, Coffee, Cacao, Gmelina, Protection,P CALC #RIV- IV-B Palawan PENRO Sub-Office Palawan Narra Estrella Village II 170.99 Mahogany, Narra, Ipil, Lansones, Reforestation 2017 Kaingin/brushland roduction PAL-007 Durian, Langka Kasoy, Mahogany, Narra, Langka, Protection,P CBFM# 00- IV-B Palawan PENRO Sub-Office Palawan Aborlan Sagpangan II 119.86 Gmelina, Ipil, Rambutan, Lansones, Reforestation 2017 Kaingin/cogonal roduction 10 Cacao, Coffee Taluto, Binuang, Rambutan, Coffee, Protection,P CBFM# 98- IV-B Palawan PPC Palawan Puerto Princesa City San Rafael III 152.74 Reforestation 2017 Previously burn/kaingin Cacao roduction 03 Narra, Ipil, Durian, Rambutan, Protection,P IV-B Palawan PPC Palawan Puerto Princesa City Binduyan III 454.43 Reforestation 2017 Previously burn/kaingin Coffee, Cacao roduction Cacao, Coffee, narra, lansones, Protection,P IV-B Palawan Quezon Palawan Quezon Aramaywan II 218.66 Reforestation 2017 Kaingin area/ second growth forest Gmelina, Mahogany, Ipil roduction AREA IN TYPE OF REGION PENRO CENRO PROVINCE MUNICIPALITY BARANGAY DISTRICT NAME OF ORG SPECIES Commodity COMPONENT YEAR ZONE TENURE WATERSHED SITECODE REMARKS HECTARES ORGANIZATION Narra, Ipil, Durian, Rambutan, Protection,P IV-B Palawan PPC Palawan PPC Langogan III 87.44 Reforestation 2017 Previously Kaingin area/ brushland Coffee, Cacao roduction Narra, Ipil, Durian, Rambutan, Protection,P IV-B Palawan PPC Palawan PPC Langogan III 507.69 Reforestation 2017 Previously Kaingin area/ brushland Coffee, Cacao roduction Narra, Ipil, Durian, Rambutan, Protection,P IV-B Palawan PPC Palawan PPC Salvacion III 113.16 Reforestation 2017 Kaingin area Coffee, Cacao roduction Narra, Ipil, Durian, Rambutan, Protection,P IV-B Palawan PPC Palawan PPC Salvacion III 212.32 Reforestation 2017 Kaingin area Coffee, Cacao roduction Villa Libertad Women Farmers Production IV-B Palawan Taytay Palawan El Nido Villa Libertad I 44.67 LGU Marang/Cashew Fruit Trees Agroforestry 2017 Association Forest Villa Libertad Women Farmers Production Protected IV-B Palawan Taytay Palawan El Nido Villa Libertad I 34.82 LGU Marang/Cashew Fruit Trees Agroforestry 2017 Association Forest Area Villa Libertad Women Farmers Production Protected IV-B Palawan Taytay Palawan El Nido Villa Libertad I 17.15 LGU Marang/Cashew Fruit Trees Agroforestry 2017 Association Forest Area Barangay Cataban, Taytay, Production Protected IV-B Palawan Taytay Palawan Taytay Cataban I 160.63 LGU Cashew Fruit Trees Agroforestry 2017 Palawan Forest Area Production Protected IV-B Palawan Taytay Palawan Taytay Pancol I 25.16 MPMPC PO Cashew/Guyabano Fruit Trees Agroforestry 2017 Forest Area Production Protected IV-B Palawan Taytay Palawan Taytay Pancol I 110.66 MPMPC PO Cashew/Guyabano Fruit Trees Agroforestry 2017 Forest Area So. Tanatanaen Small Farmers Production IV-B Palawan Roxas Palawan Dumaran Tanatanaen I 103.79 PO Marang/Cashew Fruit Trees Agroforestry 2017 Untenured Association Forest Barangay Libertad, Taytay, Production IV-B Palawan Taytay Palawan Taytay Libertad I 55.48 LGU Cashew/Guyabano Fruit Trees Agroforestry 2017 Untenured Palawan Forest So. Tanatanaen Small Farmers Production IV-B Palawan Roxas Palawan Dumaran Tanatanaen I 287.35 LGU Marang/Cashew Fruit Trees Agroforestry 2017 Untenured Association Forest Barangay Cataban, Taytay, Production Protected IV-B Palawan Taytay Palawan Taytay Cataban I 41.23 LGU Cashew/Guyabano Fruit Trees Agroforestry 2017 Palawan Forest Area Barangay New Ibajay, Production Protected IV-B Palawan Taytay Palawan El Nido New Ibajay I 262.92 LGU Cashew/Guyabano Fruit Trees Agroforestry 2017 Banaba 2 Elnido,Palawan Forest Area Barangay Tinitian, Production IV-B Palawan Roxas Palawan Roxas Tinitian I 185.15 LGU Cashew/Guyabano Fruit Trees Agroforestry 2017 Untenured Roxas,Palawan Forest Production Protected IV-B Palawan Taytay Palawan Taytay Talog I 43.93 Barangay Talog, Roxas, Palawan LGU Cashew/Guyabano Fruit Trees Agroforestry 2017 Brgy Boundary dispute conflict Forest Area So. Tanatanaen Small Farmers Production IV-B Palawan Roxas Palawan Dumaran Tanatanaen I 661.13 LGU Cashew/Guyabano Fruit Trees Agroforestry 2017 Untenured Association Forest Barangay Mendoza, Roxas, Production IV-B Palawan Roxas Palawan Roxas Mendoza I 219.70 LGU Cashew/Guyabano Fruit Trees Agroforestry 2017 Untenured Palawan Forest IV-B Palawan Coron Palawan Coron 6 I 67.05 Barangay 6, Coron, Palawan LGU Mangium Timber Reforestation 2017 Protection CBFM Mabentangen IV-B Palawan Coron Palawan Coron San Nicolas I 72.53 CWBA-AMPC PO Mangium Timber Reforestation 2017 Protection CBFM IV-B Palawan Coron Palawan Coron San Nicolas I 44.96 CWBA-AMPC PO Mangium Timber Reforestation 2017 Protection CBFM Madlungon IV-B Palawan Coron Palawan Coron San Nicolas I 34.36 CWBA-AMPC PO Mangium Timber Reforestation 2017 Protection CBFM IV-B Palawan Coron Palawan Coron San Nicolas I 66.60 CWBA-AMPC PO Mangium Timber Reforestation 2017 Protection CBFM Barangay Marcilla,Coron, IV-B Palawan Coron Palawan Coron Marcilla I 42.13 LGU Mangium Timber Reforestation 2017 Protection Untenured Palawan IV-B Palawan Coron Palawan Coron Turda I 33.61 Barangay Turda, Coron, Palawan LGU Mangium Timber Reforestation 2017 Protection Untenured Barangay New IV-B Palawan Coron Palawan Busuanga New Busuanga I 50.62 LGU Narra/Ipil Timber Reforestation 2017 Protection Untenured Busuanga,Busuanga,Palawan Barangay Production IV-B Palawan Coron Palawan Busuanga New Quezon I 63.07 LGU Cashew/Guyabano Fruit Trees Agroforestry 2017 Untenured
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