Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology 22 (2008) 1883~1888 www.springerlink.com/content/1738-494x DOI 10.1007/s12206-008-0727-8 Design of axial fan using inverse design method† Kyoung-Yong Lee, Young-Seok Choi*, Young-Lyul Kim and Jae-Ho Yun Thermal and Fluid System Team, Korea Institute of Industrial Technology, 35-3 Hongcheon-ri, Ipjang-myeon, Cheonan-si, Korea (Manuscript Received April 16, 2008; Revised June 25, 2008; Accepted July 23, 2008) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Abstract The axial fans for cooling condensers were designed by inverse design code TURBOdesign-1. The parameters of the inverse design were set by DOE (design of experiments). By changing the design parameters, such as the distribution of the blade loading, spanwise circulation distribution and stacking, 32 different fan designs were created for the screening of parameters. The overall performance and the local flow field of these fans were computed using a com- mercial CFD code. The results of the CFD computations were analyzed by DOE. The pressure rise and efficiency were selected as the main responses, and the main effects of the design parameters on the responses were discussed. The main design parameters for the optimum design of the fan were decided from the results of the screening procedure. We designed the optimum axial fan by RSM (response surface method). The design center fan was made by RP (rapid prototype) and the performance was tested using a fan tester based on AMCA standards. These procedures ensured proper screening of parameters and optimum design of the axial fan. Keywords: Axial fan; Inverse design; Design of experiments (DOE); Optimum design ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ tors of the shape. Inverse design method, contrary to 1. Introduction traditional designing methods, repeatedly designs a Axial fans are widely used in the formation of air shape that meets the operational conditions and re- transport systems because of its simple structure. Its quired functions and returns the designing result of applicable areas include HVAC, vehicles, home ap- the blade shape information [3-5]. In the inverse de- pliances, computers and electronic appliance coolers, sign method, blade loading is directly controlled to and it is usually used in ventilation and air cooling select the shape; therefore it is possible to reduce the systems. As axial fans are widely used in home appli- time used for design modifications. Typical applica- ances and computers, functional improvement and tions of inverse design method are pump design and noise reduction have become a critical issue in small shape modification [6]. In that research, the pump axial fan designs. Traditional designing methods re- performance was improved by using the inverse de- quire much trial and error along with a designer’s sign method in modifying an uneven flow field, experience for the good design of the blade [1, 2]. which has been pointed out as a problem in past The design controls the shape of the blades so there analyses on the shape. In axial fans, there exists a case needs to be a precise appreciation of the decisive fac- where the inverse design method was used to change the blade loading distribution in designing a shape †This paper was presented at the 9th Asian International Conference on Fluid that successfully reduces noise [7]. Machinery (AICFM9), Jeju, Korea, October 16-19, 2007. In this study, an axial fan was designed by the in- *Corresponding author. Tel.: +82 41 589 8337, Fax.: +82 41 589 8330 E-mail address: [email protected] verse design method. The designed blade shape was © KSME & Springer 2008 put to CFD (computational fluid dynamics) for per- 1884 K.-Y. Lee et al. / Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology 22 (2008) 1883~1888 formance prediction. The DOE (design of experi- ments) method was used to analyze the effects of the designing parameters on the functionality of the fan. A RP (rapid prototype) was created on the design center shape to analyze the difference between nu- merical analysis and actual operating conditions, and the performance was measured with fan testers. The optimum design of the blade shape was obtained with parameters screened with the DOE method. 2. Design process The designing procedures are as shown in Fig. 1. When the design specifications are decided, the valid- ity is examined through theoretical analysis. The pa- rameters for the inverse design program are decided for parameter screening, and the testing set is de- signed by DOE. The testing set is applied to the in- verse design program to decide the shape, and CFD is used to predict the performance. The predicted results Fig. 1. Design procedure. from CFD are analyzed by DOE to be applied in pa- rameter screening for optimum design. The results are functional and efficient fan at the same RPM rate of put through RSM (response surface method) for op- commercial fans, and to reduce the number of revolu- timum designing, and the final shape is selected to tions to meet the functional requirements. satisfy the designing objectives. TURBOdesign-1, a commercial program for inverse designing, was used 4. Inverse design parameters along with ANSYS CFX-11 for CFD and MINITAB R14 for DOE. In the inverse design method, loading distribution on the blades is modified to meet the required per- formance rate in deciding the fan shape [9]. However, 3. Design specification this method is not merely about inputting desired In a fan-applicable system, whether the fan meets designing conditions perfectly to get a desired opti- the functional requirements is the reference for over- mum design. It controls the overall designing direc- all performance and safety level of the system. There- tion in loading on the blades, therefore making it eas- fore a theoretical reasoning process on the functional ier to predict or control the outcome compared to requirements of the fan must be carried out first. The traditional designing methods. Therefore the quality subject is a cooling fan for the condenser of vapor and efficiency of the design is improved by influence compression cooling system; 120 (W)×120 (L) mm analysis on the parameters that could have influence in size, 57% hub-tip ratio, 4 m3/min (CMM) of design on shaping the fan. volume flow rate, 100 Pa pressure. The basic shapes The designing parameters and variable range of conventional turbomachinery are decided by the shown in Table 1 are largely divided into meridional size and its functional requirements, and the subject is shapes and blade loading distributions. In meridional a conventional propeller type [8]. Research on com- shapes, the position of axial directions of hub and mercial fans which meet the design requirements shroud are changed in the leading edge (LE) and trail- showed that compared to conventional fans of the ing edge (TE). The blade loading distribution is di- same size, they are of higher pressure per flow rate, vided into spanwise and streamwise distribution. In with 6000 RPM and 65 dBA noise level. Considering the case of spanwise distribution, it was expressed by the fact that the subject fan is used for a computer the blade loading slopes of hub and shroud at TE cooling system, the noise becomes a problem. There- (rVt_slope). Fig. 2 displays midspan and shroud, the fore the designing object was set to design a highly starting and ending points of the straight part (NC and K.-Y. Lee et al. / Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology 22 (2008) 1883~1888 1885 Table 1. List of design parameters and range of variation. Design parameter Variable range Base value Meridional parameter LE_hub 0-2.5 0 LE_shr 0-2.5 0 TE_hub 22.5-25 25 TE_shr 22.5-25 25 Blade loading parameter rVt_slope ±20% 0 hub_slope ±20% -0.87 hub_LE_load ±20% 0.32 mid_slope ±20% -0.9 mid_LE_load ±20% 0.28 Fig. 3. Numerical anlysis domain. shr_slope ±20% -1 shr_LE_load ±20% 0.22 sumption. This study applied 2k fractional factorial stacking ±20% 25 design, with 32 design sets of resolution level 4 [10]. The Y-value is the reference for analyzing the results in examining the influence of parameters. Standard values in fan functionality include static pressure rise and efficiency at the design flow rate. 6. Inverse design and CFD The design parameter set decided by DOE were in- serted into the inverse design program to get a con- verged shape. The designed shape is transformed into the input value for turbomachinery specific grid gen- Fig. 2. Blade loading distribution in streamwise distribution erator (ANSYS CFX-TurboGrid v11); 80,000 struc- [9]. tured grids were created for analysis. Numerical analysis was carried out by ANSYS ND), and the slope of the straight part. The research CFX-11, a commercial CFD code. The numerical results on inverse design of box fans which are of a domain included only the fluid flow regimes with one similar specific speed range, were used for distribu- blade while taking periodic condition into considera- tional reference of blade loading in a streamwise di- tion, as shown in Fig. 3. In the entrance and the exit, rection [7]. NC and ND are fixed in the distribution, the meridional planes are extended in the axial direc- and the loads on LE of hub, midspan and shroud were tion. Atmospheric pressure conditions were applied to selected as parameters, along with the slope of the the entrance, and mass flow conditions to the exit. straight part. Stacking, which is an important parame- The blade and hub are set to rotating wall condition, ter in traditional axial fan design, was also included as and the stationary shroud to non-rotating wall condi- a parameter. tion. The tip clearance between the rotating blade and case was not taken into consideration.
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