fii:ii'T?:?''ii?r-i -^; 317.3M31 M41 63AIHOI#V vv..», Digitized by tine Internet Arcliive in 2009 witli funding from University of IVIassacliusetts, Boston http://www.arcliive.org/details/pocl<etalmanacl<fo1820amer rt'ip^VyrttrVpT .yg^M^g^ THE MASSACHUSETTS AND United States Calendar; For the Year of our LORD 182 0. 4 and j Forty-fourth of American Independence. CONTAINING I 1 Civil, Judicial, Ecck/ia/iica/, and Military Lifts in X MASSACHUSETTS; ) Associations, and Corporate Institutions, \ for Literary^ agricultural^ and charitable Purpofes. A Lijl ^ Post-Towns in MaJ'ackufctts, with the Names of the Post-Masters. ALSO, Catalogues of the Officers of the GENERAL GOVERNMENT, With its feveral Departments and ERabliihments j i Times of the Sittings of the feveral Courtsj Governors in each State; And a Variety of other intcreftlng Articles. BOSTON : PUBLISHED BY JAMES LORING, AND WEST, RICHARDSON 8c LORD. Sold, wholefale and retail, at their Book -Stores, Covnliill. ^^^S5^3?S9©^fe6^^^5p5©(£^^©g^^^^6^»i^^f^^ " ECLIPSES FOR 1820. There wiU be four Eclipses this j'ear, two of the *Sun, and two of the Moon, as follows, viz. I. The first will be of the Sun, March Uth day, 8h. STm. in the morninv?;, invisii>ie to ns, but visible and central in the STUthcrn Ocean,, in Long. oQo 12' East of Boston, and Lat. 6 50 32' South. ' IT. The ^^econti will be of t!ie Moon, March 29tlv, 2h. 2ni.in the evening, consequently invisible at Boston. III. The third will be of the Hun, S'f^ptember 7th» invisible at Boston. Conjunction 9h. Sm. morning. IV. The fourth and last wil; be of the Mgoti^ Sep- tember 2 2d day, visible as folio vvs. Ref^inning Oh. 29m.) Ar^«oTv:»«^ fi«,a, .- ^ Apparent time 1 57 ( "^°'^*"S End 3 26 S Duration 2 57 Dibits ec'JDsed, IQo 12' on the Moon*s Southern Limb. For 3)7. 3M 3/ 7 JANUARY, 1820, begins on Saturday. Laft Quarter 8th. day, Uh. 38m. morning. New Moon 15th. day. Oh. 9m. evening. Firft Quarter 22d. day, 3h. 5Sm. niorning. Full Moon 30th. day, ih. Im. morning. M|W| Obfervable Days, Iff/. r. s, jr. *.jF.Sca. i # Circum. i^.2/^r, 17 3a 5| 5 36 mora 2d. Sun. paftChri. d 1) d^b 3^ 3i ^ 4^ ° 44 3 G.P.Alf, e;^ Bang. &Boft. 1/7 31 5' 7 45^ 1 3i 5I 4 C. S. Camb. not I> apog.!7 30 8 47 2 lo 5 /wo^if. 7 jo 51.9 49 6 Epiph. Rather low tii.ies.|7 ^9 ^'lo 50 3 36 7 Prs. Chariot, of W.b. 1 796.7 ^J 5'ii 51 4 1 8 28 Brit. dcf. at N.OrLi8i5. \7 ^^morn. 4 54 9 ift Sun. paft Epiph. !]ne 7 28 ^ o 56 5 36 C. P. Warren, cweather, \7 ^l 5. % 4 6 ai 11 2,6 but rather cold. \7 ^j ^ lo 10 12 Sirius Sou.iih. eve. I7 ^^ 5i 4 aJ^j ^ 5 -Mor^ $ Gr. El. 7 25 5! 5 4o{ 9 5 Yd. L. ibu. 9h. 14m. ,7 24 5! 6 45li« 10 15I7 High Tides. moderate, 7 ^3 ^'iletsjii 16 16B 22 5! ev. zd. Sun. paft Epiph. |7 5 ^o 20 I7|2 ^^ 1 Dr. Frank. b. 1 706 D Perig. 5: 7 ^3 18 i8;3 C. S. Warren. Cold d $ V 7 2° 5. ^ 33 2 II ^'^ 19:4 withjome 7 5 9 S^- 3 1 "2.0.5 fnc^v 7 19 5,11 4 3 48 2116 Lou.XVI. beh.i793.'^/^i.7 1^ 5 morn. 4 35 22!7 Vincent. Unpleafant 7 ^7 5| o is 5 2a 23JB 3d. Sun. paft Epip. and 7 16 I %-j 10 5J 24|2 •very cold* 7 15 5 2 37 7 J 25*3 Ccnver. St. Paul. Changes 7 14 5! 3 46 7 54 26;4 Not very high to 7 ^3 5} 4 51 .^ 47 7|5 12 *s fouth 7h.eve. tides. 7 <5i J 47 9 40 28,6 Peter the Great died 7 1^56 36110 31 1725 , 297 more comfortable ' 9 7 i6|H 19 J7 5J 30|1> Septuagesim. Sund. <weathA7 ^ 5jenfeJmorn.- 3ii^ o er, D apog.7 7 5| 6 2>o\ 4 FEBRUARY, 1820, begins on Tuesday. Laft Quarter 7th. day, 4h. SOm. morning. New Moon ISth. day, loh. 32m. evening. Firft Quarter 20th. day, 5h. 30m. evening. Full Moon 28th. day, 8h. 10m. evening. MlWj Qbfervable Days, tsfc. |r. $. |r.(^s. jF. Sea, Gr<?fl^ ~6 31 ^3 j7 5i 7 "o 46 or 2.4 Purif. V. M. Cand./^«j7 5 5! 8 33 I a6 35 ofjnozv. 7 4 5 9 35 Agatha. A/wf/& 7 2 5 JO 37 a 45 more Jine. 7 1 511 42 3 25 o Sexagefima Sund. 7 5 morn. 4 Mid. tides. I^ow 6 59 6 P 51 4 54 8 /o^>^ out 6 57 6 % 1 s 45 9 ybr « 6 66 6 3 13 6 4a 7 o Jiorm. 6 55 6 4 ao '43 11 Y'dL.fetsih. 50m. /^/«^ 6 S3 6 5 22 8 47 Pe. 12 an. w. G.B. ' ; .'^ again, 6 5a 6 6 II 9 61 13 Quinquag. Sun. High tides. 6 51 6 >fets 10 5a 14 2 |Valentine Day. 6 49 6 5 58 ii JO 15 3 lShro.Tuef.S.J.C.Ded.Co/^6 48 6 7 aojev. 44 164 Afh.Wed. orLENT.<S >b6 47 6 B 34: 1 34 5 Gh.t.rat.byCo.'i5.[J ]) $ 6 45 6 9 49 2 23 Changeable 6 44 611 3 12 fet morn. 2 19 7*s ih. morn, d ^ Ijl 6 43 6 4 20 ift. Sun. in Lent. 6 4I 6 o S4 4 5 21 weather. 6 40 6 I 34 5 4 22 Washington bor. 1732. 6 39 6 2 43 6 42 23 Verypkajant 6 37 6 3 43 7 35 24 St. Matt, for 6^%^ 36 6 4 34 8 37 25]6 tbejeajon, 6 34 6 5 16 9 ^6 267 Low Cooler 6 33 6 5 .50 10 7, 27B 2d. Sun. in Lent. > apog. 6 32 6 6 24 10 45 2»j2 C.P.Lenox, tides, mtk 6 30 6 # rife 11 27 C.P. Paris, rain. 6 6 28 morn l9_3 6 Q^ a9 6] Venus will be evening star till July 30th ; thence morning star to the end ofthcyear—.Jupitkr will be morning star till February i9th ; thence evening ftar. ^ MARCH, 1820, begins on Wednesday. T- APRIL, 1820, begins on Saturday. Lalt Quarter 6th. day, 2h. 40m. morning. New Moon 12th. day, 6h. 30m. evening. Firfl Quarter 20th. day, 2h. 38m. morning. Full Moon 28th. day, 5h. Mm. morning. M W| Obt; r ^abic Days, Is'c. r. s. r. | | #9. |F. Sea. 1 MAY, 1820, begins on Monday. 4 JUNE, 1820, begins on Thursday. Laft Quarter 3d. day, 2h. 2m. evening. New Moon 10th. day, 2h. 56m. evening. Firft Quarter 1 8th. day, 2h. 1 8m. evening. Full Moon 26th, day, 2h. 20m. evening. M|W| Obfervable Days, b'c. | r. Q s.| rJ|^.£i^^Sea Plea/ant 33 « morn. 3 28 Not very high tides, days, 3^ 8 o 2 4 ai 3 7 7*s rife sh. ijm. }) peris: 32 8 o 24 5 la 4 A ift. Sun paft Trin. K.G.III. 31 8 46 6 1 5I2 Ar.El.Boft.<5 J^% [b.1738. 31 8 1 8 6 48 6|3 S.J. C. Wife. Good weather 30 8 1 29 7 35 7:4 Gen. Elec. N. H. for the 30 8 1 53 8 24 ^5 fi(^fon. Ko(i(j 29 8 2 20 9 ij 96 Mid. Tides. Look out 29 8 2 54 10 9 107 for afiorm, 28 8 >fets »» 5 1 oev. 1 :A ad. Sunday paft T. St. Bar. 28 8 9 % 120 C. P. Cone. Taun. aQ^ 28 8 9 52] o 58 ojio 1 133 jS.J.C.Caf.C.P.Par. ll^afant 20 31J 5 8jii 2 144 again. Dull d0? 27 2J 39 i5'5 'C.S.Paris, forfome 37 8'ii 26| 3 24 166 Gr.Ecl.fun.'o6^a;'i-, 6^S 27 8|ii 47j 4 \7 7 'St.Al.Bat.B.Hll!,'75. >apo.l4 27 8'mornJ 4 o 18 A '3d.Sund.paft Trin. J0H'4 27 8| 5: t9% ;C.P.Sal.& Wor. Low MucJo'/^ 27 8 O 2Si 20j3 |C. P. Portl. tides. rjuarmerA 27 8 o 40, 6 45 2I4 iLongeft day. ivitk ihundcr'A 27 8 o 53i 7 29 flowers. 27 8 1 20, o 1 7 6 *s rife 27 8 1 1 zh. 10m. 45; J4 7 !Nat. St. John Bapt. GrowM 27'^ 2 13H0 A '4th. Sun. paft Trin. ing 27 8 3 3111 rife morn. \C. P. Lenox & Norridge. 4 27 8 9 nveather if 27 8 9 20 10 Eat. Monra. 1778. not 27 8 9 54 1 1 Pretty high too fivet, 4 28 8 10 22 3 9 tides. > perige. 4 28 8 10 45 3 JULY, i 820, begins on Saturday. Laft Quarter zd. day, 6h. 63m. evening. New iv^oon lOtb. day, 2h. 5i:m. morning. Firli Quarter i8th. day, 6h. 40m. morning Full Moon ii5th. day, lOh, 9m. morning, M W| Obi^vable Day"s7~bV. | rrQT[rr(i"s.|"F7Sea. 1 7 line 28 8 11 7 52 2A 5th Sun.
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