newsletter National Association of Boards of Pharmacy® February 2010 / Volume 39 Number 2 aid to government the profession JCPP ‘Future Vision’ Sets Course for Advancement the public of Pharmacy Practice 1904 to 2010 The Joint Commission been aimed to ensure of Pharmacy Practitioners public health and Upcoming (JCPP) brings together the safety by optimizing Events chief executive and chief the medication use elected officers of national process. Working col- April 13, 2010 pharmacy associations, laboratively through Committee on including NABP, to create the JCPP, leaders in Constitution and Bylaws a forum for discussion and the profession “ac- Meeting opportunity for collabora- knowledged that the April 19, 2010 tive work on issues and pri- focus of pharmacy FPGEE Administration orities of pharmacy prac- must move beyond tice. Established in 1977, the important but narrow among pharmacy organiza- May 22-25, 2010 the JCPP meets quarterly aspect of ‘right drug to the tions and other stakeholders NABP 106th Annual Meeting and forms workgroups that right patient’ and encompass have been formed, and have Hyatt Regency focus on priority projects. the responsibility for assuring helped to shape new state Orange County The JCPP has facilitated that appropriate outcomes are and national legislation and Anaheim, CA strategic planning efforts achieved when medications regulations. For example, that have shaped positive are part of a patient’s indi- JCPP coalitions helped in- July 21-22, 2010 NABP Program Review change in the practice of vidual treatment plan.” This fluence changes that resulted and Training/New pharmacy for more than perception of the function in Medicare’s prescription Executive Officers 30 years, and will continue and responsibility of pharma- drug benefit requirement for Orientation Program to influence pharmacy cy practice helped to facilitate medication therapy manage- NABP Headquarters practice through its vision changes such as the shift to ment services as of 2006. articulated in “Future Vi- a universal doctoral level of sion of Pharmacy Practice.” education, and practice and Future Impact legal changes that have helped Through the “Future Past Impact pharmacists to increase their Vision of Pharmacy Prac- Recommendations result- scope of services. tice,” adopted by JCPP ing from JCPP conferences Also as a result of JCPP member organization and quarterly meetings have collaborations, coalitions (continued on page 26) In This Issue. Legal Briefs: Association News: 2009 Symposium: 106th Annual Professional Share and Share FPGEE Administered Pharmacists, Meeting: Affairs Update: Alike Successfully as Doctors, Scientists, NABP Seeking DEG Poisonings Computerized Format and Policy Makers Poster Session Prompt Reminder in 2009; Applicants Share Viewpoints Participants for 106th to Consult Have Access to Scores on Legalization of Annual Meeting Guidance Online Medical Marijuana Document 28 31 34 42 44 Feature News nabp newsletter Joint Commission captured in the pharmacy of their practice, pharmacists The NABP Newsletter (continued from page 25) journals.” will achieve public recogni- (ISSN 8756-4483) is The 2015 future vision is tion as practitioners who are published 10 times a executive officers in 2004, detailed in the document in essential to providing effec- year by the National the JCPP will continue to three sections: the founda- tive health care. Association of Boards of influence positive change tions of pharmacy prac- In January 2008, the Pharmacy® (NABP)® to educate, to inform, in the practice well into tice, how pharmacists will JCPP released the final ver- and to communicate the the next decade. The JCPP practice, and how pharmacy sion of “An Action Plan for objectives and programs “Future Vision of Pharmacy Implementation of the JCPP of the Association and Practice,” endorsed by each “As boards of pharmacy, Future Vision of Pharmacy its 66 member boards JCPP member organiza- Practice.” In the plan, the of pharmacy to the tion’s board of directors, I feel that it is also JCPP identifies three critical profession and the envisions what pharmacy imperative for us to areas for initial focus as public. The opinions practice should look like in embrace this future they work toward achiev- and views expressed in 2015, as summarized in the ing the vision. Specifically, this publication do not document’s opening state- vision, and through practice model, payment necessarily reflect the ment: “Pharmacists will be policy, and communication official views, opinions, our statutes and or policies of NABP the health care professionals regulations define and are deemed areas that must or any board unless responsible for providing be articulated and planned. expressly so stated. The patient care that ensures advance that vision in The action plan details suc- subscription rate is optimal medication therapy the context of patient cess factors, objectives, and $35 per year. outcomes.” care and protection of recommended action steps In his incoming speech that should be met for each at the NABP 105th An- the public health . .” critical area. National Association of Boards of Pharmacy nual Meeting in May 2009, Gary A. Schnabel, RN, RPh, Three workgroups were 1600 Feehanville Drive President Gary A. Schnabel, NABP President formed to focus on each Mount Prospect, IL RN, RPh, endorsed the critical area, helping to 60056 future vision outlined in realize the future vision of 847/391-4406 the JCPP “Future Vision of practice will benefit society. pharmacy practice. The ac- www.nabp.net Pharmacy Practice,” stating, The first section outlines the tion plan document makes [email protected] “As boards of pharmacy, I foundations of pharmacy clear that JCPP anticipates feel that it is also imperative education that prepares more discussions to help Carmen A. Catizone for us to embrace this future pharmacists “to provide align the action steps of the Executive Director/ vision, and through our patient-centered and popula- implementation plan and Secretary statutes and regulations de- tion-based care that opti- the policies of participating fine and advance that vision mizes medication therapy.” organizations. Thus, in keep- in the context of patient care The second section explains ing with the organization’s Larissa Doucette and protection of the public that the pharmacist’s scope is mission, JCPP continues to Communications Manager health. If the boards of to include managing medica- implement its initiatives, in- pharmacy can provide the tion therapy, accounting cluding the “Future Vision of regulatory environment that for patients’ therapeutic Pharmacy Practice,” through ©2010 National fosters the vision on behalf outcomes, and promoting the collaborative efforts it Association of Boards of the patient and the pro- patient wellness. The section fosters. of Pharmacy. All rights tection of the public health, also emphasizes that as they The JCPP’s “Future Vi- reserved. No part of then this collective vision work with other health care sion of Pharmacy Practice” this publication may be reproduced in any of practitioners and regula- professionals, pharmacists and “An Action Plan for manner without the tors will serve as one of the will be the most trusted Implementation of the JCPP written permission of pillars of a new foundation source of medications and Future Vision of Pharmacy the executive director/ for the practice of pharmacy supplies, and the primary Practice” can be downloaded secretary of the National first proposed some 30 years resource for advice regarding from the National Alliance Association of ago and discussed ad nau- medication use. Finally, the of State Pharmacy Asso- Boards of Pharmacy. seam every year since those last section stresses that, by ciations’ Web site at www words were first spoken and realizing the expanded scope .naspa.us/vision.html. 26 Feature News february 2010 NABP, State, and Federal Actions Help Fight Executive Cybercrime Linked to Internet Drug Outlets Committee On November 30, of such brand abuse. As ‘Canadian Pharmacy’ Rich Palombo 2009, the Federal Trade verified by Internet security Internet security experts Chairperson Commission (FTC) an- experts and the prosecu- and anti-spam researchers One-year term nounced the charges and tors in the recent FTC case, have identified Web sites Gary A. Schnabel settlements – topping $15.15 Canadian pharm spam touting the name “Canadi- President million – against two indi- campaigns are capable of an Pharmacy” as the oldest, One-year term viduals behind an expansive sending massive volumes largest, and most spammed William T. Winsley international spam network of spam e-mail because of Internet drug outlets. By President-elect responsible for promoting the they are run by organized some estimates, in Sep- One-year term fraudulent “Canadian Health- crime networks and employ tember 2009, 60-70% of Malcolm J. Broussard care” brand name. Spamhaus, sophisticated technological spam promoted the fraudu- Treasurer an independent anti-spam methods. lent Canadian Pharmacy One-year term research group, called this “brand,” which is part of a Karen M. Ryle network the largest “spam Using ‘Canada’ to network affiliate program. Member, District 1 gang” in the world. FTC, Lure Patients Such programs provide Serving third year of a Food and Drug Administra- Spam promoting sup- links, Web page templates, three-year term tion (FDA), and Centers for posed Canadian online and the e-mail addresses to Elizabeth Scott “Scotti” Disease Control and Preven- pharmacies, which
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