Belg. Journ. Bot. 137 (1) : 3-26 (2004) CHECKLIST OF THE CYPERACEAE OF EQUATORIAL GUINEA (ANNOBÓN, BIOKO, RÍO MUNI) F. CABEZAS*, C. AEDO and M. VELAYOS Real Jardín Botánico, Pl. Murillo 2, 28014 Madrid, Spain (*Author for correspondence ; e-mail : [email protected]) Received 12 June 2003 ; accepted 6 January 2004. ————————————————————————————————————————— ABSTRACT. — A checklist of the Cyperaceae of Equatorial Guinea, comprising 95 species, is presented. Thirteen species are known from Annobón, 45 from Bioko and 73 from Río Muni. The best represented genus is Cyperus, with 25 species. In addition, bibliographic references for Cyperaceae from Equatorial Guinea have been gathered and checked. Twenty-two species are recorded for the first time from the country. KEY WORDS. — Cyperaceae, Equatorial Guinea. ————————————————————————————————————————— INTRODUCTION CEBOLLA & RIVAS PONCE 1995). A complete account of the Cyperaceae of Río Muni has never Comprising about 104 genera and ca. 5000 been published, although they were included in species, the Cyperaceae form the third largest the general vascular plant catalogue of GUINEA family of Monocotyledons. Distributed world- (1946). wide, they are abundant in humid or flooded Over the last 20 years the Real Jardín places. In tropical Africa Bulbostylis, Cyperus and Botánico of Madrid has carried out intensive Pycreus are particularly rich in the numbers of fieldwork on both Bioko and Río Muni. The iden- species (GOETGHEBEUR 1998). In Equatorial tification of these collections at MA has revealed Guinea, sedges are widely distributed, being espe- further new records and new areas of distribution cially frequent in coastal meadows or marshy for some taxa (HERRERO et al. 2001, VELAYOS et al. places. They are characteristic in zones such as 2001, FERO et al. 2003). the prairies in the high altitude areas of Pico The aim of this work was to update the cata- Basilé or the inselbergs of Río Muni. logue of Cyperaceae for the whole of Equatorial Important works on the Cyperaceae of West Guinea including both bibliographic records and tropical Africa include those of CLARKE (1902), herbarium material. This checklist is a new step HUTCHINSON (1936) and HOOPER & NAPPER (1972). towards a modern Flora of Equatorial Guinea. Other related studies include those of HAINES & LYE (1983) or GOETGHEBEUR & COUDIJZER (1984). MATERIAL AND METHODS The latter two studies are useful although they refer only to some genera and/or countries. The checklist is primarily based on herbarium Previous studies on the Cyperaceae of Equatorial specimens. We studied more than 400 specimens from Guinea refer only to Bioko island (GUINEA 1950, BATA (Herbario Nacional de Guinea Ecuatorial), 4 BELGIAN JOURNAL OF BOTANY 137 BRLU, K, and MA, including both the historic collec- stachya ; 1973 : 399, sub Fimbristylis ovata). tions made under British expeditions by Mann or Vogel, We found no herbarium material of A. ovata and modern collections obtained by Spanish and from Equatorial Guinea in BATA, BM, BRLU, Belgian expeditions. For comparative purposes some K and MA. This species is widespread in tropical selected BM specimens of Cyperaceae from West trop- and warm-temperate areas (GOETGHEBEUR & ical Africa were also studied, although none of these COUDIJZER 1984 : 86), and has been recorded from were from Equatorial Guinea. Bibliographic references for the sedges of Ivory Coast, Ghana and Nigeria (HOOPER & APPER XELL Equatorial Guinea were also checked (AEDO et al. N 1972 : 324), and S. Tomé (E 1944 : 1999). Seven species were included based only on liter- 356). The distribution range of the species sug- ature records since their distribution area make their gests it may occur in Equatorial Guinea. presence in Equatorial Guinea likely. They are quoted with their number between brackets. ACTINOSCHOENUS Benth. The locality names used in this checklist were updated following VELAYOS et al. (2001 : 147-149). 2. – Actinoschoenus filiformis Benth. The checklist is alphabetically ordered by genera and species. Generic circumscription is in accordance Centro Sur : Bicurga, Lejoly 99/493 with GOETGHEBEUR (1998), although recent molecular (BRLU) ; inselberg de Bicurga, Parmentier data suggest that Kyllinga and Pycreus should be 1740bis (BRLU), Parmentier & Esono 3093 included under Cyperus (MUASYA et al. 1998, 2001). In (BRLU). Litoral : Ndote Sud, Lisowski M-535 Bulbostylis and Abildgaardia we follow GOETGHEBEUR (BRLU). Wele Nzas : inselberg Akuom, Lisowski & COUDIJZER’s (1984) revision. For Mapania we follow M-723 (BRLU) ; inselberg Asoc, Obama & Lejoly SIMPSON’s (1992) monograph. Under each accepted name a list of synonyms 489 (BATA, BRLU) ; inselberg nº 3, südlich used in the relevant literature is included. Specimens Mongomo, Porembski & al. 3567 (BATA, are ordered alphabetically by the different regions and BRLU) ; inselberg de Mungum, Parmentier & provinces : Annobón, Bioko (provinces of Bioko Norte Esono 3376 (BRLU) ; inselberg Piedra Nzas, and Bioko Sur) and Río Muni (provinces of Centro Sur, Joffroy 291 (BRLU), Lejoly 99/204 (BATA, Kie Ntem, Litoral and Wele Nzas). BRLU), 99/234, 99/265 (BRLU). Previous bibliographical records of each taxon are Not previously recorded from Equatorial grouped under the already mentioned three regions. Guinea. Species already recorded from neigh- When the taxon was recorded under a different name bouring Gabon (ANONYMOUS 1988). (synonym) it is indicated as follows : MILDBRAED 1922 : 160, sub Fimbristylis exilis. In case of a misidentifica- tion, the author’s name is included following the cited AFROTRILEPIS (Gilly) J. Raynal species : HOOKER 1864 : 225, sub Isolepis schoenoides Kunth. Doubtful or erroneous records are given at the 3. – Afrotrilepis pilosa (Boeck.) J. Raynal end of the checklist. Catagyna pilosa (Boeck.) Hutch. Centro Sur : inselberg de Bicurga, Par- mentier 1662 (BRLU) ; inselberg nº 3, südlich THE CHECKLIST Mongomo, Porembski & al. 3566 (BATA) ; P. N. Monte Alén, 5 km au NW de Engong, Lejoly ABILDGAARDIA Vahl 99/084 (BATA). Wele Nzas : 3 km au S de Asoc, Lejoly 99/280 (MA-621849), 99/281 (MA- (1). – Abildgaardia ovata (Burm. f.) Kral 621850) ; Kukumankok, 13 km W de Aconibe, Fimbristylis ovata (Burm. f.) Kern inselberg Mongum, Esono & Lejoly 77 (BATA, Abildgaardia monostachya (L.) Vahl BRLU) ; Nzuamayong, Lisowski M-644 (BATA). This species has been recorded from Previously recorded from Río Muni (GUINEA Annobón (SOBRINHO 1953 : 188, sub Abilgaardia 1946 : 184k, 241, sub Catagyna pilosa,LEJOLY & monostachya ; EXELL 1956 : 50, sub A. mono- LISOWSKI 1999 : 118). CYPERACEAE OF EQUATORIAL GUINEA 5 BULBOSTYLIS Kunth MILDBRAED 1922 : 178, sub B. capillaris var. trifi- da,HUTCHINSON 1936 : 477-478, GUINEA 1946 : 4. – Bulbostylis abortiva (Steud.) C. B. Clarke 239, sub B. capillaris,HOOPER & NAPPER 1972 : 318, sub B. densa var. densa,CEBOLLA & RIVAS Litoral : Bata-Bome, Carvalho 4704 (MA- PONCE 1995 : 29-30), and Río Muni (GUINEA 597836) ; Corisco, Endote, Pérez Viso 1945 (MA- 1946 : 176). 651548), 1955 (MA-651547). Not previously recorded from Equatorial (7). – Bulbostylis erratica (Hook. f.) C. B. Clarke Guinea. Widespread in tropical Africa, and Schoenus erraticus Hook. f. recorded from Senegal, Mali, Sierra Leone, Burkina Faso, Ghana, Togo, Nigeria (HOOPER & This species has been recorded from Bioko NAPPER 1972 : 318), Uganda, Kenya and Tanzania (HOOKER 1862 : 22-23, sub Schoenus erraticus, (HAINES & LYE 1983 : 118), and Madagascar 1864 : 225, sub Isolepis schoenoides Kunth, (CLARKE 1902 : 441-442). CLARKE 1902 : 434-435, MILDBRAED 1922 : 178, HUTCHINSON 1936 : 477, GUINEA 1946 : 239, 5. – Bulbostylis coleotricha (Hochst. ex A. Rich.) HOOPER & NAPPER 1972 : 316, CEBOLLA & RIVAS C. B. Clarke PONCE 1995 : 29). We found no herbarium mate- rial of this species from Equatorial Guinea in Litoral : Utonde, Guinea 137-726 (MA- BATA, BM, BRLU, K and MA. B. erratica has 651835). been recorded from Sierra Leone, Nigeria and on Previously recorded from Río Muni Mount Cameroon (HOOPER & NAPPER 1972 : 316). (Corisco) (CLARKE 1902 : 442). The distribution range of the species suggests that it also occurs in Equatorial Guinea. 6. – Bulbostylis densa (Wall.) Hand.-Mazz. Isolepis trifida Nees 8. – Bulbostylis hispidula subsp. brachyphylla Bulbostylis capillaris Ness (Cherm.) Haines Bulbostylis capillaris var. trifida (Nees) C. B. Clarke Centro Sur : inselberg de Bicurga, Parmen- tier & Esono 3258 (BRLU). Litoral : Asonga, Bioko Norte : Malabo-Pico Basilé, km 22- Carvalho 4634 (MA-597322) ; Bata, fleuve 23, Carvalho 3655 (MA-651541) ; cumbre de Ecucu, Lisowski M-1198 (BATA), Bolondo, Pico Basilé, Fernández Casas 10326 (MA- Guinea 27 (MA-651836) ; Corisco, Endote, Pérez 558521), 11214 (MA-558531). Bioko Sur : Viso 1942 (MA-651546) ; Ndote Nord, Senge, Musola-Moca, km 14, Carvalho 2763 (MA- Lisowski M-146 (BATA) ; réserve de Río Campo, 558530). Litoral : Espigon, pradera de Baga Niuma, Lisowski M-995 (BATA). Wele Nzas : (Réserve de Ndote), Eneme & Lejoly 148 inselberg de Akuom, Lisowski M-725 (BRLU), (BATA) ; Ndote Sud, Etembue, Lisowski M-539 inselberg Dumu, Parmentier & Esono 3616 (BATA), M-1088 (BATA). Wele Nzas : inselberg (BRLU). de Akuom, Lisowski M-720 (BRLU) ; inselberg Previously recorded from Annobón d’Asoc, Parmentier & Esono 3701 (BRLU) ; (MILDBRAED 1922 : 160, sub Fimbristylis exilis Kukumankok, 13 km O de Aconibe, inselberg (Kunth) Roem. & Schult.) and Río Muni (GUINEA Mongum, Esono & Lejoly 78 (BATA, BRLU) ; 1946 : 178, sub F. exilis,LEJOLY & LISOWSKI 1999 : Mongomo, Dumu, Porembski
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