FACTS ABOUT COUNTRIES | FRANCE. Area, 207.031 square miles; population, MONDAY 38,961,915. France has colonies with an area of 4.1*8.076 square miles and a population of 68,412,000. French rule to a greater or MILLINERY PARLORS lesser also extends over fur degree, depen- dencies having an area of 2,957,024 square miles and a population of 28,780,800. The form of government has been repub- First Authoritative for 1906 lican since the overthrow of Napoleon Style Display Spring III on September 4, 1870. It was confirmed a constitutional law on 25, by February You are requested to attend this and July 16, 1875. The legislative power Is vested In the chamber of deputies and $7.50 Hais $4.85 the Senate and the executive in the Pres- Semi-Forma! Opening in Our Millinery Parlors ident of the republic and the ministry. So that your visit may be of more interest So that you may imbibe enough of these Spring Styles to make yourself Seven years is the presidential term and and to show the money saving power ol you the edicts of fashion. presidents are elected by a majority of thoroughly familiar with this we will show for your selection a votes of the and Chamber of store, Senate Dep- * will be with creations that are original. of Monday your eyes delighted uties, united In a national assembly of large and comprehensive line GAGE, Pattern Hats from Berlin, Vienna, Paris, New York, exquisite creations that congress. Fisk and other hats. All exclusive and new are sought out for the purpose that you may see, enjoy them, for they are of the Chamber of models in all the new desirable Here Members Deputies shapes. for show. are elected for four years, by universal is wanted will be found. merely bought every color that then suffrage. Deputies must be citizens of Come and see what has created for your delectation, and what Georgette not under Consider this opportunity well, grasp France, 25 years of age. Caroline Reloux will have her parlors represented, and from there you may go is here for it will not come soon offered, we are sure There are 584 members of the chamber to Mon display of fashionable models, all of which from this case ol Pauyamie’s •f deputies and 300 senators. again. You may choose you will enjoy. hats fer $4.85. They are worth $7.50. The senatorial term of office Is nine Our Millinery Department is most complete and we are now prepared to years, and only citizens above forty years Models. serve you in any capacity, (fur stock is most complete with Spring of fage are eligible. France pays her president a salary of *120,000 a year and *120.000 for his ex- penses. Senators and deputies each get a > Shirt Waist Suits *1800 year, Tailored Suits, Skirts, Waists and Paris, the capital, has a population of 2-714,068 and is the third largest city In * the world. oi\ M. Falliere, the recently elected presi- Monday was of Display dent of Special France, formerly president to the South. Never the senate, Spring 1906 promises to be a gala epoch in tide of fashion in the South. Never were such styles brought that before were the fair women of the South accorded the of such varied and large selections in every conceivable wearable France's peace footing is 580,420 soldiers, privileges we a at such Including both officers and men. fashion has decided that you should wear. And never before have carried such stock prices. Tn naval strength France ranks second only to Great Britain. She has four- teen first-class battleships: nineteen sec- Eton Suits seven White Se Suits ond and third class battleships; $28.50 rge $21.25 $25.00 Gray $19.90 coast defence ships; eight armored cruis- one wishes a white suit. Here is another fabric in demand—the of a ers; seven protected cruisers; forty-two j White serge, white serge, every serge queen's grey—and other cruisers; thirty-nine sea-going gun-i Coat has short sleeves. Collar and cuffs Here is one of imported serge in the dressy Eton styles. Short style most attractive. boats: twenty river gun boats; forty-six Has silk braid are trimmed in grey silk and braid. The material is torpedo boat destroyers; 235 torpedo boats; sleeves. trimming. light gold for. 270 other vessels. Officers, 8592; men, 54,- The Eton is one that admits the wearing of pretty waists. just the kind you are looking 300. Skirt is of the circular kind, gored over the hips to prevent sagging. Skirt is a many gored circular effect one. of in Julius Caesar Is the first historian Then there are other serge suits in Etons, white, in Then there are many others novelty greys, plaids, called Gaul. He In- France, which he to in and to $41.50. vaded the country 59-51 B. C.t civilized it ponys and Etons up $38.50. etc., ponys Ktons, up by Roman force and incorporated it into the Roman empire, and by the fourth century we find France or Gaul to be Waists Waists For Rome's most civilized province.- $3.95 Lingerie Waists $2.50 $5.00 Lingerie $3.39 $13.95 In the the Franks wrested All these waists at such are fifth century dainty, pretty dainty prices Then there are the Lingerie Waists that beggar de- the from Rome and under Here is an exquisite Lingerie Waist, with entire province away yoke surely Such a one with lace yoke and nine their king, Clovis, they advanced towards temptations. botli as to of make and and of lace, four rows lace insertion and tucks in front rows of lace inser- scription, exquisiteness styles, Seine, and the Roire, and made their novelty large medallions around yoke and four the of material. Irish lace and medal- capital firs* at Soissons. but later at Tucked back. Long sleeves with lace insertion and deep ti#u in front and two in back, short sleeves with lace inser- elegance Baby exquisite Paris. Thus the first dynasty of France with four rows lace insertion. tion, will sure tempt. lions, lace edging and hand tuck. was founded by a German tribe called the cuffs Merwigs. and It Is known as the Merov- ingian dynasty. Tn 732 th3 Carlovingians, under Pepin Our Skirt Stock Is Most Silk Shirt Waist Suits the Short, superseded the Merovingians Always Complete and Pepin’s son. Charlemagne, who reigned from 768 to 814. raised the Frank- Linen Eton Suits It a to in This % ish supremacy to its zenith in western Is True Delight Shop Department Europe by consolidating the Germanic to Our Silk Shirt Suits and Linen Suits cannot be excelled in states. In 800 Pope Gregory crowned him Our Skirt Show this season embraces all the latest novelties both as to style, material and patterns. Also be Waist king of Rome and emperor of the west. found is the novelty of low prices—our usual standard. point of boauty and excellence of material. We ask your inspection are the and extra the small ones for little women and as well as the medium size ones. Under Charlemagne’s weak successor Here large sizes, misses, and and will have them on display Monday. and judgment special feudal monarchy reduced the royal power We are making a specialty of MISSES SKIRTS, Great selection of Skirts in vailes, panamas Sicilians in to a nonentity, and when Hugh Capet. Alice blues, and checks. Count of Paris and of Orleans. was blacks, whites, greens, greys novelty crowned king by the feudal chiefs the reign of the Franks ended. Hugh Capet Is considered the real founder of the Wash Eton Suits at $8.85 French monarchy. at Skirts act Skirts a.t Special $9.90 $12.50 $5.00 White Embroidered Eton Wash Suits in exquisite and at Tn 1108-37 Rouls the Fat reigned, made of best worth As our line of flve-dollar skirts is com- styles, English rep; $10.00. this period Henry of Anjou, who was At $9.90 you can buy the best Black Skirt you A high novelty Sldrt both us to material anil style. usual, mgst Duke of Normandy, suzerain lord of Brit- ever for the money. It Is a plain circulnr Tills Skirt Is made of grey Panama in a and little ladies will find it a revelation to tany. Count of Maine and Touraine. and bought exquisite plete; all Silk Shirtwaist Suits at $16.85 who by his marriage had further ac- lines. Is an ex- skirt with four box plaits in front and back and two novelty check, with grey and black can Exceptionally beautiful dressy taffeta shirtwaist of Poflou and Gas- visit our department, for at the above prices we ciuired the provinces Softs, with deep pointed lace yoke, circular skirts; cony. became king of England, as Henry folds at bottom on either side. Is made of the very tremely full circular with a singular fold at bottom give you most excellent values. light blues and pinks, greens, white and black; worth Jr. nnfi from then on sprang up a deep Panama. of is stitched. enmity between the tw'o nations. The best Chiffon skirt; nicely $^0.00. bouse of Valois (1328), beaded by Philippe Vf, next occupied the throne. This dyn- asty ended with Charles VIII (1483-9S), al- though it was‘represented under Rouis For Your Wash Dresses White Goods for Your Dress XIT. who was of the Valois-Orleans fam- Spring Spring ily.
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