I 1 THE CRANFORD CITIZEN AND CHRONICLE, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 29, 1951 Pase Twenty-Four Rtl» fight Tl RalpffiATI 'wrns pronounced lptoxicated by for parents, who were introduced 262 and 263. Mode 772 map ofAdvancement AwaJrds New Realty Office 'Now and Then'Sale Attend Convention tortheir-childrera'-teachers.—Tnc Crantord KnolU [Wlt~hd l\ir. Six municipal officials left yc To Face Arraingment His companion;, Patrick O'CJ fall program! had been delayed by Mr, and Mrs. Mattio Garafolo to p ffrm^that opened.recently at 104 land new articles will talce place yyaUc7^ ghan, 27 years old; same address, the uncompleted portion of the Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Nanz, prop^- Advancement awards were, pre- NortlTavenue, west, comer Central Monday, pecember 10; from 9^ a^ . mf.-the' annual convention of the NC\V KENILWORTH — Frank Brooke, schbol : g««Tpr<.H rujg abolit theJibl erty in K»"g**"" avenue. ;375 feet sented Saturday evening.at .a: meet- avenue, Wesifleld. He was ror-to Vp; m. at the McPberson Realty! Jersey League '. of ^.-.Municipalities 36 years old. of 27 tommonwearot refused physician's services, police A cake sale was, held -aiierH *** ThcofrenoBjtU ael's School, Njew Bobcats sworn in TrCffrTOw. " Tilosie • auenaing ir J avenue, is scheduled to fdce a court said^/feTe was arrested by Sgt, meetingr"Mrs^u^st|m^ine Bar&ar-- Sir. and Mrs- Harold Snyder, to < selle, in charge of tht?" sales, ap- auspices of the Cranford Twig of Mr. and Mrs. WBljsBittAj.jPearcie, were Joseph Gillcn, NorbertjHeag- praisals and mortgages; "ntie^T. the. Women's Auxiliary of Over- Cranford include Tax Collector appearance. Monday-on a charge of Thonias r^cyille for drunk and dis- ise, president.i. irttrodilced^ihe main B. Caldwelir Township Treasur^ drunken driving.- ,-• . ' :> property known as 673 Quinton neyl Michael Hogan, ThomaB-Tii8a> Willis Real Estate firm will spe- look. .Hospital, Summit. Proceeds orderly conduct. i speaker. • • . .';.,-" .7 •"-•; hey, Robert Mueller, David Sha- D, J. Croft, Building inspector F He was arrested by Patrolman Brooke, according to.the police " At'.. 1:15 p. m. today, the parent ri'' cialize in . sales, rental -manage- will go to the hospital fund. : ••» G. and H. Constructioh Company., heen, John Sullivan, .William j". beller, Township Assessor EdJ G A RW OOD G R ANFORD George. Ker,nsn after hisjeaf w report, was driving south toward education group will > meet at the ment, . mortgages and appraisals. ward Markowich, Township Clerk to Mr, and Mrs. Frank iSantoreUi* Washburn and' PauliZarilio. • Associated, with Mr. Willis are CLSAM »AO8 rtmCBABlB—Whtf o» in collision at Boulevard and Twen- the Boulevard,, and was ;in_ colli- sthool, Mrs. John Ruth will lead Colon* without button* or-cdlcth* — J. Walter Coffee and Health Offl ty-third street a* '2; 15 a. in.'M6.hr 1 property in Clinton avenue, 105.55 Badges and awards presented Charles .J. Lyons, formerly with * CtaM pn a«aaa\_ Bring them Into The Vol. LVIIL No. 46 sion'with a car traveling"west or? a discussion oh "Understanding Included; John Baker; silver ar- cer William K Smith: CRANFORD. NEW JERSEY, THURSDAY. DECEMBER 6. 1951 28 Pages — FIVE CEKTS day. Taken to police headquarters the Boulevard, operated by Frank Biscipline?' feet from o South Twenty-fourth; Peterson and St^ford of Union; street.-'.-' '••'"•' ' ' \ '.-' ' '• " ' row- oifi Bear badge; Donald Walsh^ Lawrence Bacek, Shell Oil Co.; J. Torrens, 23 years old, of 5 Wolf, badge, gold arrow and three iilWUIilliiiu,,, He'rriing avenue, Cranfoi'd, ' Esti- Mrs, John H. Morris, fprnierly* with Guest Soloist Leads Businessmen Hill Elected President Ike for .President Police Hunt Thieve* Wfcea Foraacc b "FMItwC silver arrows; Thomas Ciirrie, gold Ifce Traynor; Mrs-. Julie i&cCul- LBARH TO HAf mated damage to each csr ivas and silver arrows on Bear badge; CHS Prom Taliaferro Because the household rumpus lough, formerly with Bankers Business Of Watcliung Bowmen Petitions Circulate $500. •. : - In 4 Holiday Breaks ACCOftDIOH! room frequently bouses the furnace, John Jellowitz, Wolf badge, gold * Kcpresonlativc.s of the local Also slated to. appear is Donald KENILWORTH—Several leads Trust; Mrs. John Hirsh, and Mrs. Howard Mill of 28 Mansion ter- the demand has developed tor fur- arrow and two silver arrows; and .Modem method* Wilson, 18 years old, of 21lt Ceil-arc being •investigated, by police Cornelia Elliot. race was elected president of the "We Want Eisenhower" Club naces with exterior Jackets that are Arthur. Donnelly, Lion badge. Committee let you play nial avenue, Cranford, on a charge this week t<> find thieves respon- Harold pomaratius .who 'was Association Watehung Bowmen; field archery attended .-in Kisonhowcr ineetinu. from UK **U.. as colorful and attractive as furni- ens of ..careless driving. sible for the Thanksgiving Day ture. For the' purpose, industrial graduated to Boy Scouting Was Approve Permits and hunting club; Tuesday. night in Sumtriit 'on Sunday; Senator- Beginner"* lootiiig^ttf four, homes amounting to Capt, Edward Btupak said Wil- finish engineers have developed spe- presentedAviih a scout neckerchief. Township Committee Tuesday at a meetng in the Union County elect Malcolm S. Forbes of Som- furnished. loss ol $400 in cash and property. Appointed son was involved in a Uvo-car. ac- cial finishes in strikfej"<olors which Three new Den mothers, Mrs. Elects Park Commission Building in Reelection All fQur housebreaks are believed night approved building permits erset County was present suid ex- cident a.t 10 p. m. Sunday night sit resist heat, scratching and marring Neil Sullivan, Mrs. John Je'llowitz for four new one-family dwellings Warittanco Park, Elizabeth. ';. Tomorrow Michigan- and Fuirtield .avenues. to be the work.of the same person and are easy to keep clean."— and Mrs, Thomas LeaMcy, were parents Will Join -'plaiiicd the objectives; of the New or persons. as follows: Riverside Development MrH.' Ivo Bertirii, 22 years old, of appointed, as were three new denCo., 24 Omaha drive, $8,000; Sal- Studcnta in Planning Sidney Breen Chosen' Other officers elected are: Vice- Rotary-Dramalu- Clul> Jersey State headquarters'.' . I'o Aiuiotiiue Elizfibdth.i a passenger in the other A camera and "projector Worth , Ateust Bbtory chiefs, Rol.md Leimann, William vatore Garrubba, 520 Cranford 1<>,>2 School Dance To Lead Organizalion"^ president, , Charles Montano oi I*roiluctioii All Set Petitions rcciuesiifiK Qcnvral i the i -iar r recei ved med ieal - at ten t ion for $200 and $85 cash Were taken from In the golden age of whaling, be- Bjumgartner and Stephen Ayres. avenue, $9^000; Theodore RrMoran, Hillside; secretary, Miss. Patricia Eisenhower -to heeonie a caruli- For S<-!ioof Bioard contusions of the right knee and fl\c home of Walter Geisler, Mon- tween 1833 and 1863. America had Announcement was made that 45 203 Pawnee road, $8,000; and Gar- l'l.nis Jlready are underway to Lee Evaluates A«ls Conant of Summitytrcasurerv Mrs; _ For f wo E%hl Staiul _ -iirc now bcinp ckcuUited j^n Shbck,/-' :•.- . ".'- '' ••' " :.. '' . :•"'•' -."• roe avenue and Twenty-fourth as many as S75 ships on the seas Cubs and 10 parents went by busden State Building Corp., 3 Harold mike nevt year's Cianford High Sidney . Breen, proprietor: of Ramon Greenfield . tit Pl.ulnucld; By LOUIS II. Zi:rFLKK street. Thieves took -another $80 seeking the great ocean mammaL At' 7:50-a. m, Monday, a ear. oper^ to the Museum of Natural History Johnson avenue, $8,000. Stlioiil Jiinior-Senioi' Prom one of Breen's. Liquor Store, .21 North. l'tcd by Martin W.. Givcns, 33 yaar's Wish and a quart of whiskey from "Today the U.S., flag is not repre- in New York City on November 17, inembers-at,-larue, Grant Welch of "The Silver .WhistlfclJsjyady. It Union avenue, was elected1 presi- stbej old, of 36 Park drive.^nd a Sunoco his neighboi, Robert Hirth. sented to Antarctic whaling fleets, Next pack meeting wil feature a die outstanding affaire in the irvinglen, William 'ivolnhs of Fan- is ready'.on -timer because of the j and the only American whalers are we dent of the CranfoTSd Business Asv lie trunk, operated by Frank C. A wedding ring and $62 wai re- Christina? parfy. took Before' Yon Pahrt (|la school's history. This was wood arid Ramon Greenfield. • clforts of more: Umn JI Jmn.ilrod | stalioiu. ;uljnawit"i^¥l>" muii"id- itumnm.cc'd last nichi. tluit.;hfc ' two small killer boats which operate sociation at the annual meeting Linden Ogden of' Elizabeth, collided at ported gone fiom the home of Ed- In your eagerness to begin paint; Io.iinod this week with the an- o Mr- Hill was probably- the (list be «V ciindifljitc for {i three^eiii' : from a shore rendering station in 1 wotkerii of the Cranford DrnnViitiej pal- linilcliuj', So"uth Twenty-third street ' and Wiiid Oiavcty, 48 North Thirteenth ing, don\t open a new can of paint last. Thursday ^night at the Coach View 'Jersey archer to kill s> dcci term in the umuial school elcctlqti Quinton avenue. No summonses California. Teen-Agers Bike Court Wrap them iioiiiu i merit that a parent-student jnd Rotary Cliilw for the past two •, l.oiiiil repiWo'n'Uiliyes will bo street, and Joseph Piscatelli, of 136 befdre you acquaint yourself thor- arid Four Restaurant. He succeeds during the bow and arrow .prftsio.iit at the 0|'>cniivK of thiy orrii .Februar• Februaryy 1.1.22 .M Mrr .Talihferf Of Music Center were issued;:: rv .; ^ •,-•-.--•-••••• Teen-age cyclists of Spotswood, pLiiinin" committee has been s>et this year when he shot a 150- months. Tomorrow and Saturday f North Twenty-first street, said $6 oughly witn'^fie"direction* on the Robert M. Crane. New' Jersey' * Eisenhower head- is the lirst 4o announce his eatidt-X, M.
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