$150 PER COPY (GST included) www.heraldsun.ca Publications Mail Agreement No. 40006725 -YPKH`:LW[LTILY Serving Whitewood, Grenfell, Broadview and surrounding areas • Publishing since 1893 =VS0ZZ\L Town wants Hwy. 1 speed limit reduced Move comes after speed reduced through Moosomin By Elaine Ashfield Grasslands News Group A resident’s letter prompted Whitewood town council to work towards reducing the speed on Highway 1 near Whitewood. Allan Stevenson (not the town foreman) re- quested that council work to have the speed re- duced at the intersection of Highways 1 and 9. “An 80 km/h zone should be enforced from west of the intersection through to east of the exit at the rodeo grounds,” Stevenson wrote. ´,DPRQWKHYROXQWHHUÀUHGHSDUWPHQWDQGKDYH attended several accident scenes at the intersection of Highways 1 and 9. The curve just east of the in- )LUHÀJKWHUSOD\JURXQG CHRIS ASHFIELD | HERALD SUN tersection does not allow drivers coming from the -HQGHQ2VKRZ\DQG-RKQ*LOFKXNRI:KLWHZRRG)LUH'HSDUWPHQWWDNHSDUWLQDWUDLQLQJH[HUFLVHDWWKH east any time to see what is happening at the inter- VFKRROSOD\JURXQGRQ6HSW7KHORFDOÀUHGHSDUWPHQWXVHGWKHSOD\JURXQGDSSDUDWXVDVDQREVWDFOH section until they are very close to it.” FRXUVHWKDWWKH\KDGWRQDYLJDWHZKLOHWKHLUPDVNVZHUHFRYHUHGWRVLPXODWHKHDY\VPRN\FRQGLWLRQV 6WHYHQVRQVWDWHGKHKDVFDOOHGWKH0/$·VRIÀFH and the Ministry of Highways. They advised him that the request should Whitewood Community Centre be in writing and for- warded from Whitewood 7RZQ2IÀFH Solar energy considered for arena The mayor and coun- “An 80 km/hr zone should cil discussed the request be enforced from west of the at their Sept. 18 regular By Elaine Ashfield electricity per year. That electric- cent rebate and to tie into their intersection through to east of council meeting. Grasslands News Group ity would be fed back onto the grid system. “If there was actually Previous requests had and be applied as a credit to the cash it would work.” the exit at the rodeo grounds.” been denied when sub- Whitewood town council is in- town’s bill, Bahm said. Bahm explained the rebate is - Allan Stevenon mitted by the Town of terested in SaskPower’s solar en- “This would result in a 12- to 20 per cent of the equipment and Whitewood and council ergy programs and has directed 15-year payback,” Coun. Bruce installation costs up to $20,000 so wondered if the statistics facility operations manager Matt Restau commented. Bahm agreed, there may be an opportunity to used to determine the need for further safety at the Bahm to investigate pricing. depending on factors that may af- install a system costing approx- intersection were up-to-date. Bahm reported to council on fect the project. There is a 20-year imately $100,000. However the With Moosomin recently receiving approval for Sept. 18 that he looked into the warranty for equipment and fol- decreased generation capacity for a reduced speed limit on Highway 1, Coun. Chad SaskPower Net Metering Pro- lowing 20 years, the equipment such a system would mean that Kelly commented, “Now is the time to go after this gram as an option for the White- would decrease somewhat in pro- the simple payback would not de- and I think it should be from the rodeo grounds wood Community Centre. ductivity. FUHDVHVLJQLÀFDQWO\ right past the intersection of Highways 1 and 9 and “The cost is about $250,000 Coun. Denise Istace asked As compared to a $250,000 sys- end at the auction barn.” and there’s a $20,000 rebate from about the cost of power to which tem generating about $20,000 per Coun. Donna Beutler made the motion to write SaskPower,” Bahm explained. Bahm replied, “$60,000 to $70,000 year, a smaller system of $100,000 to the appropriate departments to request an 80 The application costs $350 with per year.” would generate possibly $7,000 a km/h speed zone in the area from the rodeo grounds a deadline of Nov. 30 and the sys- “It would pay for itself over the year. to the auction barn. Coun. Kelly seconded the mo- tem must be connected to the grid years, but is it worth it instead of “Maybe down the road it will be tion. within a year. putting money into a GIC or some- more feasible,” Coun. Chad Kelly Discussion included the width between the two The largest system that can be thing like that?” Bahm inquired. commented. driving lanes at the intersection and the fact that installed through the program is a Coun. Brian Stevenson felt it is That there would need to be in- there have been several accidents and fatalities. 100kw array that would generate a huge outlay of money to do this. spections done for the extra roof The motion passed unanimously. approximately $20,000 worth of The incentive now is the 20-per- - SOLAR POWER, 3 STOP, THINK, FOCUS GIRLS VOLLEYBALL ELEVATOR CLOSURE TOP 100 BUSINESSES Broadview students shown Whitewood and Broadview Langbank elevator closes Borderland Co-op listed as one how to be better thinkers 2 co-host 10-team tournament 6 after 40-years in community 10 of top 100 Sask businesses 11 The Herald Sun www.grasslandsnews.ca 2 September 28, 2018 Students shown how to be better thinkers By Sarah Pacio pre-k through Grade 4, mation to their mind, Grasslands News Group introducing the basic which sends energy back points of Sovereign’s to their senses, and focus Costumes, sound ef- message. This was fol- “supercharges” their fects, and visual aids lowed by sessions that mind. “Turn on your were all part of “The presented more detailed focus power and your Canada Goal” presenta- concepts to older classes. brain will help you do tion by Andre Sovereign The premise of Sover- better,” he said. at Broadview School on eign’s presentation was Sovereign advised his Sept. 20. The dynamic that focus enables indi- listeners to face situa- speaker leads sessions viduals to do better in tions with a determina- across the country teach- school and to control their tion to stop, think, and ing young Canadians behaviour. Interactive focus. “Stop – that turns how to be better thinkers segments throughout the on your brain. When you and have greater success program demonstrated realize you need to try reaching their goals. his assertions. He told harder, tell your brain SARAH PACIO | HERALD SUN The morning started the audience that their to think and it will lis- Stop, think, focus with a lively session for five senses send infor- ten to you. If you’re re- During an engaging presentation at Broadview School on Sept. 20, guest ally challenged – focus,” speaker Andre Sovereign told students they could have success reaching the speaker explained. their goals if they “Stop, Think, and Focus.” reasons “If you tell your brain to think and to focus, you The speaker encour- their confidence as he “We wanted the students why you will do better because aged students to believe KLJKÀYHG HDFK SHUVRQ to gain some self-aware- when you tell your brain in themselves and think saying, “You are awe- ness of how they can should you’re serious, it will lis- positively. When stu- some, amazing, smart, impact their own learn- ten to you.” GHQWVÀOHGRXWRIWKHJ\P valuable.” ing,” Vargo said. “I hope advertise Sovereign said that after the presentation, Broadview School the students learn how following these steps Sovereign stood by the principal Kayla Vargo to focus and be engaged in your could help them be suc- GRRUDIÀUPLQJHDFKSHU- hopes the sessions with by the tasks at hand in cessful in reaching their son’s ability to succeed. Sovereign help students school.” local goals. He sought to increase become active thinkers. 5 newspaper Man killed in Broadview area collision CREDIBILITY Submitted driver of the pickup, a 71-year-old man, was ejected Polls show people believe newspapers Broadview RCMP from the vehicle. Police on the scene attempted life- 1 offer the most credible advertising. saving measures until EMS arrived. He was later The offer is there to be read over and On Sept. 20 at approximately 4 p.m., Broadview declared deceased at the Broadview Hospital. The over again. It doesn’t intrude uninvited RCMP, along with Broadview Fire Department and driver and lone occupant of the tractor trailer unit and then vanish. Whitewood Ambulance, responded to a report of a did not report any injuries. two-vehicle collision on a gravel road in the RM of Police say there is no evidence to suggest alcohol ASSURANCE Elcapo. was a factor in this collision. The investigation continue with the assistance Our newspaper circulations are verified Initial investigation determined a westbound and audited by third party auditors. pickup truck was struck by a northbound tractor RIDWUDIÀFUHFRQVWUXFWLRQLVWDQGWKH6DVNDWFKHZDQ 2 trailer unit hauling gravel. The lone occupant and Coroner’s Service. Tearsheets verify that an ad ran as scheduled. They have tangible proof that their ad reaches the audience. Radio and 18094DE0 TV can’t offer this tangible proof. Correction 18094DE1 PERMANENCE The phone numbers Newspapers allow readers time. Time to for contact persons for digest and consider an advertising offer anyone interested in 3 supporting the White- at their leisure. Consumers need not be in the right place at the right time to see wood Care Home Auxil- iary were inadvertently or hear the advertiser’s message. published incorrectly in Studies prove that our papers are kept last week’s Herald Sun. longer than a week and are read cover The correct numbers are: to cover by more than one person. Val Kitzul 306-853-7195, Marilyn Siebel 306-735- LOCAL COVERAGE 7799 and Wilma Polvi Newspaper’s occupy a unique position 306-735-2983 or Gloria 4 in reader’s lives. Newspapers contain Doroshenko 306-735- news on local people and events, while 2268.
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