Index Caves of the Peak District A Black Hole Swallet Stoney Middleton 258 Aldery Cliff Cave Dove 170 Black Rabbit Cave Castleton 78 Aldery Cliff Fissure Dove 170 Blackwell Dale Cave Wye 299 Aldwark Ash Rock Shelter Derwent South 140 Bleaklow Cave Wye 300 Aldwark Cave Derwent South 140 Blue John Cavern Castleton 78 Aldwark Hermit Cave Derwent South 140 Boat House Cave Magnesian 249 Alport Quarry Fissure Bradford 42 Bodens Quarry Cave Derwent South 141 Alport Tufa Caves Lathkill 228 Bondog Hole Derwent South 141 Alsop's Cave Castleton 78 Bonsall Lane Rock Shelter Derwent South 142 Anthony Hill Shakeholes Buxton 66 Bonsall Moor Swallet Derwent South 142 Apes Tor Level Hamps & Manifold 201 Borehole Swallet Buxton 67 April Cave Buxton 66 Bossen Hole Dove 170 Arbor Seats Sough Wye 298 Bossen Hole Stoney Middleton 258 Arrocks Black Marble Mine Wye 298 Bottle Pot Dove 170 Ash Tree Cave Magnesian 249 Boulder Pot Lathkill 228 Ashford Black Marble Mine Wye 298 Bradwell Cave Bradwell 52 Ashwood Dale Cave Buxton 66 Bradwell Parish Cave Bradwell 52 Ashwood Dale Resurgence Buxton 66 Bredon Brook Sinks Hamps & Manifold 195 Axe Hole Buxton 66 Brightgate Cave Derwent South 142 Brindley's Well Wormhill 292 Brinlow Mine Alderly Edge 29 B Brook Bottom Resurgence Buxton 67 Badger's Rift Bradwell 47 Bubble Springs Lathkill 228 Bag Mine Hamps & Manifold 201 Bull Pit Castleton 80 Bagshawe Cavern Bradwell 47 Bull Ring Cave Wormhill 292 Bagshawe Resurgence Bradwell 51 Bull Tor Cave Wye 300 Bagshot Row Stoney Middleton 257 Bunkers Hill Wood Cave Gritstone 189 Ball Eye Mines Derwent South 140 Burial Cave Hamps & Manifold 195 Bamforth Hole Stoney Middleton 257 Butcher's Wood Mine Bradford 42 Bank End Quarry Fissure Hamps & Manifold 194 Butttress Hole Castleton 80 Bat House Cave Gritstone 189 Batham Pot Bradwell 51 C Bee Low Pot Wye 298 Beech Fell Hole Stoney Middleton 257 Cales Dale Badger Holes Lathkill 228 Beech Tree Hole Stoney Middleton 257 Cales Dale Cave (lower) Lathkill 228 Beeston Cave Hamps & Manifold 194 Cales Dale Cave (upper) Lathkill 230 Belfry, The Gritstone 189 Cales Dale New Cave Lathkill 231 Bent Chisel Pot Hamps & Manifold 194 Calling Low Holes Lathkill 231 Bertons Pingles Pipe Bradwell 51 Calton Moor Crossroads Hamps & Manifold 195 Bincliffe Hole Hamps & Manifold 194 Swallet Bincliffe Levels Hamps & Manifold 194 Calton Moor Swallet Hamps & Manifold 195 Bincliffe Mine, Upper Hamps & Manifold 195 Can Holes Buxton 67 Bird Mine Bradwell 52 Car Pot Castleton 80 Caves of the Peak District Index To order a copy of "Caves of the Peak District" direct from DCA, price is £21.60, Carder Low Fissure Dove 170 Cottrill's Cleft Buxton 67 including postage. Carder Low Pot Dove 171 Cove Hole Castleton 87 Carlswark Cavern Stoney Middleton 258 Cow Dale Cave Buxton 67 Carsington Pasture Cave Derwent South 142 Cow Hole Bradwell 53 Send your cheque, payable to DCA, to: Cartledge Farm Swallet Bradwell 53 Cowclose Wood Springs Hamps & Manifold 206 DCA Hon. Treasurer, Cascade Cavern Lathkill 231 Cowlow Pot Wormhill 292 Castle Cave Dove 171 Crackpot Cave Stoney Middleton 262 3 Greenway, Cathedral Rift Hamps & Manifold 195 Crakelow Cutting Cave Bradbourne 38 Hulland Ward, Cauldon Low Cave Hamps & Manifold 196 Creep Cave Stoney Middleton 262 Ashbourne, Cavalier's Hole Stoney Middleton 262 Crematorium Pot Bradwell 53 Cave Dale Cave No 1 Castleton 80 Critchlow Cave Lathkill 231 Derbyshire. DE6 3FE. Cave Dale Cave No 2 Castleton 80 Crock Pot Stoney Middleton 262 Cave Dale Cave No 3 Castleton 81 Crosslow Cavern Stoney Middleton 262 Cave Dale Cave No 4 Castleton 81 Crowdecote Cave Dove 172 "Caves of the Peak District" is also available from the following Cave Dale Cave No 5 Castleton 81 Crowdecote Rock Shelter Dove 172 outlets: Cave Dale Cave No 6 Castleton 81 Crowdecote Through Cave Dove 172 Cave Dale Cave No 7 Castleton 81 Crowdwell, The Dove 172 Hitch 'n' Hike, Bamford Cucklet Church Cave Stoney Middleton 263 Cave Dale Cave No 8 Castleton 81 Caving Supplies, Buxton Chee Dale Bridge Resurgence Wye 300 Cucklet Delph Upper Cave Stoney Middleton 263 The Bakewell Bookshop, Bakewell Chee Dale Rift Cave Wye 300 Cumberland Cavern Derwent South 144 Chee Tor Sinks Wye 300 Cunningdale Swallet Buxton 68 Peak District Mining Museum, Matlock Bath Chelmorton Cavern Wye 301 Scarthin Books, Cromford Cheshire Wood Cave Hamps & Manifold 196 Christmas Hole Castleton 81 D Mike Moore Books, www.Moorebooks.co.uk Christmas Swallet Castleton 82 Darfar Crag Cave Hamps & Manifold 196 Chrome Hill Cave Dove 171 Darfar Crag Swallet Hamps & Manifold 196 Chrome Hill Rift Dove 171 Darfar Pot Hamps & Manifold 198 Chrome Hill Swallet Dove 171 Darfar Ridge Cave Hamps & Manifold 200 For further information on access to caves in the Peak District and Church Hole Cave Magnesian 249 Dale Mine Adit Hamps & Manifold 201 rigging diagrams, DCA will shortly be publishing "The Peak District Churn Holes Buxton 67 Dead Dog's Hole Wye 301 Clare's Cave Bradwell 53 Dead Man's Cave Magnesian 249 Access and Rigging Guide". Clatterway Levels Derwent South 144 Deadman's Clough Swallet Bradwell 53 Clatterway Sough Derwent South 144 Deep Ecton Hamps & Manifold 201 Clayton Adit Hamps & Manifold 201 Deepdale Cave Buxton 68 For further information see the Derbyshire Caving Association Cludgi Cave Dove 171 Deepdale Little Cave Buxton 68 website Coalpithole Rake Castleton 82 Deepdale Pot Hamps & Manifold 200 Cobalt Mine Alderly Edge 29 Deepdale Resurgence Buxton 68 Cockshead Mine Castleton 85 Deepdale Shacks Hamps & Manifold 200 www.theDCA.org.uk Conies Dale Pot Castleton 85 Deepdale Side Resurgence Buxton 68 Convalescence Pot Dove 171 Delph Hole Stoney Middleton 263 Convenience Cave Castleton 85 Delph Swallets Stoney Middleton 263 Cotton Cave Dove 172 Democratic Dig Dove 172 Cotton Swallet Hamps & Manifold 196 Demons Dale Cave Wye 301 Index Caves of the Peak District Devonshire Cavern Derwent South 148 F Dido's Cave Derwent South 148 Fallgate Caves Ashover/Crich 33 Dielasma Cave Castleton 87 Farnsley Lane Cave Stoney Middleton 266 Dog Holes Resurgence Buxton 68 Farnsley Lane Quarry Caves Stoney Middleton 266 Dolomite Cave Bradford 42 Farnsley Lane Swallet Stoney Middleton 266 Donkey Hole Hamps & Manifold 200 Fatigue Pot Stoney Middleton 266 Double Trouble Dove 173 Fern Cave Derwent South 149 Dove Holes Cave Wormhill 294 Fig's Dig Derwent South 149 Dove Holes Caves Dove 173 Fireset Shaft Stoney Middleton 268 Dove Holes Dale Swallows Wormhill 294 Fissure Cave Bradwell 55 Dove Holes Swallet 1 Wormhill 294 Fissure Cave Magnesian 249 Dove Holes Swallet 2 Wormhill 294 Flourspar Cavern Derwent South 149 Dove Holes Tunnel Caves Wormhill 295 Flow Gauge Rising Hamps & Manifold 206 Dowel Cave Dove 174 Fly Mine Hamps & Manifold 201 Dowel Dale Side Pot Dove 174 Fox Cub Cave Lathkill 232 Dowel Resurgence Dove 174 Fox Hole Cave Dove 175 Dowse Hole Bradwell 54 Fox Holes Derwent South 150 Dr Jackson's Cave Castleton 87 Fox Holes Field Caves Derwent South 150 Drake Mine Cavern Derwent South 148 Frank 'ith Rocks Cave Dove 175 Dream Hole Derwent South 148 Freezeland Mine Lathkill 232 Duce Hole Bradwell 54 Friday Night Dig Dove 175 Ducket Wall Swallet Derwent South 149 Frog Hole Castleton 89 Dumble Hole Swallets Ashover/Crich 33 Dungeon Cave Dove 174 Dungeons, The Derwent South 149 Durham Edge Swallet Bradwell 55 G Dutchman Level Hamps & Manifold 201 Gaskin Low Fissure Dove 176 Gateham Swallet Dove 175 E Gautries Hill Pot Castleton 91 Eagle Mine Lathkill 232 Gautries Hole Castleton 91 Ecton Copper Mines Hamps & Manifold 201 Giants Cave Castleton 93 Ecton Hill Caves Hamps & Manifold 202 Giants Hole Castleton 93 Elderbush Cave Hamps & Manifold 202 Glutton Dale Cave Dove 176 Eldon Hole Castleton 88 Godfrey Hole Cave Derwent South 150 Eldon Quarry Cave 1 Castleton 88 Golconda Cavern Derwent South 151 Ellishill Cave Hamps & Manifold 203 Golf Ball Resurgence Buxton 68 Ellishill Wood Sinks Hamps & Manifold 203 Good Luck Mine Derwent South 152 Engine Close Mine Lathkill 232 Goosehill Cave Castleton 98 Engine Vein Alderly Edge 29 Grange Barn Cave Derwent South 152 Etches Cave Dove 174 Great Masson Cavern Derwent South 152 Eyam Dale House Cave Stoney Middleton 264 Great Rocks Dale Spring Wormhill 295 Green Cowden Chert Quarry Lathkill 232 Cave Caves of the Peak District Index Index Caves of the Peak District Wetton Hill Far Cave Hamps & Manifold 223 Green Lane Pot Buxton 69 Hobbit Hole Stoney Middleton 269 Wetton Mill Coope Caves Hamps & Manifold 223 Grindlow Cavern Wye 301 Hob's House Cave Wye 301 Wetton Mill Hill Cave Hamps & Manifold 223 Grinlow Rock Shelter Buxton 69 Hoe Grange Quarry Cave Bradbourne 38 Wetton Mill Sink Hamps & Manifold 223 Groaning Tor Level Derwent South 152 Hoften's Cross Swallet Hamps & Manifold 205 Wetton Road Sink Hamps & Manifold 223 Gutterholes Hamps & Manifold 203 Hogsland Cavern & Mine Ashover/Crich 35 Wetton Road Sinks Hamps & Manifold 223 Hole In The Wall Stoney Middleton 269 Whaley Cave Magnesian 252 Hole Shades Swallet Hamps & Manifold 205 H Whey Level Hamps & Manifold 202 Haddon Grove Dale Adit Lathkill 233 Hollandtwine Mine Castleton 98 Whim Mine Lathkill 245 Haddon Hole Lathkill 233 Holme Bank Chert Mine Wye 302 Whirlpool Pot Hamps & Manifold 223 Hale Bopp Pot Stoney Middleton 268 Hoo Valley Mine Hamps & Manifold 205 Windy Knoll Cave Castleton 134 Hall Dale Through Cave Dove 176 Hors D'Oeuvres Cave Dove 177 Winnats Head Cave Castleton 134 Hamps Spring Hamps & Manifold 205 Hough Level Alderly Edge 30 Wolfscote Grange Cave Dove 186 Hamps Valley Cave Hamps & Manifold 203 Hubberdale Pipe Caverns Lathkill 234 Wood
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