Introduction Dragonfly Genera of the New World: An Illustrated and Annotated Key to the Anisoptera was published in 2006 followed by Damselfly Genera of the New World: An Illustrated and Annotated Key to the Zygoptera in 2010. An Appendix of additions and corrections for the dragonfly volume was included on pages 399-404 of the damselfly volume at the time of submission of the manuscript (August 1, 2009). Additional corrections and further additions for the dragonfly volume as well as for the damselfly volume are given below. Corrections and Additions for: Garrison, Rosser W., Natalia von Ellenrieder & Jerry A. Louton. 2006. Dragonfly Genera of the New World - An Illustrated and Annotated Key to the Anisoptera. The Johns Hopkins University Press xi + 368 pp, + 8 color plates: Page 74, couplets 34(33). delete: "vesica spermalis distal segment with 2 long flagella or cornua (Figs. 430a- b)" and for 34' delete: "vesica spermalis distal segment with 2 short flagella or cornua (Figs. 431a-b) [this latter statement holds true only for Aphylla]." Page 118, under Perigomphus account change number of species to 2 and add: angularis Tennessen, 2011 Page 125, under Progomphus account change number of species to 68 and add: lambertoi Novelo-Gutiérrez, 2007— L [Novelo-Gutiérrez & Gómez-Anaya, 2011]; and: — L [Muzón &Lozano, 2011] for joergenseni Page 135, under Cordulegaster account change number of species to: About 46 spp. In 3 genera, and: New World: 11 spp. In 1 genus, and add: sarracenia Abbot & Hibbitts, 2011. Page 156, under Epitheca account: for canis replace McLachlan 1886 with (McLachlan 1886) [Tetragoneuria]; for syn williamsoni replace Muttkowski, 1911 with (Muttkowski, 1911) [Tetragoneuria] for syn cynosura simulans replace Muttkowski, 1911 with (Muttkowski, 1911) [Tetragoneuria] for syn morio replace Muttkowski, 1911 with (Muttkowski, 1911) [Tetragoneuria] for petechialis replace Muttowski, 1911 with (Muttowski, 1911) [Tetragoneuria] for princeps replace (Hagen, 1861) with Hagen, 1861 for syn semiaquea calverti replace Muttkowski, 1915 with (Muttkowski, 1915) [Tetragoneuria] for sepia replace Gloyd, 1933 with (Gloyd, 1933) [Tetragoneuria] for spinigera replace Selys, 1871 with (Gloyd, 1933) [Tetragoneuria] for syn indistincta replace Morse, 1895 with (Morse, 1895) [Tetragoneuria] for stella replace Williamson in Muttowski, 1911 with (Williamson in Muttowski, 1911) Page 161, under Navicordulia account: change number of species to 11, and add: aemulatrix Pinto & Lamas, 2010 Page 163, under Neocordulia account: change number of species to 12 and add: machadoi Santos, Costa & Carriço, 2010; and pedroi Costa, Carriço, & Santos, 2010 – L [Costa, Carriço, & Santos, 2010] Page 185, change couplet 46' (bottom right of page) to: 46'. Inner branch of hamule smaller than outer branch (Figs. 1035, 1038).....................50 Page 222, There are two figures labeled 295, change second figure number to 1395a for female S8-10 for Dythemis multipunctata. Change legend for second 1395 (Page 351) accordingly. Page 242, under Erythrodiplax account add: — L [Needham, 1904] for minuscula Page 253, under Macrothemis account add: — L [Costa, Carriço, Santos and Mascarenhas, 2010] for heteronycha Page 253, under Macrothemis account add: — L [Dalzochio, 2009a] for heteronycha Page 260, under Nephepeltia account add: — L [Dalzochio, 2009b] for berlai Page 317, darken cell of Suriname for Libellula ADD THE FOLLOWING IN REFERENCES: Costa, J.M., C. Carriço, and T.C. Santos. 2010. Neocordulia pedroi sp. nov. (Odonata: Corduliidae) from southeastern Brazil. Zootaxa 2685: 51-56. Costa, J.M., C. Carriço, T.C. Santos, and B.J.A. Mascarenhas. 2010. Description of the final instar of Macrothemis heteronycha (Calvert) (Anisoptera: Libellulidae). Zootaxa 2506: 65-68. Dalzochio, M.S. 2009a. Descrição da Larva de Último Estádio de Micrathyria pseudeximia Westfall (Odonata, Libellulidae). EntomoBrasilis, 2(2): 54-57. Dalzochio, M.S., 2009b. Descrição da larva de último estádio de Nephepeltia berlai Santos, 1950 (Odonata, Libellulidae). EntomoBrasilis, 2(3): 70-72. Muzón, J. &F. Lozano. 2011. Description of the final instar larva of Progomphus joergenseni Ris (Epiprocta: Gomphidae). Zootaxa 2762: 56-60. Novelo-Gutiérrez, R & J. A. Gómez-Anaya. 2011. The larva of Progomphus lambertoi Novelo-Gutiérrez, 2007 (Odonata: Gomphidae). Zootaxa 2872: 58-62. Corrections and Additions for: Garrison, Rosser W., Natalia von Ellenrieder & Jerry A. Louton. 2010. Damselfly genera of the New World. An Illustrated and Annotated Key to the Zygoptera. The Johns Hopkins University Press, Baltimore, xiv + 490 pp, + 24 color plates. Color Plate 12, change Acanthagrion peruvianum to Acanthagrion floridense. Page 43, under Polythoridae chapter heading change number of world species to 58. Page 57, under genus Euthore, we inadvertently included E. fasciata and subspecies as synonyms of E. fastigiata. Change number of species from 6 to 7 and change listing of species as follows: fasciata fasciata (Hagen in Selys, 1853) [Thore]* — L [De Marmels, 2007a] fasciata plagiata Selys, 1873* — L [De Marmels, 2007a] fasciata form sulfurata De Marmels, 1982* fastigiata fastigiata (Selys, 1859) [Thore]* — L [De Marmels, 2007a] fastigiata meridana Selys, 1879* — L [De Marmels, 1995] fassli Ris, 1914* hyalina (Selys, 1853) [Thore] inlactea Calvert, 1909* leroii Ris, 1918* mirabilis McLachlan, 1878* The Guyana location for Euthore on Map 12 (based on Bick & Bick, 1992) is possibly erroneous (J. De Marmels, pers. com.) Page 58, change figure legend for 230 to: female wings – Euthore fastigiata meridana. Page 67, under Amphipterygidae chapter heading change number of world species to 12 and of New World species to 5. Page 68, under Amphipteryx account change number of species to 4; add chiapensis González-Soriano, 2010, meridionalis González-Soriano, 2010, and nataliae González-Soriano, 2010; add González-Soriano, 2010 under References; change Status of classification to: Very good; species revised and keyed by González-Soriano (2010); change Potential for new species to: Likely; change legend of figure 264 to Amphipteryx nataliae. Page 73, under Megapodagrionidae chapter heading change number of world species to 294 and of New World species to 136. Page 74, couplet 2(1): The discovery of Heteropodagrion croizati (see below) will cause males of this species to key to couplets 2(1) [Mesagrion] or 2' [Dimeragrion] instead of 3(2) [Heteropodagrion]. This new species may be differentiated from Mesagrion by the non-serrulate digitiform paraprocts and the presence of at least one (usually two) supplementary sectors between RP2 and IR2, Fig. 192 (no supplementary sectors between these veins in Mesagrion, Fig. 423, page 98); and from Dimeragrion by the digitiform cercus (spatulate cercus in Dimeragrion, Figs. 290, 366-368) and by the lack of paired tubercles on S1 present for males of Dimeragrion (Fig. 363) Page 74, couplet 3': Change to "…..Oxystigma (Page 99). Page 83, under Allopodagrion account add: — L [Neiss, Fiorentin, & De Marmels, 2011] for brachyurum Page 89, second column, line 3 from top: Change to "…doubled since Williamson's (1919) synopsis." Page 92, under Heteropodagrion account change number of world species to 3 and of New World species to 3. Add the following species: croizati Pérez & Montes, 2011. Under Heteropodagrion account add: — L [Tennessen, 2010] for sanguinipes, and under Habitat add: Larvae found in sheet flow running down near- vertical rock faces along small waterfall streams (Tennessen, 2010). Page 97, under Mesagrion account add: — L [Pérez-Gutiérrez & Montes-Fontalvo , 2011] for leucorrhinum Page 103, under Philogenia account: add syn marinasilva Machado, 2010 under P. mangosisa, and [NOTE: A.B.M. Machado (in litt.) agrees with us that P. marinasilva is a junior synonym of P. mangosisa and that this species is newly recorded from Brazil] Page 114, under Archilestes account add: — L [Dalzochio and Rodrigues, 2011] for exoletus Page 133, Some males of Anisagrion inornatum will key Dolonagrion (couplet 6', page 135) by which they may be differentiated as follows: Anisagrion—paraproct more than twice as long as cercus (Fig. 1193, page 205); Dolonagrion—paraproct subequal to cercus (Figs. 585 & 1148, page 241). Page 141, change all figure legends from Acanthagrion peruvianum to Acanthagrion floridense as follows and update changes under List of Figures section: Page 141, Fig. 634 Page 171, Fig. 953 Page 175, Fig. 986 Page 182, Fig. 1028 Page 183, Figs. 1033, 1039 Page 184, Figs. 1046, 1054, 1055 Page 165, couplets 23(22) and 23'. We keyed females of Oreiallagma to 23' (Mesepisternal carinae absent or only insinuated…) based on examination of a partially reared female of O. oreas (Peru) and communication by J. DeMarmels for a female of O. thelkterion (Venezuela). However, we have seen a female possibly of O. prothoracicum collected by K.J. Tennessen from Ecuador which has well-defined mesanepisternal carinae. If this female is correctly identified, Oreiallagma could key to Oxyagrion, Antiagrion, or Mesamphiagrion. More material is needed before generic limits for females of Oreiallagma can be established. Page 175, RP2 in Figs. 991 and 992 are mislabeled; they should be placed over vein branching at postnodal 5 (Fig. 991) and postnodal 6 (Fig. 992) as in Figs. 817 and 818 (Page 157). Page 181, under Acanthagrion account add: — L [Anjos-Santos, Carriço, Costa, & Santos, 2011] for gracile and lancea. Page 208, under Apanisagrion account add: Novelo-Gutiérrez, 2010] for lais — L [Westfall
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