June 29, 2018 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E953 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS IN HONOR OF THE FALLEN HE- CONGRATULATING KATIE MILLER Post East and West High School Class of ROES OF OPERATION RED WINGS ON BEING NAMED 2018 OUT- 1968 gathers after more than forty-five years STANDING JUNIOR BY THE ILLI- to officially welcome these men home, I would NOIS BEEF ASSOCIATION like to recognize them for their service to our HON. KEVIN BRADY nation. Serving in the Army: Robert Brooder, Kent OF TEXAS HON. CHERI BUSTOS OF ILLINOIS DeCamp, Bill Kane, Francis Killigrew, Michael IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Wilcox, Patrick Boland, Tom Bosket, Nicholas IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Cavallaro, Larry Cleveland, Herman Friday, June 29, 2018 Friday, June 29, 2018 DeMonstoy, Ron Faulisi, Joseph Ferratella, Mr. BRADY of Texas. Mr. Speaker, today, I Mrs. BUSTOS. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to Mark Howell, Joseph Kosty, Joseph Maglioca, rise to honor the memory and sacrifice of the recognize Katie Miller of Cambridge, Illinois, Fred Panyard, Philip Spart, Joseph Stamilio, Charles Stebbins, Lew Tyler, and Alan Van nineteen heroes who gave their lives thirteen who was named the 2018 Outstanding Junior of the Year by the Illinois Beef Association. Etten. years ago in Operation Red Wings. Katie Miller has excelled on campus at Serving in the Navy: Donald Twist, Walter On June 28, 2005, four members of Navy Western Illinois University, where she recently Delap, Robert Kent, Larry Ketchum, Alan Lam- SEAL Team 10—Danny Dietz, Matthew completed her junior year. Her studies in agri- bert, Gary Moshier, David Scott, and Preston Axelson, Marcus Luttrell, and Michael P. Mur- cultural sciences with an emphasis on animal Perry. phy—were tasked with killing or capturing the science were inspired by the time she spent Serving in the Air Force: George high-ranking Taliban official, Ahmad Shah, in alongside her grandparents working with beef Audinwood, Ford Butler, Craig Burrell, Ray the Hindu-Kush Mountains of Afghanistan. producers. Following the completion of her un- Copp, Jessie Glosser, Daniel Henyan, and dergraduate work, she plans to pursue a grad- Bobby Preset. Shortly after encountering a small group of uate degree in ruminant nutrition or meat Serving in the Marines: Dana Eckel, Michael Afghani goat herders, hostile Taliban forces science, while partnering on the farm with her Horvat, and Kent Rawcliffe. discovered the SEALs’ presence and began grandparents. Outside of the classroom, Ms. Serving the Department of Defense: Doug- converging on their position. An intense fire- Miller is the Vice President of the Illinois Jun- las Taft. fight ensued, in which three of the four SEALs ior Beef Association Board and has held var- Also serving in our military: Gerald Cleve- tragically lost their lives. ious other local and state leadership positions land, Dale French, Michael Hoyt, Randy Little, with the Illinois Beef Association further dem- David Pierce, Gary Rosa, Bobby Winslow, Responding to the battle, an MH–47 Chi- onstrating her qualifications for this award. Mike Wray, Ken Byington, Melvin Calkins, Ste- nook helicopter and the 160th Special Oper- It is because of dedicated citizens like Katie ven Duvall, Martin Geyer, Bill Hager, Steven ations Aviation’s Regiment ‘‘Nightstalkers’’ Miller that I proudly serve the people of the Kenyon, Alan Mullikan, David Peris, James were dispatched to rescue the team—only to 17th District of Illinois. Mr. Speaker, I would Pierson, John Poland, Lon Reid, Teny Snyder, be shot down by Taliban forces armed with an like to formally congratulate Katie Miller on her and Donald Wead. RPG. As a result, all sixteen men on board outstanding achievement and journey into ag- We thank you for your sacrifice and service. the Chinook—Chris J. Scherkenbach, Corey J. ricultural science. Welcome home. Goodnature, Daniel R. Healy, Erik S. f Given the above, I ask that this legislative Kristensen, Jacques J. Fontan, James E. Suh, body pause in its deliberations and join me to HONORING VIETNAM WAR VET- James W. Ponder III, Jeffery A. Lucas, Jeffrey honor these men who bravely served our ERANS FROM CORNING PAINTED country. S. Taylor, Kip A. Jacoby, Marcus V. Muralles, POST EAST AND WEST HIGH f Michael L. Russell, Michael M. McGreevy, Jr., SCHOOL Shamus O. Goare, Shane E. Patton, Stephen PERSONAL EXPLANATION C. Reich—were killed. The lone survivor of the HON. TOM REED mission, Marcus Luttrell, lives on to share the OF NEW YORK HON. BLAINE LUETKEMEYER amazing story of the mission and the heroic IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES OF MISSOURI actions that took place. Friday, June 29, 2018 IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Tragically, nineteen brave heroes made the Mr. REED. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to Friday, June 29, 2018 ultimate sacrifice in the service of their country honor the Vietnam War veterans from the Cor- Mr. LUETKEMEYER. Mr. Speaker, I missed during Operation Red Wings. They selflessly ning Painted Post East and West High School roll call vote 306. Had I been present, I would fulfilled their duty and defended our Nation in Class of 1968. Nine million Americans, ap- have voted YEA on Roll Call No. 306. a time of war, and it is our responsibility to proximately 7.2 million living today, served on f preserve the memory of their sacrifice. Their active duty in the U.S. Armed Forces during steadfast service, dedication to country, and the United States involvement in Vietnam be- CONGRATULATING GERHARDT the honorable sacrifices they made will never tween November 1, 1955 and May 7, 1975. PERRY ON HIS RETIREMENT be forgotten. They stood where duty required When they returned home, our soldiers faced FROM U.S. CUSTOMS AND BOR- DER PROTECTION them to stand, and we are forever grateful for a hostile political climate and received less their selflessness. than a welcome home. These men and women deserve the recognition due for being HON. ELISE M. STEFANIK These men continue to inspire their friends, among the 1.3% of veterans who have served OF NEW YORK families, loved ones, and the millions of peo- their country honorably in time of war. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES ple around the world who hear the story of Between Painted Post East High School their heroic actions. I am privileged to recog- and Painted Post West High School, more Friday, June 29, 2018 nize and honor the service of these American than sixty brave men from the graduating Ms. STEFANIK. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to heroes who laid down their lives for our great class of 1968 served in our military during the honor and congratulate Agent Gerhardt Perry Nation. Vietnam War. These men answered the call to on his retirement from U.S. Customs and Bor- duty and served their country honorably, yet der Protection. when they returned home they received little For the past 20 years, Agent Perry has for a welcome home. As the Corning Painted served our country as an Air Interdiction Agent ∑ This ‘‘bullet’’ symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. VerDate Sep 11 2014 00:52 Jun 30, 2018 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A29JN8.001 E29JNPT1 SSpencer on DSKBBXCHB2PROD with REMARKS E954 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks June 29, 2018 in the Plattsburgh Air Unit, where his duties in- Goldsmith. Under his leadership, John helped that will be built upon for years to come. On cluded patrolling the northern border from facilitate the Mayor’s education forums, the behalf of Indiana’s Fifth Congressional District, above and supporting officers on the ground. Front Porch Alliance, faith-based initiative, I would like to congratulate John Hall on his He has participated in countless successful welfare-to-work initiative, small and minority extraordinary career and extend my gratitude missions, including the manhunt for the business development, affordable housing, for all the wonderful contributions he has Dannemora prison escapees in 2015. In addi- and inner city retail and race relations issues. made to our Hoosier community. While I know tion to his patrol duties, Agent Perry gave During my time as Deputy Mayor of Indianap- John will be missed at HUD, I wish the very back to his unit by serving as an instructor olis, I had the unique opportunity to work side best to him, his two sons and the rest of his pilot, passing on his skills and expertise to the by side with John to help lead our city. A true family as he enjoys a well-deserved retire- next generation of pilots. A true public servant, public servant, John then became the Director ment. Agent Perry served in the U.S. Marine Corps of Neighborhood Relations for the Health and for four years before his career with U.S. Cus- Hospital Corporation of Marion County in f toms and Border Protection. He has given so 2000. much to this country, and his lifelong service In 2002 John became the first African-Amer- TRIBUTE IN HONOR OF DR. ROB- is truly admirable. ican Indianapolis Field Office Director in the ERT BROWNING’S RETIREMENT On behalf of New York’s 21st district, I history of the U.S. Department of Housing and would like to thank Agent Perry for his years Urban Development. As Field Office Director, of hard work. He has shown true dedication to John met with various mayors, housing au- HON. HAROLD ROGERS his community and country, and I wish him all thority executives, and community develop- the best in the years ahead.
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