SPORTSMAN’S ALLIANCE OF MAINE - INSTITUTE FOR LEGISLATIVE ACTION 205 Church Hill Road, Suite 3, Augusta, Maine 04330 www.samila.org 20202020 ElectionElection GuideGuide ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ Senator Collins is a National Leader in the Conservation Movement and Deserves Re-Election by David Trahan In what can only be described as the seven years in a row), she has positioned ugliest and most divisive Senate race in herself to be one of the most powerful the history of Maine politics, Republi- and influential policymakers in Amer- can Senator Susan Collins is having her ica. Throughout her career we have been whole public career redefined by hostile extremely lucky that conservation is one partisans from California and New York, of her passions. determined to disparage and mislead Truth be told, nearly every recent, voters on her record. They are doing so major conservation project in the state for only one purpose: power. They appear has her fingerprints on it. To name a few: willing to spend a hundred million dol- Senator Collins co-sponsored the lars in Maine to win a majority in the U.S. Great American Outdoors Act, and the Senate, where these faceless, nameless bill became law in 2020. The bill provides individuals believe they will wield more stable, ongoing funding for the Land and power with a Democratic majority. This Water Conservation Fund at $900 million may be good for them in the short term, a year. She also co-sponsored S.47, a com- but it is horrible for Mainers, and nothing prehensive conservation and lands bill short of a travesty and an injustice to the that included many sportsmen’s initia- stellar career and record of Senator Col- tives and was signed into law in 2019. The lins. bill supports habitat protections, fisheries If these carpetbaggers are allowed to and all forms of recreation. go unchallenged, our state could lose one of the most influential and respected con- And there is more: servation leaders in this nation, and in • In 2006, Senator Collins helped con- our state’s history. vince President Bush to include fund- As a senior member of Congress and ing in his budget to restore the Penob- next in line to Chair the powerful Appro- scot River system. The Penobscot River priations Committee, Senator Collins is Restoration Project is one of the most • In 2013, Senator Collins received the Senator Collins with this award in best positioned to deliver key funding for important environmental projects in Maine Nature Conservancy Champion honor of her efforts to restore the Land wildlife habitat protection, public access the state’s history, and as a result thou- of Nature Award for her work conserv- and Water Conservation Fund stateside to federal lands, and investments in fresh sands of miles along the Penobscot and ing Maine’s lands and waters. grants program, to help communities and saltwater fisheries. its tributaries are now reopened for 12 • In 2011, Senator Collins received the build parks, playing fields, and trails. We have been spoiled by Senator Col- native species of sea-run fish. Bruce F. Vento Public Service Award, the • Northeast Director’s Conservation lins’ national political influence, and • In fiscal year 2020, Senator Collins National Park Trust award for commit- Award — In 2003, the U.S. Fish and when she is gone, whether this November helped secure funding (nearly $100 ment to environment and service, skill, Wildlife Service presented Senator Col- or when she retires, we will miss her pas- million) for our national fish hatcher- and innovation in support of our public lins this award for her work promoting sion for the Maine environment and her ies, to support recreational anglers and lands. the recovery of the Atlantic Salmon. fair and commonsense approach to law- their communities. • Downeast Lakes Conservation Award — making. Maine is just a tiny state com- honored her for her work securing $6 Senator Collins has earned her reputa- pared to most states and cities around Senator Collins’ Conservation Work million for the West Grand Lake Com- tion as a passionate advocate for Maine’s the country; for example, our state has 1.3 has Not Gone Unnoticed. A few munity Forest. unique natural resources. She is a reason- million people, while the city of Phoenix, conservation honors include: • Friend of Outdoor Industry Award — able and powerful voice for preserving Arizona, has a population of 1.6 million. • In 2019, Senator Collins received the Senator Collins received this award for Maine’s outdoor culture and diverse nat- Through Senator Collins’ willingness Congressional Champion of 2019 Award her work in support of the outdoor rec- ural resources. She deserves our respect to work with her fellow Senators, regard- from Conserve America, given for reational community. and thanks, not just from her supporters, less of party affiliation (she was voted leadership in Conservation and clean • Katahdin Award — The Maine Parks but from her opponents as well. the most bi-partisan Senator in Congress energy initiatives. and Recreation Association presented 04101 Portland, ME Portland, Election Day 2020: Permit #454 Permit PAID PAID 205 Church Hill Road, Suite 3 • Augusta, ME 04330 ME Augusta, • 3 Suite Road, Hill Church 205 US Postage US NON-PROFIT Org. Org. NON-PROFIT SAM-ILA SAM-ILA Tuesday, November 3 2 • 2020 Election Guide Sportsman’s Alliance of Maine – Institute for Legislative Action Maine Voting Information from www.maine.gov/sos/cec/elec/voter-info/voterguide.html Who can register and vote in Maine? Completed voter registration cards or through a voter registration drive, the Can I have help voting? may be hand delivered or mailed to your cut-off date is the close of business on the To register, you must be a United States Yes. If you need help reading or marking town office or city hall. Check this listing 21st day before the election. citizen, at least 16 years of age to pre-reg- the ballot, you may ask a relative or friend for telephone and mail contacts for each ister to vote and have established a fixed Where do I go to vote? for assistance. The helper does not have town and city. principal home in Maine. to be a voter or old enough to vote. An When you register for the first time Every town and city has its own places To vote in a Referendum or General election official can also help you read or in Maine, you’ll need to provide identity where people vote, called voting places or Election, you must be registered in the mark a ballot. However, your employer or documents that show you have estab- "the polls". You can call your town office community where you reside, and be at union official cannot help you vote. lished your voting residence in the State or city hall to find out where you vote. least 18 years of age. A 17 year old may vote of Maine. Voting places open between 6:00 a.m. and Do I need to go to the polls on Election Day in a Primary Election, if that person will be The following documents are accept- 10:00 a.m., depending on the population to vote? 18 by the General Election. able proof of identification for the pur- of the town. Local officials can give you No. Any registered voter may cast an How do I register to vote? poses of registering to vote: the exact opening time for your commu- absentee ballot instead of voting in per- • Government document or credential with nity. All voting places close at 8:00 p.m. You can register to vote by filling out a son at the voting place. photo ID (i.e. driver’s license, State ID, on Election Day. You can find your polling voter registration card at your town office You do not need to have a specific valid U.S. Passport, military ID) place using the Voter Information Lookup or city hall, through any Motor Vehi- reason or be unable to vote at the voting • Government ID document/credential Service at the URL above. cle branch office, in most state & federal place on Election Day to use an absentee without photo (i.e. certified birth certifi- social service agencies, or at voter regis- How do I mark a ballot? ballot. Call your town or city clerk for an cate or signed Social Security card) tration drives. application and assistance. • An official document that shows name Each ballot tells you how to mark your You can also download and print a and address of voter (i.e. eligibility for choices. If you have a question, ask an Maine voter registration application at More information about absentee voting public benefits, utility bill, bank state- election official. If you make a mistake, the URL above. is available at: www.maine.gov/sos/cec/ ment, government check, paycheck) fold your ballot and give it to an election If you cannot print the voter registra- elec/voter-info/absent.html • Verified unique identifier (Maine driver’s official. The election official will give you tion application, contact your town clerk license number or last four numbers of another ballot. Some elections in Maine to have a voter registration card mailed to Social Security Number) are conducting using ranked-choice vot- you. A printed version of the voter regis- ing. Learn more about ranked-choice bal- tration card, with your original signature, Is there a deadline for registering? lots on our RCV Resources page. must be kept on file by your town clerk, so There is no cut-off date for registering to the card cannot be transmitted electron- vote in person at your town office or city ically.
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