PARISH OF TIBBERMORB HILLYLAND, TULLOCH AND BURGH MUIR IV 14- National Library of Scotland *B000415714* HP2-S7. !**€$ Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2013 http://archive.org/details/rollofhonourofpa1920stal SOUVENIR of the GREAT EUROPEAN WAR 4th August, 1914 28th June, 1919 ROLL OF HONOUR Of the PARISH OF TIBBERMORE (Landward) and HILLYLAND, TULLOCH, and BURGHMUIR (Burghal) Collected and Compiled Printed and Published by by JOHN M. STALKER, JOHN M'KINLAY, " West Huntingtower, Perth Perthshire Courier" Office, King St., Penh <?> B 8©DE o. v i>* ft* FOREWORD The Parish of Tibbermore has reason to be proud parents and friends of the fallen the sympathy of ot the part it played in the Great War, either in the whole community goes out. Their grief is the way of sending representatives to the Colours great, but it is tempered by the knowledge that ; of performing patriotic work at home, or of their dear ones have fallen in defending their contributing to the many schemes which were King and country, and in a righteous cause. organised for the help of the Service men. The Much valuable work was also performed in the local Roll of Honour contains 327 names, and an parish, and the generous spirit in which the call inspiring feature is the representation of sons of for subscriptions was responded to at the outbreak the parish who rallied to the Colours from outposts of war, and which was nobly maintained through- of the Empire. It is interesting to note that out, cannot but be a source of great gratification several families contributed amongst the largest to all concerned. quotas to the Colours in the county. Worthy of The object of this publication is to place on notice, too, is the gallantry displayed by the young permanent record the service which the parish men and women from the parish, and the honours gave to the nation in its hour of need. In con- list contains no fewer than 14 names. Indeed, venient form the roll will no doubt find an the parish can lay claim to the distinction of honoured place in every home, and thereby serve possessing the county's first recipient of the D.C.M. the purpose for which it is intended—that each in the war. family might show to future generations the part That the parish bore their share of casualties, played by its members. however, is only too evident from the list of men John M. Stalker. who fell, Inscribed on this honoured scroll are the names of 4 officers and 45 men. To the January, 1920. ( 1 Roll o F Honour o F THE P A K I S H O F TlBBERMORE Adams, James, Driver, R.E., Marlefield Farm. Allan, Stuart, Private, Bedfords, 1 South Muirton Cottages. Adamson, William, Private, 2nd A. &: S. Hdrs., Inveralmond House, wounded and awarded the Anderson, Alexander, Private, R.A.S.C, 3 Grey Military Medal. Row, Ruthvenfield. - Adamson , David A., Private, Black Watch, Inver- Balfour, Alexander, A.M., R.A.F., Newlands almond House. House, Burgh muir. Allan, Andrew, Sergt, R.A.F., Tulloch Farm, Barbour, Joseph, Driver, R.A.S C, South Muirton Tulloch. Cottages. Allan, John, Gunner, R.G.A., Greenhill Farm, Barclay, Robert, Driver, R.A.S.C, Tulloch Farm, wounded two occasions. Tulloch. Allan. Daniel M'G., Cpl., 8th Black Watch, Green- Barclay, James M., Private, i/6th Black Watch, hill Farm, presumed killed in action. Marlefield Farm, killed in action. Allan. Alexander M'G , Private, 4th Gordon Beaton, Alexander K., Lieut., R.S.F. Labour Hdrs., Greenhill Farm, wounded. Corps, Highfield, Burghmuir. Allan, John, Private, Black Watch Labour Corps, Bisset, Henry, Private, i/6th Black Watch, Hilly- 1 South Muirton Cottages. land, wounded. Lieut., H.L.I.,- Allan. Andrew, Cpl., R.A.S.C, M.T., 1 South Black, William C, 7 Grey Row, Muirton Cottages. Ruthvenfield, wounded, gassed. Black, Leonard, Private, R.S.F., 7 Grey Row, Allan, Alexander S., Sergt., R.A.F., 1 South Muirton Cottages, awarded Military Medal, Ruthvenfield, killed in action. killed in action. Blair, Thomas, Driver, R.F.A., Peel Farm Cottages. 3) Roll O F Honour o F THE Parish O F TlBBEKMORE Blair, Andrew, Cpl., i/6th Black Watch M.G.C., Cameron, David, Private, R.G.A., 13 Tulloch Peel Farm Cottages, wounded two occasions. Terrace, Tulloch. Blair, William D., Private, ist Seaforth Hdrs., Cameron, John, Trooper, 1st Scottish Horse, 13 Peel Farm Cottages, killed in action. Tulloch Terrace, died. Blake, William, S.-Sergt, R.A.S.C, F.D., Viewfield, Campbell, Rev. James C, M.A., C.F., A. & S. H., & Letham. S.P.B., The Manse, Tibbermore. Blake, Frederick C, Cadet, 6th Black Watch, Campbell, John, Gunner, R.G.A., Castle Cottages, Viewfield, Letham, wounded two occasions, 9 Ruthvenfield. gassed. Carswell, Archibald, Cpl., Brand, Thomas, Cpl, R.A.S.C, 9 Tulloch Place, Labour Corps, 4 Tulloch Tulloch. Terrace, Tulloch. Brough, George, Sergt., R.A.F., East Huntingtower. Chalmers, George, Private, i/6th Black Watch, Viewlands Cottages, Burghmuir. Brown, James, Private, ist Scots Guards, Ruthven Chalmers, John, Cpl., 2/6th Black Watch, 6 Hilly- House Cottages, wounded. land Crescent. Brown, Peter, Private, i/6th Black Watch, 1 Chalmers, Charles, Sapper, R.E, 6 Hillyland Cottages, Tulloch Tulloch. Crescent. Bryce, George, Sergt, M.G.C., 19 Tulloch Terrace, Chalmers, James, Gunner, R.G.A., 6 Hillyland awarded Military Medal. Crescent. Callander, E., Private, 32nd A.M., Sub. Park, Chalmers, Peter, Cpl., Royal Scots, Lilybank, Ruthvenfield House. Burghmuir, wounded two occasions. (4! Roll o F Honour o F THE Parish o F T I B B E R M O R E Christie, William, Private, 8th Black Watch, Collins, Lawrence, Private, 1st Black Watch, Cultmalundie Cottages, wounded two occasions. Hillyland, wounded two occasions. = Christie, David, Private, i/6th Black Watch, Cook, James A., Private, 2nd Seaforth Hdrs., The Cultmalundie Cottages, killed in action. Orchard, Huntingtower, wounded two occasions. Christie, George S., Private, 8th Black Watch, Cooper, Alfred, Lieut., M.G.C. Corps, 1 Hillyland Cultmalundie Cottages, wounded. Crescent. Christie, John, Sapper, R.E., Yewbank, Burghmuir. Cooper, Alfred, Private, i/6th Black Watch, 21 Christie, Sergt., i/6th Watch, David M'F., Black Tulloch Terrace, Tulloch, killed in action. Muir Cottage. Burghmuir. Cooper, George, Private, Royal Scots, 2 1 Tulloch Christie, James, Private, 13th Royal Scots, Umgeni, Terrace, Tulloch, wounded three occasions and Burghmuir. Prisoner of War nine months. Christie, George, Sub.-Lieut., Merchant Service, Cooper, James, Private, A. & S. Hdrs., 21 Tulloch attached R.N., Low's Work Cottages, torpeoded. Terrace, Tulloch. Clark, Duncan, Private, R.A.M.C, n Grey Row, Ruthvenfield Davidson, James, Bomdr., R.F.A., Cultmalundie Cottages, killed in action. Clark, Thomas, Trooper, i/2nd Scottish Horse, West Huntingtower. Dewar, Daniel, Gunner, R.G.A., Ruthven House Cottages, wounded two occasions. Clark, George, Private, 5th Gordon Hdrs., Hilly- land. Dewar, James, Cpl., R.E., Ruthven House Cottages. Terrace, Cochrane, James, Private, 7th Cameron Hdrs., 5 Dewar, Peter, L/Cpl., R.A.S.C., 20 Tulloch Castle Cottages, Ruthvenfield. Tulloch. (5) Roll o F Honour O F THE Parish O F TlBBERMORE Dewar, Peter, L/Cpl., R. A.S.C., Goodlybum Drummond, Colin, Private, R.A.S.C, M.T., West Cottage, Burghmuir. Huntingtower. Dewar, John, L/CpL, Cheshires, Goodlybum Drummond, William, Sergt., R.A.O.C, South Cottage, Burghmuir. Muirton Cottages. Dewar, Alexander, Private, H.L.I., Goodlybum Duff, David, Private, 9th Black Watch. West Cottage, Burghmuir, wounded. Huntingtower, awarded Military Medal. Dewar, Gordon, Private, 6th Black Watch, Goodly- Duff, Andrew, Trooper, 2/2nd Scottish Horse, bum Cottage, Burghmuir, wounded two occasions. West Huntingtower, killed in action. Dingwall, Helen S., Private, Q.M.W.A.A.C., 17 Duff, John, Private, [/4th Gordon Hdrs., Castle Castle Cottages, Ruthvenfield. Brae, Ruthvenfield, wounded and gassed. Dobbin, James F., Cpl, 13th Batt. (S.H.) Black Duff, Robert, L/Cpl., 1st Scottish Horse, 1 Tulloch Watch, The Lodge, Cleeve, wounded and gassed. Terrace, Tulloch, wounded. Donaldson, Charles, Private, R.E., 2 Grey Row, Duff, James P., Private, R.A.S.C, 1 Tulloch Terrace, Ruthvenfield. Tulloch. Donaldson, John, L/Cpl., 1st Black Watch, Goodly- Duff, Duncan, Private, 6th Black Watch, 1 Tulloch bum Cottage, Burghmuir, killed in action. Terrace, Tulloch, wounded two occasions. Dow, William (M.A.), Lieut., 9th Black Watch, 6 Duff, William P., Private, 7th Black Watch, 1 Tulloch Terrace, Tulloch, killed in action. Tulloch Terrace, Tulloch, wounded. Drummono, Colin, Sergt, Canadian Forces, West Duncan, Frederick M. W., Rfn., 8th London, Huntingtower, wounded. Marlefield Farm, killed in action. (6 Roll of Honour of the Parish o F TlBBERMORE Mill Cottages, Ferrier, Charles, Cpl., Guards H.B., 14 Tulloch Durward, John J., Engineer, R.N., Ruthvenfield, torpedoed three occasions. Terrace, Tulloch. Easton, Thomas R., L/Cpl., 2J-jth Royal Warwicks, Forbes, John, Driver, R.F. A, Hillyland, wounded. Mill Cottage, Huntingtowerfield, Prisoner of Forbes, Charles, Private, i/7th Gordon Hdrs., War three years. Hillyland. Elder, David, Private, 2/6th Black Watch, t Grey Row, Ruthvenfield. Fotheringham, David, Q.M.S., 1st Scottish Horse, Hillyland, wounded. Ewan, John, Private, ist Royal Scots, Waterside Cottages, Huntingtowerfield. Fotheringham, Robert, Lieut., H.C.B., Hillyland. Ewan, Alexander A., Private, 8th Black Watch, Fotheringham, Alexander, Lieut., Durhams, Hilly- Waterside Cottages, Huntingtower. land. Ewen, David Y., Private, 2/6th Black Watch, 6 Grey Fraser, John, Sergt., H.L.I., 18 Tulloch Terrace, Row, Ruthvenfield. Tulloch. Falcon, William, Trooper, ist Scottish Horse, 8 Fraser, John, Private, 5th Dragoon Guards, 4 Hillyland Crescent. Tulloch Place, Tulloch. Falcon, May, Shorthand Typist, Q.M.W.A.A.C. Eraser, James, Cpl, R.A.S.C, M.T., 3 Tulloch 8 Hillyland Crescent. Place, Tulloch.
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