PUBLIC LIBERTIES, BE TRUE, AND FAITHFUL, AXD VALIANT FOB THE 1864. VOLUME XX, OTMBEI St JOIN E. HITLER, Editor and Proprietor. BIDDEFOKD; ME., FKIDAY MORNING, DEC. 23, L«o. Chief Jmtlce Ghtua. 8pare Linei. Giva us thii our Bread. The Chirograph/ of Grant aud { CHRISTMAS Day Daily THE UNION & nf tho S.iTiin«. Thai Worcrator Spy |ueaenta »o iutereatiuf VW prefer oil-mill* to rhjo«.fMtorieft— JOURNAL,j a miwruhtn howl at the bottom of n A Richmond fn earr-iipmdent the tiiua lia luhriottione to lucubration*. li pnMUhMl «T*ry Frl4»f itoriitSiit I'iOO It AND n>*h r»*forr»i»i» t>» tho l*t»» oorr»n- •ketch of Mr. Oiav'a career fro'iu If "UUtH till tha |1oc(n). hill, t*nchildren hoeer«d over* smoiildiMr- strictly In a«l*#t»o*i pti'l I* t«r* n Grant and Lee, in nder- left hia New England home thirty yenra ttfo, n ninn lire on txplratiun of tha yaar. •*»* month*. ll.'M. in? fir« A tensp<wt mrmI without—u fcir* pond<*iice If exclmirely regeubUs, is I'm*) our at tho we Loasly. tnun ami taint to th«i relief of whlc'i c<»py. th(* fluid in liia rcine blood or till t'*inrwt uittiinxt which pritonew• mp? e»rr lonelv. >m. Mr. Chue ttfirin rl|.< of Ltw io Cln« On# «quar». threa in«ertlo*« ut !•«*, fi.r. Pitting lonely, w*re 'ilike nowi»rl S>»«ith, ny«: |>r«eti«*> * YEAR GIFTS! on* Til who ronlcM the flour- -to NEW U for for frreaUat if Is", ami «hil# client* dandy Y «Vt!h *>tltl«IMl iu»eiUou. w.iitiutr <>nly, \ old min>;r. inu^h than the*e Th* c.jrn«pondtjnc« h»tw-»#n Ganeml cinnati in IWJ ; waiting i.»re. pv>r»r «t*tutr» of OMo ish i»n't in « condition. By th* year. |>«r ».j 1J.O Thu» I "«rjnt the we*ry moments pisiint( by; iiml General 'lr»nt in n.iw Ik-foro ui«\ and I he |>ie|wrvi| an e Jitn«n of the ulwiiye floarlahinj; n'lin-rins children, though he hud of anedi. Th* *«t »|aar« t*ti»alr«Jln*aiionpiraH ; \r«l the heivy eremite doom hrapn with annotation*,in three Imxe tolmuea, ut dr»w hit c'o»k ataut hitVH lw«n much Mtuek tho handwriting If n woman to lift** the when Nt ia larger ivj»o, or >tiv.l»ya«l, a hi* fl in the r<Him, maney how. rac^-d liy nt i>l»«e nil ollw *od ia young bopeeerer from thr tnannfocturvra a war lion which ani^raHed i* allow*! tlra <<iart. \V« hav«.ju*t rrc«lrr>t of uf chrtM two ahhut tlio hut I honor of l'»e «u*tten. alio muM I earn lujtr An J ••*••11 1 »«*<*• ml »-r 'lirkof*' dim* the sky. liiin a* In* ••roneheil down at th.i threshold gen-rain ■till an authority iti the courta. lie early rote giiiug toaullful *»*>rtuirnt or mtuhl* lor f'lrw.irl on «ita. (ion. !✓«»»'■ fn>n» X >• t'le eount!e«« hwy feet the indoor.. !1»* dir« not enter for brought to distinction lu bii pr»»fe«aion, and ne»er. to knit. *r hi* l«t Cruea ®s.-h oth^r in the street, a*k for and hi hand writing i« hold nn1 r»th itilT. the he«i(«Wv I to lend hip incr«*MlhichiV»t f*Mr lhey would aheltwr, dUrt, Kr-r? iimn who ia not • monaler, ft tnftth- Aii-I I wnlc'i ilie Iuf» (littini p i*t mv ilo«»r; juy t»»rs *nd fry din'inct to th<* oauae of the oupreaacd. MEDICINES! MEDICINES! NSW YEAR'S, c ioM not tuoTi* for too etorm. b'ing lar^*, nnnd. mul i»tiuliliou CHRISTMAS, •» rl lime I *» » ciioiliciitn or a until it the liar* But 'h- »t m th *ere<l oizhtly, in the a In nliile def--n iinir * woman philosopher, «•[ mn hunirrv. Nettle." f>»ur* h'-iiTily up ppn—pru'nblr 18.17, t .\if' ''it- ImU'I Hi it «pj>"l eo lightly. alnve under the I iw o' »*»'", hr boldly eontr»>. of itouitf wuiiotn. AT LOW PRICES "So dm I 1're heen for a t\Vir»Mrute< And ih« ft'i it be>«nie<l au brightly, ; hunting pota- q-ii'l—-nnd luanjfofhia' the of concrete lu impose da-1 .i« were h lu't tr t<» Inn. vnrt'i! authority do more ! to hut em't fin-1 word«, if writing a*at«i 0« and nfti»r M-ireh 4, 1P(W, no TVmoml Come any." tie* or confer |>>wo' *, ii* Hitch ct^e*. pirlnir, tr of cl»«» in addition to BRIDAL PRESENTS! " nn at »rtn Tho fo'lowing Ik nn «»UPt in«<Ti|»t the un« ! •rill h* allowed to 70 at without ft und»*r«i^n«Mt hi»] \V*h:it nwlul UMKiefrnti a, iml «» l"»Mly maintained lurp* •tuck of Finny G * fill supply of th" Bv the Brelijht'i fitful clenmlrc the old trv»j Iiiii Mown di»wn. I fir«t •*tt»-n««* in hi- l<*tttf to Oiit Gcmt: of the Uw ot !'3. The anprein*; Rir Jlnmon lv Th« Which «• shall fall wry low fur eash. The "Y'n. constitutionality •tump.—-7m/ Jmyo. TBo»t mi I iir »ti*>n« puMU «ver and |»onuUr Medicine* U I'rvpur I am lrettnhic, difAinlnir, cir* n »t on hire r«»<l your lettwrof thoi court inn nince «udor*ed hit fir»t i**iti*>n. to guec* dud look that it did fill "G'tiTil,—I •* nn are lnrite<l call an<l examine I »it l A in in'« niton* ria either lo herb# or- i*i U4«, whioh h« otfcr* nt rtry low prictt. I rwp*ctf\iny Auil the rvn i« slowly lulling nil rmiutvl; h:iTv» Iflth in«t of lutt'-iM fr «iu uotigre** haa resile I the urobrtflMti jn lh« of our thrt houM S-e, it would acimp'g iMpif* ail »rti i«-s sold by him are x irranUJ. tu bo i\t atoct»u.l pr1cv«,«l*o quality AO'I voice* that *re hp tint. tvrtiinly ><uni«n law. Kit connection with the Vm th<»r-for»« let him tauter tbfl kill'^l na." Jodg- Oold, C"!u uV if Flx-'hiingie of i'rii'n,; wo^lft. araftotuihly fMiiit. hrCiirv purflh».<!n,jfl»e»h*n». Or frien U the lie«t an l lie treat. Z tit It ci" •* ulao it mailer of history, in which one uitil the other. ho *ciid «•<• on tha ol th* C»nfntr ijtitw. A tlio ibatroy Aynr'ii tVhnrtle Pi|'*, 7> c*nt«. Ileiam'w the plare, to have a strung?) nnil sound. "If h« could do that, couldn't ptri lir iimintaine I tl«*< >Uver\ wa« de*iirned to 1*» Appear ll'iii'i'lt* K. M. St mt »n, Sm* r nf War I/. Writfht'* In IIin WretiMe P.It*. VO c»»n»*. Now the «<-»ry «in I Is alchlnif. brtftd." left eitduvlve'y to the di»po«tl of the aeveial Tit" lru»» war to nrimno* another** rlrtn#, ll<*rricV'-« Sn.'ir(uKi»| Pi I 40 cent*. Cd Mnllord, Ant. (jiiiitiu r of Exo of tie or the In, TWAMBLEY & CLEAVES* An I the murky »liy it dying, [<loor; ,4I pu *»* fo; lut u* pMj •O irKnthor,' and aUtea, without amotion support trim i« to biMow i» ; and the way to cry down Itrantreih's Pill*, cut*. wiiti^rel lei\e« lie witit-nil roitn<l sv»t •#." «n»e-» And the my wtion we cmiuo to that pirt Mtop till wo en: u. s n iImiiv eovernu)i*iit. In h'a political another'* rir* ia to d«»elitie it. A\»r' Sirtiptril! i, TO cent*. But tin? voice whose centle greeting n« ii| wm the leal- WATCKdc JRWKLUY 8TORR some Hretil." Ilrt d>n* not, ynu p.T.'i'iTt'. punnum*! tliO'lrn^lluiiiilltiiliiti a'<v<ry 9) c«*nt*. n» c.m rite. I thU w**. A>*r'* Cherry IV'turil, Set this heirt wiMly beatinir. and nowhere in hit letter «l »•.•* h«^ illjf article of h:» ftiili. Me miSTVeated the J *h Billing nrjtrin if Pulmonic So !'•••» '»••»•> »f>i| th<» inU'r crouching cl'wlj; { 8ehtnck'< Syrup, oHm|i. 3 At eioli fund and meeting, fcntiuii which or/an>z>! the party of u 111 in is ha l(-«iit I* to if lift NO. CRYSTAL arcadk. frequent Wh"n writoout th« woril l'hn-1hut inv iria'dy I liberty rijfht Milikiil, Saliruak's StM-we* I Tm!«, cheap. Couies no more! tin I *hir»»rinj5. lutciiod th»»y |»iUM»d nti'l whidi the convention 6<» J \et h«* Ohio, hia vMrfw, i< rout. hekint l»e tu cona*rritiff. 8oh*n;k'* XI tii-lr.ike *> cenU. niJdef.N. Dec 1%1. in ehildia'i filth to **• wnn" uh<-« the uMircri.ition An Pills, expecting tVir j \ l >pte I. wti t!ie r-irliesi .rxjxMition of p-diii. Johnson** ins. 11 f.»«!ii»i» to (lot «ll In* "IV utiil. f/nim'-nt, che,p. STATE OF MAINE. iiiir.iculiiiin m.mife^tTti liU'ii.in Il.mi> enough cal anti *l%tery action. lie projected in IKtO Yon rm n rnr rejf tin your cfierrfulnrta he ('im'i Cjuv'Ii Ititam, 37 cents. fro* all hi* "I'm". All hikl^tfnt are drawn; »t«il» o*«t lii* heart : 0<»<tn'nl *om* nngd to »h» f<HiMi»rii tn I western contention, •Vmhne hr.i >lioir uifcrortutii*.
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