Association for Diplomatic Studies and Training Foreign Affairs Oral History Project AMBASSADOR JOHN GUNTHER DEAN Interviewed by: Charles Stuart Kennedy Initial interview date: September 6, 2000 Copyright 2004 A ST TABLE OF CONTENTS Background Born in Germany raised in Germany and Kansas City Missouri Life in Nazi Germany. Harvard )niversity )niversity of Paris Law School Family )S Army ,orld ,ar II Gustav Hilger Fort Hunt Paris. France/ Head0uarters. Marshall Plan/ Program Officer for 112041121 Greece and Turkey European Payments )nion 6ean Monnet Operations Czechs Brussels. Belgium/ Head0uarters. Marshall Plan/ Industrial Analyst 112141122 Ambassador Robert Murphy De Gaulle Adenauer Treaty of Rome European Community :EC) Germany reconstruction European communists Vietnamese Soviet )nion Greece/Turkey Marriage Entered the Foreign Service 1123 Saigon. Vietnam/ Economic Mission to Vietnam 112341126 1 French Military Expeditionary Corps )N financial assistance Communists Ambassador Donald Heath Dien Bien Phu Sihanouk Cambodia Ambassador Robert McClintock 6ohn Foster Dulles ANeutralityB Mendes4France Foreign Service examination Bank of Indochina assets sale Bank establishments State Department/ Foreign Service Institute :FSI) FSO Basic course 1126 Vientiane. Laos/ Political Officer 11264112C Ambassador 6efferson Graham Parsons Meo people Ambassador Horace Smith Souvanna Phouma Phoui Sananikone Political environment French language Neutralism Pathet Lao Liaison with French Dissent Role and authority of the Ambassador Birth of son State Department/ FSI/ Mid Career Course 112C41121 LomD. Togo/ Consul 112141160 )N Trust Territory Ambassador Amery Houghton Environment Establishing Consulate President Olynpio General EyadDma Diplomatic Advisor to Olympio French presence Lessons in protocol Duke von and zu Mecklenburg 2 Racial groups Economy Bamako. French Sudan :Republic of Mali)/ ChargD dEaffaires 116041161 Federation with Senegal ended Ambassador Henry Villard President Modibo Keita Housing Currency Soviet mission Lumumba AndrD Malraux ,est African French Franc Fone Air Afri0ue )S Military Aid Mission French presence Congressional delegtation Robert Keeley State Department/ Officer in charge. Togolese and Malian Affairs 11614116 African embassies in ,ashington President Kennedy Olympio assassination Advisor at )N General Assembly Recognition of mainland China Vote buying at )N Kennedy assassination State Department/ NATO Affairs. European Bureau 116341162 Political AdvisorEs Committee George Vest Rosanne Ridgeway General de Gaulle NATO two4pillar system )S supremacy Operations Isador Rabi Science and Technology min foreign affairs Russian association Remote sensing intelligence Priority of )S national interest Relations with Congress De Gaulle Soviet )nion 3 Paris. France/ Political Officer. East Asia Affairs Officer 116241161 Vietnam Etienne ManacEh North Vietnamese delegation in Paris Messages from AHanoi HiltonB prisoners Senator McCain Paris Vietnam Peace Conference Ambassador Bohlen Phil Habib Robert Kennedy visit Ho Chi Minh message Senator Claiborne Pell visit Hanoi APeace SignalB leak Charles Malo End of political colonialism in Asia Ambassador Sergeant Shriver ,ifeEs family De Gaulle/Bohlen relations Vernon ,alters Harvard )niversity/ Fellow. Center for International Affairs 116141170 Anti4Vietnam ,ar demonstrations Saigon. Vietnam/ Deputy Chief Political Officer :CORDS) 117041172 Military Region 1 General Thieu Ngo Dinh Diem AVietnamizationB of ,ar. Ambassador Bunker North Vietnamese goals American advisors Da Nang Role of advisors )S military operations Operations Iuang Tri City Return from Vietnam RefugeesE plight Lessons in leadership FSOs in combat Comments on human costs of war General Abrams General Freddy ,yant Da Nang Cham museum Vietnamese generals 4 Relations with )S Embassy 6ohn Paul Van Ethnic Cambodians Vientiane. Laos/ Deputy Chief of Mission/ChargD dEaffaires 117241173 Ambassador Mac Godley Embassy staff )S Bombing target selection Pathet Lao Prime Minister Souvanna Phouma Pathet Lao Phoumi Vongvichit King of Laos and family Sisouk Champsak ,ifeEs family connections 6ack Vessey Peng Pongasavan Pathet Lao/Laos Government negotiations Henry Kissinger )S support of Souvanna Phouma government. Reporting r ole Dick Howland General Tao Ma coup attempt Personal role in coup defeat Presidential commendation Coalition government formation Comments on war and peace negotiations Different viewpoint of Embassy and Kissinger Foreign diplomats and journalists Comments on future developments Ambassador Charles S. ,hitehouse )nited States Ambassador to Cambodia/ 117441172 Exiled Prince Sihanouk French influence Relations Ho Chi Minh Trail bombing President Lon Nol Siri Matak Evacuation of Embassy wives Khmer Rouge control and atrocities ,ar against Khmer Rouge Self4proclaimed Neutrality Brigadier General 6ack Palmer DCM Robert V. Keeley 2 AControlled SolutionB/ Environment International and )S press )S policy differences Congressional interest Sihanouk declines peacemaker role French assistance Vietnam ,ar Richard Armitage ,eapons against Khmer Rouge Air4lift supplies for Phnom Penh North Vietnam and China support for Khmer Rouge Pol Pot Personal solution views Mekong River closing Lack of )S funding Khmer Rouge advances Evacuation from Phnom Penh Ambassador Graham Martin Farewell letter from Sirik Matak Cambodian leaders decline evacuation AOperation Eagle PullB Emotional departure President FordEs commendation Comments on Khmer Rouge Fate of Cambodian leaders Non4Government Organizations :NGOs) International Committee of the Red Cross :ICRC) French Embassy assistance AThe Killing FieldsB Foreign embassiesE re0uests for assistance Destruction of files and security e0uipment )nited States Ambassador to Denmark 11724117C Vietnam ,ar )se of Danish language Prime Minister Anker 6orgensen Soviet embassy )S commercial relations Government Royal visit to the )nited States Personal relations with Royal Family NATO )nited States Ambassador to Lebanon 117C411C1 6 President Sarkis ,ife and family ,ifeEs family relationship with Lebanon Civil ,ar Palestinians Confirmation hearings ,ives Religions groups Suleiman Frengieh Syrians Phalange Relations with President Elias Sarkis Security Palestinian Liberation Organization :PLO) )nited National International Force in Lebanon :)NFIL) Internal travel Ambassador Francis Meloy Israeli bombings Bashir Gemayel Visits to political/religious leaders Bashir/Israeli connection Colonel 6ohnny Abdo Currency Prime Minister Salim Hoss Lebanese military )S military assistance Nabih Berri Lebanese currency reserves Cardinal Cooke visit to Lebanon Personal efforts on LebanonEs behalf Gifts to religious groups Congressman Steve Solarz Relations with Palestinian groups Teheran hostages American hostages )S supporters of Lebanon Assassination attempt Israel source of )S weapons Abu Hassan assassination Lebanon as integral part of Mid4East Soviet Ambassador Aid to Saudi Ambassador Danny Chamoun American )niversity Hospital Help from Saudi Prince Fahad 7 Saudi/)S relationship American4built radio station Phil Habib Reagan letter of commendation Amin Gemayel )nited States Ambassador to Thailand 11C1411C2 )S regional military re0uirements )S interests Relations Ambassador Morton Abramowitz Prime Minister General Prem Historical background )S agenciesE AturfB battles )S military presence Prime Minister Thanat Khoman Thailand foreign policy 6apanese Mainland China European )nion Commercial relations )S assistance MIAs Ross Perot Drug trafficking Royal Family Prisoner Exchange Treaty Embassy staff Fields of cooperation Asian Institute of Technology :AIT) Cambodian refugees Cambodia developments George Schulz Alexander Haig Trade Anti4communist activity Sihanouk PANAM routing Management Institute of Thailand Petroleum Institute of Thailand Mike Deaver Reagan visit canceled Oil/Gas deposits )nion Oil Company Relations with neighbors C Association of South East Asia Nations :ASEAN) Drug trafficking Dr. Thanat Khoman Currency Chinese Fulbright Program India Nuclear 0uestions Philippines Religious tolerance Local press Political Parties )nited States Information Service :)SIS) Leona Nieman American High School of Bangkok )nited States Ambassador to India 11C2411CC Congressional interest in appointment President Bush letter to Prime Minister Rajiv Gandhi Embassy buildings and furnishings Prime Minister Gandhi Computer programming industry )S/India commercial joint ventures India/Soviet military relations ).S. India Fund Nuclear issues PakistanEs nuclear program )S assistance to Pakistan Pressler Amendment Soviet nuclear submarine data India as Non4Aligned leader IndiaEs pro4Palestinian policy 6ewish population Israel ,einberger visit India views on Afghanistan Bhopal/)nited Carbide disaster settlement Non4Proliferation Treaty Afghanistan Regional drug production and trafficking )S4Pakistan relationship Israel area role Gandhi )S visit )S/India policy differences Reagan/Gandhi relations 1 ATTACHMENTS Aide Memoire/ Developments in India. Pakistan. Afghanistan. and )S relationship ,rong on Afghanistan Views on )S military involvement in Afghanistan The New York Times Health and unanswered 0uestions Letter from Rajv Gandhi Gandhi assassination Resignation Global ,ar Games INTERVIEW ": Today is September 6, 2000. This is an interview with John Gunther Dean. This is being done on behalf of the Association for Diplomatic Studies and Training. I(m Charles Stuart Kennedy. Let(s start at the beginning. Could you tell me when
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