PRICE : Rs. 5/- FORTNIGHTLY JOURNAL OF THE ALL INDIA TRADE UNION CONGRESS Vol. 73. No. 2 New Delhi Pages 20 06–20 Jan., 2015 NATIONWIDE SATYAGRAHA ON 26TH FEBRUARY, 2015 Against Govts. Pernicious Policies Trade Unions Intensify Stir The Central Trade Unions in their meetings held on tunately the Govt. has not taken any action on our 10 26th December, 2014 and 10th January, 2015 in New point charter. Proliferation of contract system of labour Delhi, reviewed the action programme of 5th December and outsourcing continues. No steps are being taken All India Protest Day and observed that it was wide- to fix need based minimum wage on updated norms spread and carried out jointly in most of the states and of 15th ILC. Scheme workers are not being accorded industrial centres. The Central Trade Unions felt that status of a worker. No attention is being paid to issues unity built at the apex level requires to be brought further like pension to all and removal of ceilings on bonus down below, specially at industry and sectoral level. gratuity and provident fund. With further offensive being unleashed after at- But it is gratifying to note that sectoral struggles in tempts to amend labour laws to give it a Pro-corporate coal, banks, insurance, state transport, electricity are tilt, the Govt. in an undem- being launched. Magnif- ocratic manner brought EXTENDED MEETING OF icent two days strike by ordinances again in respect coal workers has boosted of auction of coal blocks for AITUC SECRETARIAT the morale of the work- commercial purposes thus Available Secretariat members at AITUC Centre ers in general. The re- paving way for denational- feel that an extended neeting of AITUC Secretariat is cent decision of Central ization of coal sector. The necessary in order to prepare ourselves to combat the Govt. employees including Govt. has also re-prom- offensive of the new Govt. at the Centre. Meanwhile the Railways and Defence to ulgated the ordinance in- CTUs have given a call for Satyagraha and other forms stage March to parliament creasing the FDI limit to of action on 26th February, 2015 and discussions for in April and from thereon to 49% in Insurance sector. one day All India Protest Strike are continuing. Sectoral declare strike action is a Land acquisition law has agitations are also being planned. Besides this some very positive development. also, been changed through organizational issues like affiliation fee payment require It is in the above con- an ordinance to acquire the to be discussed. text the Central Trade land for corporate without It is therefore decided to have extended the meeting Unions in order to further the consent of the con- of the Secretariat (members of the Secretariat and State intensify joint action have cerned farmers. The Govt. General Secretaries) on 4th February, 2015 at AITUC decided to has made its intentions clear Bhawan, New Delhi. The meeting will start from 11 :00 1. Support fully the to bring FDI to Railways, noon. sectoral struggles being Defence and other strategic You are, therefore, requested to participate in the planned in January, Febru- sectors. The disinvestment meeting. You may kindly book your return journey in the ary and March, 2015 of public sector is continuing night or next day. with full speed and vigour. 2. Staging Satyagraha By way of mid-term review, With new year greetings, (Civil Disobedience) allo- budget allocation to health Yours sincerely ver India on 26th Febru- ary 2015. Govt. and PSU and other social sectors has (Gurudas Das Gupta) been curtailed. MNREGA workers may adopt other General Secretary is also under attack. Unfor- Contd. on page 8 SECTOR/STATE LEVEL ACTIVITIES Relentless battle against anti-worker Policies of the Govt. AP AITUC State Conference decides V.V.S. Murthy From Srikakulam to Chittoor Dist., workers from the essence of "Make in India" Culminating the rally all the 13 Districts of Andhra Pradesh have come to and as a mark of inauguration of the 15th conference of Tirupati to participate in the 15th Conference held on AITUC AP Council at Tirupati, a public meeting is held at 27th to 29th December 2014. They have participated Com. Ramchander Maidan (Indira Maidan); Com. P.J. in the rally organised on 27th holding red flags in their Chandra Sekhara Rao, MLC and President, presided. hands and raising slogans against Modi Government Com. Amarjit Kaur, National Secretary AITUC par- and Chandrababunaidu Govt. who have come to pow- ticipated in the meeting as a Chief Guest. er on false promises. More than 10 thousand workers Before commencement of the meeting Com. Dr. participated in the rally. In their slogans they expressed K. Narayana, Central Executive Committee Member of their anger against NDA Govt. which is taking away CPI released the book "Porubatalo AITUC Prasthanam" (March of the AITUC in the struggle path) a Telugu translation of Com. A.B. Bardan by V.V.S. Murthy who has also updated the book. Com. Narayana said that this book will be useful to the workers as a path finder. Modi in his foreign tours has promised "We will change the Labour Laws, we will provide cheap labour, come and invest in India and make in India" said Com. Amarjeet Kaur in her inaugural speech She further said, for establishing factories and establishments he prom- ised to amend Land Acquisition Act so as to provide farm lands cheaply. In defence 49% and in Insurance sector 100% FDI is being allowed and thus weakening Public Sector. "If you invite foreign money it means pledging the sovereignty" she said. In all sectors and through out Flag hoisting by Com.Nekkanti Subbarao the country contract, scheme workers out sourcing has their hard won rights and privileges by making several became order of the day. They are paid paltry wages amendments to the Labour Laws. They shouted slogans and are being starved. BJP Govt. is acting as per the against the Govt. for inviting foreign money for exploiting dictates of Nagpur based RSS and with a budget of Rs. cheap labour in India and make huge profits, which is 6,500 bullet trains are being introduced and common Contd. on next page Com.M.A.Gaffoor(CITU)greeting the conference 06 – 20 Jan., 2015 2 Trade Union Record Contd. from pre. page and Independent Unions and Federations have decided man or middle class people cannot afford to use them. Mass Satyagraha on 26th February 2015 discussion on They will be useful only for few rich, she said. one day Nationwide strike are continuing. Modi in this election campaign made several Com. M.A. Gaffoor, General Secretary, CITU AP promises to common man and now working over time attended the Conference and extended fraternal greet- to placate the rich. Said Dr. K. Narayana, Com. G. ings to the delegates and said if AITUC and CITU jointly Obulesu, General Secretary and Com. P.J. Chandra Sekhar Rao, MLC and President AP Council also spoke on the occasion. 15th Conference of the AITUC AP Council delegates session has started on 28th Dec. with the AITUC Flag hoisting by the senior Comrade Nekkanti Subba Rao and after that, floral tribute was paid to the Martyrs Column by the leaders and the delegates. Com. Manohar Manikyam placed before the house Audience in the Conference Homage resolution and two minute silence is observed. work together it will be easy to fight back Anti Worker, Com. Rama Naidu, President of the Reception Com- Anti Farmer and Anti People policies of the State and mittee welcomed the delegates. Central Govts., Com. Amarjeet Kaur, Chief Guest while inaugurat- Com. G. Obulesu, General Secretary placed before ing the conference castigated Modi Govt. of taking anti the house the report on the activities and struggles for people and anti worker policies and also using various achieving Rs. 15,000 as minimum wage and for abolition occasions for dividing the secular fabric of the country. and regularisation of Contract and Scheme workers unit- In Germany and England though majority are Chris- ed struggle is the only alternative he said in the report. tians the people of those Countries feel that they are Com. T. Narasimhan, President of the AITUC Tel- Germans and English but the BJP Govt. in India wants angana State Council greeted the Conference and said the people of India to be called as Hindus instead of the Govts. which came to power after making so many Indians. On one hand they placate Corporates and promises, forgot those promises and now working to MNCs, with another hand they are implementing Sangh serve the interest of Corporates and M.N.C.s and ap- Parivar Agenda. pealed to the workers to fight back these policies and achieve the just demands. The Conference passed several resolutions which include Rs. 15,000 minimum wage to scheme workers (Anganwadi, Asha, Mid day Meals etc.) and to organ- ise a protest rally on 26th January in Vijayawada. The Conference demanded to implement the G.Os. on Medical and Municipal Contract Workers and to organ- ise Chalo Assembly during budget session. Similarly welfare boards are to be established for Auto, Hamali Though raising slogan of Sramayeva Vijaya - no workers welfare on the lines of Building and Construc- where workers and their organisations are involved. tion Workers. Industries are allowing toxic wastes into rivers and can- 516 delegates have attended the Conference nals and marking the waters polluted and in the name and after discussion on report by many delegates, the of Swatch Bharat roads are being cleaned. If the Govt. report of the G.S. is approved unanimously.
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