April 6, 1973 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS 11369 To be major general Col. Paul J. Hughes, xxx-xx-xxxx FG, Air grade of rear admiral, subject to qualifica- Brig. Gen. William H. Bauer, xxx-xx-xxxx National Guard. tions therefor as provided by law: FV, Air Force Reserve. Col. Grover J. Isbell, xxx-xx-xxxx FG, Air Lando W. Zech, Jr. John B. Berude Brig. Gen. Stuart G. Haynsworth, xxx-xx-x... National Guard. Reuben G. Rogerson Thomas B. Russell, Jr. Col. Billy M. Jones, xxx-xx-xxxx FG, Air xxx-... FV, Air Force Reserve. Cyril T. Faulders, Jr. Elmer T. Westfall Brig. Gen. Howard T. Markey, xxx-xx-xxxx National Guard. Robert P. McKenzie Paul C. Boyd FV, Air Force Reserve. Col. Raymond A. Matera, xxx-xx-xxxx FG, Henry P. Glindeman, Charles S. Williams, Air National Guard. Brig. Gen. Alfred J. Wood, Jr., xxx-xx-xxxx Jr. Jr. FV, Air Force Reserve. Col. Patrick E. O 'Grady, xxx-xx-xxxx FG, James R. Sanderson Edward P. Travers Air National Guard. To be brigadier general Gordon R. Nagler William H. Ellis The following officer under the provisions R obert F . Schoultz R alph H. Carnahan Col. William C. Banton II, xxx-xx-xxxx FV, of title 10, United States Code, section 8066, Robert H. Blount James B. Stockdale Air Force Reserve. to be assigned to a position of importance Harold G. Rich William J. Crowe, Jr. Col. Francis N. Clemens, xxx-xx-xxxx FV, and responsibility designated by the Presi- George P. March Robert S. Smith Air Force Reserve. dent under subsection (a) of section 8066, Jeremiah A. Denton, Richard A. Paddock Col. Michael Collins, xxx-xx-xxxx FV, Air in grade as follows: Jr. Roy F. Hoffmann Force Reserve. To be lieutenant general Donald P. Harvey William H. Harris Col. Bruce H. Cooke, xxx-xx-xxxx FV, Air M aj. G en. C arlo s M . T albo tt, xxx-xx-xxxx John D. Johnson, Jr. Robert H. Gormley Force Reserve. xxx-... FR (major general, Regular Air Force) Robert K. Geiger James H. Foxgrover Col. Roger M. Dreyer, xxx-xx-xxxx FV, Air U.S. Air Force. Kenneth G. Haynes Ernest E. Tissot, Jr. Force Reserve. Col. John P. Flynn, xxx-xx-xxxx FR (colo- Kenneth M. Carr Gerald E. Synhorst Col. John W. Huston, xxx-xx-xxxx FV, Air nel, Regular A ir Force) U.S. A ir Force, for Paul A. Peck Carl T. Hanson Force Reserve. ap p o intm ent to the tem p o rary grad e o f Ralph M. Ghormley William J. Cowhill Col. Cecil T. Jenkins, xxx-xx-xxxx FV, Air brigadier general in the U.S. Air Force to be John T. Coughlin Albert L. Kelln Force Reserve. retroactive to the effective date of M ay 1, Carlisle A. Trost Col. Stephen T. Keefe, Jr., xxx-xx-xxxx FV, 1971. Air Force Reserve. IN THE ARMY Col. David W. Winn, xxx-xx-xxxx FR, (colo- Col. Leonard Marks, Jr., xxx-xx-xxxx FV, nel, R egular A ir Force) U.S. A ir Force, for Army nominations beginning Kenneth W. Air Force Reserve. ap p o intm ent to the tem p o rary grad e o f Aichang, to be colonel, and ending Lawrence Col. Roy M. Marshall, xxx-xx-xxxx FV, Air brigadier general in the U.S. Air Force. A . Trivieri, to be lieutenant colonel, which Force Reserve. nominations were received by the Senate and U.S. ARMY Col. Robert M. Martin, Jr., xxx-xx-xxxx FV, appeared in the CONGRESSIONAL RECORD on Air Force Reserve. The following-named officer to be placed March 20, 1973; and Col. Sidney S. Novaresi, xxx-xx-xxxx FV, on the retired list in grade indicated under A rm y no m inatio ns b eginning Jo hn E . Air Force Reserve. the provisions of title 10, United States Cede, Simpson, to be lieutenant colonel, R egular Col. Pat Sheehan, xxx-xx-xxxx FV, Air Force section 3962: Army, and colonel, Army of the United States, Reserve. To be general and ending Bruce Edward Zukauskas, to be Col. Ted W. Sorensen, xxx-xx-xxxx FV, Air Gen. Lewis Blaine Hershey, xxx-xx-xxxx , second lieutenant, which nominations were Force Reserve. A rmy of the United States (lieutenant colo- received by the Senate and appeared in the Col. Edwin F. Wenglar, xxx-xx-xxxx FV, Air nel, U.S. Army). CONGRESSIONAL RECORD on March 27, 1973. Force Reserve. U.S. NAVY IN THE NAVY The following officers for appointment in the R eserv e o f the A ir F o rce to the grade R ear A dm. W illiam R . St. George, U.S. Navy nominations beginning David 0. Ald- indicated, under the provisions of chapters Navy, having been designated for commands rich, to be ensign, and ending M arsden E. 35,831, and 837, title 10, United States Code: and other duties of great importance and re- Blois, to be commander, which nominations sponsibility determined by the President to were received by the Senate and appeared To be major general be within the contemplation of title 10, Unit- in the CONGRESSIONAL RECORD on March 27, Brig. Gen. Gordon L. Doolittle, xxx-xx-xxxx ed States Code, section 5231, for appointment 1973. xxx-... FG, Air National Guard. to the grade of vice admiral while so serving. IN THE MARINE CORPS Brig. Gen. R aymond L. George, xxx-xx-xx... Rear A dm. Walter D. Gaddis, U.S. Navy, Marine Corps nominations beginning Cur- xxx-... FG, Air National Guard. having been designated for commands and tis J. Anderson, to be second lieutenant, and Brig. Gen. George M. McWilliams, xxx-xx-x... other duties of great importance and respon- xxx-... FG, Air National Guard. ending David W. Lutz, to be second lieuten- sibility determined by the P resident to be ant, which no minatio ns were receiv ed by Brig. Gen. R o bert S. Peterso n, xxx-xx-xxxx within the contemplation of title 10, United xxx-... FG, Air National Guard. the Senate and appeared in the CO NGRESSIO N- States Code, section 5231, for appointment to AL RECORD on March 20, 1973; To be brigadier general the grade of vice admiral while so serving. M arine C o rps no m inatio ns beginning Rear Adm. Robert B. Baldwin, U.S. Navy, Col. John C. Campbell, Jr., xxx-xx-xxxx FG, R o nald A chten, to be first lieutenant, and having been designated for commands and Air National Guard. ending William E. Short, Jr., to be second other duties determined by the President to Col. Winett A. Coomer, xxx-xx-xxxx FG, lieutenant, which nominations were received be within the contemplation of title 10, Unit- Air National Guard. by the Senate and appeared in the CO NGRES- ed States Code, section 5231, for appointment Col. William D. Flaskamp, xxx-xx-xxxx FG, SIONAL RECORD on March 20, 1973; and Air National Guard. to the grade of vice admiral while so serving. M arine C o rps no m inatio ns b eginning Col. Leo C. Goodrich, xxx-xx-xxxx FG, Air Vice Adm. John M. Lee, U.S. Navy, for ap- National Guard. pointment to the grade of vice admiral, when Vivian B. Bulger, to be colonel, and ending Col. Cecil I. Grimes, xxx-xx-xxxx FG, Air retired, pursuant to the provisions of title 10, William D. Y oung, Jr., to be lieutenant colo- National Guard. United States Code, section 5233. nel, which nominations were received by the Col. Ronald S. Huey, xxx-xx-xxxx FG, Air The following named captains of the line Senate and appeared in the CO NGRESSIO NAL National Guard. of the Navy for temporary promotion to the RECORD on March 27,1973. EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS WEST V IRGINIA 'S NEW RIV ER third annual banquet. This beautiful area West Virginia prides itself in the dis- GORGE-AN AREA OF WONDROUS is located in the heart of the magnifi- tribution of modern parks in this region BEAUTY, SCENIC SPLENDOR, AND cent Appalachians, about a 1-hour drive which emphasize the unspoiled outdoors. HISTORIC SIGNIFICANCE southeast of Charleston. Rugged beauty is everywhere. At Bab- Fayette Plateau Chamber of Com- cock State Park flows a stream jumping merce, West Virginia Department of with trout. The canyon tramway at HON. JENNINGS RANDOLPH Natural Resources, and various organi- Hawks Nest State Park sweeps down from OF WEST VIRGINIA zations in southern West Virginia are the main lodge to the bottom of the IN THE SENATE O F THE UNITED STATES actively working toward the development 585-foot deep New River Gorge. Pipe- Friday, April 6, 1973 of the New River Gorge area as a national stem State Park's restaurant features a park. panoramic view of the gorge. The famed Mr. RANDO LPH. Mr. President, to- New River Gorge is one of the oldest Horseshoe Bend of the New River Can- morrow I travel to the "Grand Canyon gorges in North America. This gorge, yon can be seen from atop the Grandview of the East," the New River Gorge area which has many locations that are over Park's amphitheater, which, during the in Fayette County, W. Va., to address the a thousand feet deep, is abundant in summer, hosts "Hatfields and McCoys" Fayette Plateau Chamber of Commerce's scenic and recreational advantages. and "Honey in the Rock," both musical 11370 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS April 6, 1973 drama depicting the Monntain State's J. B. Hess, executive director of the Fay­ area in West Virgima as a National Pan:.
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