THE INDEPENDENT DAILY NEWSPAPER FOR THE UNIVERSITY OF IOWA COMMUNITY SINCE 1868 The Daily Iowan WEDNESDAY, JUNE 14, 2006 WWW.DAILYIOWAN.COM 50¢ TATTOO YOU Firm aids UI search BY MATT SNYDERS THE DAILY IOWAN It’s not exactly searching for a needle in a haystack, but find- ing the next UI president has the presiden- tial-search com- mittee seeking outside help. Enter Hei- drick & Strug- gles, an execu- tive search Abboud firm. presidential- Founded in search committee 1953 by Gard- co-vice chairman ner Heidrick and John Struggles in Chicago, the company’s clients have included multinational corpora- tions, nonprofit organizations, educational institutions, and governmental agencies. The firm specializes in assessing executives, coaching, and deliv- ering effective leadership solu- tions for clients, according to the company’s official website. “[Company officials] have Lindsey Walters/The Daily Iowan a lot of contacts around the Kris Evans, the owner of Endorphinden Tattoo, inks Adam Morford’s calf on Tuesday afternoon. Morford visited the shop for a third session; his new tattoo nation,” said committee co- would take as many as to 13 hours to complete. vice chairman François Abboud. “Once they find out our criteria for the kind Local tattoo artists have recently noticed a spike in younger clientele — especially those of president we want, they wishing for something more than to permanently wrap their arms in barbed wire or stamp SEE SEARCH, PAGE 9 their lower backs with the Japanese kanji for “hope.” Kris Evans, the owner of Endorphinden Tattoo, believes the form of body art has socially acceptable. ‘People see normal people at the grocery store with tattoos, feeding their families, and they realize that they RIDING are not just for people who have been in prison or are criminals.’ AGAINST BY WESLEY CROPP through,” said Morford, a student at reported June 10. fact that they can have a unique THE DAILY IOWAN the Eastwind School of Holistic At Endorphinden, there are no tattoo. The quality of work today Healing, 221 E. College St. pre-drawn images or designs. It’s is changing people’s percep- CANCER Kicked back in a vintage leather On Tuesday at Endorphinden Tat- just another example of a more per- tions.” chair, Adam Morford, 22, watched too, 632 S. Dubuque St., Morford sonalized style of tattoo parlor Yet behind the art and person- intently as artist Kris Evans applied A UI Hospitals and joined the ranks of a growing num- increasingly appealing to younger a dark blue ribbon of ink to Mor- ality, there’s a science. Clinics employee ford’s clean-shaven leg. ber of his peers. customers — an upswing Evans has Tattoo inks are made from chemi- Around eight hours into the A study released Monday on the felt at her business. cal compounds implanted in the sec- biked cross-country process, the tattoo — a design website of the Journal of the Amer- “Technique, equipment, and ond layer of skin. The compounds, inspired by a piece of blown glass — ican Academy of Dermatology sug- knowledge have brought tattoo- unlike other foreign objects lodged with Lance began to come to fruition. gests that 24 percent of Americans ing into an incredible space right in the skin, are not engulfed by “I see [tattoos] as a commitment between the ages of 18 and 50 are now,” said Evans, who got her white blood cells. As a result, the Armstrong and a way to always remember this tattooed, up 9 percent from a 2003 first ink when she was 19. “Right BY LAUREN FOLLIS time in my life and what I was going survey, the Associated Press now, people are more into the SEE TATTOOS, PAGE 9 THE DAILY IOWAN Cycling across the country with Lance Armstrong would seem a distant dream for some, but one UI Hospitals and Clin- Iowans so-so on child ics faculty member proved she could accomplish the feat — with some elbow grease, lots of training, and a safety in vehicles little luck. Colleen BY ASHTON SHURSON Chapleau, the THE DAILY IOWAN UI associate director of the Getting kids into car seats is not easy — Bone Marrow they cry. Donor Program They yell. and the Adult And they fuss at any attempt to restrain Blood and Mar- their wiggly, energetic bodies. row Transplant Chapleau According to a recent survey conducted Program at the UI associate by the UI Injury Prevention Research Cen- UIHC, found director of the ter, most parents are still doing their part to herself making Bone Marrow keep children under 1 year old safe on the the eight-day Donor Program road. The numbers taper off, however, as stretch from and the Adult children enter toddler-hood. Los Angeles to Blood and Marrow Transplant The study, headed by John Lundell, the Washington, Program deputy directory of the center, shows 98.5 D.C., with Arm- Ed Bornstein/Daily Iowan percent of Iowa infants, or those 1 and strong by her Ana Recober buckles in daughter Sofia on Tuesday evening outside Westlawn. A younger, are properly restrained in vehi- side during the 2004 Bristol- recent study shows that 23 percent of Iowans do not use child restraints for their tod- cles. However, 23 percent of toddlers ages Myers Squibb Tour of Hope. dlers in their vehicles despite state law that states children between the ages of 1 and 5 must use a safety or booster seat. SEE SAFETY, PAGE 9 SEE CHAPLEAU, PAGE 9 PRIMED SUPER NO THE HISSING OF INDEX 84 29 C The Prime Time draft opens a The City Council denies a Wal-Mart SUMMER MOVIES Arts 5 © © 10 new season for the summer request to extend its purchase The extraordinary Internet buzz over Classifieds Partly cloudy, Crossword 6 61 16 C league, and a familiar face deadline for its proposed breezy, 30% Snakes on a Plane may change the Opinions 4 chance of T- leads the way. 12 Supercenter site. 2 way movies slither forth. 5 Sports 12 2 - The Daily Iowan - Iowa City, Iowa - Wednesday, June 14, 2006 NEWS The Daily Iowan Volume 138 Issue 8 Council denies Wal-Mart delay BREAKING NEWS STAFF Phone: (319) 335-6063 Publisher: The action comes on a 4-3 vote, meaning the city will hold E-mail: [email protected] William Casey. 335-5788 Fax: 335-6184 Editor: CORRECTIONS Meghan Sims. .335-6030 Wal-Mart to its July 31 land-purchase deadline Managing Editor: Call: 335-6030 BY LISA BLUM build the new center. another one and a half years,” additional acres of land at the Margaret Poe. 335-5855 Policy: The Daily Iowan strives for THE DAILY IOWAN Local attorney Robert Down- Sanders said. meeting. Metro Editors: er, representing Wal-Mart, said A second 4-3 vote at the meet- “While there are dozens or accuracy and fairness in the reporting Lee Hermiston. 335-6063 The Iowa City City Council the company will still continue ing ruled in favor of the Wal- even thousands who oppose this of news. If a report is wrong or mis- Mason Kerns. .335-6063 denied Wal-Mart’s request to with its Supercenter project, Mart’s request for a public hear- Wal-Mart, there are plenty who leading, a request for a correction or a Opinions Editor: extend its July 31 purchase- and the city can expect to see ing — set for June 27 — to vote have indicated by their feet and clarification may be made. Laura Michaels. .335-5863 agreement deadline for a pro- another proposal by the end of on the company’s plea for an the referendum that they want PUBLISHING INFO Sports Editor: posed Supercenter in a 4-3 vote next week. additional 1.5 acres of public it here,” he said. The Daily Iowan (USPS 143.360)is Dan Parr. 335-5848 at a special formal meeting “This will be something that land, which would be added to While Mayor Ross Wilburn published by Student Publications Inc., Tyson Wirth. 335-5848 Arts Editor: Tuesday. will be satisfactory to both par- the current 21.76 acres set aside has also supported the Super- E131 Adler Journalism Building, Iowa With the denial, which had City, Iowa 52242-2004, daily except Charlie Moran . 335-5851 ties,” he said. near the Iowa City airport. center in past decisions, includ- Copy Chief: been requested by City Manag- Saturdays, Sundays, legal and universi- Iowa City Stop Wal-Mart Councilor Connie Champion ing the additional acre vote, he Beau Elliot. .335-6030 ty holidays, and university vacations. er Steve Atkins in a June 8 committee head Gary Sanders, spoke against the decision to voted against the deadline Design Editor: Periodicals postage paid at the Iowa memo, Wal-Mart must buy the a plaintiff in the lawsuits grant the hearing for extra extension as a way to speed the Brittany Volk. 335-6030 City Post Office under the Act of land by the deadline if it wants against the city, urged coun- land. process along for business pur- Photo Editor: the area. The action does not cilors to vote against the exten- “It’s a way for them to use our poses. Congress of March 2, 1879. Laura Schmitt. .335-5852 depend on the outcome of two sion. money,” she said. “It’s signing a piece of proper- SUBSCRIPTIONS Web Editor: lawsuits currently on appeal “Wal-Mart was trying to post- Bob Elliott, who has been a ty as a real-estate transaction,” Call: Pete Recker at 335-5783 Tony Phan. .335-5829 that challenge the rezoning and pone buying the land until all of consistent supporter of the he said.
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