FROM THB^LECTIONS OF THE PHEli^ cfc MUSEUM -?.0. B0X\54 . HOLDREG^ NEBRASK\68949-0164 1994 /60th Anniversary^ South piatte United ehambers of eommerce iMWIliB Our First President and Secretar L.B. Stiner, left, and Adolph Held, right, the first SPUCC president and secretary respectively, are two of the major reasons the SPUCC has survived through these 25 years. Stiner. of Hastings, president for the first three years, was called "the grand old man of the South Platle United Chambers of Commerce" at his retirement in [\/lay of 1937. During the period of his service average attendance at SPUCC meetings grew from 114 the first year to 243 the third year. Adolph Held of Holdrege was known throughout the area as his repartee livened meetings of the SPUCC."A real spark plug for our organization," was the way Held was often described. Both men have passed on. but the spirit and leadership they breathed into the SPUCC is destined to live on and on. Charter Member Harry Douglass of McCook, left. Is the only living charter member of the South Platte United Chambers of Commerce. Douglass was 28 years of age in 1934, when the SPUCC was organized. "I was one of the younger members, I mainly went along as a driver for Dr. M. Campbell and Harry Strunk." (photo courtesy McCook Gazette) Rnuth Plattp. United Chamber of Commerce 1993-94 Officers .SiYty Yer^rs of Service South Platte United The Soulh Platte United Chambers of Commerce is an organization made up of 42 local Chambers of Commerce located in 17 counties in South Western and South Chambers of Commerce Central Nebraska. The borders of the South Platte United Chambers of Commerce includes that area south of the Platte River from Hamilton, Clay and Nuckolls counties on the east to the Colorado state line on the west. In the beginning there was drouth,flood and hardship but there was also hope. Hope for better weather,for an end to the depression,for irrigation and the hundred and one other things that could bring prosperity to Nebraska and particularly to that area of the state located south of the Platte River. Then an idea! With it came action and on April 4, 1934 in Holdrege, a secretary recorded the following: "In reference to an invitation extended by the Hastings, tvlinden and Holdrege Chambers of Commerce, 140 representatives of community clubs, commercial and service clubs and chambers of commerce representing 24 towns met at the Hotel Dale. ^ ^ "The meeting was called at the suggestion of R.O. Canaday of Hastings who asked that the communities south of the Platte River in Western and Central Nebraska unite and form an association." Canaday told those attending that "Nebraska is the finest state in the Union. This is the finest region in the state and here, the finest people on earth. But the region has President 1st Vice President not been given the consideration in many matters it should have. Our organization can T.IVL (Ted) Giil Don Reynolds make possible more efficient presentation of the region's needs to the legislative bodies and public officials." Arapahoe, Nebraska Hastings, Nebraska The group, before adjourning, agreed that the following should be the preamble. "THE PURPOSE OF THIS ORGANIZATION IS TO FURTHER THE ECONOtVilC AND SOCIAL WELFARE OF THE STATE OF NEBRASKA WITH PARTICULAR REFERENCE TO THE WELFARE OF THE TERRITORY FROM WHICH IT DRAWS ITS MEMBERSHIP." "THE NAME OF THE ASSOCIATION SHALL BE "THE SOUTH PLATTE UNITED CHAMBERS OF COMMERCE." A committee consisting of Fred R. Kingsley of Minden, Wilder Aten of Holdrege and Canaday was appointed to draw up the constitution and bylaws. The first meeting was held at Oxford. May 3,1934 with 167 members representing 22 towns. Elected officers were: L. B. Stiner, Hastings, President; Fred Kingsley, Minden. Vice President; Adoph Held. Holdrege. Secretary; G.E. Shallenberger. Elwood, Treasurer. Through 60 years, these meetings have followed the precedent that was set at the first meeting of the SPUCC. Outstanding speakers at each monthly meeting. Reso lutions that would support the growth and enrichment of the SPUCC Area. Thefirst year resolutions supported the Trl-County project, WPA projects in the area, irrigation and power development, highway improvement of all main area highways. (Introduction copied from the 25th and 50th issues of anniversary books.) 3 Livins Tribute to Carroll and Leona Falk South Platte United The 60th Anniversary Edition of the South Platte United Chambers of Commerce "BOOK OF MEMORIES" would not be complete without a proper salute to Carroll and Chnmhers of Commerce Fair Booth Leona Falk. Carroll was Secretary/Treasurer of SPUCC from 197b until his retirement In August 1982, James MacAllister, chief of information and education for the from that position in 1993. It is no secret that his wife, Leona, had a great deal to do Nebraska State Games and Parks, invited the South Platte United Chambers of with his success in this position, as she assisted at all meetings keeping track of Commerce to be a part of their exhibit at the State Fair in Lincoln. SPUCC would be attendance and many behind the scenes functions. I asked them how many meetings responsible for interior display, work force, literature, films, and other promotional they recall missing in those several years and they both agreed that it could not have materials. Motion was made to pay $350.00 to personnel to operate the booth. Carried. been more than two or three. What an outstanding committment to their position and Cliff Griffin of Uinocin would set up the booth and the I I I Club would operate it. ■ organization. 1983, Cliff Griffin reported stating the 1982 Booth was very successful. Materials When 1 interviewed Carroll and Leona, I asked what their most fond memories were from many SPUCC towns were distributed, Cliff will be responsible for the booth next of SPUCC since their initial Involvement back in 1953. The most Important Item which year. He set up the booth for 1984 but was retiring and moving from the state. was the main reason they chose to get Involved, was the need for a natural gas pipeline 1985, Gene Mahoney reported the fair booth would be available this year and also . to be run into their community of Wilcox. If it had not been for the organized effort of for 1986. Carroll and Leona Falksetupthe booth for the TTT club, getting the materiaf . SPUCC their dream may not have become a reality. The town of Wilcox raised a total on display. Rex Amack spent several hours In the booth in 1987, suggesting that it ; of $4,000.00, with the irrigating farmers along the line contributing $8,000.00, making would be a better influence if people from SPUCC area would be the work force. a project total of $12,000.00. With the endorsement they received from SPUCC and Sec. Carroll and Leona Falk set up and operated the booth In 1988 and 89. Total the relentless work of the residents, Wilcox succeeded In bringing natural gas to their brochures given out in 1990 was 11,307 from 16 different towns and museums. They community. Carroll commented, "I found out how powerful and effective an organized and vounteer helpers operated the booth In 1990, 91, 92 and 93. Last days of the fair group of people can be, when working for a common objective". He has been an active in 1991,9,711 pieces were distributed. The first days of the fair was the record number member of SPUCC ever since. of pieces distributed in 1992 - 22,000 from 18 places. Last days of the fair in 1993 - Another highlight Carroll and Leona have enjoyed over the years was attending the 14 375 pieces were used from 17 different places. Volunteer helpers were Don annual football day in Lincoln. They recalled many special times when trains were Reynolds, Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Mangers. Andy Fossum, Mr. and Mrs. Dick Hald and used to transport the members back and forth to this annual event. Leona said,"It never Mr. and Mrs. Carroll Falk. was quite the same when train service was eliminated". Carroll especially liked the Presidential Tours where officers and other board members visited towns in the SPUCC region to become more familiar with their needs and desires. Being an antique and classic car buff myself I have a lot of appreciation for Carroll and Leona's love of cars. Where I collect classic Mustangs, Carroll with his two sons, Ronald and Melvin, collect and restore Hudson automobiles. They have restored ten of these marvelous driving machines. Carroll and Leona attend auto shows and flea markets where they're always looking for spare parts. I am convinced, when a common w hobby is enjoyed by both husband and w'fe, a different quality of life is discovered, as it brings to the marriage a special closeness and interest. The same is true of an entire family. A richness of life is enjoyed like no other that can be easily described. The South Platte United Chambers of Commerce is a better organization from the friendship and accomplishments of these two gracious people. We all will remember the many years they gave of their time to sit in the SPUCC booth at the State Fair, handing out material from member towns. Even though he has retired as the Secretary/ Treasurer, I am sure that we will continue to see both Carroll and Leona at future SPUCC meetings as they have become part of the permanent family of this great organization. CaiToll and Leona Falk long time SPUCC Thanks for everything!! boosters with prized Hudson automobile.
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