Pittie: Gujarat bibliography 107 A bibliography of ornithology in Gujarat, India: 1758–2010 Aasheesh Pittie Pittie, A., A bibliography of ornithology in Gujarat, India: 1758–2010. Indian BIRDS 6 (4&5): 107–136. Aasheesh Pittie, B-4, Trendset Vantage, Road No 14, Banjara Hills, Hyderabad 500034, Andhra Pradesh, India. Email: [email protected]. Introduction citrina amadoni (Biswas). JBNHS 62 (2): 305–306. Abdulali, H., 1968. A catalogue of the birds in the collection of the Bom- This bibliography has been extracted from my larger database, “A bay Natural History Society-1. Gaviiformes to Ciconiiformes. JBNHS bibliographic index to the birds of South Asia.” It comprises pa- 65 (1): 182–199. pers, popular articles, pertinent books, chapters, published and un- Abdulali, H., 1968. A catalogue of the birds in the collection of the published reports, trip reports, etc. Books of a general nature, not Bombay Natural History Society-2. Anseriformes. JBNHS 65 (2): dealing largely with the ornithology of Gujarat, have been omitted, 418–430. e.g., country/region handbooks and field guides, family/species Abdulali, H., 1969. A catalogue of the birds in the collection of the monographs, etc. It covers a period of two hundred and fifty-one Bombay Natural History Society-3. Falconiformes. JBNHS 65 (3): years, from 1758–2010. A bibliography of this nature cannot pre- 696–723. Abdulali, H., 1969. A catalogue of the birds in the collection of the tend to be complete and this is no exception. There are always Bombay Natural History Society-4. Megapodidae, Phasianidae, and publications beyond the reach of the bibliographer. A case in point Turnicidae. JBNHS 66 (2): 251–285. being the various birding trip reports prepared by bird tour opera- Abdulali, H., 1969. A catalogue of the birds in the collection of the tors. However a majority of the published ornithological work on Bombay Natural History Society-5. Gruidae, Rallidae, Heliornithidae, Gujarat’s ornithology is listed here. Accuracy in transcribing is a Otididae, Jacanidae, Haematopodidae, and Charadriidae (Charadrii- basic tenet of bibliography and though great care has been taken nae). JBNHS 66 (3): 542–559. to ensure it, mistakes may have crept in and pertinent published Abdulali, H., 1970. A catalogue of the birds in the collection of the Bom- material inadvertently left out. This is the more likely in that I have bay Natural History Society-6. Scolopacinae (part). JBNHS 67 (1): not seen all the entries listed below in the original, but have freely 51–56. Abdulali, H., 1970. A catalogue of the birds in the collection of the taken them secondhand from the ‘References’ or ‘Further reading’ Bombay Natural History Society-7. Scolopacinae (part), Phalaropinae, sections of papers and books. I would be grateful if readers sent Rostratulidae, Recurvirostridae, Dromadidae, Burhinidae, Glareolidae, me citations of material that is missing here. Stercorariidae, Laridae. JBNHS 67 (2): 279–298. Authors have been arranged alphabetically and their work Abdulali, H., 1971. A catalogue of the birds in the collection of the Bom- chronologically. Multi-author papers have been listed under the bay Natural History Society-8. Pteroclididae and Columbidae. JBNHS name of the senior author. Separate entries have not been insert- 68 (1): 127–152. ed for co-authors. Where a title was not given in the original, a suit- Abdulali, H., 1971. A catalogue of the birds in the collection of the Bom- able descriptive substitute was coined, generally comprising a part bay Natural History Society-9. Psittacidae. JBNHS 68 (2): 328–338. of or the complete first sentence, and is placed within brackets. Abdulali, H., 1972. A catalogue of the birds in the collection of the Bom- bay Natural History Society-10. Cuculidae. JBNHS 68 (3): 756–772. Abdulali, H., 1972. A catalogue of the birds in the collection of the Bom- Bibliography bay Natural History Society-11. Strigidae and Caprimulgidae. JBNHS Abbott, D. F., 1998. Searching for India’s least-known endemic: Mystery, 69 (1): 102–129. intrigue, confusion. Birding 30 (5): 392–404. Abdulali, H., 1972. A catalogue of the birds in the collection of the Bom- Abdulali, H., 1953. The distribution of the Greenbilled Malkoha (Rhop- bay Natural History Society-12. Apodidae and Trogonidae. JBNHS 69 odytes viridirostris Jerdon). JBNHS 51 (3): 737–738. (2): 378–389. Abdulali, H., 1956. Reviews: Birds of Saurashtra, India. By R.S. Dharma- Abdulali, H., 1972. Some bird notes by W.F. Sinclair. JBNHS 69 (2): kumarsinhji, F.Z.S., M.B.O.U. Pp. liii+561 (11 1/4” x 8”). 34 coloured 422–424. and 18 photographic plates, 16 maps. Published by the author, Abdulali, H., 1973. A catalogue of the birds in the collection of the Bom- Bombay 1955. Price Rs. 50. JBNHS 53 (2): 240–242. bay Natural History Society-13. Alcedinidae. JBNHS 69 (3): 538–546 Abdulali, H., 1962. Increase of Cotton Teal, [Nettapus coromandelianus (1972). (Gmelin)] in Western India. JBNHS 59 (2): 652–653. Abdulali, H., 1973. A catalogue of the birds in the collection of the Bom- Abdulali, H., 1962. An ornithological trip to the Gulf of Kutch. JBNHS 59 bay Natural History Society-14. Meropidae and Coraciidae. JBNHS 70 (2): 655–658. (1): 147–155. Abdulali, H., 1964. Ornithological notes of a second trip to the Gulf of Abdulali, H., 1974. A catalogue of the birds in the collection of the Bom- Kutch. JBNHS 60 (3): 703–708. bay Natural History Society-15. Upupidae and Bucerotidae. JBNHS Abdulali, H., 1965. Notes on Indian birds 4 - On the validity of Zoothera 70 (2): 339–345. 108 Indian BIRDS Vol. 6 Nos. 4&5 (Publ. 20 November 2010) Abdulali, H., 1975. A catalogue of the birds in the collection of the Bom- Abdulali, H., & Unnithan, S., 1996. A catalogue of the birds in the collec- bay Natural History Society-16. Capitonidae, Indicatoridae and Picidae tion of Bombay Natural History Society-37: Dicaeidae, Nectariniidae (part). JBNHS 71 (2): 244–265. and Zosteropidae. JBNHS 93 (2): 242–251. Abdulali, H., 1975. A catalogue of the birds in the collection of the Bom- Acharya, H. N., 1931. The Magpie-Robin Copsychus saularis (Linn.) in bay Natural History Society-17. Picidae (concluded). JBNHS 72 (1): north Gujarat. JBNHS 35 (2): 455–456. 113–131. Acharya, H. N., 1931. The occurrence of Pied Cuckoo Clamator jacobinus Abdulali, H., 1976. A catalogue of the birds in the collection of the Bom- (Boddaert) in north Gujarat. JBNHS 35 (2): 458–459. bay Natural History Society-18. (Eurylaimidae, Pittidae, Alaudidae). Acharya, H. N., 1933. Speed of the Large Pied Wagtail Motacilla mad- JBNHS 72 (2): 477–505 (1975). eraspatensis (Gmelin). JBNHS 36 (4): 996–997. Abdulali, H., 1976. On a new subspecies of the Skylark Alauda gulgula Acharya, H. N., 1935. Occurrence of the Flamingo (Phoenicopterus ruber Franklin in Gujarat, India. JBNHS 72 (2): 448–449 (1975). antiquorum Temm.) in north Gujarat. JBNHS 38 (2): 404. Abdulali, H., 1976. On the validity of Riparia riparia indica Ticehurst and Acharya, H. N., 1936. Migration of Flamingo (Phoenicopterus ruber anti- extension of range of Riparia riparia ijimae (Lonnberg). JBNHS 72 quorum Temm.) from North Gujerat. JBNHS 39 (1): 182. (3): 853–854. Acharya, H. N. G., 1936. The White-bellied Sea-Eagle (Haliaeetus leuco- Abdulali, H., 1977. A catalogue of the birds in the collection of the gaster Gmelin) in North Gujarat. JBNHS 38 (4): 828. Bombay Natural History Society-19. Hirundinidae. JBNHS 73 (2): Acharya, H. N. G., 1936. Sarus flocks.JBNHS 38 (4): 831. 348–355 (1976). Acharya, H. N. G., 1950. Occurrence of the Cinereous Vulture (Aegypius Abdulali, H., 1977. A catalogue of the birds in the collection of the monachus Linnaeus) at Ahmedabad, North Gujarat. JBNHS 49 (2): Bombay Natural History Society-20. Laniidae, Oriolidae, Dicruridae, 307–309. Artamidae. JBNHS 73 (3): 491–515 (1976). Acharya, H. N. G., 1951. Crows hawking fish on wing.JBNHS 50 (1): Abdulali, H., 1979. A catalogue of the birds in the collection of the Bom- 169–170. bay Natural History Society-21. Sturnidae. JBNHS 75 (2): 373–384 Acharya, H. N. G., 1951. Mating of House Crow (Corvus splendens splen- (1978). dens Vieillot). JBNHS 50 (1): 170–171. Abdulali, H., 1980. A catalogue of the birds in the collection of the Bom- Acharya, H. N. G., 1951. Strange behaviour of the Jungle Babbler (Tur- bay Natural History Society-22. Corvidae, Bombycillidae. JBNHS 77 doides terricolor). JBNHS 50 (1): 172–174. (1): 81–99. Ajmeri, R. M., Das, A. R. K., & Sasikumar, M., 1961. An unusual nest of the Abdulali, H., 1981. A catalogue of the birds in the collection of the Bom- Ashy Wren-warbler (Prinia socialis). NLBW 1 (4): 1. bay Natural History Society-23. Campephagidae: (Cuckoo-Shrikes, Akhtar, A., & Tiwari, J. K., 1991. Notes from Kutch. NLBW 31 (11-12): Minivets); Irenidae: (Fairy Bluebirds, Ioras, Leaf Birds). JBNHS 78 (2): 10–11. 261–286. Akhtar, S. A., 1994. Harriers in the Velavadar National Park. District Abdulali, H., 1982. A catalogue of the birds in the collection of the Bhavnagar, Gujarat, India, winter 1992/93. The Raptor 5: 51–56. Bombay Natural History Society-24. Pycnonotidae. JBNHS 79 (1): Akhtar, S. A., 1998. Wintering ecology of the Harriers of Velavadar National 135–151. Park, Bhavnagar Dt., Gujarat. Bombay, University of Bombay. PhD: Abdulali, H., 1983. A catalogue of the birds in the collection of the 174. Bombay Natural History Society-25. Muscicapidae. JBNHS 79 (2): Akhtar, S. A., 2001. Sálim Ali Bird Count - 2000. A brief report. 336–360 (1982). Akhtar, S. A., & Tiwari, J. K., 1992. Blacknecked Grebe from Chhari-Dhand, Abdulali, H., 1983. A catalogue of the birds in the collection of the Bom- Kutch, Gujarat.
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