Published by The Company ofFifers & Drummers, Inc. Summer 2001 Vol. 27 No.l Issue 103 SS.00 40TH ANNIVERSARY HanJcrafteJ Cooperman rope lerMion f ie!J drurn1. Fulldervice drum dhop for repair, r&Jtoration, par&,anJ duppUM. T HE C OOPERi\llAN C OMPANY A <1eco11d-ge1uration family 6uc1uu4J commilteiJ lo traoilionnf cm/t.mznn,1hip and tiuwvative Je.,ign &,1e.:1: I11iJwtrial Park, P.O. &.i: 276, Ce11ter6r"ok1 CT 06409-0276 USA Tel: 860-767-1779 Fa..i:: 860-767-70/7 Email: [email protected] On the We6: 11•u•w.cooperma11.co111 2 Ancienffimes The Drum From the 1 :--o. 1o3- Sunm>tf 2001 l'ublt1hrJ bv 3 Publisher/Editor The Co_mpany of Fifers fsDrummers This is.sue of the Ancient Times features "The 4 Drum" -some makers, some players, some Editor: Bob Lynch. cnw. [email protected] The Fife and Drum in the teachers and some history. As a boy 1 was fas­ Senior Editor: Robin N1rnuti, Netherlands muil: RN1muu'aprodifl> .nn cinated by the sounds of the drum. There was nothing more thrilling than the rhythmic drum Assoc:ia~ E.diton: T Mllt}· Smipion, Wt1t ~ Aoocutc F..htor beats in the pit of my stomach when a drum line of a S!l"\·r :--."ICIIUCZ, CiJmd.r marching band ~ by. What the drum was then, it is EJ Obm, Mo Sd,oo,, ObmmttS 6 for me today -a fascinating instrument with a long history George i.Awrence Stone Art a Desig,, Director: 0.1\'r )Oll<S in many ancient and modem civilization around the world. Mmibenhip/Subscripciom: 7 ------ We hope you enjoy this issue. For mfomunon on Liie M,~mbrnlup pk.igts. Eric Perrilloux AT SCHEDULE - Included in this issue on page ;iddm.s clunges .Uld subscripnoa mfonmaon 36 are the editorial closing dates for the next four issues of contact· 8 the Ancient Tunes. The schedule is the resuJ1 of several Tht °""f<l"T of Fifm & Drummm, Think Abo11t It I' 0. Box 2n. IVOl)~OD CT. 06442.(lm conversations over the last month with the Ancient Times td 860 767-2137; • 10 Staff as well as with the Executive Committee. Oosing u.x S(,0 767-9765 Are Ruaimems Old & editorial dates mean that all submissions to the Ancient e-m.til: Useless? Times for publication, articles, obituaries, ads, public and compan)·hq'ii complnyoffife~nddrum.org 11 company notices received after that date will appear in a Editorial: RandQm Thoughts future issue. However publishing the closing dates, may For \\11ttt'1 guiddinn or to di!ctm smry iJeis, editorul also limit the number of pages in the AT, since the maga­ 11U1Crul and pboco, coaua: llob L)iich. Ancirnt • 12 zine will be in the mail 30 days after the editorial close. TIIIIO, PO Box '!17. 62 :-:onh J\uin St. h"')'tllll CT &r/ S.Stum.e 0644!-0m; Publication dates will no longer be designated by e-m:ul: ~compmyollii=ddrum.oq; 14 month but will use Summer. Fall, Winter and Spring. Advfflising: Alfred "'Duke" Terreri along with the volume/number and whole number desig­ for Ill~ Jnd mwbthty COOLICI: fund)• Suck. nations. The issue you are reading is identified as Summer Anac!11Tuno, PO. Bo:<2ii. 17 200 I, vol. 27 no. I. Issue I03. 62 North Mio St.. l<Ol)'!Ofl CT 064~2-0m Par Coopennan The muster season is well under way. The national 18 muster has passed, along with another half dozen or so The Co_mpany of Noble & Cooley musters. The closing date for the Fall issue is August 23 Fifers fsDrummers E and that should be plenty of time for folks to get notes and pictures to the AT for publication. Let everyone enjoy the Pmidtat Joe MoO!l") 121 t3J-IAA-9:35 Corps of Yeste!d! j • muil: president'<i compmyoffif,mddrum.oq: fun of your muster or corps activity through the Ancient Finl Viet Prnident: fund)· Suck ~3) 265-0543 20 ■ Times. ~ Vi« Pnsident: Om Moyl.m (61i•232-2J60 -----.... Jr. Jam - a -j CJVIL WAR and The F1FE -The next two issues l1!UJJ jdm.l-1-'aromdJ.tdu 21 will feature articles of fife and drum in the Civil War peri• Stmcary: s~ Cif.ddi (&'Al)6J2-2109 od, (Issue 104) and articles on the fife (ls.sue 105). The cnwl~com success of these issues are much dependent on the contri­ TlflSUftr. Drmin uhbrC!C (978)838-2\123 22 email: annm_cihbmc(a rnicorgroup.com BluffPoint Quahog butions of articles from our readers. Over a thousand peo­ Ancimb fwid: l},m ~lo)bn 1617J iM-1290 ...----- Diggers band ple subscribe to the Anciem TI.DleS. Many have inte~ts in mw!: jJ:n}l@;coradl tdu the Civil War through historical research or participation Ardiives/Mutemn Cuntor: Ed Olsrn 23 in re-enactment groups, as well as other activities of inter­ (860) 3'l9-6519 The Tan/er Facilities Co-Managm: Ke,,n Brown est to our readers. Please think about sharing those inter­ (861.J)J9'J..,572, Nctl O"Btim (8(,0) 267-8150 24 esting experiences or stories that you lmow through your Membership Chair. !lob Cmlo (860}!55-9417 25th Jaybirds day own experience or research, with the fife and drum com­ enuil: bobbi,~ a C)-bazm<.n,r munity. The editors are always ready to provide help with Music Chain: l>onnni.:k Cuccia 26 the articl~. Contributions from readers in all fonns. are (845)228-2214 mutl: 1w.irock(bol.com Western Wirid the heart and soul of the Ancient Times. Without your par­ Cathy ean11o r.!03l7ii-12}1 muil: madc:tt920;iwol.com 27 ticipation there is no Ancient Tunes. The Company Stott: N.mcy Mioru Free:.er Jam 2001 GITT TO THE COMPANY - Since the last issue, (B(,OJ 663-i1'i/l() C1TUil n.mcylubul;.io!.com a wonderful video tape was sent along to the Ancient Anoent TlllltS II pubbshtd qwnctly by The Compmy 28 Fife & Drum in Ttmes, by retired United States Marine Sam Cosman, of ofFrtm &: Drummm, lnc., M=m. MU!IC Libruy. Baltimore MD. ( see letters AT 102) who has compiled H0dqwrtm. I' 0. Box 'Ii7, h'Or)1ot1 CT fl64.12• Cyberspace 02Ti (860) 7h7-2237 several of his video segmentl> into a kaleidoscope of mili• The pubbaiion Q~~009t-7176) tttb to k~ 29 tary bands, and fife and drum corps from Europe and the tndi,idwl, =rul..mil Jrum corps mcmbcn Muster at "The Point" US. Included on the tape are military bands of Britain. fife lilrou!'Jio1n the viorld mfunool pmgnJy on the On 'lbtO,,w: and drum corps of Europe, The Fon Henry Fife and Drum ;i.:nvmes rltndiaonal Ammnu 6fr .mJ drwn corps 30 F'<lll'dnmtmmol chlm-­ Letters to the Editor piaislup abbor, from Corps of Canada. and the United States Marine Corps knol.11 :is Ancirn~. The Compwy numums a loft .,ngblEalcSILIQe. band in a joint celebration with the Fon Henry Guard at =indh~cnon 11\"0--plus acm. h Jttb 32 G«qe Lawrence Srm<. to ~ !he h&onal Dglllliance Jnd folk mdi­ GmMoehlcr. the Iwo Jima Monument in Arlington VA. They are all The Muff1ed Drum l S....Mocn. ti,,IIJ oi Amman 6dd mmic and to foster the iptm of Their~., lhc wonderful to see and hear. fdk,,..,hrp n!lOIJg aB 6trn and drummm. Foundal m 11tol<Nnm111g.hm: A most interesting sequence on the tape is a four 35 b.s.. C\ulastu,g....., 1965. Tht & Dnmlmm, [~ IU ump,z,,yefnfm Exec. Committee Minutes IJIIOII lhe ..-ruction or minute clip of a European bicycle band.(perhaps Dutch) t.1.Hi<mip<, ux-«ductible, non-prolic coq,or:aaon. llllimmlol dtummmg 111d !Ct lhc bem:bmn that included about twenty musicians and the leader. 37 forexi:dl<!,cc Ill A Story from Matt Flynn dtummmg p,rlonmnce. (Continued on page 2) 2 An(icntTunes (Continued from page I J displaying their skills at bike riding and playing se\eral marches. The instruments included trumpets. baritone horns. tubas. ba\s drum, snare drum. qmbals and glock­ enspiel. The video is a unique collection of musical events and a significant addition to the collection in the archives. This is a most appreciated gift by Mr. Cosman and deserving of much applause for his effon and contri­ bution. A PERSONAL DRUM EXPERIE.~CE - Even with a strong incerest in music al a young age. I had failed as a left handed violinist. My anention though was always focused on the parade:. in town that always featured se\er­ al fife drum and bugle corps, so I pleaded and begged my IS AN INSTRUMENT OF way into drum )es.<;()11.~. I sfarted with pad and sticks, and a wonderful insllUClor who played with several orchestras PERCUSSION COMMON IN SOME and drum corps. He was strong on rudiments, and lough on practice - if I didn't. he knew - and I caught a severe FORM TO ALL NATIONS AND AGES. tongue lashing followed by a call 10 home reporting my lack of effon. Money was scarc.e and a dollar fifty a week English - about the middle of the 16th cen­ was a luxwy expen.o;e. So there were always repercu.-..sions nuy. Drums can be of cwo categories depending if effort wa~ lacking. on their sonority -those that produce a musical My drumming aspiration.\ were aimed at my hero sound of definite pitch and qualify to take part in drummer, Gene Krupa. and the big baoo5 of the day were the harmony of the orchestra., such as kettle my goal.
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