L......i N..J FI L__ L..... cz -1 cc ji cE_ cZZ cz TheSting Li 1-- February 1992 Volume XLV No ii Cheshier Drops Bombshell on Staff Council By Westly Hetrick state that there will be layoffs in the future Grumpy Morning Dude Eighty five percent of SCTs budget goes to salaries so layoffs On Thursday January 23 are certainty Hopefully though President Cheshier used the second the personnel cuts will come from meeting of the staff council for sort natural attrition thatis as vacancies of State of the become will College address open they stay open pre-empting President Bush by andexistingpersonnelwillbe shifted nearlyaweek Themain body of the around to do the work the president speech was on budget cuts continued It was somewhat ironic that the For the record faculty consists president should use the forum of of professors and vice presidents the staff council and afew to confirm what others while staffis pretty staff much many members have feared everyone else since summer and earlier Due to The rationale behind laying off budget deficiencies there will be staff is that Southern Tech spends staff layoffs in the near future and more percentage-wise on staff than those to be laid off will be support most other colleges in Georgia staff not faculty It is even more Cheshier stated As expensive as ironic that he should place before instruction is especially for tech- them nical therequestforinputas to where college we cant really justify budget cuts can be made spending the least in the state on The school needs to cut nearly instruction Hecontinued that over one million dollars from its current the next five years the percentage will budget by July The president split become 60/40 up from the whetted his blade stating There is 51/49 that it is now no doubt we will end up consolidat As of this writing the staff Here is the mirrors new StaffCouncilwhjch the Faculty Senate in providing the schooladministration with ing some things hope not elimi council has made no official recom welireasoned answers to tough questions In this picture they try to reason out the question of Ifa person nating anything certainly not any mendations tothepresidenton where falls in the but no tree is there to city hear it do they make sound Photo by Snowball Conrad important services He went on to tomakecuts Masters in Quality Commences Spring Quarter Scott Mills By concentration in Assurance versed in Quality the broad aspects of qual Writer Staff It is tailored program that will ity and customer service hence the meet the needs of the 1990s need for this type of program Spring will bring some new Wimberly states Everything People who are educated in this changes to the Southern Tech cam- you read or hear about in business field will be the ones with the re this pus year Starting Spring relates presentations to quality and sponsibility and opportunity to Quarter the college is introducing customer service These are the key change the way America does newmastersdegrecprogram which words the and frankly key needs of thingsa change that must come is the only one of its kind presented American business He feels that Southern Tech alumni will find in the by college South is the time for now American busi having an undergraduate degree in to Dr Charles According Bud nesses to understand what the word of the any engineering technologies of the lET Wimberly department and this quality means masters degree powerful the is program Master of Science continued that In- Wimberly combination in the work place Ev in Engineering Technology with dustries should seek people who are ery masters candidate will learn not only what company should be INSUJE SCT-Life doing but why Rivalry Southern Tech is ideal for this education because students will NEWS Page New computerized library filing system have the benefit of the finest appli doohickey No verb this sentence cations orientated technology school All faculty have practiced FEATURES Page Yet another punk record review what will they teach says another yet restaurant review yet another movie review Wimberly Also they are consulting yet another math but have before stinger we new never in this field with private industry or seen Calvin and Hobbes through Southern Techs Center for Pictured here is Dr of the lET is Quality Excellence Students and Wimberly department who EDITORIALS Page The usual driveifrom the usual affectionately known as Bud We on The Sting staff feel Dr graduates will know where to go for crowd and over unusual stuff ranting raving Wimberly does not look sufficiently Bud-like and from on will help and guidance with their pro- now affectionately refer to him as Vince Photo by Perez SPORTS Page 12 Im sure we have something but for fessionalneedsand can also become Tony the life of contributing participants to the but it is an offer to learn more about me dont know what future students may even be those center quality control for anyone who has educated in the physical sciences or Not is Next Deadline 12 only the program sensi or desires responsibilities in the February tive Masters continued to graduates of Southern Tech quality area Wimberly states that on Page The Sting February 1992 Computerized Library System Now In Effebt need and hardware in is conditions thelibrary staffare work- By Kim Hill find the book you here The use right now catalog from well with the with at this time There is Staff Writer before you drive to Georgia Tech used equipment previous Ifeverything goes ing circulationoflOOto only to find out they dont have the school system Thereare three termi people who authorize this kind of l5Obooksaday in the SouthemTech Each card must be tabbed and computerized cataloging sys book either you can consult the nals in use now two being thingatthe state level the student tematatechnical school Can itbe schools On Line Library Informa reference library center and the other could eventually have fully corn- filed by hand after puts theirwholelife on it With the true Yes the Southern College of tion OLLI on the second floor of the library puterized library story about bar code the student would Technology library is well on its AsofOctober 91 SCThas had The access is free to the school The start up costwouldbe system in- take item the counter and way to becoming computerized what is known as public access untilthe end ofJune 92 At that time $25000 for the hardware which just an to the will their ID Then the Thatmeansyoullbeabletofind system Thisaccessallowstheuserto cost run about $12000 year cludes fax card 12 terminals and show library li for the school in the related materials wave wand over the book you need whether SCT has it search about seven other college to participate personnel code and that is or if one of the other campus in the braries including SCT with more to program Bar codes would have to be put IDs and books bar method for all the books and student all state has it to lend So ifyou can not come in the near future OLLI provides on IDs check searching library holdings based on similar to the current bar code strips OLLI will not let you FOOD FOR THOUGHT many criteriaincluding author title used for the cornputerlabs It would book out from another source or the subject and title terms take an estimated six to eight months have the material transferred to bar codes books to but it will let SERIES OF NOON-TIME PRESENTATIONS There is helpful notebook next to put on enough SCTlibrary you know to each terminal and the system is start the system who has what you need Test Anxiety Wednesday Managing The The bar code is Just technical school pretty much self explanatory system great imagine Feb Do of tension and from feelings anxiety keep you with alittle in the system is much more thanjust card advancement compared to present technology system showing all youve learned but unfortunate issue Combat this very common asters continued from page inhealthcare of whom Wednesday Balancing School Work and Family fieldsmany Those who are interested are to become familiarized with the ap are now employed in hospital ad- Statis of or Feb 12 Simultaneously wearing the three hats of student required to have completed plication aspect technology ministration or agencies in the food tics with their the direct involvement with the in- employee and family member can be very stressful along Engineering and administrations We will Discuss ways to successfully balance these three areas drug Technology degree Itwilibeasixty dustry work with people to get them quali hour Classes will be held while keeping stress at manageable level program including major during fied for the program says project that is ten hours alone or evening hours and Saturday hours that there is de Wednesday Stress Management Wimberly noting two successive quarters Students to accomodate working profes tailored to in- Feb 19 Relaxation is skill which can be learned Learn velopment sequence wilibe working with aprivate corn- sionals dividual applicants of Southern Tech is an step-by-step method for relaxation And discuss pany on the aspects quality con- holding The masters program will be troland assurance for their informational about the FiVEways to assess and manage stress in your daily life projects meeting offered this beginning Spring Quar The quality assurance degree masters in quality control and as- THE STUDENT CENTER and the class wilibe titled Total in CONFRENCE ROOM ter program is going to be cyclical so surance on March at 630 p.m It wilibe Profes The Counseling Center Quality taughtby that applicants may begin in any the Clair Harris Apparel and sor Larry Aft and is expected to be for Textile Center on 528-7226 quarter uninterrupted progress campus Anyone attended about students invited attend the by twenty to graduation interested is to As stated before technology session for infor degrees require sixty hours for Questions or requests be directed graduation however those with mation should to Dr Professor degrees fromotherbackgrounds will Wimberly lET Larry Brooks requiremore hoursbutonly enough Aft lET or Judy Southern ..
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