// a ~5’-...{l, ., Jr! J OURNAL \s-°"°‘ OFHE T Q 0?' ’Q\\' H. HOUSEE O REPRESENTATIVES HEOF T , S TATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA: TYYE u ym-av [Pf WE BEINGHE T JAN 2 3 1 931 !'NI".f'£lQ.iéY 5 1F _l.I__L!?!C IS. ANNUAL S ESSION OF 1853. »vvvvvvvv~.vvvvvvv-»-- COLUMBIA, s . 0. R W G IBBESCO., & STATE PRINTERS 1853. \ 3218.757} 6 08% \%§=_~. JOURNAL ' O F THE IHNJSEIOFIREPRESENTATIVES OFHE T STATEF O SOUTH CAROLINA. i4-0-0-0->-—-i MONDAY, N OVEMBER 28, 1853. G eneral Assembly of the State of South Carolina, begun and held at the Capitol, in Columbia, on the twenty-eighth day of November, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and fifty-three, on which day, being that fixed by the Constitution for the ineeting of the General Assembly, The H on. JAMES SIMON S, the Speaker, (a member from Charleston,) and the following Members of the House of Representatives, appeared and took their seats :‘ From A bbeville.—Mr. J. W. Hearst. ‘ . From B ar-nwell.—Messrs. J. Patterson, N. G. W. Walker. ‘ From C ’harlest0n.—Messrs. J. C. Blum, S. Cruikshank, H. C. King, G. N. Reynolds, Jr. From C hrist C’hurch.—Mr. T. M. Wagner. From C ’hester.—~Messrs. C. D. Melton and W. A. Rosborough. From C hesterfield.—Messrs. J. W. Blakeney and E. B. C. Cash. From O ’laremont.—Messrs. J. D. Ashmore, J. T. Green and J. B. Witherspoon. From C Zarendon.—Mr. James Epps. From D arlington.—Messrs. J. Ervin Byrd, J. F. Ervin and Edgar W. Charles. From E cZgr.fieloZ.—Messrs. Z. W. Carwile, S. Christie, A. J. Hammond and W. S. Mobley. From Fa.irfield.—Messrs. R. B. Boylston, H. H. Clarke. From G"reemn‘lle.—Mr. P. E. Duncan. From Ke1'shaw.—Messrs. A. H. Boykin and J. B. Kershaw. From Ki11gst0n.—Mr. Robert Munro, Jr. ' From Lancaster.—Messrs. W. C. Cauthen and T. K. Cureton. .‘:.-0-H *?"7"464,9 4 M ONDAY, NOVEMBER 28, 1853. From L aurens.—Messrs. R. E. Campbell, John Hudgens and C. P. Sullivan. F rom Leac1‘ngton.—Messrs. John Fox and J. C. Hope. From L ibert_y.—~Messrs. W. W. Durant, W. S. Mullins and W. R. Johnson. F rom Marlboroug71.—l\Iessrs. C. A. Thornwell and T. C. Weatherly. From lWs1cbe'rr3/.—l\Iessrs. J. M. Crosson and R. G. Pitts. From Orange.—Mr. L. E. Cooner. From P endleton—Messrs. E. Alexander, Jr., W. S. Pickens and W. D. S teele. From Winyaw.—Messrs. J. Izard Middleton and J. H. Read, J1-‘. From Prince W’illiu.m’s.—Messrs. D. H. Ellis and W. F. Hutson. From R ichland.—Messrs. Wade Hampton, Jr., C. T. Howell and W. Maybin. From » Spa.rtan.—Messrs. E. C. Leitner, J. W. 'Tucker and J. Winsmith. - . From S t. Bartholemcw’s.—Mr. Lewis O’Bryan. From S t. George’s, Don-hestcr.—Mr. A. E. Moorer. From S t. James’, Goose Cree7c.—Mr. J. Murray. From S t. John’s, O’olleton.—Mr. J abez J. R. Wescoat. From S t. Lukc’s.—Mr. R. L. Tillinghast. From S t. ]l1athc1o’s.—Mr. O. M. Dantzler. From S t. Peter’s.—Mr. A. R. Johnston. ' From U n2'on.—Messrs. R. Beaty and J. M. Gadberry. From W 1lliamsbur_r].—Messrs. A. I. McKnight and B. W. Bradley. From York.—Messrs. G. W. 'Williams and A. S. Wallace. ' _ A q uorum of the members being present, the Speaker took the Chair, and the Clerk read the Journal of the proceedings of the last day of the last session. The S PEAKER announced that pursuant to the order of the House, 14th December, 1852, he had issued a writ of election to supply the va cancy in the Edgefield Delegation, occasioned by the disqualification of Mr. John C. Allen of Edgefield. That pursuant to an order of the 13th De cember, 1852, he had issued a writ of election to supply the vacancy in the Delegation from Spartan, occasioned by the election of Mr. H. J. Dean to be Clerk of the House. That pursuant to the orders of the 16th Decem ber, 1852, he had issued a writ of election to supply the vacancy in the Delegation from Charleston, occasioned by the disqualification of Mr. George A. Trenholm. That in pursuance of information from Mr. Frank Burt of Pendleton, that he had accepted the oflice of Third Auditor of the Treasury Department of the United States Government, he had, under the Constitutional power lodged in him, issued a writ of election to supply the vacancy in the Pendleton Delegation occasioned thereby. That in pursu .1-’1 . 5’, 7J"’7/ ('__B-A ‘ ~./\ Q) -A _.I‘'_’ \, QM \ M ONDAY, NOVEMBER 28, 1853. 5 ancef o information from the Hon. L. M. Keitt, of Orange, that he had been elected to the Congress of the United States, he had, under the Con stitutional power lodged in him, issued a writ of election to supply the V3, cancy in the Delegation from Orange occasioned thereby. That in pursu ance of information from the Hon. John I. Ingram, that he had been elect ed Senator for Clarendon, in place of the Hon. John L. Manning, elected Governor of the State, that under the Constitutional power lodged in him, he had issued a writ of election to supply the vacancy occasioned thereby in the Delegation from Clarendon. .Mr. A G. Campbell, a member elect from Spartan, P. M. Butler, a member elect from Clarendon, John Maxwell, a member elect from Pendle ton, and John M. Felder, a member elect from Orange, elected to fill the vacancies occasioned in these Districts respectively, produced their creden tials, were sworn, and took their seats. The r eturn of the Managers of Elections for Edgefield District was then read, and on motion of Mr. MIDDLETON, was ordered to lie on the table. On m otion of Mr. ASHMORE, Ordered, T hat a Message be sent to the Senate, informing that body that this House had met and formed a quorum, and was ready to proceed to business. On m otion of Mr. READ, .. Ordered, T hat a Committee be appointed to wait on his Excellency the Governor, and inform him that this House had met and proceeded to busi ness, and was ready to receive any communication he may be pleased to make: Whereupon the SPEAKER appointed Messrs. Read, Wagner, and Ashmore, of the Committee. _ The S PEAKER laid before the» House the following communication, which was referred to the Committee on the Legislative Library: - C OLuMBIA, November 28, 1853. To the Hon. James Simons, Speaker of the House of Representatives : MY D EAR SIR-——-Having for many years been engaged in collecting Doc uments and Original Manuscripts relating to the Revolution, I have recently published a volume of them. Will you be kind enough to present the ac companying copy to the House of Representatives, with my respects, Very t ruly yours, ROBT. W. GIBBES, M. D. The S PEAKER, under the amendments of the 60th Rule of this House, called in alphabetical order the several judicial Districts, for petitions, me morials, presentments of Grand Juries, returns of Commissioners, andsuch like papers, when 6 M ONDAY, NOVEMBER 28, 1853. The S enate, by their Clerk, informed the House that a quorum had as sembled, had elected Mr. Isaac Mazyck, Reading Clerk, and were ready to proceed to business. Mr. P ATTERSON submitted the Presentment of the Grand Jury of Barnwell District, for Fall Term, 1853. So m uch thereof as relates to taxes raised by the several Boards of Com missioners was referred to the Committee of Ways and Means. So m uch thereof as relates to the Commissioners of the Poor, was refer red to the Committee on District Offices and Oflicers. So m uch thereof as relates to Commissioners of Free Schools, was referred go the Committee on Education. So m uch thereof as relates to the Commissioners of Roads, was referred to the Committee on Roads, Bridges, and Ferries. So m uch thereof as relates to the Report of the Commissioners of Public Buildings, was referred to the Committee on Public Buildings. Mr.. A R. JOHNSTON presented the Accounts of Dr. N. H. Johnston and Dr. Sydney Smith, which were severally referred to the Committee on Claims. Mr. J OHNSTON also presented the Return of the Commissioners of Free Schools for St. Peter’s Parish for 1853, and Mr. H UTSON the returns of the Commissioners of Free Schools for Prince William’s Parish, for 1853, which were severally referred to the Committee on Education. Mr. R EAD, from the Committee appointed to wait on his Excellency the Governor, reported that they had performed that duty, and that his Excel lency would communicate to this House to-morrow at 1 o’cloek, P. M. Mr. W AGN ER presented the Report of the Commissioners appointed to open and extend Pitt street, in the town of Mt. Pleasant, to Hibben street, which was referred to the Committee on Roads, Bridges, and Ferries. Also, The r eturns of the Commissioners of Free Schools for Christ Church Parish, for 1853 ; which was referred to the Committee on Education. Mr. K ING presented the account of Dr. J. P. Chazal, which was re~ ferred to the Committee on Claims. _ M r. MELTON presented the Return of Commissioners of Free Schools for Chester District for 1853; which was referred to the Committee on Education. Mr. O ’BRYAN presented the petition of David Sestrund, praying pay ing payment for writs of election ; which was referred to the Committee on Claims.
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