People and things Sir William Mitchell (UK) is the new Presi­ dent of CERN Council. Poland joins CERN Laboratory correspondents Delegates at CERN's Council meet­ ing in December voted unanimously Argonne National Laboratory, USA M. Derrick to admit Poland as the Organiza­ Brookhaven National Laboratory, USA tion's 16th Member State. Finland A. Stevens became the 15th Member State on CEBAF Laboratory, USA 1 January, and the Polish flag will S. Corneliussen officially go up on 1 July. CERN, Geneva CERN is the first Western Euro­ G. Fraser pean organization which Poland has Cornell University, USA joined, while Poland will become D. G. Cassel CERN's first Member State from DESY Laboratory, Fed. Rep. of Germany P. Waloschek outside Western Europe. Informal negotiations are already underway Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory, USA CERN Council with Czechoslovakia, Hungary and M. Bodnarczuk Yugoslavia. GSI Darmstadt, Fed. Rep. of Germany At its December meeting, G. Siegert CERN Council took a number INFN, Italy of important decisions, in ad­ On people A. Pascolini dition to admitting Poland as IHEP, Beijing, China Qi Nading the Organization's 16th Mem­ The American Physical Society's ber State (see this page). JINR Dubna Panofsky Prize goes to Gerson B. Starchenko After a report of studies Goldhaber of Berkeley and Frangois KEK National Laboratory, Japan organized by the European Pierre of Saclay for their 1976 dis­ S. Iwata Committee for Future Accel­ covery of charmed (D) mesons at Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory, USA erators (ECFA), Council recon­ the SPEAR electron-positron ring at B. Feinberg firmed its conviction that the Stanford. Los Alamos National Laboratory, USA LHC Large Hadron Collider O. B. van Dyck should be CERN's next major Abdus Salam, Director of the Inter­ NIKHEF Laboratory, Netherlands project, with formal approval national Centre for Theoretical Phy­ F. Erne foreseen for 1992. sics, Trieste, and President of the Novosibirsk Institute, USSR V. Balakin Sir William Mitchell (UK) Third World Academy of Sciences, Orsay Laboratory, France was elected Council President has received the Catalonia Prize Anne-Marie Lutz for the coming year, with from King Juan Carlos of Spain. PSI Laboratory, Switzerland Pierre Lehmann (France) and J. F. Crawford Mrs. Birgitte Sode-Mogensen Stanley Wojcicki of Stanford be­ Rutherford Appleton Laboratory, UK (Denmark) as Vice-Presidents. comes Chairman of the US High Louise Hall At CERN, Kurt Hubner be­ Energy Physics Advisory Panel (HE- Saclay Laboratory, France comes Head of PS Division, PAP), taking over from Francis Low Elisabeth Locci succeeding Roy Billinge, Wil- of MIT. IHEP, Serpukhov, USSR Yu. Ryabov lem Middelkoop becomes Head of Personnel Division, Kaoru Yokoya of the Japanese KEK Stanford Linear Accelerator Center, USA Laboratory's Accelerator Depart­ M. Riordan succeeding Georges Michel, ment has been awarded the 36th Superconducting Super Collider, USA and Bastiaan de Raad be­ N. V. Baggett comes Head of the Technical Nishina Memorial Prize for his di­ TRIUMF Laboratory, Canada Inspection and Safety Com­ stinguished theoretical work on M. K. Craddock mission, succeeding Keith beam-beam interactions and polari­ Potter. zation phenomena in high energy accelerators in general and for a li- CERN Courier, January/February 1991 23 24 CERN Courier, January/February 1991 near collider in particular. This prize be described by 'form factors Zbigniew Bochnacki 1935-1990 is awarded annually in memory of In addition to paving the way for Yoshio Nishina, a pioneer of atomic subsequent higher energy studies and nuclear physics in Japan. which went deeper inside the pro­ Zbigniew Bochnacki, Director of ton and revealed its constituents, the H. Niewodniczanski Institute of At Brookhaven Theo Sluyters has these experiments hinted at other Nuclear Physics, Krakow, died on been appointed Acting Deputy new behaviour, heavy mesons such 30 September. As a theoretical nu­ Chairman of the AGS Department, as the omega and rho particles. For clear physicist he made important and Bill Weng has been appointed this epic work on nuclear and nu- contributions to the theory of nu­ Head of the Accelerator Division of cleon structure Hofstadter shared clear structure, and his contribution the AGS Department. the 1961 Nobel Prize with Rudolf to understanding spin-spin interac­ Mossbauer. tion and its influence on magnetic These new insights made Stan­ moments of nuclei or to the theory Robert Hofstadter 1915-1990 ford a mecca for young experi­ of the so-called 'scissor' modes of menters, among them the talented nuclear transitions and collective Electron scattering pioneer Robert trio of Jerome Friedman, Henry motion is well known and highly Hofstadter died on 17 November, Kendall and Richard Taylor who appreciated. aged 75. went on to demonstrate that the As the Director of the Institute His promising career was inter­ proton had a substructure, a feat of Nuclear Physics in Krakow from rupted by World War II, when he which earned them the 1990 Nobel 1977 until his death he was active worked for the US National Bureau Physics Prize. in establishing and promoting of Standards and helped develop With electrons proving such effi­ strong links between the Institute proximity fuses for anti-aircraft cient probes, Hofstadter pushed for and CERN. shells. After the war, he recom­ the construction of the largest menced research work at Prince­ possible such machine. Under the ton, where he discovered the po­ guidance of first Edward Gintzon David Gray retires tential of sodium iodide as a scintil­ and then W.K.H. Panofsky, this lator and went on to exploit its use project evolved into the mighty After having been at the centre of in detectors. Stanford Linear Accelerator Center, accelerator developments and a national US Laboratory which In 1950 he moved to Stanford, operations at the UK Rutherford outgrew its university origins. where W. W. Hansen and his tal­ Appleton Laboratory for 35 years, ented team were developing their In later years Hofstadter made David Gray retired last year. He is famous series of linear machines to valuable contributions to angiogra­ succeeded as the Laboratory's As­ accelerate electron beams. Mark III phy, using radioactive tracers to sociate Director, Science, by Bob was delivering 180 MeV electrons monitor heart functions. Voss, one-time Deputy Director of by 1951, while Hoftstadter had in­ the Daresbury Laboratory and itiated a comprehensive pro­ Science for Peace formerly Head of the UK Science gramme of research to exploit the and Engineering Council's Engineer­ new beams, scattering electrons ing Division. off nuclei. The first Ettore Major ana (Erice, Si­ From 1953, these experiments cily) Science for Peace Prize has displayed clearly the now well been awarded in three equal parts known spectra indicative of nuclear to Edward Teller, to Viktor Weiss- Too hot to handle structure. With the linac energy kopf, and in memory of the late boosted to 600 MeV, he moved P.A.M. Dirac, P.L. Kapitza and A.D. Now available in the UK (published his attention to smaller nuclei and Sakharov (received by Mrs. M. Di­ by W.H. Allen) is 'Too Hot to Han­ the proton itself. For the first time, rac, Mrs. A. Kapitza and Mrs. E. dle', a new book by theorist and it became clear that the proton and Bonner Sakharova}. author Frank Close on the history the neutron are not point particles, The Ettore Major ana Centre for of the cold fusion claims which but their electric and magnetic pro­ Scientific Culture in Erice is directed burst on an unsuspecting world in perties are smeared out, and could by Antonino Zichichi. March 1989. CERN Courier, January/February 1991 25 Faculty Positions In High Energy Physics UNIVERSITY OF TEXAS AT ARLINGTON The Department of Physics invites applications for two faculty positions beginning in Fall 1991. U T Arling­ ton is the second-largest University in the University of Texas System. It is located at the heart of the Dallas- Fort Worth Metroplex amidst a concentration of high technology industries and within a short commuting distance of the SSC Laboratory. The University is committed to building a strong relationship with the SSC and has plans for a substantial build-up in SSC-related research Over the next few years. Planning for a refurbished and enlarged physics building to accommodate this development are already at an advanced stage. The positions presently available are for a tenured Full Professorship and a tenure-track position at the As­ sistant or Associate level. We are looking for candidates with an existing involvement in future work at the SSC. The successful candidate for the senior position will be expected to play a leading role in determining the pattern of further faculty, support staff and student recruitment and in development of research and teaching programs. The levels of start-up funding and salaries will be competitive. Persons interested in these positions should forward promptly a letter of application together with a resume and the names of three references to: The Chair of the Search Committee, Department of Physics, Box 19059, The University of Texas at Arlington, Arlington, TX 76019. The University is an Equal Opportunity, Affirmative Action Employer and women and minority candidates are encouraged to apply. 26 CERN Courier, January/February 1991 Last last year saw the 60th birthday of two eminent Geneva theorists - Henri Ruegg (left) and Raoul Gatto. 60th birthdays Late last year several distinguished theoreticians based in and around CERN celebrated their 60th birth­ days. In November, a symposium Theoretical Particle Physics at the Beginning of the 90s' at the Univer­ sity of Geneva honoured Henri Ruegg and Raoul Gatto, who have spent most of their careers at Gen­ eva and have helped build up the close collaboration between the University and CERN. Another symposium, held at CERN, honoured Torlief Ericson, who personifies the bridge be­ tween nuclear and particle physics.
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