Consequences Imposed on License-Holders as Result of Anti-Doping Rule Violations (ADRV) as per the UCI Anti-Doping Rules (ADR) This table lists the license-holders currently serving a period of ineligibility as a consequence of an Anti-Doping Rule Violation, over which the UCI has results management authority. The sanctions imposed by other anti-doping organisations are not included in this list, unless such sanctions have been expressly recognised by the UCI. The UCI wishes to emphasize that the decisions in this table are not necessarily final and there may be appeal rights for the License-Holder and/or other parties (including the UCI) in certain cases. The individuals listed below are prohibited, during the ineligibility period, from participating in any capacity in an event or activity (other than authorized anti-doping education or rehabilitation programs) authorised, recognised or organised by the UCI, a Continental Confederation, a National Federation, or any other Signatory, Signatory’s member organisation, or a club or other member organisation of any Continental Confederation or National Federation of UCI or another Signatory or Signatory’s member organisation, or in Competitions authorised or organised by any professional league or any international or national level Event organisation. Ineligibility Athlete Date of Birth Nationality UCI ID ADRV ADRV Date Sanction Disqualification starting until GARCIA BUITRAGO Daniely Del Valle 20.08.1986 Venezuela 100 030 649 78 AAF - Isometheptene 24.04.2021 10 months 29.06.2022 24.04.2021 - 29.08.2021 CONSTABLE Patrick 15.07.1995 Australia 100 090 094 62 AAF - Clenbuterol 01.12.2019 3 years 19.08.2023 n/a PHILLIP Njisane 29.05.1991 Trinidad & Tobago 100 068 984 01 AAF - Cannabis 01.08.2019 3 months 11.10.2021 Pan American Games 2019 DE BONIS Matteo 26.09.1995 Italia 100 315 099 27 AAF - EPO 16.02.2021 3 years 29.03.2024 16.02.2021 - 30.03.2021 QUIROS Paula 02.12.1988 Argentina 100 046 834 64 AAF - EPO 07.03.2020 3 years 19.06.2023 05.03.2020 - 20.10.2020 15.10.2020 and SPREAFICO Matteo 15.02.1993 Italia 100 081 982 01 AAF - Enobosarm (Ostarine) 3 years 21.10.2023 Giro d'Italia 2020 16.10.2020 24.06.2019 and JØRGENSEN Michael 12.10.1978 Denmark 100 095 585 24 AAF - SR9009 4 years 02.07.2023 24.06.2019 - 04.09.2019 03.07.2019 Use of Prohibited Methods and/or Prohibited ALARCON GARCIA Raul 25.03.1986 Spain 100 032 511 00 - 4 years 20.10.2023 28.07.2015 - 21.10.2019 Substances Use of Prohibited Methods and/or Prohibited GONCALVES Domingos 13.02.1989 Portugal 100 078 894 17 - 4 years 11.12.2023 11.07.2018 -12.12.2019 Substances PUERTA ZAPATA Fabian Hernando 12.07.1991 Colombia 100 069 043 60 AAF - Boldenone 11.06.2018 4 years 12.08.2022 11.06.2018- 13.08.2018 VILLALOBOS SOLIS Roman 24.06.1990 Costa Rica 100 491 928 25 AAF - Methandienone 21.12.2018 8 years 01.04.2027 21.12.2018 - 02.04.2019 SIUTSOU Kanstantsin 09.08.1982 Belarus 100 032 428 14 AAF - EPO 31.07.2018 4 years 04.09.2022 31.07.2018 - 05.09.2018 NAZARI Maedeh 02.07.1998 Iran 100 101 772 03 Anabolic Androgenic Steroids 20.02.2018 4 years 19.02.2022 Asian Track Championships 2018 HADAVAND Fatemeh 22.09.1997 Iran 100 097 286 76 Anabolic Androgenic Steroids 18.02.2018 4 years 17.02.2022 Asian Track Championships 2018 PANTANO GOMEZ Jarlinson 19.11.1988 Colombia 100 046 419 37 AAF - EPO 26.02.2019 4 years 14.04.2023 26.02.2019 - 15.04.2019 DI GREGORIO Remy 31.07.1985 France 100 030 789 24 AAF - Darbépoétine 08.03.2018 4 years 07.03.2022 04.03.2018 - 11.04.2018 Use of Prohibited Methods and/or Prohibited PINHEIRO DA SILVA Roberto 09.01.1983 Brazil 100 032 334 17 - 4 years 03.04.2022 29.09.2015 - 26.06.2016 Substances Use of Prohibited Methods and/or Prohibited SOHRABI Mehdi 12.10.1981 Iran 100 022 274 45 - 4 years 02.07.2023 30.01.2018 - 03.07.2019 Substances PERINO Adriana 11.07.1970 Argentina 100 115 593 50 AAF - LGD-4033, Meldonium 16.10.2019 2 years 15.10.2021 UCI Masters Track Cycling World Championship 2019 Ineligibility Athlete Date of Birth Nationality UCI ID ADRV ADRV Date Sanction Disqualification starting until 05.07.2018, 21.07.2018, FERNANDES SILVA Clemilda 25.06.1979 Brazil 100 026 970 85 Tampering 8 years 05.09.2027 2018 Giro d’Italia Internazionale Femminile 28.09.2018, 29.09.2018 AAF - Anabolic Androgenic Steroids, 21.07.2019 and MONSALVE Yonnatta 28.06.1989 Venezuela 100 093 408 78 4 years 20.07.2023 21.07.2019 GW501516, LGD-4033 18.09.2019 PAREDES ZAPATA Wilmar Andres 27.04.1996 Colombia 100 096 909 87 AAF - EPO 27.02.2019 4 years 26.02.2023 27.02.2019 - 05.04.2019 FIORETTI Luca 06.03.1984 Italy 100 968 363 93 AAF - Anabolic Androgenic Steroids 01.09.2019 8 years 31.08.2027 UCI Gran Fondo World Champonship 2019 AGUILAR FIGUEIRAS Hector Fabian 16.04.1984 Uruguay 100 053 234 62 AAF - Clenbuterol 19.04.2019 4 years 18.04.2023 76e Vuelta Ciclista del Uruguay Use of Prohibited Methods and/or Prohibited PREIDLER Georg 17.06.1990 Austria 100 064 735 20 2018 - 2019 4 years 04.03.2023 01.02.2018 - 05.03.2019 Substances Use of Prohibited Methods and/or Prohibited ĐURASEK Kristijan 26.07.1987 Croatia 100 032 696 88 2016-2019 4 years 14.05.2023 04.10.2016 - 15.05.2019 Substances DE NEGRI Pierpaolo 05.06.1986 Italy 100 055 640 43 AAF - Anabolic Androgenic Steroids 21.12.2017 4 years 06.02.2022 07.02.2018 ARANA Nissan 10.11.1987 Belize 100 145 414 92 AAF - EPO 20.04.2019 4 years 19.04.2023 Holy Saturday Cross Country Classic 2019 SELEDKOV Ivan 05.01.1983 Russia 100 027 384 14 AAF - Metenolone 05.05.2019 4 years 11.12.2021 Five Rings of Moscow 2019 Use of Prohibited Methods and/or Prohibited FERRAZ AFFONSO Murilo 19.06.1991 Brazil 100 068 853 64 - 4 years 24.07.2022 20-26.03.2017 - 07-16.04.2017 Substances 05.08.2018 and HURTADO HOLGUIN Yesica Geraldine 01.01.2000 Colombia 100 353 871 96 AAF - Clenbuterol 4 years 04.08.2022 05.08.2018 08.08.2018 SHATOVKIN Sergey 03.02.1997 Kazakhstan 100 099 938 12 Possession - 4 years 25.07.2023 06.07.2019 - 07.08.2019 Use of Prohibited Methods and/or Prohibited KOLLMANN-FORSTNER Christina 14.03.1988 Austria 100 057 254 08 - 4 years 27.05.2023 01.11.2016 - 28.05.2019 Substances Use of Prohibited Methods and/or Prohibited DENIFL Stefan 20.09.1987 Austria 100 032 258 38 - 4 years 04.03.2023 01.06.2014 - 05.03.2019 Substances GROSSI SOARES DE SOUZA Daniel 20.03.1989 Brazil 100 074 692 83 AAF - EPO 25.04.2019 4 years 23.04.2023 CIMTB / Copa Internacional MTB Usage de méthodes et/ou substances CANO ARDILA Alex Norberto 13.03.1983 Colombia 100 054 247 08 - 4 years 21.12.2022 17.08.2015 - 28.09.2016 interdites JAVIER Gaston Emiliano 03.07.1993 Argentina 100 098 070 84 AAF - Anabolic Androgenic Steroids 23.01.2018 4 years 02.05.2022 23.01.2018 - 03.05.2018 BRICENO Fernando 07.06.1990 Venezuela 100 086 653 16 AAF - EPO 13.04.2019 4 years 12.04.2023 76e Vuelta Ciclista del Uruguay ZAMORA Daniel 10.03.1987 Argentina 100 113 253 38 AAF - EPO 30.01.2019 4 years 29.01.2023 Vuelta a San Juan Internacional 2019 Use of Prohibited Methods and/or Prohibited COBO ACEBO Juan José 11.02.1981 Spain 100 023 069 64 - 3 years 12.06.2022 29.08.09 - 27.09.09 and 20.08.11 - 11.09.11 (only) Substances SEGURA CASTRO Jonathan 04.03.1982 Costa Rica 100 616 547 96 AAF - EPO and Phentermine 22.12.2018 4 years 21.12.2022 Vuelta Ciclista Internacional a Costa Rica 2018 ORTEGA AGUILAR Anthony 25.01.1982 Costa Rica 100 630 530 14 AAF - Blood tranfustion 31.10.2018 4 years 30.10.2022 58 Vuelta a Guatemala 20.12.2017, ROJAS VILLEGAS Juan Carlos 22.12.1981 Costa Rica 100 032 224 04 Presence, Administration, Complicity 8 years 30.01.2026 20.11.2017 22.12.2017 LOPEZ German Ariel 20.07.1974 Argentina 100 123 702 11 AAF - Anabolic Androgenic Steroids 12.10.2018 4 years 31.10.2022 UCI Masters Track Cycling World Championships Use of Prohibited Methods and/or Prohibited ROSON GARCIA Jaime 13.01.1993 Spain 100 093 848 33 - 4 years 26.06.2022 19.01.2017 - 27.06.2018 Substances Use of Prohibited Methods and/or Prohibited PAVLUKHINA Olena 01.03.1989 Azerbaijan 100 059 704 33 - 4 years 13.01.2023 2016 UCI Road World Championships in Doha Substances Ineligibility Athlete Date of Birth Nationality UCI ID ADRV ADRV Date Sanction Disqualification starting until PADILLA Jeancarlo 24.03.1996 Costa Rica 100 618 883 07 AAF - EPO 22.12.2017 4 years 30.01.2022 Vuelta Ciclista Internacional a Costa Rica 2017 20.12.2017 and VARELA ZUÑIGA Jewinson Leandro 06.10.1995 Costa Rica 100 107 359 61 AAF - CERA, Anabolic Androgenic Steroids 4 years 19.12.2021 Vuelta Ciclista Internacional a Costa Rica 2017 22.12.2017 21.12.2017, ROJAS VILLEGAS Cesar Andres 23.03.1988 Costa Rica 100 616 746 04 AAF - CERA, Anabolic Androgenic Steroids 22.12.2017 and 8 years 20.12.2025 Vuelta Ciclista Internacional a Costa Rica 2017 26.12.2017 Use of Prohibited Methods and/or Prohibited DE SOUZA ALMEIDA André 16.12.1992 Brazil 100 089 891 53 - 4 years 30.01.2022 25.01.2016 - 19.03.2016 and 31.01.2018 - 12.07.2018 Substances NAJAR Gonzalo Joaquin 27.11.1993 Argentina 100 109 786 63 AAF - CERA 21.01.2018 4 years 02.05.2022 Vuelta a San Juan Internacional 2018 MERINO KORTAZAR Igor 16.10.1990 Spain 100 062 719 41 AAF - GHRPs 13.06.2018 4 years 12.06.2022 13.06.2018 GODOY ORMENESE Caio 24.04.1995 Brazil 100 086 743 09 AAF - Cocaine and metabolites 31.03.2018 4 years 30.03.2022 75e Vuelta Ciclista del Uruguay VILLANTI Andrea 23.08.1996 Italy 100 334 508 36 AAF - Meldonium 25.03.2018 4 years 24.03.2022 45ème Criterium de Monaco 2018 RINCON DIAZ Ramiro 17.03.1987 Colombia 100 060 127 68 AAF - CERA 27.07.2016 8 years 08.11.2024 Tour du Portugal 2016 FALON AVILA Ezequiel Edgardo 19.10.1990
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