In Section 2 In Sports Mighty Men's An Associated Collegiate Press Four-Star All-American Newspaper Mighty hoops falls Bosstones to St. Joe's skank page B 12 the Troc page B I Non -profil Org. TUESDAY FREE U S. Pos1age Paid Newark. DE Volume 122, Number 25 250 Student Center, University of Delaware, Newark, DE 19716 Pennn No. 26 December 5, 1995 Sigma Kappa hazing linked to sexual assault Two university fraternity members are charged with participating in the hazing; one alumnus !(rather is under investigation in connection with the sexual assault BY LEA NE MILWAY investi gation, during which the Mmwging N~H S Editm police tied sorority h azi ng to The h azing incident th a t the sexual assault, the case was resulted in the loss of S igma · taken to Brooks. K a ppa so rori t y's university According to Flatley , the charter two weeks ago has been stude nt , who was pledging con firmed by Dean of Students Sigma Kappa soro rit y durin g Timo th y F. Brooks to involve a 1994 Spring Rush, reported she February 1994 sex ua l assault had been forced to engage in s till under in ves ti gati on by sex u al inte rcourse with a n University Police. individual. Tw o univers it y f ra te r n ity B rooks said it is ro utine for bro thers are charged with University Po li ce to investigate participation in hazin g and w ill a sexual assault before bringing face universi ty judicial hearings the charge to his attention. this week, B rooks said. The Dean of Students Office Four fraterni ty brothers were received an anonymous le tter in sent by a Sigma Kappa sorority October 1995 concerning Sigma s ister to a p ledge· s room for a Kappa hazing that occurred the " tuc k-in ·· in February 1994, previous sprin g. The letter Broo k s said. He defined a described a 1994 " hell week,'" " tuck-in" as a sister send in g Brooks said. According to the men over to a pledge's room to letter. fraternity brothers THE REVIEW I A li sa Colley bring g ifts. watched the sorority pledges Delaware senior halfback Pat Williams tries to make his way through the fallen bodies during Saturday night's playoff drubbing at One of the fraternity brothers perform demeaning activities the hands of McNeese State. The Hens only amassed 164 yards on the ground Saturday- a key factor in the loss. a ll egedly forced the pledge to and the p ledges were asked to engage in se x_ual intercourse, co n s ume la r ge quantities of according to Capt. Jim Flatley alcohol. of University Police. On Nov. 20 the local c hapter U ni ve rs ity Police are had its charter revoked and Football season ends in loss to MeNeese currently invest i gating a "cannot operate in any way as a criminal case against the sorori ty." Brooks said, because Six turnovers, poor special teams play result in Hens' 52-18 defeat in 1-AA playoffs individual who assau lted the of several violations of the s tudent. B rooks said . That university policy on hazing. In BY ERIC HEISLER game after beating Hofstra 38- 17 in first 20 minutes of the game, th e Hamlett , who was named the individual no lo nger attends the 1997 the c hapter wil l come Sports Editor last week's firs t-rou nd game at He ns fumbled twice, al lowed a Player of the Year for the Yankee university and he may be under review and may be LAKE CHARLES, La. - For the Delaware Stadium. kickoff return for a touchdown, and Conference, was on crutches this charged criminall y. reinstated. Delaware football team, Louisiana True to signs posted throughout gave M cNeese th e ball on a n week, but was expected to be healthy How many fraternity brothers National Sigma Kappa provi ded little Southern comfort. Lake Charles, McNeese made "Blue interception on their way to building fo r the game. were present during the sexual removed th e soror~ty charter In thei r most decisive loss in nine Hen Gumbo,'" avenging a 1974 loss a 17-3 defici t. After being tackled for a six-yard assault is unclear. w ith a pprova l from Brooks years, the team fe ll to No. I in the two teams' only other meeting. loss in the second quarter, Hamlett D epending on what happens because of the one haz ing McNeese State University 52-18 in The pummeling, however, went limped off the field and was replaced at the hearing s , the students incident. the NCAA Divi sio n I-AA beyond the football field. See full football by senior Keith Langan. He returned, could face ··anything from National Sigma Kappa had quarterfinal pl ayoff game Saturday. The enthusiastic crowd of 17,239 coverage page B 12 but not at fu ll force. di sc iplinary action to no com m ent regarding the With the loss, Delaware ( 11 -2) is at McNeese's Cowboy Stadium On th e game, Hamlett completed expulsion," Brooks said. incident. eliminated from th e annual pelted the De laware cheerleade rs o nl y six of the 2 1 passes he He wou ld no t reveal wh ich A sorori ty has never before tournament, which wi II eventually with ice, and greeted the Delaware attempted , along wi th throwing three fraternity was in volved. been removed from campus for decide the national champion. team with a chorus of boos. " Yo u could 've brought the interceptions. " The sexu a l assault would hazing, according to Christine "I would really be short -[sighted], As an additional safety measure, Chicago Bears in here, and if they The loss marks the first time since not have occurred if the hazing Cook, coo rd i n ator of Greek if I didn' t say that was one of the the team was escorted fro m their turned the ball over six times, Oct. 8, 1994, when Delaware lost to had not occurred." Brooks _said. Affairs. 'best football teams I' ve seen in a hotel to the stadium by local poli ce. c ha nces a re they wou ldn ' t have James Madison, that the Hens have ·'The hazing set the s tage fo r Brooks will be speaking to long time," said Delaware Head The game, in which the Hens led played well ," Raymond said. lost to a Di vision 1-AA team. the sexual assault." a ll fraternities and sororities in Coach Tubby Raymond of McNeese for o nl y 14 seconds, gave little The Hens were also plagued "We fell short of ourselves," said A female university student th e upcoming week abou t State ( 13-0). recourse. throughout the game by an ankle seni or linebacker and team captain reported the sexual assau lt to hazing a nd the Greek code of Delaware, seeded eighth in th e McNeese took an earl y lead off a injury to junior quarterback Leo Larry McSeed. "We made mi stakes U ni vers ity Police in M ay 1995. conduct. tournament, reached the quarterfinal few key Delaware mistakes. In the Hamlett. that kept us out of the game.'" After six mon t hs of Croatian exchange Faculty student grateful Senate :for NATO troops approves ·Growing up in Zagreb, the capital of Croatia, Ana resolutions :Sipek experienced bomb alarms during her high PITP's permanent school years and lost friends to the war in Bosnia THE REVIEW I Tom Nuuer Ana Sipek status gained; BY VANESSA ROTHSCHILD "I had a Serbian friend, he fought conflict of interest Staff Reporter with us for Croatia and died the first of chaos, Sipek said. After watching President Bill year," she remembered. "People are very nervous after policy established :Clinton address the nation last week, When Sipek was a junior in high alarms," she said, recalling snipers ;a Croatian exchange student is school she first encountered the BY MARK E. JOLLY randomly sho oti ng at anything and Cupy Editor embracing the a rrival of NATO atomic bomb shelter, where she traffic jams whic h did little to The Faculty Senate approved both a ~roops in her native land, calling it spent several nights with her family. benefit the chaotic atmosphere. conflict of interest poli cy and a •·a ray of sunshine after a storm." "We would spend hou rs, Speaking out about the policy and permanent status for the Professional "Finally, somebody who has the sometimes nights without knowing fight of her nation, Sipek adamantly Theatre Training Program at its meeting a uthority and power to stop such a what was happening," she said. hopes fo r peace. last night. primitive and medieval war will The shelters were located within " Many people say this is a Both measures require the Board of ~ ntercede ," she said. each neighborhood. She said the religious war and a tribal war, but it Trustees' approval, but Senate president, Twenty-one-year-old Ana Sipek neighborhood shelters were safe and isn't ," she explained. 'There is some THE REVIEW I Christine Fuller Harry Hall, said he expects the board to (AS JR) has spent more than three she preferred them to public kind of bitterness within my country Alanis Morissette filled the Bob with the hungry, guttural pass them. years in the United States and she shelters, which were usually th e because we were forced to live in an sounds of her now-trademark voice Friday night.
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