Get The Latest In How To Videos At The SASS Members Only Page M E S NNNooovvveeemmmbbbeeerrr 222000000111 CCCooowwwbbboooyyy CCC(hhhrrrooonnniiiiicccllllleee PPPaaagggeee 111 NNoovveemmbbeerr 22000011 CCoowwbbooyy CChshrroonniiiceclllee XPPaaggeee 11 t r e a c C o r a I u ti n T r n t g i I le N ~ o n s G e p c a t The Cowboy Chronicle g io e n 8 7 The Monthly Journal of the Single Action Sh ooting Society ® ) Vol. 23 No. 3 © Single Action Shooting Society, Inc. March 2010 The SASS ConvenTion .Is stIll Number ONe . By Palaver Pete, SASS Life/Regulator #4375 Photos by Black Jack McGinnis, SASS Life/Regulator #2041 felt like a movie star at the See HIGHLIGHTS on pages 71, 72 Cannes Film Festival in France. Las Vegas may not course, the SASS Hall of Fame I be Cannes, but that’s induction ceremony. The Inductees because Cannes has a long way to go. were Coyote Calhoun, Dutch, Texas The SASS Convention provided every - Jack & Cimarron Rose, Gray Fox, thing a Las Vegas performance is Dixie Bell, and Australia’s own expected to provide and probably Virgil Earp. These individuals more—it was a first class act. Forget added a glow to the evening that the Cirque du Soleil. The SASS Con - still lingers in the memory of those vention would hold up in comparison assembled and especially this to any production in town to include writer. Their acceptance speeches Celine Dion and Donnie and Marie. were only exceeded by the quality of SASS came to town with its own the presentations and preparation cast of stars. Grey Fox and his lovely by the SASS Staff. wife, Miss Mary Spencer were there The Seminars were equivalent in their usual splendid attire. to any I have ever attended. Watching Grey Fox receive his Hall of Especially high on my list was Fame award caused shivers of joy up Professor Paul Hutton’s presenta - my spine—we go back a long way— tion on Kit Carson, and Happy Headquarters ‘96 on Vancou ver Jack’s discussion of the Wild Bunch Island, and perhaps a shoot or two rules. I was glued to my chair and before that, I can’t remember exactly. came away from all the seminars Dixie Bell looked as beautiful as any with a wealth of knowledge. I also Hollywood celebrity in town, and the came away from the Wild Bunch many SASS wives in attendance seminar with a feeling this side added to the Coterie of lovelies match or major shoot is not an easy assembled in the Hotel Riviera. event. Much thought and training The main attraction was of are required to do it safely, and the Each year at the Convention SASS recognizes a small group of members instructor highly recommended the who have made significant contributions to our sport over the years, use of proper equipment—remem - and this year we inducted another outstanding Hall of Fame group! SASS C owboy Chronicle Back Row (l-r): Cimarron Rose and Texas Jack, proprietors of ber this is a big bore event, as it Cimarron Arms; Virgil Earp and Grey Fox, international organizers. should be, requiring 40 caliber and Front Row (l-r): Coyote Calhoun, SASS National Programs; above. Don’t mess with the rules! In This Issue Dixie Bell, champion shooting and costuming competitor; Always an anticipated event at and Dutch, creator of the SASS Wild West Show. the SASS Convention is the presen - 40 SiNglE ACtioNS 101 Congratulations and well deserved! tation of the Wooly Awards by Tex, by Larsen Pettifogger (Photo by Major Photography) (Continued on page 70 ) m o c . t e n s s a s . w w 48 guNS of thE CoWboyS w 5 1 0 7 8 M N , d o o w e g d by Toulumne Lawman E y a W y o b w o C 5 1 64, 66 tWo REviEWS 2 Colt buRgESS RiflE C h C by Sweetwater Jack & Ioway r o o w 74 CoMANChERiA DAyS n b by Yuma Jack i o c y 78 RANgE WAR ‘09 l by R. J. Law e Page 2 Cowboy Chronicle March 2010 March 2010 Cowboy Chronicle Page 3 Page 4 Cowboy Chronicle March 2010 March 2010 Cowboy Chronicle Page 5 The Cowboy CONTENTS Chronicle 6 FROM THE EDITOR (All Right) It’s Finally Time! . 8-22 NEWS Equalizer Bareback Saddle Makes Extended Rides A Breeze! . Editorial Staff Tex 16-17 CAT’S CORNER Convention Fashion Show (Always A Big Hit!) . Editor-in-Chief Cat Ballou 18 COYOTE DROPPINGS SASS Convention Announcement! . Editor Miss Tabitha 24, 25 LETTERS Comments From SASS Members . Asst. Editor Coyote Calhoun 26 POLITICAL The Stakes Are Just Too High . Managing Editor & Marketing Director 28-38 ARTICLES One Pot Chuck . WWPAS “Call To Arms!” . Sidekicks & Heavies . Adobe Illustrator Layout & Design 40-56 GUNS & GEAR Single Action s–101 . Why Reload? . Guns Of The Cowboys . Mac Daddy 51-54 Graphic Design SASS END OF TRAIL Is A Commin’ (Sign Up Now!) . “Sassy Swede” Kirsten Advertising Manager 58-60 HISTORY Death In The Road To Ruin! . Tales Of Old California . Famous People (505) 843-1320 • Fax: (505) 843-1333 Contributing Writers 62 PROFILES Bad Penny, Capt. George Baylor, Picture Perfect . Cherokee Razy Rose, Col. Dan, Col. Richard Dodge, Cree Vicar Dave, Double Shot O'Reilly, Dr. Buck Montgomery, 64, 66 REVIEWS PRODUCTS Colt Burgess Rifle? . Burgess “New Magazine Rifle” Ioway, J P Riley, Jersey Kid, Joe Fasthorse, Larsen E. Pettifogger, Marshall John Joseph, Marshal Gannon, Palaver Pete, Purdy Gear, 68 REVIEWS BOOKS Conspiracy (The Trial of Oliver Lee and James Gililland) . Seven Ladders, Sweetwater Jack, Tornado Alli, Tuolumne Lawman, Whooper Crane 73-78 ON THE RANGE What’s Goin’ On In Your Town? . The Cowboy Chronicle is published by The Wild Bunch, Board of Directors of The Single Action Shooting Society. 82, 83 TRAIL MARKER Always To Remember . For advertising information and rates, administrative, and edi to rial offices contact: 84-86 CLUB REPORTS Chronicle Administrator Bunkhouse Bidness . U.S. Cowboy Long Range & Trap . 215 Cowboy Way Edgewood, NM 87015 87-92 SASS MERCANTILE (Nice Collectables) . (505) 843-1320 FAX (505) 843-1333 email: [email protected] 93-95 CLASSIFIED http://www.sassnet.com The Cowboy Chronicle (ISSN 15399877) is SASS AFFILIATED CLUBS (MONTHLY, ANNUA L) published monthly by the Single Action 96- Shooting Society, 215 Cowboy Way, Edgewood, NM 87015. Periodicals 103 SASS NEW MEMBER APPLICATION Postage is Paid at Edgewood, NM and additional mailing offices (USPS #032). POSTMASTER: Send ad dress changes to The Cowboy Chronicle , 215 Cowboy Way, Edgewood, NM 87015. SASS ® Trademarks DISCLAIMER - The Single Action Shooting New Mexico SASS ®, Single Action Shooting Society ®, Society does not guarantee, warranty or END of tRAil ®, Eot ®, endorse any product or service advertised resident and in this newspaper. The publisher also does tM NRA President, The Cowboy Chro nicle , not guarantee the safety or effectiveness Ron Schmeits, Cowboy Action Shooting tM , of any product or service illustrated. The gave a rousing CAS tM , Wild bunch tM , distri bution of some products/services may tM be illegal in some areas, and we do not keynote speech Wild bunch Action Shooting , assume responsibility thereof. State and during the the World Championship of local laws must be investigated by the pur - opening Cowboy Action Shooting tM , chaser prior to purchase or use or prod - ceremonies bow-legged Cowboy Design, and the ucts/services. that formally Rocking horse Design WARNING: Neither the author nor The opened are all trademarks of Cowboy Chronicle can accept any responsi - bility for accidents or diffe ring results the 2009 the Single Action Shooting Society, inc. obtained using reloading data. Variation Convention. Any use or reproduction of these marks in handloading tech niques, compo - without the express written permission nents, and fire arms will make results of SASS is strictly prohibited. vary. Have a competent gunsmith check your firearms before firing. Page 6 Cowboy Chronicle March 2010 All rIght . iT’S FinAlly Time ! By Tex, SASS #4 practice long and hard, and one day Category. Once again, the argument they can earn their trophies. was it wasn’t “fair” for these guys who gories. We even realized most The very next agenda item dealt were clearly past their prime to have women could not compete well with with whether or not we should split to compete with the younger set who Tex, SASS #4 the men. There were always excep - the Senior Category and create a was regularly kicking their collective ~SASS Hall of Fame Inductee~ tions, of course, where special ladies, “Silver Senior” shooting category. It butts! Again, logic dictated the need kids, and grandpas put the rest of us was nearly defeated before these same for a new category, so more folks (and in our place on a regular basis. TGs claimed they’d lose many of their some previous consistent winners) ver the past few years there I remember one summit meeting older members if they couldn’t have could win. It’s important for peers to have been several initia - where the case was being made to their own category (so they could be able to shoot against peers. O tives for the Territorial divide the Junior category by age. win!). Once it was clear we “needed” By the way, you would be amazed Governors to ensure every - Gender was already a recognized split, Senior, Silver Senior, and Elder how many times I’ve been lobbied by one can compete against their peers. but 12 year olds competing against 16 Statesman (and the corresponding the really older set for 80, 85, and 90 For many years now we’ve recog - year olds just wasn’t fair.
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