The Stylistics in Neil Gaiman’s “American Gods” A Thesis Submitted in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Sarjana Humaniora in English and Literature Department Of Adab and Humanities faculty Of Alauddin State Islamic University of Makassar By Makkawaru Reg. No. 40300114069 ENGLISH AND LITERATURE DEPARTMENT ADAB AND HUMANITIES FACULTY STATE ISLAMIC UNIVERSITY OF MAKASSAR 2018 1 ii iii iv v ACKNOWLEDGMENT ِ ْ ِ ﷲِ ﱠا ْ ِ ﱠا ِ ِ Alhamdulillahirabbil ‘alamin, the researcher praise to the Almighty Allah S T for His Blessing and Merciful so the researcher can complete this thesis, Peace and salutation are addressed to The Beloved and ,hosen Messenger of The -reat Prophet Muhammad SA . The researcher reali/es that this thesis could not 0e completed 1ithout getting assistance, guidance, understanding and encouragement from many people. Therefore, the researcher 1ould li2e to e3press his deepest gratitude to the follo1ing people4 1. My 0eloved parents, 6amaluddin and Hanra for their love, patience, and sincere player for many safety and successfulness. 2. The 8ector of 9IN Alauddin Ma2assar, Prof. D8. H. Musafir Pa0a00ari, M.Si. ho has given me a chance to study in the English and Literature Department so that I could finish my study. 3. Dean of Ada0 and Humanities Faculty, Dr. H. Barsihannor, M.Ag. and his staff, Austi1an Syarif, S.Ag., M.A., Ph.D as the Head of English and Literature Department and the Secretary of English and Literature department Syahruni 6unaid, S.S., M.Pd for their support, help and encouragement. Dr. 9mar Thamrin, S.Ag., M.Hum., M.A and Helmi Syu2ur, S.Pd., M.Pd as my supervisors 1ho have given me fruitful vi comments, guidance suggestions, corrections, and over all support since the preliminary part on this thesis until the end. 4. My than2s are also adderessed to Dr. 6umharia DCamareng, M.Hum and Nasrum, S.Pd., M.A. as my e3aminers for all their advices, criticism, and suggestion in proposal seminar to ma2e this thesis 0etter. 5. All lecturers of Ada0 and Humanities Faculty Alauddin States Islamic 9niversity ho have contri0uted and transferred their 2no1ledge to me that I hope to 0e very helpful and useful for me. E. My than2s are also addressed to my 0eloved friends in English and Literature Department 2014, especially A-.3 and A-.4 1ith 1hom that I can share my e3perience and 2no1ledge during my study and 1riting this thesis. 7. My than2s are addressed to my 0est friends Muhfatiah Muhdar, Muh. Hansir, Syarifuddin, Putri Nilam Sari, S. Hum., Sri yulianti, S. Hum., and Nurmilatul HaIiIiah that Al1ays give me support and help me during my study. 8. My greates Than2s for my 0eloved pioneer and senior in my 0eloved family E,9INSA (Englis ,ommunity of 9IN Sultan AlauddinL and all the family mem0ers of E,9INSA that I can not mention one 0y one for the motivation and 2no1ledge that cannot 0e measured. 9. My than2s also addressed to my 0eloved mem0ers of ASSET (Association of Sula1esi StudentL especially in Andi Depu camp 1ho al1ays give me support, help, and advice to finish my thesis. vii 10. Lastly, than2s to 0eloved NSari0attangO Friends for all of the cra/iness and happiness 1hile I 1as struggling 1ith my study. In the deepest heart, the researcher reali/es that her thesis is imperfect and still need suggestions and criticism. The lecturers and the readers in general 1ho need it. May Allah S T al1ays 0less us in every single thing 1e do. The last 0ut not least, for every0ody 1ho al1ays helps the researcher, that can not mention one 0y one since the limitation of the space. Than2 you very much. May Allah S T give the Almighty Blessing to us no1 and forever. Ma2assar, Novem0er 15 th 2018 Ma22a1aru viii TABLE OF CONTENTS COVER PPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP.PPP.PPPPPPP.. i PERNYATAAN KEASLIAN SKRIPSI ............................................................. ii PERSETUJUAN PEMBIMBING ..................................................................... iii PENGESAHAN SKRIPSI .................................................................................. iv ACKNOWLEDGMENT ...................................................................................... v TABLE OF CONTENTS ..................................................................................viii ABSTRACT .......................................................................................................... x CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION ......................................................................... 1 A. Bac2ground of 8esearch ............................................................................ 1 B. 8esearch Question ...................................................................................... 5 ,. R0Cective of The 8esearch ......................................................................... 5 D. Significance of The 8esearch ..................................................................... 5 E. The Scope of The 8esearch ........................................................................ 6 CHAPTER II THEROTICAL FRAMEWORK .............................................. 7 A. Previous Studies ........................................................................................ 7 B. Stylistics ..................................................................................................... 9 1. Definition of Stylistics ............................................................................. 9 2. E3pressive Means and Stylistics Devices .............................................. 10 3. Biography of Neil -aiman...................................................................... 18 4. American -ods Synopsis........................................................................ 19 CHAPTER III RESEARCH METHODOLOGY............................................ 21 A. Method of 8esearch .................................................................................. 21 B. Source of The Data .............................................. .................................... 21 ,. Instrument of The 8esearch ..................................................................... 21 D. Procedure of The Data ,ollectionPP..................................................... 22 E. TechniIue of Data Analysis ......................................................................22 CHAPTER IV RESEARCH FINDINGS ......................................................... 23 A. Description of Data .................................................................................. 23 1. Interaction of Different Types of Stylistic Devices ............................... 23 ix a. Interaction of Different Types of Le3ical Meanings .......................... 23 1L Metaphor ….................................................................................... 23 2L Metonymy .................................................................................... 2E 3L Irony ............................................................................................. 31 0. Interaction of Logical and Emotive Meanings .................................... 33 1L InterCection and E3clamatory 1ord ................................................ 33 2L The Epithet ……….......................................................................... 3E 3L R3ymoron ..................................................................................... 40 c. Interaction of Logical and Nominal .................................................... 43 1L Antonomasia ................................................................................ 43 2. Intensification of a ,ertain Feature of a Thing or Phenomenon............. 4E a. Simile ................................................................................................. 4E 0. Periphrasis .......................................................................................... 54 c. Euphemism ......................................................................................... 5E d. Hyper0ole ........................................................................................... 57 3. Peculiar 9ses of Set E3pression ............................................................. E3 a. Prover0 and Saying ….......................................................................... E3 0. Epigrams ............................................................................................ EE c. Allusions ............................................................................................ 73 B. Analysis of Data.........................................................................................73 CHAPTER V CONCLUSION AND SUGGESTIONS ................................... 71 A. ,onclusion .................................................................................................. 71 B. Suggestions ................................................................................................. 71 BIBLIOGRAPHY .............................................................................................. 73 BIOGRAPHY ..................................................................................................... 76 APPENDIXES ……………................................................................................ 82 x ABSTRACT Name : Makkawaru Reg. Number : 40300114069 Major : English and Literature Department Faculty : Adab and Humaniora Title : The stylistic in Neil Gaiman’s “American Gods” Supervisor I : Umar Thamrin Supervisor II : Helmi Syukur This research discussed a0out le3ical e3pressive means and stylistics devices in American Gods novel 1hich aimed
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