
~tOURGLASS .... a:C!!aS!!!!a~:----II.I1•• -I ..~II~<I>~::.at~~;g-~i!.. ~~-::.. ~:~~~,.~4----~E~~!!!!!!!)!!>~ Vol 13, No 28268 FrIday. January 2. 1976 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * :Accusation of American InterYention in No Hope for· *.. Kwai Weather Y sterday Mine Sur,i,ors * 0 :Angola, Goyernment Denies Allegation * HIgh Temp. -- 85 CALCUTTA (UPI) -- OffIcials * Low Temp. 740 * BOSTON, 11ASSACHUSETTS (UPI) -- Some American ex-servicemen today made arrangements to send * Rainfall Trace * and South VIetnamese are beIng recruIted into a Central IntellIgence the familIes of the 372 miners, * Monthly Total -- None * Agency "undercover army" for Angola, the ChrIstIan Science MonItor entombed In the Chasnala coal * T morrow * reported today. The government denIed the allegation mIne SIX days ago, to their village ~ Partly cloudy wlth occasional * In WashIngton, both the WhIte House and the State Department homes. f* showers. * Issued statements sayIng the story was untrue and "totally without Government officials have * HIgh TIde -- 1754 -- 5.7 * foundatIon. ' gIven up hope for any surVIvors * Low TIde -- 1135 -- 0.6 * The front-page story by David Anable was nased on "contacts among the trapped ~iners. * SunrIse -- 0704 Sunset -- 1842 * witp senIor mercenary offIcers famIlIar WIth th~ SItuatIon both in A coal mine offICial sald the * * Angola and the Urn ted States." famIlIes of the miners would be * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * "AccordIng to these sources, who are close to the U.S. Central escorted to theIr VIllage homes IntellIgence Agency, the CIA IS IndIrectly recrUIting American ex­ at government cost, but declIned serVIcemen, traInIng them, dIspatchIng them to southern Africa, to s~v If the bereaved relatives Upcoming De"ate contrIbutIng towards theIr pay (VIa funds for ZaIre and Angola's have responded to the government two pro-West factIons) and prOVIdIng them and the IndIgenous forces plan. WIth llght and heavy weaponry," the article saId. Labor union offICIals said on Middle East "Some 300 AmerIcans are already operatIng WIthIn An€:,ola," the the plan was presumably aImed at TEL AVIV (UPI) -- ForeIgn sources saId. "They all left the U.S. withIn tuo::: past three months averting pOSSIble rlotlngs by the MinIster Ylgal Allon WIll meet or so." mourners when the bodIes of the wIth U.S. offIcIals In Washington The MonItor saId It was told a second group underwent a "re­ entombed men were taken out of the next week to coordInate tactics fresher course at Ft. BennIng, GeorgIa," last week, "IncludIng PIt. for the upcomIng U.N. SecurIty weapons traInIng, InterrogatIon techniques and the Portuguese Last Saturday, an estImated CouncIl debate on the MIddle East, language." That group was saId to be "ready to go as soon as the 110 mIllIon gallons of water from government sources said today. CIA can obtaIn fUrther funds." an abandoned coal mIne broke They saId the IsraelI cabInet The second group "Includes 15 South VIetnamese" said to be through an 80-foot WIde coal will meet Sunday to thrash out the radIO operators, makIng It "dIffIcult for the other SIde to under­ barrIer and gushed Into the 1,000- lIne Allon will take in hIS meet­ stand any Intercepted messages." foot deep mine, entombing the 372 IngS wIth Secretary of State The sources saId the mercenarIes "have come from all across men In 850 feet of water. Henry KIssInger, as well as other the states, brought together In theIr CIA-sponsored enterprise by Rescue offiCIals rushed to the Issues IncludIng Israel's posItIon an assortment of people and organizatIons. scene but were helpless because on the PalestinIan question. "They are unIted by a fierce they were unable to pullout any DespIte pressure from the OPPOSItIon to CommunIsm, a miners from the great volume of UnIted States, Israel has not deSIre for eXCItement or Money, Protesters Shot water. changed ItS deCIsIon to boycott and a marketable commodIty -­ On Sunday, the government the Jan. 12 debate, to WhICh the theIr mIlItary experIence," the in Portugal Installed two pumps, each WIth a PalestIne LIberatIon OrganIzatIon artIcle saId. LISBON (UPI) -- The kIllIng capacity of suckIng out 5000 has been InvIted, the sources saId. "Together they are the CIA's of three protesters In a Nev gallons of water per mInute, and Israel considers the FLO a undercover army." Year's Day shoot out between a government offICIal saId today terrorIst organIzatIon devoted to natIonal guardsnen and left-wing 11 pumps are now workIng at ItS destructIon. demonstrators at an o~orto prIson Chasnala, thrOWIng out 7,000 PolItIcal sources saId Sunday's Youths Terrorize today threatened to trIgger a gallons of ~ater per mInute. cabInet debate would be the fIrst new wave of street VIolence. In a serIes devoted to foreIgn Su"wa, Riders Many of the leftIsts who POlICY Issues IncludIng the chances NEW YORK (UPI) -- Eleven partICIpated In the Oporto first Air Disaster of further peace talks with the youths, most of them juvenIles, protest met thIS mornIng to neIghborIng Arab nations, the went on a rampage In a Brookl~rn­ dISCUSS new ways to press theIr of 1976 SecurIty CounCIl debate and the subway traIn last nlbht, terror­ demands In the aftermath of the BEIRUT (UPI) -- Rescuers PalestInIan Issue. IZIng the 15 straphangers WIth shootIng. searched through the wreckage of They saId they expected SImIlar conVInCIng lookIng toy PIstols Three protesters were kIlled a Middle East AIrlines Boeing 121 seSSIons after Allon's return and and beatIng some of the~ to the and SIX wounded Thursday when jetlIner today to recover the before and after PrIme MInister floor the paramilItary RepublIcan remalninr bodIes of 82 passengers Yetzhak RabIn's offIcIal VIsIt to TranSIt polIce sa'd the youths natIonal guard ouened fIre Into and crew kIlled ln the fIrst aIr the UnIted States, scheduled to evidently were Intent on robbIng an estimated 2,000 rock-thrOWIng dIsaster of 1976. start Jan. 27. the rIders of the traIn, but they leftIsts massed outSIde Custolas An airlInes spokesman said all took no more than $5 and a prIson, a mIlItary spokesman 67 passengers and 15 crew members portable radIO. saId. aboard the scheduled flIght from Leftwin, Timor force A polIce spokesman saId the One of the dead was IdentI­ BeIrut to Dubal and Muscat were InCIdent took place at 7'10 pm fIed as Gunther Brunes of Hamburg, kIlled In the New Year's Day crash Seeis Chinese Aid when the youths, rangIng In age West Germany. A I'rest German 100 mIles west of KuwaIt and Iraq. HONG KONG (UPI) -- A delegatIon from 14 to 18 years, moved from consulate spOkeSl'18n s!'ld Brunes, SaudI ArabIan and KuwaIti of East TImor's leftwlng Fretllln one car of the Manhatten-bound 22, was a VISItIng student. rescue te~~s rushed to the scene factIon "successfully concluded subway Into another, where about The wounded Included the bv hehco:,nter but by nIghtfall had ItS frIendly VISIt to ChIna" and 15 passengers were rIdIng. 70-year-olu ~other and three­ managed to recover only 55 of the left PekIng by aIr thIS mornIng, Two of the youths then year-old nifO'ce of fomer Vice bodIes. The other 27 remained accordIng to the New ChIna News pulled toy pIstols and a thIrd Prem~er Lt. Col. Arnald Metelo, trapped behInd tWIsted metal and Agency. produced an unloaded but genUIne ImprIsoned at Custolas for hIS sand blocklnf access to the tall The offIcIal ChInese news "pen gun" -- a weapon the SIze of part In November's abortIve sectIon of the plane that SplIt agency called the delegatIon "the a pen WhICh IS capable of fIrIng leftIst nlllJtary rebell~on. Into three parts on Impact, rescuerf government delegatIon of the one .22-callber round, polIce The spokesman saId the saId. democratIc republIc of East TImor" saId. The spokesman saId the guardsmen opened fIre when a The MEA spokesman saId the rest and saId It wa~ led by Rogerlo toy guns "looked good. They demonstrator trIed to enter the of the bodies would be recovered TlagO de FatIma Lobato, who IS could fool anybody." prIson throu~h an open gate and today when a team of Lebanese "mInIster of defense and c6mmander­ The youths then punched other guardsmen saId they heard investIgators arr~ves at the crash In-chIef of the natIonal lIberatIon several of the rIders, knockIng pIstol shots. SIte to try to determIne what caused army. " them to the floor, polIce saId, °lntl Financial Report the aIr dIsaster, the fIrst for MEA The Fretllln unIlaterally and one of them grabbed money DOW JONES INDUSTRIAL AVERAGES In 12 years 0 establIshed a self-proclaImed from the strIcken passengers. Among the passengers were 29 government of East TImor last A few of the brutalIzed 30 IndustrIals - 858.71 up 6.30 foreIgners IncludIng four BrItons, month WhICh "las ImmedIately rIders managed to flee the tral~ 20 Transports - 175.69 up 3.04 SIX Greeks, one NorwegIan, and one followed by a SImIlar proclamatIon at a statIon, where they re­ 15 Utllltles 84.84 up 1.19 CyprIot. There were also 11 of the formatIon of a provISIonal ported the InCIdent to the 65 Stocks - 264.50 up 2.84 chIldren. Most of the other government by pro-IndoneSIan polIce offIcer on duty there, passengers were either Lebanese, factIons. polIce saId, and all 11 youths Volume: 10,300,000 shares JordanIan or EgyptIans. The three The Fretilln delegatIon's were Intercepted at another Price of a NYSE averaee share: pIlots and 12 cabin attendants ViSIt to China was understood to statIon. Increased 26 cents were Lebanese. be aImed at seekIng aId from PekIng Gold and SIlver unavaIlable in Its fIght for control In East TImor. Frlday, January 2, 1976 HOU~GLASS " Page 2 T ale of Kidnaping Episode Toll of Home Fires TURIN, Italy (UPI) -- The mother of Flat Presldent Glanm Agnelll's son-ln-law sald On The Rise kldnapers who held her 35 days chalned her to a wall and chopped off most of her halr.
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