Bundle Finance & Performance Committee 26 February 2019 1 FP19/22 Apologies for absence 2 FP19/23 Declaration of Interests 3 09:00 - FP19/24 Draft minutes of the previous meeting held on 17.1.19 and summary action plan FP19.24a Minutes FPC 17.1.19 v.03_public session.docx FP19.24b Summary Action Log.doc 4 Finance and Planning 4.1 09:20 - FP19/25 Finance Report Month 10 Mr Russ Favager Recommendation It is asked that the report is noted, including the forecast outturn of £42.0m and recognising the significant risks to the financial position. FP19.25 Finance report Month 10.docx 4.2 10:20 - FP19/26 Turnaround Programme Savings Report – Month 10 2018/19 Mr Geoff Lang Recommendation: •Note the forecast position for Divisional savings schemes which currently stands at £38.9m, compared to £38.8m in month 9 •Note the additional savings which have been delivered against the turnaround targets and the remaining gap of £6.1m against the full £45m target. •Note the key movements in delivery and savings forecast during the month •Note the shortfall against turnaround savings targets which is remains a key risk to delivery in 2018/19. •Note the escalation activity which is ongoing to secure further in year savings including additional financial controls • Note the ongoing development of savings schemes for 2019/20; the schemes identified to date and the further areas being explored. FP19.26a Turnaround M10 cover sheet.docx FP19.26b Turnaround m10 report.docx 4.3 11:00 - Comfort break 4.4 11:10 - FP19/27 External Contracts Update Mr Russ Favager Ms Val Attwood in attendance Recommendation The Committee is asked to note the financial position on the main external contracts at December 2018 and to note the work underway in respect of stabilising wider health / patient care contracts and key risks / related activity FP19.27 External Contracts Update Feb 2019 V5.0 Final.docx 4.5 11:30 - FP19/28 Capital Programme report Month 10 Mr Mark WIlkinson Mr Neil Bradshaw in attendance Recommendation The Committee is asked to receive and scrutinise the report FP19.28a Capital coversheet Mnth 10.docx FP19.28b Capital_Programme_Report_Month_10.docx FP19.28c Capital WPAS Report Jan 2019.docx FP19.28d Capital YGC Report Jan 2019.doc FP19.28e Capital YG ED Report Jan 2019.docx FP19.28f Capital Appendix 3 Discretionary capital programme monitoring report Month 10 Jan 19.pdf 6 Performance 6.2 11:45 - FP19/29 Integrated Quality and Performance report Mr Mark Wilkinson Recommendation The Finance & Performance Committee is asked to note the report and to assist in addressing the governance issues raised. FP19.29a IQPR Coversheet FP - January 2019.docx FP19.29b Integrated Quality Performance Report FP Version - January 2019 FINAL (2).pdf 6.3 12:25 - FP19/30 RTT monthly update Mrs Gill Harris Mr Steve Vaughan, Interim Director Secondary Care in attendance Recommendation The Committee is asked to note the update for information FP19.30a RTT coversheet v1.docx FP19.30b RTT F&P February - Update.docx 6.4 12:45 - FP19/31 Unscheduled Care 90 day plan update report Mrs Gill Harris Mrs Meinir Williams, Associate Director Unscheduled Care in attendance Recommendation It is recommended that Finance and Performance Committee note: •The content of the paper and progress made against the first cycle of the 90 day plan, moving forward into the second cycle. •Recognise the achievement against the 90 day measures and how use of the 90 day plan methodology is driving improvement and change. •The ongoing focus to improve the partnership working relating to the Health Board’s Unscheduled Care Improvement journey. •The ongoing risk associated with continuing challenges with flow and ED, which as yet is only yielding minimal improvement in the Health Board’s 4 hour performance. FP19.31a USC 90 DAY PLAN UPDATE February 2019.docx FP19.31b 90 day plan paper Feb 2019.pdf 6.5 13:05 - Lunch Break 7 Workforce 7.1 13:35 - FP19/32 Workforce Quarterly Performance Report Quarter 3 2018/19 Mrs Sue Green Recommendation The Committee is asked to note the report and in conjunction with other reports on this agenda, identify any gaps in critical information in order to provide assurance to the Board. FP19.32a Workforce Quarterly Report Q3 coversheet.docx FP19.32b Workforce Intelligence quarterly report.pptx 9 Governance 9.1 14:05 - FP19/33 Lease Car Policy F02 Mr Russ Favager Recommendation FP19.33a FO2 Lease Car Policy coversheet .docx FP19.33b FO2 Lease Car Policy.docx FP19.33c EqIA Policy FO2 Lease Car.doc 9.3 14:15 - FP19/34 Shared Services Partnership Committee quarterly assurance report - for information Recommendation The Committee is asked to note for information the Summary Performance Report for Quarter 3 2018/19. FP19.34 Q3 WSSP Performance Report February 2019 incl cover.docx 10 FP19/35 Issues of significance to inform the Chair's assurance report 11 14:20 - FP19/36 Summary of InCommittee business to be reported in public Recommendation The Committee is asked to note the report FP19.36 InCommitte items reported in public.docx 13 FP19/37 Date of next meeting 26.3.19 9.00am Boardroom, Carlton Court 14 FP19/38 Exclusion of the Press and Public Resolution to Exclude the Press and Public “That representatives of the press and other members of the public be excluded from the remainder of this meeting having regard to the confidential nature of the business to be transacted, publicity on which would be prejudicial to the public interest in accordance with Section 1(2) Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960.” 3 FP19/24 Draft minutes of the previous meeting held on 17.1.19 and summary action plan 1 FP19.24a Minutes FPC 17.1.19 v.03_public session.docx FPC Minutes 17.1.19 v.03 draft Public session 1 Finance & Performance Committee Draft minutes of the meeting held in public on 17.1.19 in Carlton Court, St Asaph Present: Mr Mark Polin BCUHB Chair – Committee Chair Mr John Cunliffe Independent Member Mrs Lyn Meadows Independent Member In Attendance: Mr Andrew Doughton Wales Audit Office - observer Mr Russell Favager Executive Director of Finance (part meeting) Mrs Sue Green Executive Director Workforce and Organisational Development (OD) Mrs Gill Harris Executive Director Nursing and Midwifery (part meeting) Mr Michael Hearty Financial Advisor Mrs Sue Hill Finance Director – Operational Mr Geoff Lang Turnaround Director (part meeting) Dr Evan Moore Executive Medical Director Dr Jill Newman Director of Performance (part meeting) Mr Rob Nolan Finance Director Commissioning & Strategy (part meeting) Mrs Llinos Roberts Executive Business Manager (part meeting) Mr Steve Vaughan Interim Director Secondary Care (part meeting) Mr Mark Wilkinson Executive Director of Planning & Performance Mrs Meinir Williams Interim Associate Director Unscheduled Care (part meeting) Ms Diane Davies Business Support Manager Agenda Item Discussed Action By FP19/1 Apologies for absence Apologies for absence were received from Ms Helen Wilkinson. FP19/2 Declaration of Interests None declared. FP19/3 Draft minutes of the previous meeting held on 22.11.18 and summary action plan FP19/3.1 The minutes were agreed as an accurate record. The closed actions were accepted and updates provided as follows: FP18/159.3 It was agreed that the Executive Director Planning and Performance would provide the Chair of the Informatics and Information Governance Committee member MW FPC Minutes 17.1.19 v.03 draft Public session 2 with a further update on the testing plan on a risk assessed basis for Business Continuity. The action was re-opened. FP18/180.10 Executive team discussion on this item was noted, including the key area of front end decision making. It was agreed that the Executive Director of Planning and MW/CS Performance would liaise with the Executive Director of Primary and Community Services to consult with the Chairman and members’ for their views on the report being prepared before circulation to partners. FP19/4 Finance report Month 9 FP19/4.1 The Executive Director of Finance introduced this item. He reported that the position for month 9 was at £1m adverse variance in month which was due to non delivery of savings plans consisting of £300k original schemes and £700k turnaround schemes, in addition care packages are £800k overspent which had been offset by primary care and other budget under spending. He advised that the cumulative position was an adverse variance of £1.9m to deliver the £35m financial plan and control total. He emphasised that the planned monthly deficit run rate was expected to reduce to £2m if all savings were delivered. He advised of the reasons for the Area Teams deteriorating positions and reminded members of the continuing variances within the Mental Health (£3.4m) and Secondary Care (£5.2m) Divisions, pointing out that Care Packages accounted for £3.3m and Primary Care Drugs £2.9m. FP19/4.2 The Executive Director of Finance reported that £11.6m resource had been received in respect of RTT from Welsh Government therefore £2.6m was currently being spent at risk and that, should target delivery not be achieved, some of the WG resource would be clawed back. He advised that the savings achieved to date were £25.7m against the plan of £28.7m. He reminded the Committee of the ‘ramp up’ in savings which had been planned for in the final quarter. The Chairman emphasised that lessons needed to be learned for the future in respect of ‘ramping up’ going forward and that a cohesive Executive Team approach was also required which he believed was not the current position. FP19/4.3 In respect of the Month 9 heat map provided in the presentation the non- efficacy of Area Team accountability was questioned by the Financial Advisor.
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